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Everything posted by firepower02

  1. Wow, how could someone miss. You better have only 1 girlfriend or boyfriend.
  2. Can someone who is good in meshing please make a mermaid tail mesh, both male and female, that is considered as a whole body, not just the tail part. Also please make the tail work with this swim animation. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49525/
  3. I'm curios, is there a way for the game to tell by a script if a character is currently falling? I'd like to know.
  4. How do I make a script that will change the outfit of the target if he/she is not already wearing it? There is no getoutfit() script, and the target will still change into the outfit even if he/she is already wearing it. I want the script to work only when the target is not yet wearing it.
  5. Add the condition on the magic effect? My script is a MoveTo script, and the OnEffectFinish is to send the character back. If the character dies before the effect finishes, I want it to forcibly finish. So the condition would be GetDead Run On Reference of the character being moved and =! 1? I tried it but it didn't work. Maybe I missed something.
  6. How do I add a script that will force the spell duration to end, if a condition is met? If a condition is 30 secs, but a condition is met, it will end immediately.
  7. I would like to know too how to add effect shaders in weapons.
  8. Ah, thanks. It didn't work the first time I tried it. But it worked after I deleted the already exported mesh.
  9. When I sexchange my follower, in the CK not the console, he still has a male face, only the body changed. How do I make his face female? In the CK he has a female head but in game a male head.
  10. I don't know what the hell do you want. You don't want to use the console and you don't want to use the CK. You serious?
  11. This is how my script looks like. It is a self delivery spell. The caster takes too long to follow the next step after Target.SetUnconscious(). Sometimes it's quick, depends on the game's mood. What is wrong with my script that sometimes it takes too long for the game to process it? I also have an AI package attached to the npc so he will cast the spell when in combat, but not cast it anymore if he is affected by the magic effect. I even made the cooldown longer so he will have enough time to realize the conditions, but he still recasts it even if he already has the magic effect. I cannot set the number of maximum to cast to 1 because he won't be able to cast it again ever. The Idle Animations also don't come with a sound effect, I have to add them in the script, but it doesn't stop playing when the duration has expired, even if the caster has stopped playing the idle. I want the sound fx to also stop when the duration is over. Can someone well experienced with scripting help me? In the Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) I used to have Target.SetUnconscious(false) and Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Target, "IdleStop") so he can move again after the duration, but I don't know what went wrong that it stopped working. It won't be right to use Target.Resurrect() because his clothing might be reset. I also want there to be no casting animation since it is a script to play an idle animation, it would be weird. Is this possible?
  12. Where would I add the EvaluatePackage() script? Would that also help with scripts? Not only the ai packages are slow, but the scripts as well. I made a script to playidle when the scripted spell is cast, but it takes a while for the caster to play the idle animation, sometimes it skips a line, sometimes the time is up already, and that's when the idle plays.
  13. I made an AI package attached to an npc to cast a spell when he is in combat mode, and not cast it when he has a magiceffectkeyword. It works, but it takes too long for the npc to know that he is in combat, so he doesn't use the spell instantly, but fights for a while then use the spell. I also made him not use the spell again while he has a magiceffectkeyword, but he still uses it again, like twice, before he realizes he has the magiceffectkeyword and must not use it. How can I make the AI package to work instantly? I undestand that it periodically checks the conditions if they've been met, but is there a way to make it check always, not periodically, so AI packages run smoothly, and scripted spells work smoothly as well?
  14. Is there a script to have an effect shader for items? For example, if I want a sword to have a LifeDetected hitshader, how do I accomplish doing that? I tried HitShader.play(sword, 0.2) but it doesn't work.
  15. I'm trying to get the caster and the target to play an animation event. The animation plays, but they still don't line up correctly. The animations I'm trying to use is aaSexSexSceen01Female01 if female and aaSexSexSceen01Male01 if male from animated prostitution.
  16. In the GameHour property, what should I fill it with? I filled the ArmorType property with the sunglasses. What is SKSE? What other script codes can I use to tell if there is a sun, or at least if it is not raining or cloudy, and at the same time, time is from 9am - 5pm? I made an ability spell with a constant effect casting type, and self delivery. I added it to the npc, so will the npc now automatically equip sunglasses w/o casting animations when it's between 9am - 5pm? edit: conditions does not seem to work on the script, I added the conditions to the effect item instead.
  17. I'm making an effect to equip sunglasses if the time is between 9am to 5pm, will this code work? I would also like to add a GetSunGlare condition, to make sure it is daytime and not raining. Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) if (GameHour.GetValue() >= 8 && GameHour.GetValue() <= 17) Target.EquipItem(ArmorType) endif EndEvent
  18. How do I write it if I want two conditions to be met first? If I want Health >= 20% and Health <= 80% conditions to be fulfilled for the effect to take effect. How do I write it so the game understands?
  19. What script should I use to make the target (if hostile) be not hostile?
  20. It makes the target look at the caster, but it doesn't always make them walk to the caster. When I cast the spell, I want the caster and the target to face each other, and then play a certain animation. If they don't face each other, the animations don't line up correctly. edit: It makes look at the actor, but the other person does not necessarily face back. The script doesn't take effect immediately, the target that suppose to look at the caster will still attack, if I use setunconscious() on the target, he won't be able to accomplish the setlookat() script.
  21. Just randomly somewhere, person a would be caster, and person b would be target. I want when person a casts the spell, it will put person b infront of him, facing each other. I did this with MoveTo, but the target does not face him.
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