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About pepperman35

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  1. Don't know if this will help you or not but here is a link to a tutorial on the subject. Creation Kit | Height Map Import
  2. Take a look at quest DN101, quest stage 50. ;Put Pickman in the Hold Up pose ;Alias_Pickman.GetActorRef().SetValue(testHoldupAV, 1) Alias_Pickman.GetActorRef().changeAnimFlavor(pAnimFlavorHandsUp) Alias_Pickman.GetActorRef().EvaluatePackage()
  3. See 19:54 Renaming your Cells in the video Fallout 4 - Custom Settlement Tutorial in Painstaking Autistic Detail
  4. Look at those quest and the ref alias for the characters. Packages might be added there.
  5. Could you not use a package and have the NPC sit into a wounded furniture object? I am thinking of how they set up Glory in the Rockets' Red Glare quest (i.e., RR303GloryDyingPackage). Harvey also comes to mind (DLC04MQ00_HarveyInjuredPackage).
  6. Yes, I saw the video on the overhead crane...top shelf stuff there mate.
  7. The average winter temperature in Boston, Massachusetts is around 36°F for the high and 22°F for the low in January. Average high of 39°F and average low of 25°F in February. Average high of 45°F and average low of 31°F in March. The cold season lasts from December to March. As there are tons of dead trees within the wasteland, it stands to reason that people would use the wood for firewood and thus warmth. It would be nice to have some idles and/or furniture objects that included a wood chopping animations.
  8. Okay, based on niston results I went back to the drawing board and tried again. Created three assets in 3ds max for an interior room. 1. FO4_InteriorRoomGroundDirtFloor.nif. This asset included a floor, four walls and a roof. The floor had GROUND Collision object type and DIRT physics material applied. The walls and roof had STATIC collision object type with a CONCRETE physics material applied. Exported with PE Static Art profile to NIF. 2. FO4_InteriorRoomTerrainDirtFloor01.nif. This asset included a floor, four walls and a roof. The floor had TERRAIN Collision object type and DIRT physics material applied. The walls and roof had STATIC collision object type with a CONCRETE physics material applied. Exported with PE Static Art profile to NIF. 3. FO4_InteriorRoomGroundWoodFloor.nif. This asset included a floor, four walls and a roof. The floor had GROUND Collision object type and WOOD physics material applied. The walls and roof had STATIC collision object type with a CONCRETE physics material applied. Exported with PE Static Art profile to NIF. Duplicated interior cell CTEST, deleted all assets in the cell except COCMarkerHeading , and renamed the cell. Created three static world objects based on the three NIFs noted above with NO keywords or AVs as statics. Added a WorkshopWorkbenchInterior, location data, etc for a minimum setup. Added the static objects associated with the three NIFs noted above, one at a time. Navmeshed the object, and finalized the navmesh, and tested. Results: 1 . FO4_InteriorRoomGroundDirtFloor01 static world object paired with FO4_InteriorRoomGroundDirtFloor.nif works as desired. Objects could be built and placed by the workshop. 2. FO4_InteriorRoomTerrainDirtFloor01 static world object paired with FO4_InteriorRoomTerrainDirtFloor01.nif works as desired. Objects could be built and placed by the workshop. 3. FO4_InteriorRoomGroundWoodFloor static world object paired with FO4_InteriorRoomGroundWoodFloor.nif does not work as desired. Objects could not be placed by the workshop. Conclusions: 1. GROUND Collision object type and the TERRAIN Collision object type each with the DIRT physics material applied works as desired. No keywords or AVs as statics were necessary. 2. The physics material applied appears to make a difference. DIRT physics material applied worked whereas the WOOD physics material applied did not work. 3. Limited test. Unknown at this time what other physics material might work or fail. Test files attached which includes the unprocessed and processed NIFs. Esp for the interior test cell. coc FO4InteriorTestCell This has been fun! InteriorCellTest01.rar
  9. Now for the $100 dollar question, I wonder if those pieces work as flooring for an interior cell and whether the procedure holds for WorkshopWorkbenchInterior.
  10. I dropped the CaveRmFloor512Mid01 into the world and turned on collisions in the CK. The piece is outlined in red just like other static objects. The list that Qrsr is informative as it provides colors for the respective collision types which I assume tracks with what shows in the CK. Don't know yet if this same color scheme is used in nifskope or not. According to the list, both terrain and ground collision would be a yellowish color. No other collision in that list has the color of red associated with it. As Glitchfinder pointed out, workshop items that needs to be placed in dirt, such as crops, are actually looking for the dirt physics material. Is it possible that the physics material is part of the equation for this piece.
  11. Well, thanks for taking a look. Much appreciated. It's a mystery but hopefully it will get solved.
  12. Nice, good information to know. Now if we can just figure our why CaveRmFloor512Mid01 works. I mean it does not have the "WorkshopStackableItem" keyword and it works. It also works without having to do the precombined step...what makes this piece so special. I have tried exporting text pieces from max using different setting but haven't been able to replicate what CaveRmFloor512Mid01 has/does.
  13. While I didn't do the mailboxes, I did a clean version of the newsstand for the Bartonville Township II mod.
  14. Okay, same procedure as noted above; however, this time I took note of gislijohann's post and generated the precombine data for the cell. "World > PreCombine Geometry for Current Cell." In workshop build mode, objects were indeed place able.
  15. Okay, I tried a simple experiment in 3ds max. Built out a 1280 x 1280 x 1028 structure. For the floor, I used Ground as the object type for the Collision Group. For the walls and roof, I used Static as the object type for the Collision Group. Exported and ran it through Elric…no issues. Created a static object in the CK with this mesh, with no keywords added. Added it to a test cell. Navmeshed it and added the coc marker and the workbench (WorkshopWorkbenchInterior). COC to this cell. Collision works fine (i.e., player does not fall through the floor nor pass through the walls). In workshop build mode however, objects are NOT able to be placed. Went back to the static object and added the single keyword WorkshopStackableItem as worm82075 mentioned earlier in the threat. COC to the cell again. In workshop build mode, objects are able to be placed. CaveRmFloor512Mid01 has no keywords associated with the static object. However, DCKitMudGround01 has the WorkshopStackableItem keyword. BldWlpSmFlrCeil01 also has no keywords associated with the static object. So if CaveRmFloor512Mid01 works and it does work, it must have something in the collision that is allowing workshop build mode to function properly.
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