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About pepperman35

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  1. Here was my take on restoring that cabin. cabintest01.rar
  2. After exporting the files from your 3d application, you will also need to run them through a app known as Elric before importing them into the CK. If Elric shows any kind of error, it will likely crash in the CK.
  3. Don't know exactly but if you use Dogmeat.nif as an example, it looks like the legs (trishape) Dogmeat_body_Final:2) are uv mapped to DogmeatBody.BGSM which includes the DogmeatBody_d.dds, DogmeatBody_n.dds and DogmeatBody_s.dds. The colored areas you show might be Dogmeat_body_Final:3 which is uv mapped to DogmeatBodyFur.BGSM.
  4. I assume you have verified your files via steam. Perhaps it is time for a fresh install with no mods to see if the base game will run.
  5. Modded or un-modded Fallout 4? What version of Fallout 4? Etc/
  6. If you extract the data files associated with FO4, you can find a number of pier pieces. In the vicinity mentioned, there are a number of static collections (SCOL) used. The model file (NIF) that closely represents the piece in your photograph is PierMid01.nif. This file appears to have dimensions are that of a standard floor tile. You’ll need nifskope to open these files. Of course, these will be in the Creation Kit as well.PierMid01.rar
  7. Chuck, some time ago kinggath released a set of tutorials on dialog (i.e., Bethesda Mod School). kinggath talks about conditioning to ensure the voiced lines are spoken only by certain characters. Bethesda Mod School: Dialogue 103 - Randomize and Condition Dialogue would be an example.
  8. RoNin1971, I don't know if this is related or not but back in 2023 kinggath posted some info regarding a Shared Interior Cell Navcutting bug. Don't know if this got resolved or not. Also, Ethreon post a short tutorial ref 3ds max and navcuts and stair helper collisions. Don't know if either of these are helpful but I had them booked marked for reference.
  9. I'd recommend IM'ing SKK, he'll probably know the answer straight away.
  10. There are many different levels of modding. I recall when I first tried to make 3d starships for the Star Trek Armada game I had a most difficult time wrapping my head around 3d concepts. I tried, failed. Tried some more, failed some more. Eventually, it slowly started to click. I guess what I am trying to say is this, "if you have a passion for 3d modelling or modding in general, keep after it." Also, find forums where you can post your work in progress (WIP), and explain what you are doing and problems you have encountered. There are some very gifted 3d modelers within the FO4 community and I want to think that help is out there if you are willing to ask for it. The phrase "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" comes to mind. If you have passion and a desire for this type of work, the skills can be learned. Ask yourself questions along the journey, what skills do I need to master to accomplish the goal/project? What do I need to do in order to acquire those skills? Software skills, hardware skills, life skills, math skills etc. Be patient as you follow your passion.
  11. 1. What 3d application were you using? 2. Did you apply a texture to the mesh before exporting? 3. Could the faces of the outside have become inverted?
  12. I typically use a ramp (e.g., angled plane) as a stair helper for stair collisions, then navmesh the stairs as if it were a ramp. NPCs seem to work ok on this method.
  13. In 2023 lee3110, posted a link to this tutorial. I haven't tested or used it but it might be worth a read. Simple collision made in Nifskope for Fallout 4 Supporting video can be found here: NifSkope Collision Tutorial - Fallout 4 and Skyrim
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