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About pepperman35

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  1. Okay, so a bit of background could be helpful for trouble shooting. What version of the game are you running? What mods were you running before you experienced crashes? What was the last thing you did before the crashing started?
  2. NucleusSub01 (030051B2). Note: 03 may vary because their first two numbers vary from player to player, depending on which mods and DLC packs are installed on their system. More background info here The Vessel
  3. Can't say I am a fan of the new layout. Preferred the old one better.
  4. Thanks South, much appreciated. I like the concept of an electrified fence for a prison mod. The electrified fence would be one layer of defense. If it were automated, I think three zones would be appropriate: a warning zone, a shock zone, and a kill zone (lethal shock zone). Toying with scripting now…. Function MonitorDistance() while IsFencePowered ; Get the closest actor in proximity Actor closestActor = Game.FindClosestActor(GetPosition(), WarningDistance) if closestActor Float distanceToActor = closestActor.GetDistance(self) ; Warning range if distanceToActor <= WarningDistance && distanceToActor > ShockDistance PlaySound(WarningSound) ; Verbal warning ; Shock range elseif distanceToActor <= ShockDistance && distanceToActor > DeathDistance closestActor.DamageActorValue("Health", 10.0) ; Minor shock damage PlaySound(ZapSound) ; Zap sound effect PlaceAtMe(SparkEffect) ; Sparks for visual feedback ; Death range elseif distanceToActor <= DeathDistance ShockSpell.Cast(closestActor, closestActor) ; Lethal shock PlaySound(ZapSound) PlaceAtMe(SparkEffect) endif endif Utility.Wait(0.5) ; Wait for 0.5 seconds before rechecking endwhile EndFunction WarningDistance: The player or NPC hears a verbal warning. ShockDistance: They experience minor shocks (zap sound and small damage). DeathDistance: Lethal electrocution occurs.
  5. I am saddened when a gifted modder such as yourself decides to retire. Nonetheless, I understand, and as the navy is fond of saying, "Fair winds and following seas." Not only are you a gifted modder but you share your knowledge with others. Personally, I want to say thank you for all the help you have provided here on the forums. I have learned a lot from you and that my friend is truly appreciated. If you every get bored and want to exercise those creative writing skills, the community can always use more tutorials.
  6. I don't have an xbox either but I seem to recall there was something different one had to do when packing the graphics.
  7. The Creation Kit is a powerful tool, but it does take some time to master it. I believe you can zip up the *.esp file of your mod and attach it here. One of us can take a look see if you'd like. BTW, kinggath has an excellent set of youtube tutorials that I highly recommend watching: Bethesda Mod School
  8. A couple of things: First, the Creation Kit is different from Creation Club. Second, do you have any other mods that affect Sanctuary? Third, have you tried coc'ing to Sanctuary from the main menu to bypass any saved game stuff? Four, I'd double check your mod in the Creation Kit to ensure your edits took. Lastly, have you confirmed that your mod is active?
  9. I have had the idea of building a prison mod for some time now. As I got to thinking, a proper high security prison would need a perimeter fence or two. One of those fences could be a high voltage electric fence which lead me to this thread. Did anyone ever make electric fences? BTW, I ran across this vanilla script but it doeesn't look like Bethesda implemented it (or least not to my knowledge). Scriptname TestElectricFenceScript extends ObjectReference Const SPELL Property TestElectricFenceShock Auto Const Event OnPowerOn(ObjectReference akPowerGenerator) StartTimer(utility.RandomFloat(0.0, 2.0)) EndEvent Event OnPowerOff() CancelTimer() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Actor theActor = akActionRef as Actor debug.trace(self + " actor=" + theActor + ", IsPowered()=" + ispowered()) if theActor && isPowered() debug.trace(self + " SHOCK ME") Animate() TestElectricFenceShock.Cast(theActor, theActor) endif EndEvent Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) if isPowered() Animate() StartTimer(utility.RandomFloat(3.0, 10.0)) endif EndEvent function Animate() PlayAnimation("reset") PlayAnimation("stage2") endFunction
  10. This might be a bit of a long shot but I thought I'd ask nonetheless. In 2023, I downloaded a mod Sketchfab Ports-76600-1-0-1702159278.rar which has since been deleted. What I neglect to do was note the permissions and/or the author of that mod. There are a few nifs that I would be interested in using, assuming the permissions were right and that the mod hadn't been removed for other reasons. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated.
  11. I assume you want it to rotate in game by the player, correct? If so, you could make a 3d model with a rotation animation, and set the object up in game as an activator. There is also a rotate helper in the Creation Kit that might be used to accomplish your goal.
  12. Don't know if this is useful or not "“Private Little War” – DCG_PLW_Quest - This is actually the controller quest for Lily’s companion quests. - You need to complete the ‘Shishkebab Runner” series of quests to continue with the storyline. - The Scourge and Revenge Inc. are her other two quests." https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BqiiT18rqoF7S8c0CAKsAXO0huz605cp/view
  13. I don't use discord myself but I believe there is a discord server for nexus mods https://discord.gg/nexusmods
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