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Posts posted by danielleonyett

  1. That's a good idea, but i think it would require a lot of little quests which i think would be a lot of work.


    I was also thinking of a mod that tinkers with the training system to make it more realistic and immersive. At the simplest, it would remove the 5 training sessions per level and make it so that the player can only initiate a training session with a trainer during certain hours of the day and that each training session would take a certain amount of time. That way the player can't just go to a trainer at like 8 or 9 pm at night and train 5 levels within 5 seconds.... More immersive would be to add some animations to the training session. So if the player is training in alchemy, there would be an animation of the player at an alchemy table, etc.


    Even more realistic (but harder to do) would be instead of just passing time and earning a level, the player would pay the trainer and then have a set amount of time where the specific skill would progress faster than normal. The trainer would have a larger inventory during the training session so that the player could purchase supplies as necessary (if necessary).


    For example, the player could go to Arcadia's Cauldron and pay her for training. Then for the next 4 hours (or whatever), the player's alchemy skills would advance at twice the rate as normal but only if the player is using Arcadia's alchemy table. And/or the player learns more about ingredients or whatever for the duration of the training session. And Arcadia would have an inventory of a ton of ingredients, maybe even at a reduced price. Another example would be to pay Vilkas for 2-handed training and then enter a brawl mode with him for part of the time and then maybe be able to train on the training dummies for the rest of the session. For lockpick training the player would be presented with (duh) locks to pick, but not know the lock level. For speechcraft, the player would just need to talk to people in the same building or town as the trainer, and/or maybe play an instrument for a while. For archery, player and trainer could go hunting together and/or use the archery targets. Etc. etc.


    Anyways, would be cool if someone did this, even just the simplest change would be great :)

  2. I like some of these ideas. I was thinking of a mod that tinkers with the training system to make it more realistic and immersive. At the simplest, it would remove the 5 training sessions per level and make it so that the player can only initiate a training session with a trainer during certain hours of the day and that each training session would take a certain amount of time. That way the player can't just go to a trainer at like 8 or 9 pm at night and train 5 levels within 5 seconds.... More immersive would be to add some animations to the training session. So if the player is training in alchemy, there would be an animation of the player at an alchemy table, etc.


    Even more realistic (but harder to do) would be instead of just passing time and earning a level, the player would pay the trainer and then have a set amount of time where the specific skill would progress faster than normal. The trainer would have a huge inventory during the training session so that the player could purchase supplies as necessary (if necessary).


    For example, the player could go to Arcadia's Cauldron and pay for training. Then for the next 4 hours (or whatever), the player's alchemy skills would advance at twice the rate as normal but only if the player is using Arcadia's alchemy table. And/or the player learns more about ingredients or whatever for the duration of the training session. And Arcadia would have an inventory of a ton of ingredients, maybe even at a reduced price. Another example would be to pay Vilkas for 2-handed training and then enter a brawl mode with him for part of the time and then maybe be able to train on the training dummies for the rest of the session. For lockpick training the player would be presented with (duh) locks to pick, but not know the lock level. For speechcraft, the player would just need to talk to people in the same building or town as the trainer, and/or maybe play an instrument for a while. For archery, player and trainer could go hunting together and/or use the archery targets. Etc. etc.


    Anyways, would be cool if someone did this, even just the simplest change :)

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