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Posts posted by bajs11

  1. That's a very strange pairing.

    The GTX 970 may be good for older games but newer and more demanding games you need at least gtx 1060 6gb especially if you mod your FO4.

    In your case the gpu is clearly bottlenecking the cpu. A more balanced setup would be ryzen 5 or 7 / i5 8600K or i7 7700K with a gtx 1070

  2. The thing is most of the time I can barely hear the fan of the GPU (Asus 1080 rog strix) spinning which indicates that the game running at 1080p with all the mods doesn't even use all the available resources.

    Back when I was playing Fallout NV and upgraded from Radeon HD 6750 1gb to GTX 970 I would experience a very noticeable improvement both in performance and stability.

    I wonder the same will happen with this game when I upgrade again in a year or two

  3. so yeah, right now I am using the 4k high res texture pack by Valius, NMCs roads and Sanctuary bridge, 4k Power armor and of course one of the mods that adds/spawns more enemies. These are the mods that I believe to have the largest impact on the performance.

    The really low res textures I keep seeing in my game especially some of the walls and interior details made me want to find some true 4K textures, other than the lame low res high res dlc.

    Currently I have 230 plugins installed, most of them armor and outfit mods and I do experience stutters and the occasional weird texture bugs like character heads turn black or blurry textures. It got even worse while playing the Operation Wilkes Estate mod especially in areas with a lot of clutter. It stuttered every time I picked up an aluminum can.

    So I am wondering what exactly is the recommended system requirements for running the game with true 4K textures and a lot of mods?


    I thought my rig was more than enough for this game running at 1080p

    i7 4790K 16gb gtx1080

  4. Wasn't there a lot of problem with kids uploading mods on to Bethesda.net without the permission of the mod authors?

    the funny thing is MXR actually complained about this in one of his videos


    I blame this and everything bad that happened on the Creation Club.

    Seriously though, I wonder how Bethesda's little tool to earn more money is doing well.

    I mean Rockstar made tons of money on Shark cards but they also gave you the choice to earn in-game money by playing the game. Why couldn't Bethesda do the same?


    I think beth has little control over this satiation. But I think that was sarcasm anyway.


    And how would you be able to earn the credits? Certain quest? Achievement? People who already unlocked / done them would have a big disadvantage. Theoretical requiring a new play through.




    In GTA Online you have to participate in events, complete missions etc in order to earn money. There are actually many ways to get rich. They also constantly release free new contents.

    All the things you want/need in the game could be obtained by either buying Shark cards or playing the game.

    At least they don't charge 5 real life US dollars for some crappy car they just released. That's what I call greed.

    Most of if not all of the mods in CC are pretty useless. Have they actually released mods that add new features, like finally making weapons visible when holstered like in FO 3 and NV (i am using Visible weapons but its far from perfect)?

    The only free mod they have released is that lame "high res" texture pack that looks crap and occupies like 60gb on your ssd

  6. I have been using Unique Player mod for awhile now but my character only received different body textures than the npcs because I don't if it is even possible to create outifts that fit different types of bodies in this game which is also the main reason why I still haven't downloaded the Unique NPC mod.

    So yeah, that's pretty much my question. Is it possible to have different meshes for the same outfit?



    The program detects BSAs associated with plugins being merged, and accesses the

    assets in them as necessary for asset handling purposes. It can also fully

    extract BSAs for plugins being merged, or create a merged BSA from the BSAs

    associated with the plugins being merged."


    Holy crap! The old FNV Plugin Utility couldn't do that! So I only could merge non BSA plugins


    Thanks bro!

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