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Everything posted by species5478

  1. Chapter 8 Darkness under the Sun I felt liberated. With the first key in my possession, there was a chance the Mage’s Guild would succeed with our assassination plot. The God of Death, in all his unholy glory, could be killed like any other entity. But killed was a relative term. Death only meant transitioning from one plain of existence to another. Like all life forms in Tamriel, if this God was killed inside of our realm, it would be permanently banished from returning in its original form. The God of Death…formally known as Endar, was a shadow of the Nine Divines and Daedra. This powerful entity was capable of taking the life of any Divinity or Lord, ensuring a balance between gods and men. They in turn, were powerless against Endar who served as a kind of scale, leveling power. But the natural order of life and death was unbalanced when Endar murdered one of the Daedra Lords for no discernable reason. What happens when a God of Death murders an innocent? The Nine couldn’t retaliate. Neither could the Daedra. Only a human could stop Endar from murdering again. This is where the Guilds came in… The Nine Divines, fearing for their lives, contacted our Arch Mage for assistance. He then ordered our best Master Wizards to find the keys to Endar’s portal. Three of them failed to recover any of the keys, and were murdered in the months that followed. I wasn’t even considered for the job. Being both the youngest and newest Wizard to the Guild, there wasn’t much faith in my abilities. So I secretly departed from the University against the Arch Mage’s wishes. Now that I successfully defeated Gorah, I hoped my initial request would be approved once I safely placed the key in the Arch Mage’s possession. The Daedra responded by hiring Necromancers. Yazeril was only one their agents. Hopefully, none of the other Necromancers succeeded in obtaining other keys but I knew little regarding their plans. Exhausted from my previous trials I relaxed by an oak tree and stared at the Imperial City in the distance. I’d need an entire day to reach the Arcane University and was so tired that I dozed off in the shade as Morus and Barbas watched over me. It wasn’t long before they detected something. “Isah,” They whispered. “We think someone has followed us.” I didn’t move. After casting a life detection spell, I discovered the presence of someone lurking behind a nearby boulder. “Who’s there?” I asked, raising my staff. The lone individual dispelled his cloaking magic and emerged into view. I almost fired my staff after nearly mistaking this person for Yazeril. The dark robes were similar, but I realized this person was not a Necromancer. “You’re from the Dark Brotherhood?” I asked. “Yes.” The lone figure answered. “My name is Lucien Lachance.” “Yelp!” Barbas squealed before running off. “That’s a real assassin! I’m out of here!” “Hey, where are you going you stupid mutt!” Morus yelled, but Barbas was already gone. I didn’t take my eyes off Lucien. He smiled wickedly and folded his hands in a non-threatening manner. “You sleep pretty soundly, for a murderer…” I wasn’t sure what he meant by that. “I’m no murderer.” I protested. “But of course you are…” Said Lucien licking his lips. “Do you really think the death of a deity is any less deserving of the Night Mother’s attention? Gorah was a powerful being. By killing it, you gained the Night Mother’s love, and have secured a place within our…family.” I wasn’t sure what to think. Clutching Morus tightly, I slowly stood up as Lucien withdrew something from his robe. “What do you want?” Lucien opened his palm and revealed a gold necklace. An onyx charm in the shape of a spider, dangled on a gold encrusted fix. “I want only to give you a gift.” I detected no curse on the necklace, or even an enchantment. “What is it?” I asked, curling a brow. “A token of the Dark Brotherhood’s love.” “So you’re not here to kill me?” Lucien chuckled. “Dear child…if I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t be speaking to you. I’d be attaching this necklace to your corpse.” I didn’t like the sound of that. “I’m a Mage.” “We were all something else before becoming members of the Dark Brotherhood. I’m offering you nothing more, than a home in times of need. A respite from the world’s angst. The Night Mother welcomes you as one of her own. When the time is right, come to the abandoned house in Cheydinhal. Present that necklace for entry into our inner sanctum.” “I’m sorry to disappoint you…but my alliances lie elsewhere.” “Alliances have nothing to do with a daughter and father reuniting.” A chill trickled down my spine. “My father died years ago…” “In a boating accident?” Said Lucien Lachance with a sinister smirk. “Yes…” I held my breath, resisting the memory of that fateful night. “What are you saying?” “Your father is waiting at our sanctum for you. In fact, he’s been there for years.” “You’re lying…” I said in a near whisper. “Am I?” Asked Lucien. He raised the necklace and on impulse, I stepped forward to take it. Morus was alarmed. “What are you doing Isah? You can’t trust an assassin! He’ll kill you!” Morus was right…but I never told him about my father. “We know of your desires to be an assassin. To kill the God of Death…” Lucien stepped closer, with sunlight glinting off the charm dangling from the necklace he held. “Your father can provide the training required to accomplish this goal. The Mage’s Guild will fail to kill Endar. They do not understand what is required to assassinate the God of Death. Ours is the only way.” I took the necklace, and avidly gazed into the onyx spider. It was indeed the same charm my father gave mom on their wedding day. The spider’s eight eyes were made from unique stones crafted by a jeweler in Morrowind. Lucien stepped back as I rubbed the spider with my thumb and forefinger. His smile dissipated as he turned away, and the assassin faded into the forest with the aid of a cloaking spell…words slipping away in the passing breeze. “Your father is waiting, Isah…”
  2. Although the entirety of human civilization is filled with war, not all cultures thrive on war. Monks for instance, do not exist in a perpetual state of combat. My point about Capitalism, is that it uses most anything to generate profit…including war. I too, am a deeply spiritual person. That’s why it hurts the depths of my soul to see people suffering around the world. Needlessly. The land that I’m standing on, (Arizona) was a part of Mexico not too long ago. So was southern California, New Mexico, etc. Native Americans descend from Mexico. They didn’t mysteriously appear here out of nowhere. They migrated north from Mexico (and probably Central and South America) to become Native Americans, and even Eskimos. There were five million “Native Americans” here before Columbus arrived. Today, there’s less than five hundred thousand. Europeans embarked on one of history’s bloodiest genocides in order to take this land from its inhabitants. This would not have occurred under a socialist system. I hear every day on my local news, arguments against “illegal” immigrants. It’s strange…we obviously didn’t care about their rules, or laws when settling here. We simply did as we pleased. So I find it ironic that now, people like you are offended because some immigrants don’t respect our laws. Would you if the foot was on the other shoe? I’m advocating a system that will most likely never be enacted in America. There has never been a time when socialism was even considered here. We’ve instead, spread Capitalism around the world. Europeans…Russians…Japanese…Australians…Canadians…South Americans…Africans…so this is why China is so important. This is why you don’t REALLY want them to become a democratic nation. If the Chinese had rights like most other nations in the world, we wouldn’t be able to abuse them. So you WANT them to remain Communists because if they weren’t, then we’d have to find another “slave” labor force to create our goods. Failing to do so, would mean spending 2000.00 dollars for a 16 gig IPad, for instance. Everything then becomes SO expensive, that the general population would be unable to afford half of what they own. So you need Chinese people to remain Communists even more than they do. If you want to maintain your lifestyle, that is. But as I stated a few times in earlier posts, I don’t believe in using any one system in its entirety. Socialism should only incorporate giving people a place to live, food, and healthcare. The absolute basics. For people who want cars, or computers, or HD TV’s, vacations, clothes, etc…they’d have to work for these items. Yet, for all the talk, nobody, since this post has started, has given me a solution for what happens when we run out of resources, or out of people willing to do the "slave' labor. And are you really OK, with Americans owing a Communist nation BILLIONS of dollars? What then happens, if they decide to call in their dept, or to stop making goods for ridiculously low prices? America has become dependent on a Communist nation. And how for instance, do you stop the economy from collapsing every ten to twenty years?
  3. We should refrain from using talk that may seem religious, since that's not allowed on these forums. This seems agreeable. I could say the same about Capitalism. And those people in China are slaving under a Communist regime, making products for us. Disreguaring them...there's people in many democratic nations, who slave for us. To me, the term to describe Mexicans as illegal, is relative. This land originally belonged to Mexicans. (we call them Native Americans) Yes, the U.S. was started because they didn't like being told what to do, and because they were mistreated by their government. So what did they do? They crossed the seas, and did something a thousand times worst to other people. Declaration of Independence, indeed. And what has Capitalism done since? America is a history of war. One war after another war...after another war...after another war...
  4. This weekend, no. But over the labor day weekend I climb two summits, and then went jet-skiing in Lake Havasu. Man I had SO much fun! My legs were sore for like...two days!
  5. What types of things linger in your mind, DarkGenius? The way in which you construct words with such poetic charms in very interesting...
  6. I think this is closer to actual slavery.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVuScVCF1Ws The arguments aren’t compelling enough to me. History is showing us right now, the faults in Capitalism. You speak of slavery, but that’s exactly what’s happening right now, under our Capitalist system. Millions “slave” all across the world to make cheap goods for Americans. Children in Indonesia work in sweatshops making clothing. The Chinese toil laboriously creating a myriad of gadgets so that we can have greater selection. Here in my home state of Arizona, Mexican are made to do backbreaking jobs literally for next to nothing. All of these people don’t work these jobs because it’s what they “prefer” to do. They’re forced into a survival situation and have no other means of attaining a livelihood. Indentured labor is no better than forced. It is of course, easy to defend a system of abuse, when you are the abuser. Rapists tend to enjoy the act of violating their victims, because they derive enjoyment from satisfying primal needs through superiority. This is what America had become. A nation of civilized rapists. The negatives that I’ve read from an established socialist system, and that of the Capitalism system, do not compare. Socialism, even through its worst examples, pleases and helps more people than Capitalism. And let us not forget, that our resources are finite. There seems to be this assumption that we can continue like this forever. I think we all know this isn’t the case. Capitalism by design, is not a permanent solution to governing people. It works only as long as there are people, and resources to exploit. We’re running out of both. Capitalism uses both methods, actually. Did you forget how America was born? Or the current wars that are going on? Or the political negotiations on behalf of establishing Capitalism in places like the Middle East? Trying to force Iran or North Korea by way of imposing sanctions, is only one example. Nothing is more nefarious than Capitalism.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5EU4GRudvc Yes…just look at what happens at sales… This is what I mean by "Civilized Barbarism". Capitalism applies a "dog eat dog" philosophy to social interaction. This means, there is no difference between a gorilla fighting for dominance, and that of a human trampling for a TV aside for the manner in which gains are acquired. Superiority by means of abusing another for any reason, is barbaric. It's incredulous to believe in a system based on profit, when there's only a finite amount of money. The two elements are mathematically opposed to one another. There cannot exist for instance, a Billion Bill Gates. Resources won't allow. Capitalism would be wonderfully stable idea if there were infinite resources to drawn upon. Because there isn't…so Capitalism now functions as a tool by which to absorb the world's resources as quickly as possible. And the world is filled with poor people who work hard, (sometimes harder than rich people), and who take risks, (sometimes more than rich people). But they will NEVER attain wealth, because the resources have already been allocated elsewhere. So it doesn't matter how hard they work, or how many risks they take, most of the world will remain poor. And there are many who acquired wealth through inheritance, or by stealing from those who worked for it. Remember Madoff? Wealth alone is not an indicator of a hard worker. Also, consider the richest people in companies around the world. Diamond mines, oil companies, banks…the largest industries in the world are already spoken for. Sure…someone might come along and create the next "Sham Wow", and become a millionaire. But even they won't be able to achieve greater financial success than big business, because people only have so much to spend on extra amenities. So now what we have is a LARGE group of people who will be forever poor, and a small group of people extorting vast amounts of resources until there is nothing left. At that point, the world will most likely disintegrate into war. Are you honestly telling me, that you see nothing wrong with this system? I hardly consider this behavior civilized. The inability to overcome greed is no less primal than a dog in heat. Also, you're not explaining the truth when describing the true nature of socialism. You've stated in numerous comments, that people will still go without in a socialist system, or that resources would be, and have been squandered, by using failed socialist systems as examples. A true, working form of socialism would provide for all, while stimulating inventiveness. However...I will admit something about Capitalism... I've never argued against the effectiveness of Capitalism, only its existence. This was purposely. To me, the system works. In fact, Capitalism has worked so well…and exhausted the world's finances with such effectiveness…that the economy collapsing was only a sign that the world was drained dry. So this is the end result of a functioning Capitalist system; a "collapsed" economy where the world's richest, after having absorbed most of the excess wealth, sit on their golden thrones, watching everyone else struggling for survival. This is why America is not, nor will not be, socialized. Greed has, since America's inception, reigned supreme.
  8. You've written another tantalizing piece. Kudos! :thumbsup: I think it's worth mentioning at this stage in your writing, that your style reminds me my own at a certain juncture. I can tell by reading all of your work, that you have an inherit love for the art of literature. Trust me when I say, that things will not always come to you when you like. Ideas, plots, and the perfect phrasing often take time to develop. Nothing should be rushed. Every writer has his or her own pace that they must find, and follow. I for instance, don't believe in writer's block. The reason we stall, is because we are not satisfied with the direction our mind is taking us. That is ok. Be patience. Listen to music. Climb a cliff. Swim in a lake. Walk through a park. (some of my extra activities) These things may seem trivial, but they are not. Your mind and body will be refreshed after having absorbed inspiration from the world...
  9. @ Balgor and evilnecko Agreeable points, and well versed. @ Jim You bring up interesting points as well, Jim. I appreciate your opinion. The following comment isn’t necessarily directed toward just you, I'm just bored and feel like typing. Here’s my stance. I don’t think your reasoning helps your cause. If I’m reading you correctly, you’re saying that the main motivation people have for doing things, is greed. But I can think of many other reasons why people do things for the benefit of society. Volunteering is a good example. There’s thousands, if not millions of different programs and organizations that thrive off free participation. Everything from building homes, to helping feed starving children are examples of things that people do simple because they have the will, (and financial fortitude) to do so. Poor people can’t usually afford to volunteer, because they’re struggling to survive. Also, working for profit doesn’t guarantee anything other than a paycheck. At my last job, I worked for a local ambulance company called PMT, that’s based out of Phoenix. Approximately half of the EMT’s and Paramedics would ride in ambulances, and sleep on the job. I knew of two who would regularly do cocaine, and then tend to patients. There are many lazy people who "work". Only a quarter of those who worked at PMT actually enjoyed their jobs, and did it to the best of their ability. And nearly all of the volunteers excelled at the job, because they did it for enjoyment, and not for profit. I personally think greed, and working for profit, diminishes the quality of goods and service for all and only the owners of said business emerge as the prime beneficiaries. I’ll admit however, that there are instances where working for profit is necessary. I don’t know of anyone who wants to work in a landfill, for instance. So these types of jobs should give people more money under a socialist system because they’re undesirable jobs. Other jobs, like working in politics, should be volunteer based, or offer meager wages to offset the abuse of power. I think you mentioned a good point by stating socialists would desire increased benefits if they got their way. But we’ll never know, if there isn’t a working socialist program in place to judge such an assertion by. What we do know, is that no matter how much money a company, or a person makes, they ALWAYS want to go further, and make more money. It’s never enough. And the bottom line of all businesses within the Capitalist model, is profit, profit, profit. You also mentioned that a socialist’s ultimate goal, is the redistribution of wealth. But isn’t exactly what’s happening under the Capitalist system? In fact, isn’t that the basis of Capitalism? Redistributing wealth? The only difference with capitalism, is that only a few people have access to most of the wealth while others starve, die from the inability to take care of themselves, work slavishly for years on end, and suffer menial lives. Is it really worth it? It might be true, that taking from the rich, and giving to the poor, disincentives both. Yet, only seven percent of the world’s entire population is considered wealthy. And wealth on a global scale, means making more than 30,000 dollars a year. Most of the BILLIONS of people on the planet survive on less than a dollar a day, so that the rest of us can have three computers, two cars, etc. You and I might see wealth as making more than 200,000 dollars a year. In which case the stats lower further. So is it alright that less than a tenth of the global population hordes all the wealth? It just seems amoral to me. I would have a greater appreciation for people defending Capitalism if they admitted it was a necessary evil, and defended it from that stance. But to make it seem as if it’s the best way to run a society, or the only way to improve a society, is just wrong. Food for thought… Let’s say…there was a room filled with ten people, you included. Of these ten people, I had all of the food, medical supplies, and living amenities, and the biggest gun. I gained these items through a collective effort, and exploitation, of all ten people. Instead of sharing my food, I decided to stand back, and watch as two of the people starved to death. I felt like making the world's largest taco that day. Another two died of a sickness that I had the cure for, but didn’t give because I felt they were lazy, and didn’t deserve to live. Some might call this playing God, but I don’t care. After all, they’re lazy. They deserve to die for being sloths, right? Let’s forget the fact that I murdered someone myself. But I served my sentence, and I should live because...I’m a hard worker? The remaining five people, seeing the miserable life and deaths of the first four, have no choice but to succumb to whatever my demands may be, if they want a piece of what I have. But I don’t give it willingly…I make them work HARD for only a tiny piece of food, medicine, and a few amenities. They now battle amongst themselves, and fight so vigorously, that not all five people can afford to have even the meager scraps that I doll out. I love it, because they all want to be like me, but I know they will NEVER be like me. Simple mathematics dictates, that there can only be one ME. These five people exist, because I require servants. And without them, I’d have nobody to horde my wealth over, or to help make more. So I lie, and tell them fanciful stories about how they can have what I have. "JUST WORK HARDER…" I say, grinning from my golden throne. So they work harder, and battle so vigorously for a piece of my pie, that they begin taking from each other. Now, one of the five can’t afford medicine. Another forgoes amenities for food, leaving only three left with fairly humane lives, and a little extra that they pillaged from the bottom two. Because these three are the majority of five, and have someone to look down on, they accept my way of life. Empowered, they endorse the system that I created and back me up when the bottom two desire a fair piece. This is Capitalism…where mass amounts of people defend the livelihood of just a few, hoping they will have it all one day. Dazzled by unrealistic dreams of riches, and power. Diluted by a fantasy. I agree with your stance Jim, on education. Knowledge is power, and more educated people means added advancements for us all.
  10. I don't think spreading resources evenly is suppressing individualism. It allows for more people to attain individualism. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe every person should have a food, healthcare, and a place to live. (the basics for a human, and civilized existence) Lions, dogs, and other animals fight for supremacy within their respective circles. They abandon the weak, and are driven by self-centered primal instincts that cater to selfishness. In my opinion, taking advantage of other people for the purposes of attaining greater wealth is similar to beating a person over the head with a club to prove dominance. It's an indicator of a primitive methodology. I understand that this inner urge to prove financial superiority can be stronger than sexual desires in some people. That is why, I did not say we should allocate funds for HD TV''s, cars, or other commodities. These things should be worked for, and would drive business ventures and inventions while allowing motivated people to achieve the extra status they desire. This process will not of course, solve all of our problems. But it's a good start. Capitalism is civilized barbarism.
  11. You like reading and writing? Have you written anything lately?
  12. Wat? Um. http://webbstuff.net/images/doublefacepalm.jpg Yeah. I guess the one good thing to take from that is that it's still in the low twenties. :rolleyes: My apologies...I didn't clarify that Brewer now has a 22% LEAD over her fiscally conservative rival. Her already massive lead grew...it's like she can do no wrong. I think that calls for a Triple Face Palm.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3D1OWPN2MM My state is 42 out of 50 when it comes to job growth. The main reason is because individuals like Jan Brewer have helped destroy our local economy by wasting money on worthless projects, and paying people within their inner circles ungodly wages. After the clip, support for Brewer went from 19%, and JUMPED to 22% AFTER her idiotic gaff. (one of MANY) Why? How can somebody display such a massive amount of ignorance, and gain support? Because people here love the fact that she drafted the new controversial law SB 1070, which attempts to tramples on illegal immigrants by violating their human rights. But no one seems to care, that even before she was governor, Brewer spearheaded the spending frenzy that mismanaged our budget and placed Arizona into one of the worst economic states in the nation. She even lied, by asserting the budget has been balanced, which is has not. Yet nobody seems to care. We're still in the red and her only solution was to cut the wages of all state employees, (except for those who work in the governor's office), and to cut programs for children, old people, and the poor. My problem with conservatives like her, is that when times get hard, they pillage from the people who can least afford it, and have no way of defending themselves. It seems that no matter what these types of conservatives do, say, or fail do deliver, people continue to support them. It's insane to believe so slavishly in a person or in a party with such blinding obedience that you're willing to support them even they fail to deliver on their elected policies. (Brewer was not elected into office, either) This applies to ANY PARTY, mind you. And if you're one of the individuals who feel that you will not, under any circumstances, alter your perception, then you might as well be in chains. This is why I became an Independent, and believe an advanced form of socialism is a good alternative to our current woes.
  14. There are some good points being made. :thumbsup: The false identification of "liberal" and "socialist" seem to be prevalent themes nowadays. America is not becoming socialized. The recent financial meltdown proves that Capitalism reigns supreme. In the case of China, I'm not sure why there's a perception they'll simple roll over if the United States can't, or won't pay it's dept. The Chinese have established the oldest surviving government on the planet: equipped with nuclear arms, and one of the largest military forces on the planet. It's doubtful they'll simply toss up their hands and forget the Billions that we owe. Chances are, there would be war. Hopefully this will not happen, but history has shown us that wars have been fought over a LOT less...
  15. I hope you finish the next set of stanzas, this was an excellent read.
  16. Chapter 7 A Friend and Enemy My head still throbbed from the falling debris in Gorah's lair. I did what I could to seal the wound, but Restoration was not one of my strongest skills and the Necromancer confiscated all of my potions and scrolls. To make matters worse I was thirsty, half-naked, and had to scrape moistened moss off the walls for use as a wet cloth, to wash away the bloody demonic symbols covering my body. I removed all but the Devil's Pentagram for this one symbol seemed tattooed onto my skin with Conjuration magic. An expert level Rebuke Undead spell would be an appropriate counter but I was only a Novice in the art of Conjuration and would need assistance removing the Pentagram. Murmuring quietly I wondered, "Why did he mark me anyway?" Stroking the Devil's Pentagram with my fingertips, I traced the path it made across the contours of my belly. "Maybe he was using this symbol to retrieve the key from me. Why else would the Necro do this? My magical barriers are very complex though. It would take a skilled hand to crack them. That aside, I need to find Morus and get out of here…" I had a feeling the Necromancer would be in the main sacrificial chamber on the first floor of the ruins. I was right. As I neared my destination, the worshiper's chants echoed through the hallowed halls like a beacon in the dark. I followed the repeating utterance like an addict searching for their fix. Rarely did I feel this carnal…but the stakes were high. Confronting the Necromancer and Morus, meant facing the power of two Master-Wizards; both specialized in the art of Destruction Magic. Morus had only rudimentary control over his actions now that he was a staff. And Morus' freedoms were dependant on the wielder and there was no doubt the Necro had removed his few independent enchantments that I bestowed upon him. I was weaponless and a Mage without a staff was like a Nord warrior without a sword. What could I hope to achieve with Mysticism and Illusion as my main arsenals? The answer eluded me. Even still, I pressed onward. I had to find Morus, and free him of the darkness that is Necromancy. But…there was more to it than that. Morus meant the world to me. I would die without him…I feared being lost like the petals of rose pulled from the stem, left drifting in the wind. I needed him, perhaps more than he needed me. Life's complications could be so burdensome this way… "Yidar, Socus, armpalo er mandel hork er Lucifer rah commidar…" The Necromancer's words chilled me to the bone. His utterance seemed beastly and malevolent…as if he were trying to conjure something otherworldly into Tamriel. I wanted to run away and had to pause several times just to gather the strength to move on. Ornate candles formed a perfect circle in the center of the room. The Necro sat cross-legged within his burning candles along with a single king cobra and numerous black mambas. The mambas danced to his chants and circled the cobra slowly as if paying homage to its flailed hood. Heads swaying slowly back and forth, the reptiles bobbed with an unnaturally perfect sync that looked eerily demonic from my vantage point. I noticed Morus lying on the ground behind the Necromancer and didn't hesitate reaching out to him. "Come to me…" After casting my Remote Manipulation spell, I tried to quickly snatch Morus away from the Necromancer but he was privy to my presence, and grabbed the staff right out of the air when I levitated it. "You foolish, foolish girl…did you really think it was going to be that easy?" The dark worshiper stood up, and turned slowly in my directly. His snakes hissed as they gathered around their Master's legs and in that moment of uncertainty, I discovered a weakness… "I'm willing to trade with you. Give me the staff, and I will give you Gorah's key to the God of Death's realm." The Necromancer laughed with a deeply seeded vein of disdain. "When your life is absolved by the minions of Oblivion, the leftover remains will serve as my sister's new body." I was right…his weakness lingered. My only option was to cast the Illusion that I was the Necromancer's fallen sister. It was shameless, I know…but he was too powerful to defeat in a head-to-head battle without my staff. But even if I could hypnotize him, I would have to get to close enough to paralyze the Necro with a touch. I spread my arms wide, and cast a custom made Hypnotism spell that trapped the Necromancer, and even his snakes in my mesmerizing grasp. They were stunned by a single sway of my hand…snared the illusion that I was the Necromancer's sister. But I was morally torn… What gave me the right to tamper with the most sacred parts of a person's spirit? If anything is to be cherished, it's the memories and emotions that we hold dear to us. This was the common thread amongst all humans, Mage and Necromancer alike. To pillage the contents of one's mind was considered viler than rape, for the desecration of one's body soils only healable flesh. But the mind was a holy place. To invade a person's thoughts and emotions meant forever tainting their spirit with your presence. And if the subject's mind was stronger than your own, prepare for a comatose state as a vegetable… Yet, I was not an enslaver of souls. The Necromancer's crimes far exceeded my desperate act tenfold. By the credence of the Nine Divines, I had rights to his mind… He seemed to fall for the guise, but I wasn't sure if my adversary was faking or not…the Necromancer still held that cursed sacrificial dagger tightly in his right hand. Would he stab me with it I got close? Maybe he was tricking me into a false sense of security…I had to be sure. "Annabel," He asked in a boy's voice. "Is that you?" "Yes," I answered in Annabel's voice. "It's me, your sister." "I thought you were dead…" "I am," I exclaimed reaching out, feeling his mind for more clues. "You failed to protect me, like you promised. Now my soul will wonder these ruins forevermore…as a ghost." Tears burst from Yazeril's eyes. He dropped to his knees, and hacked one of the black mambas to pieces. "I'm so sorry Annabel! I tried to protect you…I really did! Please forgive me! I'll do anything to bring you back!" After probing the Necro's emotional aura for clues to his sister's personality, I found something useful to exploit. "Yazeril, do you remember the lute you gave me at the Weathermead Gathering?" Using Illusion magic, I produced a glowing lute from behind my back and stroked the cords just once. Yazeril raised his dagger slightly as he tried to break free of my Illusion. He was vaguely aware that something was afoot, but the memory that I evoked was too compelling. "Yes," He eventually answered in a near whisper. "I made you that lute from Redwood." "I love it. It reminds me of the Gathering, when we became Necromancers. Would you like to hear me play?" Yazeril's eyes turned glossy. The memory of that day strengthened my spell, and he now appeared transfixed by the lute. "Please. Will you play…" "The Song of Mourning?" I finished. "Yes!" The Necromancer exclaimed excitedly. "It's my favorite song." "I know…now relax. Put down your weapons." I stroked the lute lightly with my fingertips, and the soothing tones calmed even the snakes who curled up as I continued playing. I could see Yazeril's hand shaking from the temptation to release his arms. The request was too great, forcing me to concentrate on one weapon at a time. So I stepped slowly forward, and increased the volume as I neared the Necromancer. "Put the staff down, Yazeril." Yazeril wavered slightly as I neared. Snake blood dripped form the blade and made odd circles on the ground. After struggling with my request, he dropped the staff. I feared my trance would be broken if I stopped strumming the lute…and I had to release it to grab Morus, or paralyze my adversary. "Now put the dagger down, Yazeril." I demanded, but he refused to drop the blade. There was something in those dark snakes eyes that remained untouchable. An evil that was sealed off form rest of the world. Something imbedded so far into Yazeril's soul, that I couldn't reach it. That part of him remained…and appeared to be staring back at me right now…fighting for a way out…fighting for a way to kill me… I knew then, that he wouldn't drop the blade. Getting the Necromancer within arm's length wasn't enough. That left me with only one option. "Hug me." I said, stepping closer. Yazeril raised the bloody blade and for a fleeting moment…I thought he was going to slash my throat. Instead, the Necromancer spread his arms, and embraced me lovingly. My hands were pinned within Yazeril's grasp and I didn't hesitate pressing my face against his cheek the moment I was forced to stop playing the lute. The taste of salty tears seeped into my mouth as I paralyzed my adversity with a kiss. My hypnotic spell was instantly broken and once Yazeril realized what had happened, I pushed away from him, and grabbed my staff. "HIIIISSSSSSSSS!" Two of the snakes leaped for me, but I roasted them with a large fireball courtesy of Morus. I immediately aimed the staff towards the Necro, but Morus intervened. "Don't do it!" Leave him alive until the curse is removed!" "What curse?" "There's no time," He argued. "Just trust me, ok? Get out of here!" I did as Morus asked, and made a run for it. I knew my paralysis wouldn't last. It didn't take long before I could hear the enraged screams of the Necromancer echoing through the ruins. But I was too far away to be caught and made it safely to the exit where Barbas awaited. "You have the staff? Good. We should go now. That Necromancer won't waste time with a sacrificial ceremony if he finds us. Next time, he's going to do everything possible to kill you." Barbas followed eagerly as I pushed open the door, and stepped into the golden light of day.
  17. Happy Labor Day!
  18. Happy Labor Day!
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