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  1. This mod maybe? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625258317&searchtext=civilian Hey, that's basically the very thing I want! A few tweaks here and there, depending on if it makes things a bit too easy, and it will be perfect. Thanks for the tip -- that one had slipped under my radar!
  2. A true Civilian Clothes as Armor mod. There are mods that lets you use civilian clothes as armor and that's cool and all, but I'd like civilian clothes to work as a unique set of armor to use when trying to be all sneaky and fast. What the mod would do is the following: 1) Give Xcom soldiers -1 HP, 2) Give kevlar armor +1 HP to negate # 1, 3) Give civilian clothes armor +1 mobility, 4) Give civilian clothes 1 utility slot (same as kevlar), 5) Decrease enemy and civilian (snitches!) detection range for soldiers wearing civilian clothes by 1 when in concealment (and maybe 2 when the Vigilance Dark Event is active). I can do # 1-4 myself, but I'm not sure how to do # 5, so here's the request for some brave young modder to work her/his magic and conjure this thing up! :smile:
  3. It's most likely the courier himself. I believe he has a crush on the Dragonborn, but is just too shy to express his feelings directly. So he writes admiring letters. How can he find you wherever you are, all over Skyrim and Solstheim? He follows and watches you from afar, that's why. Why does he show up only wearing his hat, shoes and loin cloth half the time? That should be rather obvious, if you as me...
  4. Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to get a new whole computer to make the game run better. Even if you have determined that your issues are hardware related, there is always the possibility that one component is bottlenecking the rest, and that upgrading it might make a huge difference.
  5. It's a problem caused by one of your face texture mods. In my case it's Bella's. Do get rid of it, change the actor's Lower Eye Socket (IIRC) to Average Color.
  6. I don't know anything about that string error, but to remove a parent master from a mod is easy. Well, it's easy when it works as it should. - Start the CK up. - Click the Load Master/Plugin Files button (the folder icon). - When the Data window opens, click the esp in question to highlight it, but don't load it. - Then highlight the master you want to remove by highlighting it in the Parent Master list to the right, and press ctrl + Del. That removes it. Chances are you'll get an error message as you do, but that can be ignored (always make a backup though). This doesn't always work, however. At least it didn't use to for me, but now days it seems it does. Maybe the problem has been fixed in one of the later CK updates, who knows? If you can't get it to work with the CK, it can be done with TESVSnip.
  7. Yes, trademarking is standard procedure, and the trademark 'Redguard' is up for renewal, however 'Redguard' was filed in 2011 for the first time. This is a relatively new trade mark that was filed around the time after Skyrim's release. The question we're all wondering is,"What will they do with it?" February marks the 2nd renewal of this trademark, so I just can't help but wonder what will come out of it. While one could wish that they would do something with the trademark, it may simply be about keeping someone else from doing anything related to "Redguard". Or Beth might wish to forestall those clowns who go around trademarking just about everything connected to games and then sue developers/publishers about infringement just to extort a quick buck.
  8. You need to add the following line under [General] in the SkyrimEditor.ini found inside your Skyrim folder: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1
  9. In Hollywood movies there is always one person who is commonly recognized as the best in whatever field the plot revolves around, so it stands to reason that there is one in Skyrim modding too. My vote falls on whoever will make me a Smurfette companion mod.
  10. The problem you have is that when an actor's face is edited, which is obviously the case here, what is called Face Gen Data must be exported from the CK and included in the mod, to avoid the face/body mismatching thing. And it seems it hasn't been done in your case. To rectify the problem, either get the Face Gen Data from the mod you're using and install it properly, or if you've made the changes yourself, do this: - Open the CK. - Load the plugin which has edited your toon's appearance. - Go to Actors and find your actor's name (use the search tool). - Click it's entry, i.e. the line with all the information about her, so that it is blue. Don't open it, just click it. And it has to be blue, not grey. - Press ctrl + F4 and when asked if you want to export FaceGenData answer Yes. Now start your game. The problem should be fixed.
  11. Yes, it automatically detects for which game a mod you download is. You can have the it open in Skyrim mode and download a New Vegas mod and it will end up where it should. If the manager already is open in Skyrim mode, it won't automatically switch over to NV mode just because you download a mod for that game, but the mod will be there ready to install when you switch over yourself. (Or maybe you have to switch over for it to start downloading, I'm not sure about that.) No official 4GB exe patch was released that I know of, but I haven't played NV for years so it might have happened since, although I strongly doubt it. However, there was (at least) one very good 4GB executable which should be very easy to find.
  12. Woooow! What you did ... it works now ? :smile: I have the same problem ! :wallbash: Do what the poster above you did, namely run TES5Edit. When you do, it will start loading all your mods, one after another in your load order, just as the game would, and when the program hits the mod that is causing the crash, it will stop and thereby give you the answer to which is causing it.
  13. No. You are not allowed to port any assets from any other Bethesda game and upload them, regardless if you and your users all own the other game.
  14. No, you need just the one. In the upper right corner of the NMM interface, there is an arrow symbol called "Change Game Mode" which is used to switch between the different games.
  15. It sounds very strange. You could always try letting Steam verify the integrity of the tool cache (or whatever it's called when doing the verify bit for tools instead of games) and then edit the .ini anew. Not sure why it would make any difference if the CK is working as it should aside from not loading multiple masters, and if the .ini already is edited. Shouldn't hurt, though.
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