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Status Updates posted by Carah

  1. Girl cookies don't have nuts?
  2. hi MITC, how are ya!
  3. Was having problems in IM. I was trying to get Malachi in the conversation, and IM kept freezing up on me.
  4. Thank-you for the screenshots, they look great!
  5. Hey Smells... Hope the Fam is well. Miss ya!
  6. Hey hun! No kidding, but it doesn't mean you're not in my thoughts.
  7. Hey Malachi... it's time to go home now.
  8. Hows my favorite dark mistress. I love the way your mind works... very schmexy!
  9. Nobody liked your "Playing With Horses" screenie. Where are their sense of humour!
  10. Thanks for dropping by, and checking up on me. I'm doing great, and how about yourself? How's the weather down there?
  11. you have an interesting imagination.
  12. Hey there... miss ya!
  13. Hi girl, how have you been?
  14. The PP? The resemblance is uncanny.
  15. That is an awesome vid of Payn... I loved it! The music was sick. It went perfect with him dancing... lol!
  16. Tried to send you a PM, but your mailbox is full.
  17. Of course you can, Mav. It's actually Basil's wig that Slof made.
  18. Imitation is the highest of flattery, and the way you do your screenshots inspires me. I get a lot of my ideas from yours.
  19. Nothing going on where I am. How about you... sweetie.
  20. Cirric says hi
  21. The weather is about the same, in the 20's. We're having a cool summer.
  22. Hey girl, how are things?
  23. I'm a little ill... with Tonsillitis. Other then that I'm great. I hope you doing good. I wish I was on that beach with a mojito.
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