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Status Updates posted by Carah

  1. I think that was pretty gutsy putting a post like that on a international forum. Kudos
  2. Love the new personal pic.
  3. My dear, Chesto. Lavitra doesn't make you longer, it allows you to last longer. It is better than Viagra. I know what I know, and we'll leave it at that.
  4. No, Chesto Lavitra, now that's the ticket. Then you can go longer.
  5. You’re very ambitious for your age. It’s refreshing to see, and I love the site.
  6. Hey there, young man. How come no personal statement, from someone as deep as you?
  7. Hmm... Why do you call yourself Ahem... Sir Longfellow?
  8. No wonder your so bloody funny. Your Canadian.
  9. I like the way you interpret my screen shots. You see more then what's on the surface.
  10. Ben, your the Gandalf of the forum, Aren't you ;)
  11. thank-you for your help, and mod suggestion.
  12. Thanks for the mod suggestions
  13. Thank Worm for your reply. The list you gave me on the tools for modding is much appreciated. Cheers!
  14. Welcome, hope you have a great time ~Carah~
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