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Status Updates posted by Carah

  1. Want to take you out for a thank-you coffee
  2. I brought the sheets.
  3. Get to bed... it's late.
  4. I understand. I have Mic Mac (East Canada First Nations) ancestry.
  5. Hey Chesto, what is your title?
  6. Ben, you have been a great help for my mod. I still have some things to sort out, but you gave me the head start I needed. Thank-you SOOOOO much. I will not forget this favour.
  7. Haven't seen any post from you of late.
  8. I will have a great time with my babe. Thank-you
  9. Hey there girl. Love your screenies.
  10. Hey there funny bunny... nice to see you here, again.
  11. I like your character. I'm a Ringer fan, as well.
  12. Hey there, my hunny
  13. How's yer Mudder? How's yer tit?
  14. I miss you too, missy. Have to pull a 12 hour shift today. I never have time to post of late.
  15. Your mods are my favourite.
  16. I am better looking than he is.....heh...
  17. too bad you didn't treat both your kids equally. I'm sure you let your son do whatever he wants.
  18. Been to Glasgow, and I love the accent. I stayed away from the Buckfast.
  19. Gotta' big larf out of your user name...heh!
  20. We probably don't live that far away from each other.
  21. Good luck with the wedding... thanks for visiting me.
  22. Hey there smelly. OXO
  23. Peew, I think you need to get out of my bed, and into the shower
  24. I like your user name
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