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Everything posted by TheTokenGeek

  1. In response to post #34788890. Ha, I've literally just replied to a comment regarding search. But I'll put it here as well - We are working hard on making the search powerful and easy to refine. I am sure you will like the final product.
  2. In response to post #34794405. We're working hard on making the search a feasible and useful tool again, so hopefully you will be impressed with the final product! :)
  3. In response to post #34794445. #34796485, #34798760 are all replies on the same post. NMM will be going through a facelift as well, though the priority of that currently falls below that of the site.
  4. In response to post #34795495. #34829255, #34830585, #34839700, #34889770 are all replies on the same post. The trouble with this is who decides what mods should be chosen to be displayed, I sometimes look at my Steam recommended list and think to myself - Why on earth are they recommending me X game. There is something in the works which can work similar, but will let you all know details a bit later when it's ironed out. :)
  5. In response to post #34805075. Wow Numbnumb, thank you very much for your kind words. Comments like this help drive us along and are very much appreciated.
  6. In response to post #34807265. #34809035, #34815305, #34840105, #34843550 are all replies on the same post. Hey Xander9009, We don't have control over which ads are displayed to a user, but are working on ways in which a rogue ad can be flagged to us and we can take it to the provider. Unfortunately, we *need* to have ads on the site as without them the Nexus simply could not survive. We don't require users to pay money, or even register with us to use the site so revenue from ads is our lifeline. Going Supporter for $2 removes ads in their entirety for life and really helps support the site.
  7. In response to post #34831615. #34835110 is also a reply to the same post. The sites will run concurrently on the same database when it goes public, give people a chance to get used to it and also submit bugs they find to us. @Sulhir - Would be awesome if you could submit any bugs you find to us.
  8. In response to post #34839860. I have high hopes with the new 'search'. It should be both easy to use, powerful and feature packed :)
  9. In response to post #34839895. #34854770, #34868145 are all replies on the same post. There are a *lot* of features that are already implemented on the site but are confusing to use. Be assured that the new version is incredibly user friendly and will also have FAQ's / Help and Support pages to let you know how to do pretty much anything on it.
  10. In response to post #34851675. Awesome, it took us a while to come to that design with a lot of discussion. But yep, I'm happy with how it is going :)
  11. In response to post #34856625. Thank you Gruntin, I'm really happy with how it is going so far.
  12. In response to post #34852575. #34856290, #34856355, #34872080, #34875210 are all replies on the same post. Sad face :(
  13. In response to post #34852575. Hey, what about me! :)
  14. In response to post #34710005. Oh no! Really!?!?! You don't like infinite scroll :( . . . . . You'll be incredibly pleased to know that there is no infinite scroll and we have no plans to implement it :D
  15. In response to post #34709450. You're more than welcome, I am hoping to get updates out on a far more frequent basis.
  16. In response to post #34709080. #34709435, #34709560, #34709745, #34709825, #34709920, #34711150, #34711250, #34711315 are all replies on the same post. For the beginning we will most certainly run the two sites concurrently. It will give people a chance to try it out, find things that break and get used to the navigation etc.
  17. In response to post #34709080. #34709435, #34709560, #34709745, #34709825 are all replies on the same post. @TheLich - I have no idea what you're talking about - Typo, what typo! ;) (cheers, have now corrected it :) )
  18. Well we've entered 2016 with a productivity bang, all hands are on deck and there is plenty going on behind the scenes here at the Nexus so I thought I'd give you all an insight into what's happening... Firstly a quick recap - we began the redesign process in the second half of 2015 by first trying to work out what our users like and dislike about the site. We were overwhelmed with the response to our survey which provided us with a wealth of information, our community is definitely one of the best in the world and it was great to see how truly passionate you all are in regards to our site. A lot of people commented as to how they cannot browse the site on anything other than their PC, others were more interested in trying to find mods quickly and easily, others just wanted the site to be made 'fresher' and 'inline with modern web standards'. We took the time and read through each and every response that we received, that in itself took several weeks. We decided to aim towards specific goals that were brought up over and over again, the first is for us to create a cracking mobile / tablet / responsive experience so that the site can be enjoyed by any user on any device, but without this experience lessening the experience from our core crowd of users who still visit the Nexus via their desktops. Secondly, we want the site to be easy to navigate around with search deeply integrated with the main functions, and thirdly, we want it to look nice and be a pleasure to use. The list goes on and on, but you get the general gist. We knew that we weren't going to be able to do this all ourselves and that we were going to need some help from a professional, so we advertised for a UX/UI designer and got a great response from a number of people. Each person brought something to the table but after a lot of deliberation we contracted Phill into the position. He immediately took it upon himself to read through the research we had already conducted (survey results, hot-spots, device statistics) and started producing diagrams and wireframes for us to check out based on his conclusions from the research. Things were moving along swiftly, but we wanted input from the community and setup a focus group of 15 Nexus users to help. This group has been nothing but brilliant, right from the word go we have had a constant and thorough source of input from them. What has been great is that they come from such a diverse demographic that they represent a great cross section of the Nexus community, giving us an all around feel for what we are doing and whether it would or wouldn't work. I tip my hat to them for the time and effort they have expended on assisting us, it's not over yet though guys ;) The focus group talks on behalf of the Nexus users. While we would love to include everyone in every stage of the design process, I hope you can appreciate that having 10 million people all chiming in on any sort of process is just completely untenable. I understand that some people are concerned that they’re not being more involved in the process, however, we believe we’ve done well by you these past 14 years and ask that you trust that we’ve got everyone’s best intentions in mind once again! With the focus group onboard we went full steam ahead on the wireframes. These proved invaluable to begin placement of features on the site and begin to visualise the site routes that people would take to do things. An example of one of the wireframes we used is below, please note that these are old wireframes and may not reflect the final layout / look of the site. http://i.imgur.com/H007GXkl.png After the wireframe stage we worked on design mocks, which included things like fonts, icons, more placement tests and colour schemes. Again, please note that these are old designs and may not reflect the final layout / look of the site. http://i.imgur.com/4Y6H3THl.png We’re now into February. Currently, Phill is converting the mock-ups into HTML, CSS and Javascript that our site developers can then integrate into our framework. This is a time consuming and painstaking task, as we test each page created against numerous browsers, devices and resolutions to ensure the maximum compatibility possible. But we’re also beginning to see the fruits of our labour in an interactive way for the first time. Our aim now is to get the site to a stage where we can open it up to run alongside the current site, at first simply as a shell to allow you to experience it and see if it breaks when you try and do things. But should this be successful it will then be attached to the live database and you will be able to use it alongside the existing site. Between us we’ll iron out any bugs that are discovered and hopefully come out the end with a product that is better, and that we are all proud of. For those interested, I’ve created a small timeline of events since the beginning of the redesign process. http://i.imgur.com/B0RXXQY.png Any questions, please feel free to get in contact. Kind regards http://i.imgur.com/SZYsdYu.png
  19. Raised this with the Devs, but it's late here and they probably won't see it till tomorrow.
  20. We were actually discussing this a little bit today here at the Nexus. There are actually far too many things that I could say helped define the path I have taken in gaming, I collect consoles so have quite a nice collection of the things I played on as a child. My first ever console/computer was a Phillips Videopac G7000 - I have fond memories of it now, but never ever want to turn it on again for fear of destroying said memories. I guess playing the text adventure The Hobbit on the spectrum, jumping around in Mario on the NES / SNES and then Streets of Rage 1/2 on the Megadrive will always stick with me. Just don't go back to them as part of the memory is always remembering them better than they actually were! In terms of PC, the game that got me hooked was Doom... Just the shotgun reload animation had me going "WOW"... First ever online Multiplayer was Delta Force, on a dial up connection. That game cost me £100's in telephone bills, even had a separate line put into the house for it :D
  21. Hi Itsnothectic, I'm currently the one doing the approval of games and I'm sorry that you have been waiting to have it approved. I was doing all pending games on a Friday, but will now change this to at least a couple of times a week. You should now see your mod appear within the Nexus main site. Any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Kind regards Paul
  22. Yesterday Bethesda released a patch for Fallout 4 which disabled mods from being run by resetting the plugins.txt file that contains all of the .esm/.esp entries for plugins that you had active. It had no mention of this in the release notes so people quite happily had Steam update their copies, only to find that when they went to boot up it said that the game had changed since their last save. Today we have released NMM 0.61.3, this release will once again allow for you to run Fallout 4 directly from NMM with all your mods and build order intact. Big thanks to our elite developer Fabio for all the effort he put in to get this up and running so quickly (when he was meant to have a day off may I add!). If you discover any issues, then please make sure that you make us aware in the feedback thread on the website and we’ll do our best to get it rectified as soon as possible. Enjoy your time back in the Wasteland... Paul (BlindJudge)
  23. In response to post #30141325. Bought my copy today... Bring on the pre-load! Start now, my slow ass internet might have it done for me by end of the year.
  24. In response to post #29902475. #29902530, #29904825, #29906230, #29923270, #29926080 are all replies on the same post. I'm totally with Zaldiir on this, the post on the front page was all about the redesign and the people that are interested in that topic read the entirety of the post. There was a reason to have the focus group details at the bottom of the post. In terms of favouritism! I don't even pretend to know people on the site well enough to start picking and choosing specific individuals for tasks. We have users on the focus group with 1000's of posts down to people with under 10, users who have been here years to some that joined only recently - there was no order to picking! I hope that I have been very open regarding the redesign since the very beginning, I will continue to do so and hope that you will support me during this time.
  25. http://s16.postimg.org/amw3cnib9/thanks.jpg Well that certainly didn’t take long! Thank you to all those that have emailed in with regards to joining the closed focus group. Your enthusiasm and willingness to help out the Nexus is amazing and as I keep repeating, I’m glad to be working with such an awesome community. I’ll be sending those that will be involved an email this week with information on what is going to happen next and how to get involved with the discussion. If after reading through, you still feel that you want to be a part then just respond following the instructions and we’ll get started. To those that haven’t made it in this time, there will be plenty more opportunity to have your say and to see what’s happening. I’m going to try and keep posts coming on a regular basis with an update on current proceedings, where we are at and what is upcoming. I always welcome feedback no matter what the subject, so please feel free to PM or email me with anything that you have Thanks again http://s21.postimg.org/454ljutoz/signature_xsmall_yellow.png
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