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Status Updates posted by Seren4XX

  1. Good news, everyone! The Ningheim Race is getting a 2020 Skyrim Special Edition Edition! More info to come!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solgath


      cannot wait to see Ningheim race return to skyrim SE, i can't play skyrim without it lol, hoping it comes out soon :D
    3. AllissonRR


      Today is 21 of March 2022, almost two years after and nothing, where is the 2020 Skyrim Special Edition Edition?
    4. daan2002


      is this dead ?
  2. I'm going inactive as a modder for a while. Too much stuff going on in my head to keep up with mod requests and updates.
  3. Very busy with college, work, and other RL stuff. I'll be around, but right now I can't do as much modding as before.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kowalski99


      Mr.Google says ''Real Life''.WTF is Real Life?I have absolutely no idea.:P
    3. Den987
    4. osthamp


      Good luck with your finals :happy:
  4. Hi, Den. Thanks for adding me as friend! =)
    1. Den987


      :) Glad :)
  5. Happy Birthday, Tristan!!!
  6. The Ningheim has been released. Did a tiny update to fix the plugins.
  7. Just gotta add 9 more followers now. Added a ton of new stuff to the mod too thanks to some awesome people! The Ningheim will be out very very soon now.
  8. Happy Easter to everybody! I'll be away from home for Easter most of the time. Trying to finish part of the YT series, but I can't work out my idea for it in Adobe Premiere CS6. If you're a Premiere user and you want to help, feel free to PM me. :)
    1. m14aria


      Happy Easter Daniël. :)
    2. Deleted6317247User


      Merry Easter! :D


      You has a youtube channel? Awesome. :D Hope to see the series you're working on soon. :P

  9. Been ill for the last few days, so I didn't get to do any modding. Luckily the new race is already nearing a release version. Sending out some more beta invitations soon. :)
  10. Busy with a lot of scripting for the race so I can get the powers + their leveling system right. Should be pretty interesting to play with the new race once it's done. 8-)
  11. The first working beta version of my new custom race is done. Just gotta get the aesthetics right now... I'll be sending beta invitations soon! (You know who you are! ^^) Feel free to ask me if you want to test it if you think you're not getting an invitation. :)
  12. Yo, I'm doing fine and you?
    1. LostCelestialGod


      Good, how you been? oO_o
  13. Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too! :)
  14. Ik dacht even dat ik The Hobbit in het nieuwe jaar moest gaan zien, maar ik heb morgen gelukkig al vakantie. Gelijk naar The Hobbit toe. ^^
  15. Het lijkt me sowieso wel heel cool om in een grote filmproductie te werken, maar dat is niet aan mij besteed haha. O, misschien uiteindelijk voor CGI? xD Ik heb iig wel weer zin om een film in LotR-stijl te zien, ik ga er wss maandag naartoe.
  16. Ja met drie delen heb je voorlopig wat om naar uit te kijken. Wat vond je precies vaag aan de trailer? Ik zag wel een deel waar Galadriel wel wat close leek met Gandalf, maar dat zal wel iets Elf-achtigs zijn ofzo. :P
  17. Goed plan. Als wiskunde je echt niet ligt kan je beter de moeilijke varianten vermijden. O en The Hobbit! Was bijna vergeten dat die uitkwam haha. Ja, daar wil ik zeker wel naar toe :O Goed dat je me eraan herinnerd hebt :P Misschien ga ik deze week dan al.
  18. Studeren is idd wel een stuk leuker. Veel meer vrijheid en je doet iets waar je interesse ligt. (Behalve wiskunde in mijn geval ;P) Ik heb m'n tentamens al gehad. Was ergens begin november. Ben nu druk bezig met een project waarbij je met een webcam het verkeer bij moet kunnen houden.
  19. Haha, nou de uni is nu zeker wel druk maar het examenjaar is ook niet te onderschatten. ^^ Wanneer zijn de eindexamens ook alweer?
  20. Hey Kurera! Zo jou heb ik een tijdje niet gezien. :P Met mij alles goed hoor en met jou? :)
  21. Got a new character, new-looking Skyrim. I'm up for an adventure again! *Super-exxagerated-happy jump*
  22. Not going to be so active anymore. I've seen too much Skyrim lately and I really don't actually play it much anymore. Also, I have a ton of work to do for my upcoming exams. :3 I'll be around to press that "Endorse me" button and post something every now and then.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kjkirimi


      Good luck on your exams.
    3. LostCelestialGod


    4. Seren4XX


      Thanks you two. They went well! :)
  23. Phew, the final parts of my new computer will arrive tomorrow!
    1. Seren4XX


      New specs are: Processor: Intel Core i5-3570K w/ Deepcool ICE WIND cooler, GFX-Card: MSI GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Power Edition, Memory:Corsair 8GB Vengeance 1600 MHz 9-9-9, Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4, Power Supply: XFX PRO550W Core Edition, HDD: 2TB Seagate 7200 RPM disk and 256GB Samsung SSD and that all in a Corsair Carbide 500R casing w/4 case fans.
    2. Naktis


      I have no clue about this computer related stuff, but sounds awesome. *steals old Seren's pc*
    3. Seren4XX


      Arr! *Grabs it back!*


      New PC is FINISHED. Works right away, it's super awesome. Now installing Skyrim and other stuff. :D

  24. Getting into modelling (/mesh-making) again!
    1. Naktis


      Good luck! :P
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