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Everything posted by Seren4XX

  1. Haha, that actually sounds like an awesome idea! I believe there's already a super mario mod with its own level that brings 8-bit to Skyrim. As for localization, what do you mean?
  2. Seren4XX

    New project Hey everybody, making mods (The Ningheim Race, The Ashen) is one of my biggest hobbies, but lately I've also been discovering video recording and editing which I really enjoy doing. I've started a youtube channel just for fun featuring Skyrim mod presentations, (soon) a weekly Skyrim mod overview and playing games featuring commentary by me and my mate Tim Branch. Regarding the latter we've already started a series featuring a special 8-bit retro quest line from Guild Wars 2 "Super Adventure Box". If you didn't get a chance to play the Super Adventure Box story yourself, or simply like the good ol' 8-bit games it'll surely be fun to watch. Current videos Older video: Coming soon Episode 1 - Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box “An Epic Adventure Awaits” – Part 2Episode 2 - Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box “King Toad’s Dead”Weekly Skyrim Mod Reviews Here is the link to our Youtube channel, should you wish to follow our work: StreetWiseDaniel I’m very curious to hear what your thoughts are on the Guild Wars 2 episodes! We would like to hear your opinions and improvement points for these movies and of course we hope you enjoy the videos. Cheers!
  3. The Ningheim has been released. Did a tiny update to fix the plugins.
  4. Thanks for your awesome updates! The site has only become more easy to use over the time. One thing I noticed when I added my change log versions is that the change log isn't actually click-able. I used two different versions to update it as you've intended. You can see it here.
  5. Just gotta add 9 more followers now. Added a ton of new stuff to the mod too thanks to some awesome people! The Ningheim will be out very very soon now.
  6. Happy Easter to everybody! I'll be away from home for Easter most of the time. Trying to finish part of the YT series, but I can't work out my idea for it in Adobe Premiere CS6. If you're a Premiere user and you want to help, feel free to PM me. :)
    1. m14aria


      Happy Easter Daniël. :)
    2. Deleted6317247User


      Merry Easter! :D


      You has a youtube channel? Awesome. :D Hope to see the series you're working on soon. :P

  7. Been ill for the last few days, so I didn't get to do any modding. Luckily the new race is already nearing a release version. Sending out some more beta invitations soon. :)
  8. I have been working on a new custom race for about a month now. It required me to do a considerable amount of scripting to work out my ideas, but I'm finally done with all of them and they're pretty sturdy. The race uses 99% new assets, which means it will truly be very customized as opposed to the vanilla races and my previous race mod. It includes all new face morphs for both the men and women, and it comes with a whole new set of textures for everything from the faces to complexions, warpaint and tintmasks. It contains work of a lot of very talented and amazing modders, who have supported me throughout the process of creating the race. I'm very grateful for that! Sneak preview 1 MALE and FEMALE: http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/4029/2ndthumb.jpg Sneak preview 2 FEMALE: Sneak preview 3 MALE plus Power: Additional images (Click an image to enlarge it): All-new warpaint by TairenSoul Later this week, I'll be posting the story reveal and a nice promovid that will show all the new features. Take a look at one of the previews for an overview of what's to come! :smile:
  9. Busy with a lot of scripting for the race so I can get the powers + their leveling system right. Should be pretty interesting to play with the new race once it's done. 8-)
  10. Thanks a lot for the help, guys! After looking at T3nd0's script for the Dark Elf Ancestor spell and going through your tips I got the script to actually execute and it now works as I had intended. :) If anyone is curious as to how I got it to work and what the script looks like now, let me know and I'll post it here.
  11. Great system! I think I'll release my new mod right away after the update. =)
  12. I had actually decided to avoid perks, because I don't want to expand the original perk tree. The 'hidden' button on perk doesn't hide the perk, so I'm wondering whether the perk would show up in the perk tree. I want the system for the race to be invisible to the player. Also a constantly updating script isn't as bad as you think. The entire spell works on monitoring the player's health so whether it gets added through a perk or something else, it would need to update constantly anyway. It's not like it requires a huge amount of RAM and the script is very light. I really believe it should be possible to implement my idea using only a hidden quest and a script (which is much less lengthy than with abilities, spells and perks), but I will try what is basically the "Avoid Death" perk idea as I'm starting to run short on time.
  13. Okay, well maybe my CK was bugged when I first tried that or something, but I need something more complex than just being able to use it @ 25% and lower, anyway. 1) Player health reaches 25% 2) Power gets added + equipped. 3) Even if player health goes above 25% again, it should stay on if activated (that's scriptable), but what is much more important is that I want a timer on it so you can still use for like 10 seconds after your health had dropped below 25%. That is to avoid the player possibly being too late to activate it and simply because there are enough times where you could still need it even after you've healed some. 4) I need this script to work, because I am developing a system where you get notified you can obtain a new power at certain levels. An NPC will make the powers available to the player, but first I want it to work through an automated script before I add a vendor.
  14. That's what I tried first and it didn't work at all. The spell still kept firing no matter if I took 0.25, 25 or w/e other possible value.
  15. Avoid Death is a perk and I really don't want to add a perk due to possible conflicts with overhauls and all that stuff. Thanks, I will check out SkyRe. :) Yes, Bethesda makes things overly complicated. How would I go about setting a condition on an ability? I can only add them to magic effects, even in the Spell window.
  16. Hello, currently I am working on a new custom race for which I want to make a system that tracks the player's health and adds a certain spell when the player is at 25%. The script for this is done and should work, but it simply doesn't get executed. I have put a debug message in the onInit event and it never gets displayed. I assume the script simply doesn't get executed. I have tried attaching the script to a magic effect w/ constant effect on self and I tried binding it to a quest that is always running (run once is off) also to no avail. Here is the script: Scriptname NingheimDivineInterventionScript extends Actor ;or Quest hidden or ActiveMagicEffect? I believe this is right. I tried all three anyway. ;Quest Property aaaNingheimHealthTrackingQuest Auto ;Only use if Quest is necessary to function <-Never used this Spell Property NingheimDivineIntervention Auto ; A shield + shock cloak spell Spell Property abDI Auto ; The ability I use to see if the script executes Float Property healthThreshold = 0.25 Auto Sound Property activationBlast Auto ; Just sound Sound Property deactivationNotice Auto ; Just sound String playerRace Float playerHealthPercent ; Will store current player health in percentages Actor player ;Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) <-Left-over code from when I used it in a MagicEffect Event OnInit() ;Debug.Notification("Initialized DIabScript") player = Game.GetPlayer() ;Currently there is an ability spell I have so I can see if the script actually starts by letting it get deleted. It doesn't get deleted however If player.HasSpell(abDI) player.RemoveSpell(abDI) Debug.MessageBox("DI Ability removed.") endIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; Check current player status per second endEvent ; Event that should occur after init through the RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) Event OnUpdate() playerHealthPercent = player.GetAVPercentage("Health") ;Should give a value between 0.0 and 1.0 playerRace = player.GetRace() ; Check whether health is below set threshold, check if the race is correct and check whether combat is actually initialized If(playerHealthPercent <= healthThreshold && (playerRace == "NingheimRace" || playerRace == "NingheimRaceVampire") && player.IsInCombat()) If player.HasSpell(NingheimDivineIntervention) == 0 player.AddSpell(NingheimDivineIntervention) player.EquipSpell(NingheimDivineIntervention, 2) ; I give the player a choice whether to let the power activate as it only works once a day activationBlast.Play(player) Debug.Notification("Divine Intervention has come " + playerRace) ; Just a test thing endIf ; This is simply the reverse conditional statement from the above in case the player restores health. The power would get removed again. Will probably use a utility.wait() here so it doesn't get removed right when you wanted to use it. ElseIf(playerHealthPercent > healthThreshold && (playerRace == "NingheimRace" || playerRace == "NingheimRaceVampire") && !player.IsInCombat() && player.HasSpell(NingheimDivineIntervention)) player.RemoveSpell(NingheimDivineIntervention) deactivationNotice.Play(player) Debug.Notification("Divine Intervention has passed" + playerRace) endIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; Causes the script to loop another time ;Debug.Trace("Going for another update-pass. Conditions checked.") endEvent It compiles correctly and I believe my issue isn't with the scripting. The issue is that I need to know how to get it to run. Also, if you're wondering why I use "RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0)" instead of "RegisterForUpdate(1.0)" is because a RegisterForUpdate will keep running even after the script/plug-in isn't active anymore (it sticks to the save) while with the current set-up using two RegisterForSingleUpdate functions ensures me it will stop running once the plugin is deactivated. Essential for potential patches and correct mod removal. Thanks a lot for viewing and if you can't help directly, but you happen to know a mod that has a health checker for the player, let me know. I could learn how it should be done from it.
  17. Hello, currently I am in the process of creating a custom race (Preview 1, Preview 2) and for it I wish to create a spell that can only be used when the player's health is below 25% or some other number (what number isn't important for my problem). I have tried several things to get it to work, but my knowledge of applying scripts just isn't good enough. What I would like to have is a system that constantly monitors the player's health and when it is below a certain percentage (25%) I want a spell to be added and I want it removed when the player's health is back up (probably with a check whether combat is still engaged, but that's a detail I can script myself). The problem is that I can't find anything that can be used to let the script be run constantly. From what I've seen before I'd probably need a Quest for it, but I can't find out how that would work. Here's the simple system I'm trying to implement in pseudo-code: Scriptname NewCustomRaceSpecial extends ObjectReference //variables required to monitor player here Actor player Spell MyNewSpell String playerRace float playerHealth float healthThreshold while monitoring health{ if(player.getRace == MyNewRace && playerHealth <= healthThreshold && !player.hasSpell(MyNewSpell) && player.IsInCombat()){ //The following function is available for actorhealth: player.GetActorValuePercentage("Health") player.addSpell(MyNewSpell); } elseif(player.getRace == MyNewRace && player.hasSpell(MyNewSpell) && playerHealth > healthThreshold && !player.IsInCombat()){ player.removeSpell(MyNewSpell); } } Aside from the script there must be an object (probably Quest) it is tied to so it can get real-time information on the player's health. In case you can't help, but know of a mod that does something based on the player's current health please post a link and I can probably dissect it to know how I can solve my problem. Thanks in advance!
  18. It's truly amazing work you 5 put out here on the Nexus and for that you have my thanks! This site is one of my favorite, if not favorite, site and I appreciate how you have decided to run it. Cheers!
  19. The first working beta version of my new custom race is done. Just gotta get the aesthetics right now... I'll be sending beta invitations soon! (You know who you are! ^^) Feel free to ask me if you want to test it if you think you're not getting an invitation. :)
  20. Yo, I'm doing fine and you?
    1. LostCelestialGod


      Good, how you been? oO_o
  21. Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too! :)
  22. Ik dacht even dat ik The Hobbit in het nieuwe jaar moest gaan zien, maar ik heb morgen gelukkig al vakantie. Gelijk naar The Hobbit toe. ^^
  23. Het lijkt me sowieso wel heel cool om in een grote filmproductie te werken, maar dat is niet aan mij besteed haha. O, misschien uiteindelijk voor CGI? xD Ik heb iig wel weer zin om een film in LotR-stijl te zien, ik ga er wss maandag naartoe.
  24. Ja met drie delen heb je voorlopig wat om naar uit te kijken. Wat vond je precies vaag aan de trailer? Ik zag wel een deel waar Galadriel wel wat close leek met Gandalf, maar dat zal wel iets Elf-achtigs zijn ofzo. :P
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