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Everything posted by TaeRai

  1. Went to start up my NMM today and I randomly started getting 'This mod was deleted without deactivating' messages for EVERY mod on my list (which is well over 100) and some that weren't even deleted. What could be causing this and how do I fix it? I have not messed with my mod manager since last night when I was playing and it was running fine then. I have the latest update and have tried running as administrator but too no avail.
  2. Guild Stater is a new mod but growing in popularity and getting better each day. I recommend it highly
  3. aarrgghh what pvp ?? no disrespect intended but the pvp in these kind of themepark games is lame that involves absolutely no risk or challenge at all yes DAOC was a great game but do you know why it eventually failed because it was pretty difficult adding new content into the game without breaking the lore in the end the players got bored and moved on and if you really want a great pvp sustem , it means that you as a player have to take risk and that the rewards are equal to the risks you take same goes for the penalties when you lose what meaning does pvp has if there is no reward or penalty this is my personal opinion about pvp and i confess my ideas and opinion about pvp comes from almost 7 years of eve online which after thinking about it also probably has influenced my opinions on how and what a MMO should be i really love both the TES and fallout franchisesthey have produced some of the best games in the last 14 yers and seeing my beloved franchise being abused like this because they at zenimax pressume all the fans will buy anything with the TES name stamped on it , just irritates me immensly edit i am not a native english speaker so sometimes i failed to make my points of view more clearer I didn't play far enough to see PvP, but from what I heard, the combat is actually challenging and the AI is pretty damn good. Unlike in other games, where everything becomes easy once you get good gear (aka Diablo), the combat scales to be harder and you must either team up with mates or get better gear. If you die, you lose your weapon's durability. You do realise Zenimax is also owned by Bethesda, therefore they had a say in TES Online too?
  4. it is a clone in all respect it game concepts are the same , you grind your quests , get new gear and level up and you keep doing this forever , there is no ridk there is little use of initiative the whole game world is prechewed and scripted for you , only thing you need to do is clixk your mouse buttons and pay your subscription fee WoW was one of the first succesful themepark MMO s and still is considered the bench mark for all other mmos that came afterwards i have no preblem with the gameconcept of these games , if people want to play in a themepark fine , let them have fun But to blatantly copy game mechanics from other games , with some minor changes and give the map TES related names , for me is just lame and sounds for me the developers had no imagination whatso so ever i ve said this many times in other post but they had the chance to create something really unique in the world of mmo s , but instead they went with a concept that has been done over and over again and people realy getting tired of it Wow, okay. First of all - WoW was not the first MMO. But you are right, it set the benchmark for other MMOs. But didn't you just describe every RPG ever? Skyrim, ESO and WoW both have quests, you get new gear in all three of those games and you level up in all three games. By your logic, Skyrim is a WoW copy then. You have no problem with them, yet you slam ESO for doing so? You're a hypocrite. The locations... I can't argue with you, you just sound stupid. The maps are LOCATIONS in Tamriel, therefore, they have the names from lore. Shock horror, I know right? I think they did. There is no set linear path for your class, you have do much roleplaying, the crafting system is now risky and fun at the same time, the game is actually a challenge, adventure and exploration to do, lots of content and chatter from the NPCs, and it's clearly something done for fans of the series. So if you don't like MMOs, don't play it. Simpl no WoW was not the first but it was the first one that really reached out to the mass audience yes they all have quest but you can not compare a single player game with a themepark mmo in a game like TES V you playing a virtual sandbox where while it is the ultimate end game it isn't really important what you do or how you do it you can even completely avoid questing and still level up by just plucking flowers and doing alchemy and nothing else you can not in a themepark mmo where questing is the only way to level up and or get new items pre determined classes is a bane in character debelopment it basicly restricts your character development into one or 2 stereotype class with highly predictable playstyles to be honest after almost 12 years of MMOs it is getting very boring to see the same game concepts over and over afain with only small and superficial changes no disrespect intended , if you want to play this game and you enjoy it great for you but this old guy is basicly fed up with how gamepublshers try to beat as much money out of the fans by producing medioric games nobody really wanted in the first place I would like to point you to the link in my description, where there is a bunch of guys exploring Character Builds in ESO. You don't have to take every skill and become a stereotypical warrior, assassin, healer or paladin, you can make it different. WoW was not the first MMO and there is a reason why genres exist. Stealth games are all the same mechanically but are they all Thief rip-offs? No. No disrespect intended, but your arguments are very poor.
  5. I think you misunderstand. The jungles of Cyrodiil were first mentioned in Arena, but that description stuck. Through Daggerfall, the major lore re-work of Redguard, and right into Morrowind. Then, in Oblivion, they changed what Cyrodiil looked like (and totally butchered Imperial culture, but that's another issue) and explained it through Tiber Septim and CHIM. This information comes from Xarxes, the scribe of Hermaeous Mora and the chronicler of all secret knowledge. It's as close to developer-fact as we get from an in-universe source. That was fine. But ESO takes place 200 years BEFORE Tiber Septim, and yes Cyrodiil is still a forest rather than a jungle. This means that there, now, was nothing fro Tiber Septim to change in the first place, rendering Xarxes' explanation totally irrelevant. This in turn casts doubts on the reliability of Xarxes, who is supposed to be (by his nature) infallible, and also invalidates the very basis of Tiber Septim's ascent to godhood. So we have two mutually exclusive possible answers. I can't be a mistranslation AND a change caused by Tiber Septim 200 years later. Changes with explanations are one thing, but this is an outright contradiction. Admittedly, the only one i've found in ESO, but it's still a biggie. Alright, I agree with you there. N00b at lore here, still learning. You are actually the first person to point out a legitimate lore error with ESO to me. This is really how I feel, thanks for summing it up! :D
  6. That is true. I don't take much from Arena to be set in stone as I don't think bethesda knew what such a big thing The Elder Scrolls would become. The poor translation thing is a good explanation for why things change.
  7. Hey guys, sorry for my absence! I am happy to see work has progressed without me, as I have fallen out of modding sadly :( I still have my files though and will finish off the general idea of them before passing them along
  8. it is a clone in all respect it game concepts are the same , you grind your quests , get new gear and level up and you keep doing this forever , there is no ridk there is little use of initiative the whole game world is prechewed and scripted for you , only thing you need to do is clixk your mouse buttons and pay your subscription fee WoW was one of the first succesful themepark MMO s and still is considered the bench mark for all other mmos that came afterwards i have no preblem with the gameconcept of these games , if people want to play in a themepark fine , let them have fun But to blatantly copy game mechanics from other games , with some minor changes and give the map TES related names , for me is just lame and sounds for me the developers had no imagination whatso so ever i ve said this many times in other post but they had the chance to create something really unique in the world of mmo s , but instead they went with a concept that has been done over and over again and people realy getting tired of it Wow, okay. First of all - WoW was not the first MMO. But you are right, it set the benchmark for other MMOs. But didn't you just describe every RPG ever? Skyrim, ESO and WoW both have quests, you get new gear in all three of those games and you level up in all three games. By your logic, Skyrim is a WoW copy then. You have no problem with them, yet you slam ESO for doing so? You're a hypocrite. The locations... I can't argue with you, you just sound stupid. The maps are LOCATIONS in Tamriel, therefore, they have the names from lore. Shock horror, I know right? I think they did. There is no set linear path for your class, you have do much roleplaying, the crafting system is now risky and fun at the same time, the game is actually a challenge, adventure and exploration to do, lots of content and chatter from the NPCs, and it's clearly something done for fans of the series. So if you don't like MMOs, don't play it. Simpl
  9. Actually, a lot of reviewers have been praising the game but critics ing the fee. It's a decent game, definatly not a WoW knockoff nor Skyrim with friends, and has a few core elements that set it our from other games. it will always stay a WoW clone in the end the results are the same you grind quests , get new gear and level uo , yiu keep repeating this till you get bored out of your mind or reach level cap whatever comes first and the fact that somebody at zenimax had a brainfart and decided that this game should be doable solo and there shall be locked faction lands pretty much kill any rpg immersion what incentives are there to group together to solve a quest why can't i enter that part of the map on my own risk, developers can avoid griefing with a pretty simple solution all these things makes me think people at zenimax took the easiest and cheapest way out Why is it a Wow clone? You claim so but provide no proof. Is it because it's a MMO RPG where you adventure and do quests? Because if so, WoW didn't do it first. *shocked gasp* Explain further? It's perfectly doable solo, I only teamed up with friends once during the beta. You just gotta be cautious and have the right gear. To play together, explore, have fun and be social with friends? To share rewards? Because it's an MMO. You're meant to play with people. Honestly, if you hate it so much, don't play it.
  10. Not being the hero ruins immersion? Please, that is not ruining lore. Fallout 3 and NV aren't even set in the TES universe. Do you not understand that it is a Mass MULTIplayer Online game?
  11. Still, I don't take lore to be set in stone. There are always explanations for why something may have been changed.
  12. I have never seen such ignorant opinions. There are at least three other topics about ESO here but Skyrim players can't talk about them because they only play Skyrim? Wow. Actually, a lot of reviewers have been praising the game but critics ing the fee. It's a decent game, definatly not a WoW knockoff nor Skyrim with friends, and has a few core elements that set it our from other games.
  13. I answered your question a few posts up. It's whoever your pledged alligence to first.
  14. Interesting! Thanks for sharing, looks like its time to boot up Morrowind again and head to see Vivec then.
  15. I don't really understand what you're asking. LaL is already oretty simple. Make character, choose scenario (or not), sleep, BOOM, play. The Helgen start is automatically disabled if you use Helgen Reborn.
  16. What people don't realise is that lore is not set in stone. Let's look at the definition of it, shall we? From Dictionary.refrence.com.au "A body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth." To me, that sounds like lore is kind of like legends and myth. Sometimes changing, perhaps has some truth and not quite containing all the facts. What people forget is that Zenimax and Bethesda are owned by the same parent company, and that Bethesda was responsible for much of the lore in TESO. Now, are you seriously going to tell me that Bethesda butchered they're own lore? Now, Shoddy Cast's videos are good, but they do seem to summarize and glance over lore. I wouldn't rely on their videos alone, but rather do your own research to find the truth about TES lore.
  17. I seem confused as to why people are hating on TESO. I playd the beta and loved it. The graphics are awesome, the NPCs are awesome, the adventuring and questing is awesome, hell, even getting on to do s***-all is fun! I'm not an MMO player so I was mostly doing things on my own until I had a friend play for a bit for a hard dungeon. But I knew the basic gist of the game. It's not a WoW-ripoff. It's not Skyrim with friends. It's not even TES6. But it is so much more. It's an Elder Scrolls game designed for MMO fans. Is that bad? No, of course not! If you hate MMOs, don't play it. If you're going in to expecting a TES 6-styled game, you're going to have a bad time. If you're expecting a Skyrim with mates, you're going to be disappointed. WoW has dominated the MMO market for sometime now, hell, it's what people immediately think of when you say MMO. But was it the first? Nope. There are many things which are different from the average MMO in TESO but it still manages to hold the traditional TES feel. I'm having a hard time taking the above poster seriously because of his childish ranting. I remember when WoW was first announced, a bunch of older gamer friends of mine were ranting that it was ruining the franchise. Now they're all hardcore gamers... Sounds familiar, right? Ah, but back to the topic at hand. I think Bethesda does take modding ideas, I know there is actually an employee of Bethesda on another Skyrim fan-site I frequent. I would be surprised if they didn't take ideas from mods.
  18. Interesting theory... Source? Sorry, lore addict here, gotta see sources before I believe anything a TES fan says on the net :P
  19. There was a decent discussion about this on another forum I frequent, if I find it, I'll link it. It would depend on who you pledged allegiance to first. If you did the Nightingale Oath first, you go to Evergloam. Become a lycanthrope first, you go to the Hunting Grounds. But then again, I have also heard the Dovahkiins are also bound to Akatosh so your soul may get claimed by him too!
  20. Animations are probably one of the hardest things to mod in Skyrim. I believe it is extremely difficult to add new ones. But good luck anyway
  21. Some of the comments in this thread irritate me. The sword is end-game, it needs to be put somewhere CHALLENGING and HARD. Same with the quest, it needs to start somewhere hard and complicated, perhaps like in Blackreach? My two cents here
  22. Why Bethesda, why? My Argonian mage likes keeping his feather dry, thank you -.- Easy request, I'm looking for someone to retexture master and expert hoods for me to match their respective robes. I have the ESP already, I will PM it to anyone who wishes to help
  23. There's actually a glitch where you can make your werewolf have a weapon half-stuck in their paw and get the damage from it.
  24. I'm a big fan of Blindfolds of Skyrim, but am quite disappointed that there are no blindfolds for Argonians. Could such a mod be created? I suppose one could argue that there could be clipping with eyebrow horns, but c''mon... Why should us blind beast races have to suffer from people looking at our blind eyes?
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