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Everything posted by TaeRai

  1. Hm, sounds interesting. What were you after? Treehouse, shack, house, etc?
  2. I would love to see new beast races. Wolves and canines are overused IMO, but I would love to some avians (perhaps native to the Summerset Isles?), maybe another reptile (giant f*#@ing crocodiles anyone?) or maybe some hooved animals like goats, horses or rhinos. FUN FACT: Did you know Rhinos are more genetically related to horses then to other hooved animals like cows? True story! Oh, and I'm working on a new race mod too.
  3. Thanks Jokerine! Yes, I wanted him to be a shady dude who only sold things at night but anyway :P Are there really no Dunner merchant voices? That's strange, I swore there was... Oh well. Thanks again!
  4. Ah, but accordeding to your system, Davetry, there are no battlemages. You said so yourself.
  5. You say warriors don't use magic. That's stereotyping. Saying, "You can't do this because I said so!" Is cutting. You can ignore Brynolf and tell him you have no interest. Same for Aela. I never said that either. I would say I'm done, but this is kind of funny to watch. Do you kit want freedom in TES games at all?
  6. I've been trying to make a Dunmer merchant but he won't sell to me. I have followed two tutorials (The on on the CK wiki and DarkFox's video) but he won't speak to me about selling. I am ripping my hair out because it is causing me so much damn grief. Attached file is the ESP, so any help would be nice.
  7. Yes, if I have an assassin Yes, if I'm playing my Dunmer vampire Nope, Delphine's a *bleep* :D Neither can you, can you? The Elder Scrolls is an extensive, role playing game that gives player choices to make their character how they want. You are basically saying, "Oh no, you can't do Daedric Princes because you're a warrior!" Well guess what? My warrior Nord fell of the bandwagon and got corrupted by power and now serves Sithis. There ARE already alternatives and options, even in vanilla Skyrim. You are not providing a solution, you're creating a problem by cutting and stereotyping. No one makes you join every quest. No one makes you do everything. You have a CHOICE. And where you don't, there are mods. Should Bethesda offer more alternates in TESVI? Yes, absolutely. But in the way you want them? No. You cannot CLAIM to speak for the TES community when people are clearly telling you, "No, this isn't a good idea."
  8. Do people actually want this though? I don't. No one else here does... Except for you. We don't want this. You do.
  9. No, you never said you wanted to give leadership away. You never said you wanted alternatives to factions,. You simply want players forced to be good or bad, depending on their class. Guess what? There's good-hearted thieves, power-hungry warrior and corrupt mages.
  10. Well, doing a faction quest usually means you need to join that faction... So you want to become a Archmage but not do the quests? Lawl. Seriously, the game already HAS alternates. Those that were missing, modders jumped in. Bethesda loves modders, that's why they allow their games to be modded. Also, you're not providing alternates to this, you're cutting quests off. Not everyone plays as a typical warrior, thief or mage, there's spellswords, rouges, assassins, paladins, pilgrims and MORE classes to be played! You're basically saying you don't want people to play as that and CUTTING the creative part of SKyrim out. Is that what you want, no creativity in Skyrim? Just go there, do this quest and not roleplay with your character? Is so, you shouldn't be playing an RPG.
  11. As a fellow metalhead, I second this
  12. Nope, I did the DG with my Argonian and he didn't have it yet. I just had to ask Urag about it.
  13. No, they don't. You don't have to join the Thiegves Guild. You don't have to be an assassin. You don't have to do the Daedric quests. Hell, you don't even have to do the main quest! If Bethesda did implement this for TESVI, it would be a HUGE step back from what they have built up to today. I ignored quests when I was a console player and it didn't bother me that much. Just don't look at the journal and do it Morrowind style, lol. There are so many ways for a character to play. I had a Khajiit warrior, but he used Restoration to heal and expel undead. I had a Dunmer who didn't touch magic, but was very stealthy, even with a greatsword and was unarmoured. My current Argonian is another warrior, but he uses enchanting and sneak too. How could I do this with the standard restrictions of Warrior, Thief, Mage, hm?
  14. I don't understand what you're saying. Are you trying to say Bethesda forces players to do those quests?
  15. I could make a simple follower, but he wouldn't be as extensive as Inigo. I also have a few Khajiit in my followers mod too, maybe one would suit your taste?
  16. The problem with that, however, is that most people (IMO) din't play Skyrim as the simple mage, thief and warrior archtypes anymore. There's paladins, necromancers, spellswords, assassins, pilgrims, acrobats, conjurers, knights and many, many more choices depending on perks and skills. Blocking off some of the quests would ruin the feel of the game and leave people feeling confused and annoyed. There are SO many ways the game can be played without sticking to the ol' classic thief, mage and warrior stereotypes I'm all for bringing classes back, but just not how you explained them. I loved the Oblivon style how you could either pick a pre-generated one of make your own but at the same time, I loved Skyrim's freedom.
  17. That's different. Touring Carriages gives an immersive experience for roleplayers while the other lets you ride a freakin' dragon, that's awesome. You pitch half-a-dozen request each week and yet, you argue with modders about what can and cant be done? How come you haven' had a go at modding yet? EDIT: And they actually made their mods, not pitched them to someone and expected them to be made.
  18. I jsut don't see the point of you asking for a mod that Skyrim pretty much already does...
  19. That's a good point but what's wrong with jumping on a horse and fast travelling anyway? You're doing the exact same thing :/
  20. Of course, I love discussing ideas like this in great detail. I have a few big requests to do so unfortunately I don't have time to do this now, but maybe in the future... :)
  21. The density of the buildings doesn't matter. The town is smalller than Riften + it uses less resources. Lack of population and objects. There is a couple slices of cheese lying around and 5 NPCs, most of which are missing in game for some stupid reason on my part. Maybe I should investigate the NPC side, but frame rate drop should be a non-issue TBH. It's super low impact. I think the problem lies in texture modifications. For example, I install a skyrim mod that changes all the major holds textures...I turned off the mod, but the textures are still there... I need to replace them because of two reasons. 1. The texures repeat in an ugly way, 2. they kill my graphics card, everything lags like f'ing crazy when I try to look at anything. So that's bullsh!t. I'll sacrifice the look for the old holds, because I can't f'ing move without feeling like I'm 90+ years old. My mod has zero impact on performance I guarantee that. Hey, dude, I wasn't having a go at your mod, I simply said I had heaps on so that may be the performance drop. I have ZERO texture packs on for building and yet I get this drop when I fast travel to the cove... No idea what's causing it but I know the plug-in started it... But then again, the character I was playing on got bugged so perhaps a bad save... Regardless, if you want no DLCs, no DLCs. I just thought a couple of imports hanging around from Soelsthium could be cool...
  22. Wouldn't be hard to do... I'll see if I can squeeze this request in
  23. I think I used something from a DLC for my inn but in my opinion, almost everyone should have all the DLCs by now so what's the point of creating a non-DLC version? Also, some stuff from Dragonborn might really fit it :)
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