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Posts posted by Saaya

  1. Modifier obse ? Hmmm franchement j'ai pas fait la quête pour tester, j'ai remplacé le mesh de Dark Saint par celui de Cerberus ^^. En fait j'ai commencé la quête, tout allait bien, un PNj me donne une carte indiquant un endroit tout au sud avec une tour... mais une fois sur place, pas moyen de trouver quoique ce soit. Au bout de 10 minutes j'en ai eu marre de tourner en rond comme un abruti dans la forêt, j'ai remplacé le mesh et puis voilà ^^. D'ailleurs tu peux faire pareil si t'as un mod avec une armure complète que t'aimes pas trop, tu renomme le mesh de Cerberus et tu remplace l'autre. Oublie pas d'installer les textures évidemment. C'est pratique les meshs ont le chemin des textures en mémoire, donc peut importe l'endroit où ils sont dans les dossiers, ils retrouvent toujours la bonne texture.
  2. Lovely Suits included in Hentai New Compilation released :






    Sorry for the guys and girls who use the single lovely suit, but the meshes have problems. So, I began to convert the New Compilation.


    Folder Paths and files names are the same, so I think it will work with the Lovely Suits mod too, but I'm not sure. You better have to install the compilation ^^.


    Now people can ask for the others armors included in the compilation, but not all in the same time... XD

  3. Problem with hentai lovely suits : the skin patch just doesn't works and something is missing on the fate armor, a purple mesh goes to infinity. Amazing that tis is not really fixed yet...


    Instead of only converting the Lovely Suits I will try the second hentai compilation which includes the same armors. And I don't had problems last time I tested them...

  4. First off - you all are doing wonderful work and it is greatly appreciated :yes:


    I've searched everywhere and have not seen a request or an existing BBB mod for my favorite set of armor:

    HGEC more revealing standard armor (id=24194)

    (My favorite because it is feminine, but without being over the top if my wife looks over my shoulder :blush: )


    The author, duddly01, wrote on his description page:



    Exnem and RAIAR for the Eyecandy HGEC body.

    Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

    Grhys for HGEC E cup Eve conversion.

    teseyecandy.com for their support and interest.






    You can reuse any part of this mod BUT MUST give credit to everyone listed above in your readme.

    So easy for license/consent.


    Thanks again.


    This is a full stock, man... I can do it but the only armors which will bounce are the leather, mithril, ebony, chainmail and darkbrotherhood. On the other ones the chest is covered by solid metal and will not bounce.


    Mmmmmh I have to convert EVE too ^^.

  5. Problem with Cerberus : the tail part uses the old tail skeleton, it's not compatible with the new Coronerra's skeleton ( don't know why he putted the tail bones differently ). If I export it with the new skeleton the tail sucks, and with the old skeleton BBB doesn't works. The better way to fix it is to remove the tail from the armor...
  6. I've hit a brick wall with trying to convert the SPB Gun Woman armors. I'll have to take a look at some of the other SPB mods instead of this one. I've tried several different things and it never works out properly. Someone with a better understanding of how to manipulate meshes is going to have to tackle this one.


    I will take a look at this mesh. It's included in the SpeedBuster Collection ?

  7. Ok, I got the permission for converting the MoM armors from jimsonzgl.


    Sent Today, 02:20 AM

    "certainly you have my permission

    and wellcome to our forum http://mom.bee.pl"


    EDIT: Personal request: Can you make it so that the (Cerberus armor) armor part wont bounce, please? Its not realistic if the metal armor bounces :P If its harder to do than normal, nvm :unsure:


    Cool, I will try to do some armors this afternoon ^^. And if I can do a realistic bouncing.


    @Gilgip : ok for Dark Saint.

  8. Hello Saaya.

    J'ai un problème avec Snowy Signature. Ce mode fonctionnait très bien avant que j'ajoute la convertion BBB, maintenant quand j'équipe l'ensemble j'ai le droit à un retour windows intempestif...


    J'ignore si je suis le seul dans ce cas, car je n'ai vu aucun commentaire à propos de ton mode et déja + de 40 téléchargements. :turned:


    Aparemment t'es pas le seul à avoir des problèmes avec BBB en général... Mais je comprend pas comment ça peut faire crasher le jeu, c'est juste un mesh. Le problème des seins qui se barrent à l'infini, ça peut se résoudre, mais un crash, je vois absolument pas ce qui peut causer ça, mon jeu n'a jamais crashé à cause de BBB. Mais faut dire aussi que j'utilise que ça au niveau animation, j'ai pas d'autre mods qui modifient des anims, j'ai pas de compagnons, j'utilise pas MAO, j'ai pas de mode de pose, j'ai rien qui puisse entrer en conflit.


    Regarde dans ta liste de mods si t'as pas un truc qui pourrait entrer en conflit.

  9. Guys, continue with requests like this one and I close the topic forever, and I convert only armors I like... understood ? :devil:


    And technically, I think that the boobs are to far from the bones to have a good result. And I even don't talk about the pain to paint a mesh like this...

  10. Oh, the legendary Saaya! =D

    Your work is amazing, and its really cool how you take a lot of requests from people.

    My problem is the stupid "wait 3 hours before you can rate the file" I always forget to rate it later. xD

    So when I stumbled on this thread while browsing through the forum, I couldn't but come and thank you for your awesome work!

    So yeah...thanks, and keep up the awesome work! =]


    Haha yeah, I always forget to endorse the mods too... I know it's a shame... :sweat: But I only endorse mods I really like.

  11. You guys are truly amazing. I can't believe you get these done so fast and you've already covered most of the armors I use. I have a request for an unusual mod. I'm not even sure it's possible. Varied Breasts at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18337 particularly the 4 breasted versions. The license says that it may be used freely as long as it isn't commercial and the original author is credited. Again, I'm not sure it can be done by the structure of the mesh, but it would be awesome if you managed to pull it off. If not, just say so. Thanks in advance.


    Bodies with huge breasts, ok, transparent/shiny/glowy armors, ok, non lore friendly stuff, ok, SM mods... yierk, but ok... but bodies with 3 or 4 boobs... no, just no, sorry. I don't like how people turned Oblivion into a sex/hentai game.


    And technically, the added boobs looks to be independant from the chest, vertices are not merged, sure the result will be strange, and as I'm sure that the X mirror otpion will not work because the body is modified, I have to manually paint 4 times 2 bones... waste of time for a poor result.


    Maybe another member of the team could do it... ? Guys ?

  12. Saaya,


    In the comments of the long robes you suggested that I post a link to a set of D cup robes if I knew one. Here's the set I use Blackheart and Gizmodian EC Robes. Similar, but not exactly the same. But I think the whole set would work well with what you are doing if you can get the authors permission:




    And I know only one request per person AND I know that this one has already been converted by someone else, but I think for bare breasted armors I so much prefer your exaggerated BBB weighting. So if you find the time, a new conversion of the Corinthian Gladiator Armor with much heavier weighting would be awesome!




    Ok for the B and G EC Robes. It's free to use.


    I could try Corinthian, looks easy to do... it's a nude chest ^^. But first I have to see the existant weighting...

  13. Ok it's corrected. In fact i replaced the upperbody by a pre-weighted H cup but I don't saw that the waist was more slim on the original. I re-weighted the original chest. The file is online, please re-download it ^^.


    And little bonus :


    Moon Lover Lite added :




    Going to sleep, d'night ^^

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