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Posts posted by Saaya

  1. To Jojo; (awesome armor. I d like to get your permission to get a BBB conversion done on your armor. I ll give credit where credit is due.This will be the first request Ive done I hope I'm doing it right hoping to add a little cleavage to your female version Ive re-textured it for myself. id like to post some screen shots.cant figure how to take them.Help me please.);From Jojo (DRACNAR, thanks and no problem about the permission.

    About the screenshots take a look here.

    [url="http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/How_To_Create_Screenshots_Using_Oblivion Oh Ya, Jojo gave me permission on the Dread Knight Armor.So I think This is all I need :thumbsup: Is there anyway to make the cleavage, flesh tone I think its called a barrier or something like that.anyway I hope you and the team have fun doing it. Thanks Dracnar. (going to hopefully post some shots)

    Hi there, posted this a few days ago :whistling: Just checking :thumbsup:


    I don't understand your "cleavage" story. I already said that I will not modify the armor, for now the request is refused...

  2. Hi :biggrin:


    Is possible convert some of this mod ? or Only the Brid Fetish girl H Outfit


    Brideynas Fetish Girl




    8. License


    As any other mod, this mod is public domain AS LONG AS IT IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH BETHESTA SOFTWORKS PRODUCTS!!!


    You can use it, abuse it, change it, redistribute it, use contents from it for your mod, delete it, screw around with it in any way you like. Please give credit, if you do so.


    The mod is intended for personal use only. Any commercial use of even the tiniest bit of it is forbidden and violates the copyright of Bethesda Softworks.


    It's a big mod. Ok for the Bird Fetish, and I could add the others if people ask for them. Like for Apachii Goddess Store...


    Mmmmmh I have to kidnapp the Countess of Bravil and torture her until she give me the key of the house... or I could use some cheats... yeah my char is level 5, will not be easy ^^.

  3. No, you already sent me a PM, you come here, don't read the rules on the first page, with an armor from another game ( already converted for BBB ? ) I even don't know how you get it, I never seen before on the Nexus, and you want to post a link for an external upload ?... this looks really strange. Some people have been banned for posting external links to illegal sites with strange mods...
  4. Oui désolé, l'eyecandy serai parfait, p-e une version hgec, mais bon chaque chose en son temps ^^...


    Je chercherai la version hgec plus tard, si la demande n'est pas faite d'ici là bien sur.


    J'ai cherché dans les 41 pages de mods ayant pour nom HGEC et j'ai rien trouvé, j'vais faire la version Eyecandy alors.

  5. Mmmmmh ça c'est un ancien modèle avec le corps Eyecandy... il y a surement une version HGEC non ? A moins que tu utilises encore l'Eyecandy ? Je demande juste pour être sûr hein ^^. Je peux convertir cette version ou l'autre si y'en a une.


    PS : pas besoin de me vouvoyer, Monsieur. :laugh:

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