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Posts posted by Kurzusseus

  1. Ok this is kinda a redo of my previous post. I apologize for my anger, but I hate when Skyrim does this to me. I could use some help please, any suggestions read below for information.





    As said in my earlier post, I was playing Skyrim just fine when I reset in the launcher to set my game graphics to default.

    It chose high by default and I went in game to experience some severe lag. I also noticed a texture increase in my character

    his head wasn't as smooth, had more pixels, and so did the floor. I didn't install any texture replacer mods recently, so I don't

    understand how resetting my graphics to high could increase the graphics when they were on high to begin with, just some minor tweaks

    to increase distance view.


    Here are some screen shots of a before and after the events.














    download the pics if you need to in order to compare, but something you can see is that my characters

    face has become more pixelated, and the ground texture has placed a few more patches of the road to the

    right of where I'm kneeling. (though that may just be me.) I'm positive though that my characters head has gained

    more pixels to his model and I don't know why.


    I'll post my load order if needed, but as i said I haven't ADDED any mods since a few days ago

    and my gameplay was fine until I clicked "Default" in the launcher tab.



    (lol please don't tell me you don't see anything. I'm positive my characters face has increased slightly in texture

    and there is a patch of rock in the road beside me.)

  2. I bought Oblivion a few months ago because I wanted to see the imperial city (ever since playing my Imperial Skyrim Character) And when i got to the city

    it was so boring. no home to live inside the wall, and hardly anything to do. I felt like a lot more could have been done, and I wished someone would add

    the imperial city and oblivion itself to Skyrim, so I can re-enter it with better dynamic gameplay of the Skyrim engine.


    One of the main reason I did bring up Whiterun for this discussion though, was because I thought I had found a hole in the Numinex story

    and outright the entire history of Whiterun itself. I really want the story for Numinex to end happily, where he was freed, but I can't find solid

    evidence of this. Even Paathurnax himself says that Numinex was captured and driven mad, so I know this is true, but I had wondered if Olaf

    did have the heart to free him on the condition that he not slaughter his people as he did before. Odahviing asked for a plea deal, and he received

    it. So I didn't think it far that Olaf would have some regret and let him go EVENTUALLY, he is a noble hero in Sovengarde after all.


    Plus there is a huge conspiracy about the whole story as written by bards who claim Numinex was freed eventually as part of a deal.




    Something I also find tempting to delve more into is the fact of who the divines truly are, and how they shape the land;

    e.g Kyne having called on Paathurnax to teach the thu'um to the nords. Surely Paarthurnax would foresee how the Nords

    would misuse the power, humans are cruel in nature, and if given the right power, could lead to even worse problems in the future.

  3. Hello I could use some help. I'm a bit upset because me and my bro were playing Skyrim side by side, when he decided to mess around with his graphic

    features in game and have them set to default (check default settings for his GPU) turns out his settings needed to be very low.


    He wanted me to see what mine had to be and I told him, high quality. He wanted too see for himself not believing thinking I was joking

    and I went into the launcher and set it to default, it scanned and set my settings to high quality.


    I then went back into game and now have been experiencing SEVERE lag. Everything is stuttering

    everything is script lagging, I can't even look left or right without lag, and I DID NOTHING but click

    Default settings and went in game.


    Before this I played on high settings with some minor tweaks in game to have actors visible a little further and

    items. I'm like wtf Skyrim...what now? Why is this happening, has anyone else encountered a problem like this?

  4. I didn't claim Kyne was the main ruler of Whiterun, I was asking how would Kyne allow the tree to grow in that area. I remember taking part in her trails in the Oblivion game

    and how I had to trust in her, and not attack a huge bear that came my way, to understand and respect nature for its beauty. I obtained her relic the first time around

    because I understood from the get go, what she was and how to understand her message.


    Kyne's temple is another thing that adds to the mockery of itself. The quest you are given is to go and cut from the tree in elder-gleam sanctuary and

    forcefully bring the tree back to life. However you can bring along a pilgrim who further stats my claim that whiterun has lost its way in faith

    for kyne. The own priestess tells you to cut into the sap and force the tree back to life, however the pilgrim talks about Kyne's gift of a new

    life and asks for her blessing to provide a sapling. THIS right here, showed me that Whiterun had lost its way in faith, but you can make it better

    by bringing the sapling and showing the priestess how to truly respect and carry on Kyne's best wishes.


    So yes, they shouldn't abandon the temple for 1 man, but for 1 man who went against a peaceful solution, a priestess who wanted to force

    the tree back, grey manes and battleborns are against each other, Belethor doesn't give a skeevers ass what happens as long as he gets paid

    and even that girl, what's her name...Ysolda? Dealing in drugs within the city and sending an orc to his death for sleeping tree sap.


    Lets also not forget the Jarls children, have you heard their dialogue? So Whiterun, despite having a tree of Kyne, has a lot of dark corners

    that make this city a contradiction to the temple there and the faith around it. I believe as Dragonborn you can make it better with the sapling

    as it gives a genuine message to all the onlookers, but given the state of the war, its probably something that would go very unnoticed.



    As far as supplies go:


    I understand that. i like the immersion of the farms, Whiterun has around it, and I can see how they supply themselves with food.

    But in game, the main thing needed for the time being would be supplies for the war. However Khajiit caravans specifically say that caravans have stopped

    because of the war. I know Bethesda can't put every little detail too their game but 1 or 2 more caravans wouldn't have been too much to ask.

    Plus don't other cities have their own mines nearby with guards and actual miners working for ore? I think Whiterun is the only without a mine to supply it

    despite it being the center point of control for the war.


    I know that Morthal has a mine nearby with workers, solitude, Ivarstead I think, Riften, and Markarth. Again I understand that not everything can be

    given in detail but I would think given that Whiterun is 'superior' then all others for its center point in the war, it would have the most support. xD



    Thanks for your responses. I'm very intrigued where this is going and I've learned a bit more from this. =)

  5. Let also be known that Paarthurnax showed great sorrow for what happened to Numinex, and even visited him to try and give him company I guess.

    Numinex had gone so mad, he forgot his own name, the nords mocked him. This may seem ok for Nords since Numinex was a dragon, but try and see it

    in the eyes of a divine. Kyne wouldn't approve of such behavior, and dragons are considered children of Akatosh, or lesser aedra, so this could also be

    considered a crime to imprison and mock a dragon for acting as he was supposed to.

  6. Whiterun may have more stores, but where do they get the items if there are no visible traders to provide them with iron, silver, ebony, etc depending on your level.

    Numinex was cruel by nature, but can you punish a bear for killing someone? Its in its nature, it can't be blamed for that, just as its in a nords nature to fight strong

    and worship Talos- even as the Thalmor banned his worship. Taking away Talos is taking away a nords very soul, and very nature, which is considered a crime to nords.


    So Numinex shouldn't have been imprisoned, but just outright killed for his deeds. I think Kyne would see this too, seeing as she wanted to bring peace

    to the nords by teaching them the Thu'um by calling on Paarthurnax, just for them to turn and do the same as the dragons did to them, but to Numinex?

    The dragons enslaved people, and when taught the Thu'um, the Nords overthrew the dragon cult and obtained their freedom, but then Olaf imprisoned Numinex sometime later right?


    What Olaf did was not justice, even Paarthurnax himself says that Olaf was "Proud of his pet." So he wasn't doing it much for the people it seems as I can see that

    Paarthurnax shows disgust in Olafs ways. And Paarthurnax is probably the most of what Kyne actually wants in her people.

  7. No hate really but I wondered why all the hype for a city that is kinda a mockery of itself.

    Let me explain;

    Whiterun is the center city, so I understand why both sides of the civil war would want to obtain it for themselves. But wouldn't the city be cursed by its history, and despite being the center, it actually recieves no trade routes side from the khajiit caravan.

    The cities history has it that Numinex, the dragon- was trapped within Dragonreach, he remained there going mad until his death, or to some accounts, he escaped as it was part of a deal with Olaf. Now if its true that Numinex was captured till his death, then why the tree? Kyne's tree in the middle of the wind district is it?

    Kyne represents peace, kindness, and respect for nature. (maybe not all those.) But if we are to take that seriously, then how can a tree of Kyne grow there, while whiterun's history held a captured dragon without mercy? Without respect, or consideration? Even if the tree didn't grow there on its own, wouldn't kyne immediately destroy it for the evil history that Whiterun had with Numinex? no matter how evil something can be, Kyne wouldn't see it fit to imprison them until they go mad right? Can the tree serve as a hidden example that Numinex was let free in the end? Or is this another fail that wasn't thought of during the devolopment of the game?

    Secondly: No trade routes besides Khajiit, and those caravans aren't allowed within the walls...very smart, of course its natural not to trust them, but if appears as though legitimately in game, they are the only people trading with Whiterun that is visible to us (the gamer). And the Khajiit caravans even say themselves how many caravans and traders have stepped out because of the war, but they only see opprotunity. Soooo both sides want the city, because of easy trade routes, and having a center control for Skyrim, yet the walls themselves are old and probably wont last a full frontal assault...the city itself gets too much credit for what it truly is.

    Again, I'm not mad, or showing any hate (not intentionally) My only beef with Whiterun is its history and how it crashes mostly in my gameplays outta every other city.

    What are some of your thoughts?

  8. I'm getting a little annoyed by how weak Odahviing is when fighting bandits on my game-through.

    I decided I'd check what level he is using a console mod, and seen that he was only level 20.


    I looked on the wiki and seen that Odahviing is supposed to level with you to 40 or 50?

    I encountered him at 58 since I wanted to play other things in game. Why is he not higher in level?

    I don't have any mods that modify him, but some dragon combat mods like DCO and Deadly dragons.



    I also wanted to ask if anyone has any good Odahviing Booster mods they know since Odahviing can't

    seem to kill a level 10 bandit. Calling him has become a waste of time. I want him powerful, but not overpowered

    and many mods I see boost him to causing 1000 damage per second, this I do not want.



  9. You sir are noble for playing the main storyline first before modding, and have my deepest respect!! I did it and it was amazing, but now I cannot live without my mods.

    May you enjoy your play through and tell many tales of your adventures! and good luck when you add your mods. Some of them can be very tricky.

  10. Ok doesn't look like their are any good animations. I don't want pretty as I'm playing a male character.

    I did find YY animation mystic knight, which is better but I was hoping for something a little better as some of the poses

    with mystic night, look like something out of twilight.

  11. I knew how to remove it like that, what I was asking was: should I wait 31 days in game

    should I get rid of any dragon scales or bones in my inventory?

    Use up the souls I have with dragons?


    Basically cleanse myself of anything dragon. But your above step by step

    guide does answer this as well.



    Thanks for the download link too btw. =)

  12. Yeah, I wish DCO could work better. Just today I was battling a dragon when a whole bunch of things went wrong. ice breath came from the sky, while the dragon was miles away or even dead.

    Explosions occurring repeatedly even after its death. Getting up messed with the screen angle, it called for allies (while dead) etc. The mod was good when I first got it

    and i loved the aspect of a dragon constantly flying around, making them more difficult to hit- if you were a dragon, would you land and fight? Or continue to be airborn? You have the advantage

    the longer you stay in the air. I really liked the blow away effect when dragons would land, gave a sense of power to their land - they are heavy after all -


    but with all these glitches showing up I think its time to remove it and move on. I'll try and remove it soon and get ERSO mighty dragons, but could you provide me

    with a download link to it? I can't find it on the nexus (save for a russian translation) And do you know of the safest way to possible remove DCO? I know there is no

    safer way but I've had some nasty bugs in the past and would like to keep this character safe (I always keep backups) Currently I just got done figting that glitchy dragon

    had to use console as it flew twitched, and bugged out of the game several times. I went back to lakeview manor where I'm safe and should be able to uninstall it here without problems

    since there are no dragons present.

  13. Before randomly commenting on various animation mods please read.


    I was playing Skyrim when I began to sneak around and kill some unwary npc's

    monsters, and creatures. Eventually though over time of playing Skyrim, I've grown

    tired of the crouch animation, and would like a better stealth animation.



    Does anyone know some good stealth animation replacements? I remember running across

    one that has you on one knee when in stealth mode, but I can't find it. Any other suggestions

    will be appreciated, I just wanna try a new animation for stealth.

  14. I thought about doing the very same but Apollodown states repeatedly not to uninstall his mod, lest I wish to destroy my own game.

    So I stayed away from uninstalling it for fear of what could happen.


    I'm surprised you could say you almost fell asleep during dragon combat using that mod, it does add more to dragons

    and makes them more powerful. If not for this dragon combat mod, which one do you use? cause Vanilla dragons are too weak.

    By the time their health drops half way, they can no longer fly, and they become a punching bag basically, while DCO makes them

    fly no matter what, use shouts, and every time they land, everyone is blown away.

  15. Ok so I went to Apollodown for the specific reason to try and get a word in edge wise as to why this is occurring, but he prominently

    left the conversation; perhaps because I pissed him off or something.


    I'm hoping to get some help from you guys here since you all have experience with this kinda thing as well.


    I was playing Skyrim, and noticed a few more script lag occurrences. I decided to open bloat cleaner to see

    how my save-file was doing and found that in my save file 20+ active scripts are all DCODefaultEffect Script.

    I'll post an image below;






    The list goes down further if I scroll down more. And I'm pretty sure this is causing

    script lag in game. How can I fix this, if its a problem at all.


    I'm not asking for an alternative fix for script lag, I want to fix how many DCODefaultEffect scripts are being used

    all at once. When I started Skyrim, only 1 was active when checking my bloat cleaner, now its 20+ after a long time gaming.

  16. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but I have a few questions;


    are the mods you suggested compatible with all the amidianborns i have? Cause I tried Static mesh improment mod

    and it tried to overwrite Amidianborn textures, I don't know how much this will mess with the textures. Is there any way

    I should specifically load them?


    e.g Static Mesh Improvement Mod then Amidianborn textures or Amidianborn then SMIM?


    I'm pretty sure the improved NPC clothing is compatible.

    ruins too texture should work well too, I'm looking to keep Amidianborn as i like the texture it gives

    to the landscape, weapons, and armor.

  17. Hello, I'd like to get some suggestions on best texturing quality mods.

    I'm using Amidianborn for landscape, armor, weapons, and I believe one other

    thing. I'm using Realistic lighting for lights, but some items are not included

    with Amidianborn yet, so I wanted to know what were some of the BEST graphic/mesh

    improvement mods.


    Things I'm looking to enhance are listed below;


    Clutter objects

    Static objects


    Clothing (got armor, but clothing isn't included.)

    tools (pickaxes, shovels, etc.)

    Misc (like ingredients, potions, torches)


    Things I already use:


    Amidianborn Landscape

    Amidianborn Armors

    Amidianborn Weapons


    ^ put the seconds together and it spells LAW lol


    Amidianborn Unique's

    Amidianborn Blade of Woe

    Realistic Lighting

  18. Ok thanks everyone for the suggestions. My brother's game is doing a little better, but still has some crashes. I fear

    it may just be from CPU overclocking. However currently he's playing a new character that isn't suffering from much crashes due to some

    lighting mods that improve quality, yet lower CPU cost. Thanks again for all your suggestions but I believe I got this handled as of now, mostly I'm just

    looking forward to getting improved computers for both me and my brother. =)

  19. I'm guessing since my video memory is on the low end, that not even ENBoost will help much, I just need a better computer?

    As for my brother, he believes now that his CTD is coming from having removed Amidianborn Landscape texture pack.

    He added that to his hunter gameplay, and removed it due to lag, then the CTD began happening. He then removed it

    from his orc later on and a CTD occurred every few moments in game. He began a new character, and so far, no CTD's.

  20. Bojanni; I don't know if this is my VRAM I tried to locate it but I'm having a bit of difficulty finding it.

    I looked into my desktop properties, advanced settings, and under adapter tab I find this-


    Total available graphics memory 2815

    dedicated video memory 1024

    system video memory 0

    shared system memory 1791


    Is that where I'm supposed to be in order to find VRAM? I use an AMD Radeon 6700 series HD graphics card

    my brother uses a similar model, but instead of 6700 its 6300 HD.


    gromulos; I'm not sure if I'll use that program, I typically don't like using software outside of the nexus for

    my skyrim gaming. I'll keep the page linked though in case I change my mind (aka, perhaps if I can't get ENBBoost to work correctly, or

    it doesn't work as good as I thought it would.)

  21. I'm trying ENBBoost and so far I can see some improvements in my gameplay, I'll be getting it for my brother soon but I'd like to get some information on how to properly set my ENB.ini file.

    I looked up a tutorial video where someone explained it but I'm worried that I may have done something wrong, I tested in game, the whole area loads faster (barely encounter missing textures)

    but it appears that my game crashes if I run while scaled at 6. I'm pretty sure this is normal however XD


    I'd like to post my ini settings and if someone could look them over and tell me the dangers

    of my edits and how to best avoid stuttering in game;





    //num / 106
    //print screen





    Thank you all so far for your continued help. You may not have entirely solved my brothers CTD error

    but you solved both our rendering issues it would appear, and some fps rate. I'd like to use ENBBoost

    and so would my brother, but I also want to make sure my save isn't in danger, like- can I remove ENBboost

    and it not destroy my save?

  22. Ok so Valkasha, you think that why my brothers game is crashing is because of fps? And ENBBoost will maybe help fix this?

    we do have kinda low ranking computers and are going to be upgrading this December or so, I can say that fps is a problem

    for me and my brother, but his game ran smoother then mine until recently, that's why I figured his crashing was solely on a mod

    that was not compatible with one listed above.


    As for bojanni, I think I'll try and get ENBBoost for us both, if it can help improve fps, memory problems, WITHOUT having to add or change

    textures, lighting, etc I'm good, and so is my brother. I don't like the ENB series lighting or anything they add, too me, it ruins the feel of Skyrim's weather, IMO.

    So I use things like Amidianborn landscape textures, and Realistic Lighting, it kinda changed Skyrim for me, but in a way I was still comfortable

    playing it with them.

  23. Does your brother use SKSE? I was triggered by 'missing road textures'. Missing textures can be a result of shortage of memory so it is wise to use the latest SKSE with an appropriate ini file for better memory management (.ini file here). Also, as mentioned by Valkasha it is advised to use ENBBoost, especially when many texture mods are used.


    I've heard a lot about ENBBoost but never used it, I don't like ENB texture packs, I prefer the more natural 2046x texture packs.

    My brother doesn't have the exact texture packs I do, his computer is weaker. He does use the latest SKSE but not ENBBoost, color me

    a noob for saying this- but I didn't use ENBBoost because I thought you HAD to have an ENB texture mod to use it.


    Also I don't want it, nor does he, want it to change his or my games current textures. ENBBoost wont do this?

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