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Everything posted by DrunkenGamer

  1. No, sig was made smaller. Didn't expect it to be too big, really.
  2. Drunken Tiger - Die Legend (ft. Dok2, Double K)
  3. I asked a girl out at Homecoming two nights ago. Today, she finally said yes, in the form of a kiss. YES! I finished the first rendition of my sig today, which is what I have up. Notice it's not exactly "clean" yet, but I'm working on that. But it looks sexy. YES! I have accomplished nothing productive today! YES! Well, I'm just kidding, I finished my paper for AP ENG, YES!! Ahahaha, nothin's bringin me down today. Or tomorrow. Or EVER. HAHAHAHAHA.
  4. They however were probably not infested by bandits, treasure hunters, ghosts, animals, and undead in general.
  5. I think it came out nicely. How about you?
  6. Couldn't you just make a blank face on the Nazgul? Seems like it would solve the problem.
  7. Well, being a military brat myself, I see where you're coming from. But consider: If you listen to the conversation of many NPC's in the game, you can gather that the Empire is having some trouble with other provinces already. Combine that with the fact that there's an Oblivion invasion going on, guards needed in cities and on patrol, and various other reasons, and you have a pretty legitimate reason for the neglect the forts receive. I agree, a couple of them should be fuctioning, but if you think about how widespread the Imperial influence is, and how much military support it needs, it's not so surprising to see this happening. The Roman Legion numbered in thousands and thousands and thousands. Think of Tamriel as the same; They have those thousands and thousands of men working, but they're everywhere BUT Cyrodiil. Then, there's the suspension of disbelief thing you have to use. If you count up every single guard in Cyrodiil in-game, you'd probably come up with MAYBE 50. This is all the guards, the city guards in the IC, and the random spawns in places (like Kvatch, Oblivion Gates, etc). They're there and you know there's a military presence in Tamriel, they're just not very visible. But I would like to see a mod that allows you to take up commissions to clear out forts for military use. Would be fun and would make fort-crawling more worthwhile.
  8. I'll be sure to do that. Thanks. No, I don't think that's it. The game will go into combat mode, but it freezes AS SOON as I click to attack, or release the click for the bow. Now that I think about it, I think it might be conflict between Adrenaline Fueled Combat and Deadly Reflex.
  9. I'll get into combat, and throw the first blow. But the game freezes right at the moment I click to attack. It doesn't happen constantly, but it will happen out of the blue with no real apparent pattern. This all started after I installed OOO, Adrenaline Fueled Combat, and Deadly Reflex. I have OOO and Deadly Reflex loading at the very bottom, with Adrenaline Fueld Combat somewhere in the middle. what do
  10. "The government has done very little to stop such detrimental effects and instead concentrates on improving the conditions of the schools within the nation’s capital of Seoul, of which many are also overloaded with students as parents try to get their children into the institutions with a better reputation." "Eliminate such circumstances, and the students are still suffering through a brutal and agonizing process of school that prepares them for a number of major exams throughout the year, culminating in one final exam that determines entrance into college - indeed, many hakwons exist solely to supplement the student’s preparation for the exams." And does it sound very awkward?
  11. This actually seems kind of hard. Just a little feedback for your idea. The problem with goat legs is that they would look weird arranged like human legs, so you would need to reverse the joints. Secondly, the amount of conflicts this would cause is unimaginable.
  12. I have a suggestion. You know how Detect Life gives you that pink aura around somebody? Wouldn't it be better if the scouter had features like that? A script similar to Detect Life?
  13. The Count remembers his time as Gray Fox and will recognize you when he sees you. He'll say something like, "So, you're the new Gray Fox? The cowl suits you. Me? I'll just stay here and be me." The Countess will also have unique dialog, telling you to go away.
  14. This shouldn't be too hard for somebody accustom to making mods like this. I would use an Aylied texture for this. Makes sense, right? I think 8 levels would do it. 2 Levels of cathedral, 2 of catacombs, 3 of caves, and 1 of Hell. While you're at it, why not create a Chaos Sanctuary mod from Diablo 2?
  15. Oh. I guess that's how it is there? Most places in Korea will get you your black belt within 2-3 years. One year if you're underaged. The reason I asked was that you have to be weary of McDojo's - the McDonalds of dojo's. These places usually teach slow, have no sparring, and cost a gazillion bucks a month to teach. But places you can usually trust is the ATA - the American Taekwondo Association. Interesting fact: My father's friend is the Grand Master of the ATA.
  16. DrunkenGamer


    I listen to a lot of music, but most of it is prog metal/rock. Dream Theater Symphony X Vanden Plas Pain of Salvation Queensryche Shadow Gallery Mutiny Within Coheed and Cambria Jethro Tull Yes Iron Maiden Metallica Slayer Earth Wind & Fire Eminem Iced Earth Lupe Fiasco Mos Def Disturbed Dragonforce Blood Stain Child Emilie Autumn Drunken Tiger Younha And some more K-pop. SNSD, Kara, etc.
  17. Woah there, not insulting anybody. What I meant to say with my post was, I'm pretty sure that we're all normal people who do things outside of being very geeky and not doing anything else besides video game related stuff. If you're not, then well, that's your choice. I'm just sayin'. And also, if you want to get IN shape, this topic could also help.
  18. The dodge button doesn't register when you press it. There's a bit of lag between pressing and acting. Basically, you'll have to dodge using your sense of premonition.
  19. Nice. I did Kendo as well for while, enough to learn all of the basics and then some. I can go against most people and do well, I think. xD Well, it wasn't exactly Kendo, but it's similar. 8 years to Black Belt? That's actually really slow. Out of curiosity, how much do you pay a month, if at all? And do you pay for belt tests? And finally, do you spar regularly? Niice. I wish I would deadlift moar, but I haven't really tried it much since I can't seem to get my form right at all. I don't want to risk hurting my back since my family has a history of back problems. But that's pretty raw. Do any sports? How much do you weigh?
  20. I wonder really if anybody is willing to take this up. I've tried the Pirate Isles Beta, but apparently that thing died a long time ago, and it has so much potential if one simply put enough time into it. It's times like this that make me wish I could mod well.
  21. It's pouring right now, the streets have been flooded for the first time in years in Seoul, and there's constant thunder. Somebody must've done **** wrong, cuz I aint nevuh seen none rain like dis heeyuh, befoh. There's thunder ever 30 seconds or so, even faster. There's so much rain that one slip and you'll be dragged all the way down the street by current. Goddamn.
  22. Mostly out of boredom. I'll try to avoid killing somebody, and I'll do it. Or it'll be somebody that I choose in my head, like "This guy is planning to kill me, I know it. DIE!" It's just fun to do it. After the first couple of times, I kill somebody on purpose to join.
  23. That's cool. I'm guessing nobody else really does anything, eh? Come on, fitness isn't related to just lifting and running. Who plays sports? Anybody play tennis, lacrosse, whatever? And eating, eating healthy is an important part of fitness as well.
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