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Posts posted by TheBawb

  1. Around this time last year The Shire mod (On its 3rd year of development at the time) was prematurely released as a result of leaving early for basic combat training.

    However since January of this year The Shire has received several updates which have resolved the issues that occurred upon its debut, allowing this massive adventure to be enjoyed the way it was meant to be, in its final and complete version.


    The Shire's goals have always been to provide Oldrim users with professional storytelling, widely branching dialogue, a functioning heathfire-style playerhome, alternating endings governed by player-choice, two complete opposing questlines, skilled voice acting, and a hand-designed worldspace worthy of the fictional work of which it was inspired. With this update I can proudly say that The Shire has undoubtedly met those goals. Go ahead and give it a try

    Switching gears here really quick from the generic overview to more of a personalized message of appreciation, specifically to the (Skyrim) Nexus community. The Shire took as long as it did because quite honesty I had a very minimal understanding of what I was doing. At the time it began I was 15 going on 16 (that's a song isn't it?), having an idea of what I wanted but none of the knowledge or experience it takes to get there.

    I posted a thread, and immediately was met with not only support but also very constructive feedback. As the months went by I returned to the nexus on numerous occasions whenever I ran into obstacles that confuzzled me. (that's a word autocorrect, I swear) And each time, I was pointed to a solution that eventually worked.

    Although I haven't been active on the forums of late, a quick scroll through them is enough to see that same spirit of cooperation is alive today. It's that sort of atmosphere that made working on such a project quite the enjoyable experience, and has since kickstarted my interest in moving on from modding and into game design with the Unreal Engine. If I am to give credit where credit is due then my sincere appreciation is offered to all of you. (That wasn't meant to rhyme but ahh what the hell)

    Keep doing what y'all are doing,


  2. Hello everyone,


    The shire mod is just a few days from release and I've run into a bit of a problem. I am using a mixture of Hoddminir and Ztree Nifs both found in this resource: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38651/? but up until now all attempts at customly generating the lod for these assets have fallen short, proving that this is a step above my current skill level. While typically I would take the time to figure out this dilemma myself I have only a little over a week before I start prepping for Army boot camp and the time between I intend on fixing the remaining bugs in the quests and uploading the mod itself. If anyone in the community would be interested in generating custom lod for these trees I would be entirely grateful. I have the esp and its files packed up and ready to send, and you're more than welcome to run through the questline (though still a little buggy) if willing to help.


    Much appreciated,



  3. Models look impressive, and I like the direction you're taking. The biggest issue I can see you running into has already been mentioned, namely copyright infringement, so I'm glad to see you're taking the necessary steps to deal with that. (hopefully it works out!) Other than that I wish you the best of luck; many have attempted to build the entirety of Middle Earth since I joined the Nexus, here's hoping yours succeeds.

    I'd help if I could but I'm booked tight as it is.

  4. Well, it's been forever since my last update but for future reference; if I'm not updating the thread it's likely because I'm too busy working on the actual content. http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_aa_tongue.gif

    But that may sound like a feeble excuse, so allow me to elaborate;


    Over the last few months we've written and acted out 21 main quests, 60 side quests, and six additional quests (to be acted out shortly), as well as expansive generic and combat lines, all totaling over 4,500 lines of dialogue. Long gone are the days of the small project this once started out as. We've modeled each quest to be player driven, and ultimately change the ending of the story depending on what choices the player makes as he runs through them.


    Obviously VA coordination and writing have been my main priority over these past few months, so I've shoved implementation and navmesh off onto the back burner. But with the writing complete, and VA work soon to follow I can once again return these parts.

    Another milestone has been passed, and the winter release still looks plausible. But I couldn't have gotten here without the countless hours the VAs and writers spent on this project. I don't mean to brag, but I'd wager I've been given the unique opportunity to work with the most talented VA/writing crew out there. (okay, I lied. The bragging was fully intentional) But in all seriousness, It really has been pleasure working with them.


    Don't know when I'll be able to update y'all next, but until then, may the hair on your toes never fall out. http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_aa_salute.gif

  5. You're not the first to request something like this, and thus that proves there is an audience for it. I'd suggest picking up the ck yourself though, as (in my experience) you're not liable to get a lot of help here on the forums with such a proposal. It'd take a bit of work for sure, but as I mentioned earlier, there are plenty who would use such a mod if it were created.


    As for "If you take offense, don't play it" that would only make sense if you had no ability to change it. If you take offense, or don't enjoy something, mod it to your liking. That's one of the key elements of our community here. That said, the OP raises a clear legitimate request (though perhaps in the wrong forum) in a non-hateful manner. I see no reason for an ongoing list of what he should have requested.

  6. The Mod Picker Team has produced a document as an official response to the concerns that Mod Authors have brought up.


    Mod Picker - A Response to Community Concerns

    I believe you've covered my personal concerns quite thoroughly, and I appreciate your taking the time to address the concerns of the mod authors here. All things considered, I still see this as quite the interesting idea. Most of the arguments against it seem to be based upon the possibility of something going wrong, I however would prefer to wait until MP is released before raising any complaints, to validate the authenticity of them. My opinion, but I'd encourage others to take a similar approach.

  7. Your problems are probably related to room bounds and portals. You most likely haven't removed the room bounds from the vanilla cell you duplicated, so they will cause the new objects you add to appear and disappear, depending on where you placed them, and where the original room bounds are.


    Don't have time to give a detailed walkthrough, but most of the info you need should be found here: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Optimization (Look under the Room markers and portals section)


    Hope it helps!

  8. I have yet to take a stance on whether to endorse or decline mod picker. While the concept is interesting, my greatest concern is that of misguided information vital to the mod itself. Take my two-year project for example, (and I hate tooting my own horn, but this is where my concern lies) while the mod is vastly inspired by the lotr, I have made it entirely clear that we are not endorsed by the companies who own the copyright, do not promote the mod as being a part of lotr, nor use any copyrighted material (Including names) in the mod itself.


    It would be one thing if a mod user made a false statement in the comments of my file page, claiming that the mod was set in Tolkien's world, because it would be apparent to me that they did not read the description well enough. But when misinformed users (no matter the rep, we all make mistakes) start making reviews that claim I have some kind of association with Middle Earth, Warner bros, or the Tolkien estate, and people buy into to that, I've got a serious problem on my hands. Especially if I am not active on MP, and cannot correct mistakes I am not aware of. I wouldn't be as concerned if the misinformation regraded something trivial like where the entrance is, or how to start the first quest, but when something slightly more serious such as our copyright stance has the chance of being widely spread incorrectly I tend to be a little worried. Obviously I am an exception as most authors don't have to worry about such matters, so if my concerns go about ignored I'll understand, but it is nevertheless troubling.

  9. Very nice! I personally would prefer follower. Whatever way you choose though, looks like a bit of thought went into this, my sincerest compliments there :thumbsup:

  10. Looks like Jtull's already going to handle it, but nevertheless I believe it necessary to offer my sincerest condolences. I can only imagine what the loss of a brother would be like (much less two). But I hope the small memorial that you request will be enough to ease some of that pain. Sorry for your loss.

  11. Two major updates:


    Firstly, the voice actors for the shire's main quest (both good and evil sided) and side quests (both good and evil sided) have been cast. An introduction to their talent can be view on our Tesa forum: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/7869-introduction-to-the-shire-vas/#comment-118528


    Secondly, the open beta (which was set for April) is to be cancelled. We will be waiting until the mod's main and side quests are complete before releasing it, as opposed to uploading only a completed worldspace with dungeons, a player home, and some various other gems. This is to ensure you get the full experience. Apologies for the inconvenience, and as always, thanks for your patience.

  12. Bethesda and WB working together? :huh: Despite the possibilities, that didn't and isn't likely to happen. Given their fantasy setting, Skyrim and Middle Earth share several similarities, but neither have directly copied the other's landscape.


    For future reference, it might be a good idea to put topics like this in the "Skyrim general discussion" forum. :)

  13. Closed some positions because we've found the right voice actors for those roles. I'm still considering a few of the auditions I've received, but until I make a decision those characters will remain open. However, there's only a little bit of time left for the auditions, so submit your them quickly or you might miss out!

  14. Question, would you accept auditions of a VA that isn't voice acting with a British or Australian accent if they are worthy? If so should they also send a .wav file of their best attempt at those preferred accents as well?

    Ahh, excellent questions. Yes. While those with the proper accents have a better chance of getting the role they audition for, I'm mostly looking for those who can convey the proper emotions and comfortably play out their character. An American who lacks the preferred accent but still displays the correct voice portrayal is more likely to get the role than the Englishman who sounds nearly emotionless. (just an example) That said, "faking" the proper accent, so long as it is believable, will increase your chances considerably. If you will be attempting to portray an unnatural accent, yes, it'd be best to send lines with a "faked" accent along with lines using your natural one. And then let me know that's what you did, so we can eliminate confusion. Hopefully that answers your questions.

  15. http://i68.tinypic.com/2nret0h.jpg



    Introduction to VA Information

    Hey folks, as I'm certain most here are already familiar with the shire project, I won't go into the details in this thread. Instead, they can be viewed here: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/231-the-shire/

    After a long period of waiting, the shire mod is now openly accepting voice actor auditions. We are primarily looking for VAs with natural European or Australian accents, though anyone else is still encouraged to apply.

    In this thread I have included a list of requirements for each individual character, and procedures for auditioning in general. If you plan on auditioning, please follow both the requirements for your specific character, and the general procedures exactly, as incorrect auditions will be discarded. This is mostly because we have a limited amount of time, and to ensure that only those who are reliable and capable of following instructions are considered.

    As always, questions or comments are welcome. Just leave them below and either myself, or someone from my team will get back with you as soon as possible.

    Have fun auditioning,







    Gender: Male

    Status: Closed





    As one of the five main protagonists, your voice must be pleasing and dynamic in nature. You are the leader of the Ranger group, and must sound firm and authoritative. Yet you care deeply for those under your command, and take every precaution possible to ensure their survival. The capability to switch between the respected commander, and the sympathetic mentor, depending on the circumstances, will be an essential part of perfecting this character.

    line 01:

    [Normal]: “They were promised great wealth in return for taking the land of the little-folk. It does not require training to steal from those who are weaker. The man who hired them either failed to mention, or dismissed us as a mere folk-tale.”

    line 02:

    [Emotional]: “Perhaps, it is only now that I truly understand. You are ready, and have been for longer than I would've cared to admit. I didn’t hold you back because you weren’t ready, no, I held you back because I wasn’t ready. I couldn’t bare to see the youngest of our race killed by my judgement. Now, it would seem, we will all pay for that choice.”


    line 03:

    [Firm]: What others? Durusc agrees with my points on this matter, and Byrsael hasn’t taken up either side. As for you, I will have no more of this right now, return to your duties.”


    1. Must be at least 16 years of age. Don’t get me wrong, I love younger folks (I was one myself once), but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)






    Gender: Female

    Status: Closed





    Like any of the five main protagonists, your voice must be pleasing and dynamic in nature. You are the heart and soul of the shire Rangers. For your outer shell, you must remain optimistic, if only to give the others hope. But underneath you question the possibility of success yourself. As the second-in-command, you have an authoritative nature as well, but you are most skilled in strengthening, and supporting the other Rangers. Without you they would fall apart from within.

    line 01:

    [Reminiscing]: “Remember when we used to go several weeks without any dangers entering the shire? It was so quiet then, and peaceful....yet it seems so long ago.”

    line 02:

    [Emotional]: “You ask if I am afraid? Yes. I’m afraid this peaceful land will fall. That darkness will consume its every corner….and that we’ll find ourselves, having failed in our quest…..holding the banners of our enemy, the banners we swore to destroy.”

    line 03:

    [Normal]: “You and I will not live to see that day. We will fight until either the shire is safe, or…..we draw our last breath in its defense.”



    1. Must be at least 16 years of age. This is not to discriminate, but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)







    Gender: Male

    Status: Closed



    Like any of the five main protagonists, your voice must be pleasing and dynamic in nature. You are the toughest and most loyal of the five. But you are haunted by a lifetime of wrongdoings, and a fear of repeating those mistakes. To successfully act out this character, your voice portrayal must be of a battle-hardened warrior whose biggest danger is his own demons.

    Line 01:

    [Normal]: “I try not to think about my past when I can, it’d be best if we just left it at that.”

    Line 02:

    [Emotional]: “Every time my blade claims another life, I have to remind myself; it’s for the right reasons. That a peaceful people would be destroyed, and a quiet land burned if I hadn’t acted….Yet….I’ve heard those words before, and much innocent blood was shed that day.”

    Line 03

    [Confident]: “....Then their master’s deceit will be their downfall.”


    1. Must be at least 16 years of age. This is not to discriminate, but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)






    Gender: Male

    Status: Closed



    Like any of the five main protagonists, your voice must be pleasing and dynamic in nature. You are very much the perfectionist of the group. When a plan isn’t working well, you’re the first to suggest a new approach. Because of this, you are effective in your tasks, but often get frustrated when forced to stick with ineffective and predictable strategies. The foolish planning of your superiors has also provided you with a unique sense of humor. You must be able to display both irritation and light-heartedness with ease.

    Line 01:

    [Frustrated]: Thormin, all I’m saying is that we’re wasting valuable time checking each Bandit who crosses the border. None have had good intentions for a great many years.”

    Line 02:

    [Frustrated]: “I am not your enemy! You think this is how I wanted to end? Our loss is great, but we can still protect this land, still succeed in our mission. Our goals are one in the same, why can’t you see this?”

    Line 03:

    [Normal]: “Don’t let him grab you. If he does, you’ll end up the third ingredient in a recipe for Troll soup.”


    1. Must be at least 16 years of age. This is not to discriminate, but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)






    Gender: Female

    Status: Closed



    Like any of the five main protagonists, your voice must be pleasing and dynamic in nature. You are young, and naive. You are used to being underestimated, and over-protected by your superiors, and you seek endlessly for a way to prove your strength to them. Having been held back since you arrived, you must be enthusiastic, curious, and optimistic during the start of your journey. But after being introduced to the hardships of your time, these characteristics will be joined by those of heaviness, and responsibility. A voice capable of capturing these emotions will be essential for acting out this character.

    Line 01:

    [Normal]: “Someday I want to leave the shire, wander Middle Nirn like the other Rangers do. See the mountains, and explore the caverns. To wake up each day with no idea what the following hours will bring, but to be ready for anything.”

    Line 02:

    [Frustrated]: “And how am I supposed to gain experience when my talents rot in here all day?”

    Line 03:

    [Emotional]: “I know we fight day after day to protect the shire, but what happens if we can’t...in the end?”


    1. Must be able to impersonate the voice of a young woman between 16-18. No age requirement so long as you meet these standards.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines, if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)





    The Enemy

    (Name and image hidden to avoid potential spoilers)


    Gender: Male

    Status: Closed





    As the main antagonist, your voice must be able to raise your voice and display frustration with ease, while avoiding technicalities such as microphone distortion or peaking. You must also be able to act calm, respected, and forceful. As an agent of darkness, any light you once held has been driven out. You are cruel and unforgiving, gaining respect through fear and intimidation. But you are no fool, you’re a brilliant strategist, and especially handy at persuading others with strong wills to join your cause. The Ranger threat concerns you, but if at all possible, you will bring them to their knees through deceit alone. As this character, you will have to cycle through a number of emotions, sometimes quite rapidly, in order to fulfill this role’s potential.

    Line 01:

    [Evil]: “I knew you’d come. I’ve been watching you since the day you arrived. You were better than to fall for the lies of that disorganized group of marauders, just as I have foreseen.”

    Line 02:

    [Frustrated]: “Fool! You pitied them? Do you think they would have shown such mercy to you, given the chance? No, they would have slaughtered you like a pig! And next time you’d better hope they do, for I will not forgive this action again.”

    Line 03:

    [Deceitful]: “Hahaha, the pleasure is mine. Of that, you can be sure. Give my regards to Thormin. He’ll be so glad to hear from me.”



    1. Must be at least 16 years of age. This is not to discriminate, but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)




    Female Halflings (Generic)

    Gender: Female

    Status: Closed



    You will be chosen to play all the female Halflings that live in the villages around the shire. While nowhere near as many lines as the protagonists or antagonist, there are still a decent amount of lines involved for these little folk. Your voice will need to have a cornish accent, or at least replicate a cornish accent without difficulty. The lines you handle will be mostly greetings, and combat. However there are a few lines that are quest-involved. Because of limited time, one VA will handle ALL of the female Halfings in the shire unless stated otherwise.

    Line 01:

    [Disgusted]: “Such hideous creatures roamin' the shire nowadays. The townsfolk aren’t nearly as frightened as they should be.

    Line 02:

    [suspicious]: “You’re one of those adventurers, aren’t ya? Why anyone would leave the safety of their home to wander the wilds I’ll never know.”

    Line 03

    [Frightened]: “I haven’t used a sword before, but that won’t stop me!”



    1. Must be at least 15 years of age. This is not to discriminate, but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)




    Male Bandit/Ruffian

    Gender: Male

    Status: Closed





    You will be chosen to play one of, or possibly all of the Bandits invading the shire. You will need to sound like a bully. You are fairly undisciplined, and love to boss around others who can’t fight back. You are paid mercenaries who have little morals, and just do whatever your boss tells you. You need to have a bit of a rough voice, and a lazy attitude.

    Line 01:

    [Worried/Slightly Drunk]: “Exactly! That’s what I ain't doin! I know who you’re representing, and I know you’re here to collect on my debt!”

    Line 02:

    [Frightened]: “It’s...it’s the Rangers!”

    Line 03:

    [Toying/Bullying]: “This fella here has a problem with our arrangement. Said we should give you the merchandise back. Whaddya think? Should we?”


    1. Must be at least 16 years of age. This is not to discriminate, but I need to ensure an older, more mature voice.

    2. Must have extensive experience and/or talent with voice acting.

    3. Must be able to record all lines for your character within two months of acceptance. (Lines will be sent on a weekly basis)

    4. Must be willing to revoice lines if necessary.

    5. Must be reliable, and easy to communicate with. (Skype account preferred, but not required)





    Alright, I plan on making this as painless as possible. If you would like to audition for a character, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Using the lines set under the character you are auditioning for, record multiple takes of yourself acting out these lines into one .Wav file.

    2. Save the file Name - "name - Thormin.Wav" (“Thormin” will be replaced, if needed, by whichever character you’re auditioning for.) and where "name" is the name you would like to be credited as.

    3. Send the file to my email at [email protected], titled "Thormin Audition - name" (Once again, “Thormin” will be replaced, if needed, by whichever character you’re auditioning for. ) And where "name" is your name again.

    4. Upon reviewing all of the entries with my team, I will contact the best actor for each character, make sure they’re still available, give them some finer details, and get them started. This will likely occur sometime within the next two weeks, so submit your auditions quickly and make sure you don’t miss out!


    Q. “Given that the mod cannot directly use events or names in Middle Earth. Will your storyline be referencing or hinting at spoilers in the lotr or Hobbit?”

    1. While the Hobbit book itself has been out for nearly 80 years, we will be keeping our potential spoiling references to Tolkien’s world at an absolute minimum. Since our story is unique, we won’t run into too many issues with that anyway. But the majority of spoilers that revolve around Tolkien’s Shire (like Sharkey’s identity) will not be referenced. This is to ensure we preserve the books/movies for Skyrim players who are not yet lotr fans.

    Q. As a VA, will there be a lot of lines I have to act out?

    1. Depends. The protagonists have quite a bit, antagonist next, and generics have the least.

    Q. Will I be getting paid if I lend my services as a VA?

    1. No. I can, however, guarantee that you will receive 100% of the profit that I make off the shire mod. But math jokes suck, so in other words: This project is non-profit, and will not be able to pay the talented VAs that lend their service.

    Q. Are you in need of a dialogue writer?

    1. While this is a VA recruitment thread, I am in need of someone to write the Male Bandit combat and generic dialogue. (Have a lot to do myself atm) PM or email me if you’d like to do that.

    Q. Can I make a suggestion regarding VA/Storyline?

    1. Go ahead. I may not have the resources to do what you suggest, but I’ll definitely hear you out.

    Looking forward to sharing this adventure with you,


  16. I was hoping to get to this earlier, but we will be unable to meet our beta release goals of late 2015. This is mostly due to a number of things, such as unforeseen setbacks, overly-optimistic deadlines, and the amount of added content since our initial planning. We will instead be shooting for alpha release sometime around April/May of 2016.


    Sorry for the inconvenience, and have a merry Christmas,


  17. I put this under the Mod Talk category because I believe it may have to do with my esp. However if the nexus staff think it would serve better under the Technical Support Forum, they can move it.


    So I noticed a few days ago that I could not load my saves without getting a CTD. Naturally since I don't really "play" Skyrim too much anymore, I figured it was a few corrupted saves, or some other issue with my own PC (Which is becoming renowned for them.) Either way, and since coc-ing directly from the main menu doesn't seem to cause an issue (that being how I normally test my esp) I didn't worry about it.


    However, I had recently sent my esp and all its files to a friend so she could add a few custom NPCs to it. But when she loaded up her game she received the exact same problem, CTD on the loading of a save. And removing my esp and its files returned her game to a working state. Of course this is an issue, perhaps a mod-breaking issue. So I ran a few tests, I unchecked my esp from my load order, and booted up the game, it still crashed on load. Then I tried my esp on another PC and it loads saves just fine. I thought because not loading my esp still crashed my game on the first PC, it was perhaps a script or music file causing this headache, but the files are the same on both computers, which really makes my head hurt.


    Things I've done recently that may have caused it (but most likely have nothing to do with it):

    1. Cleaned the mod for the first time with TES5Edit, which removed something like 170,000 dirty edits. That at first was hard to believe and I began to assume I had screwed something up. However reverting my esp to a time before I cleaned it did not solve anything.
    2. Attempted to merge my esp with another through TES5Edit and CK, when it failed I reverted the esps to a time before the attempt.
    3. Generated lod again. (Then removed the lod files, still received the same issue.)
    4. Downloaded and started to learn and use MO. But I haven't really messed with it very much.

    I'm not one for throwing around my esp yet, but if you think you can isolate the problem, or at least see if it works for you, just contact me at [email protected]. The 7zip containing my mod and its files is rather large. (1.8GB) Figured it would be best to state that up front.


    Any and all help will be well-appreciated. If I did not include enough info, don't hesitate to ask.

    Thanks, and looking forward to crushing this annoyance,



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