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Posts posted by TheBawb

  1. Well, this is embarrassing.


    For officially (As of a few minutes ago) fifteen straight hours, I have been attempting to fix the missing textures for lod generation, which have shrouded my world in an endless cloud of purple. I should note that this is not my first time generating lod, and I had no such problems like this the last two times I did. Which was several months ago. (before I renamed my esp actually, not sure if that means anything or not.)


    Of course the purple means missing textures, but I have failed to locate which ones. I have converted all of the files in the "lod" folder from their original format to that of "TGA" and have placed them in the TGATextures folder inside my source folder. The .dds texture files from the actual generation are in Data\terrain\theshire (As they should be, if I'm not mistaken) And so naturally I thought everything would be fine as far as textures were concerned. But everytime I go in game those blasted textures are missing. What am I forgetting? As I said earlier, I've generated lod properly before without issue.



    Figured a photo might be appropriate. As you should be able to tell, my object's and tree's textures and lod are working splendidly. But the landscape is the true issue here.



    Hopefully I've explained my problem well enough above, if not please don't shy away from asking any questions, especially if it all seems like nonsensical babble. (it's quite late here, and I can feel the ghost of sleep beckoning me across the hall)

    Of course, any help would be much appreciated.

  2. I believe I'm the one slowing down the mods progress :blush: I'll try and get on those meshes

    Only slightly my friend. ;) I was able to work around the required meshes for the time being, though I am reaching the point where they would become quite handy. I was actually just about to contact you, so thanks for saving me the trip :)

  3. New update! :dance:

    This shot was taken purely for fun. I say that as I do not want those (particularly those who are aware we are currently planning out a MQ) to confuse this for a specific part of that MQ. Neither of the characters shown in this shot or the scene itself have any part in the quests we have planned.

    Now that that's taken care of, I did want to thank Doc117 (The author of The Fellowship of The Ring In Skyrim) for permitting us to use the outfits worn by both characters.


    I've shown the Half-Sand Mill in a wip photo once before, but since then I have made some subtle, yet notable (at least for me) changes.


    Here's the Huckleberry Ferry as it appears in the mod at it's present stage. I cannot see too much editing that needs to be done, as I believe it matches another certain Ferry rather well.
    Still can't help the feeling I should have taken this shot at night though. Grrr.


    June Month-End Report

    -Finished developing landmarks including Gulfnimbol's Hole, Furtherhill Yards, and Bwinstones.

    Began Quest Dialogue Planning.

    -Continued work on Barg End, cluttered most of the interior, then started running into strange bugs, ended up having to remove a considerable amount of the architecture and clutter.

    However, Bugs have been fixed.

    -Reached the "Halfway-point" in exterior cluttering after several late nights without rest. (Appropriate amount of celebration was called for.)

    Been mostly exterior cluttering as stated above, so unfortunately nothing too exciting to report. Regardless, see you in August!

  4. New update! :dance:

    Before the usual update, I'd like to let you know that you needn't worry about a boring or unamusing storyline for the main quest. Which pretty much goes to say I'm not writing most of it. Instead we have a professional game-writer who is willing to help us out. Go ahead and check us out on His Website


    As I wait for the Parlor piece to finish (Which I would view as the most iconic room in Barg End) Here's a wip photo of the Study. I Really went for accuracy here, so I hope it shows that well enough. The only thing I'm not overly fond of is the window's size and shape.


    While Halflings may not be renowned for the art of racing horses, and most are quite content without such sports. The Dolving Racetrack remains a favorite pastime among the inhabitants of the two Dolvings.


    When playing through the Dragonborn DLC, and owning my own home in Raven Rock I often disliked the steps I had to take traveling to Skyrim from my home or to my home from Skyrim.

    Since the shire mod adds a new worldspace I wanted to make that process a bit easier. So sitting outside your Halfling home is a carriage driver with the ability to take you to any of the vanilla Skyrim Holds. Likewise there is also a teleport spell to quickly and efficiently get you back home.

    It should be noted that this is not the main entrance to the shire worldspace itself, just the playerhome.

    May Month-End Report

    -Finished designing landmarks including The Ranger Training area, Horse Racing Track, and Agelenidae's Grove.

    -Continued work on Barg End, most of the architecture is now complete, and nearly half the clutter.

    - A ton of down-right boring exterior cluttering (Nearly 30 hours worth)

    Apologies on not having a lot to show this month. See you in July!

  5. Hey - did you ever change the interior of Bag End? I dont' recall if you posted a picture of a new one at any point, I just don't feel it represents Bag End all that much (interior).




    Though I'm sure you know what Bag End looks like. :P

    Hit a roadblock with the Barg End redesign, I'm going to need a few more meshes in order to maintain accuracy and continue properly. I'll be attempting to obtain them as soon as possible.

    But yes the interior photo I uploaded is an old attempt, it was the first Halfling interior I designed, so I was still experimenting, and attempting a full vanilla mesh design. I'll see about getting a new interior photo uploaded as soon as the new version is completed.

  6. Thanks High Elf, I would have to agree with you :tongue:

    New update! :dance:

    New Retextures for the road signs around the shire. I'm very proud with the way they turned out.


    This is a retexture of the happy birthday banner standing right next to the Celebration Tree. Quite simple, yet it brings back so many memories :smile:


    Very much known for their Barley, the Southern fields is the second largest farming community in all the shire. (Trailing just behind Bergefurd)


    April Month-End Report

    -Finished designing several landmarks including Little Dolving, Pathmeet, Onyxkey's farm, The Mru-shuck Bog and Micael Dolving

    -Began redesigning the Barg End interior with custom meshes

    -Added several unique plants and ingredients to make exploring the exterior land more rewarding

    -Finished Half-Sand mill's interior design

    -Wrote the first book in my newest book series

    -Have completed planning the main quest stages, and main quest characters overview

    See you again next month!

  7. Quick Update:


    Yes, I too have come to state the position of my mod regarding the newest steam update for charging money on the steam workshop. This is mostly to end the numerous amount of messages/threats I've been receiving asking what our position was (Seriously guys, you can stop now)


    The answer put simply is No. I do not feel I could charge anyone for my work. This project was started with one goal in mind, and that was to give anyone from anywhere the ability to live as a Halfling in the shire. Steam may have changed, but our goals and morals have not. This is why there are no requirements for the mod (aside from skyrim) we will not require money, any dlcs, or another mod to make this work. If I were in this to make money, I'd have taken my skills and time elsewhere.

    To add onto this, there are also significant legal issues with charging for a mod of this type. With the resources/permissions etc used. So In conclusion, this will remain non-profit. Consider that a promise.


    Hope that clears things up.

  8. what's with the white background text? anyways i felt i should warn you about LOTR copyright stuff, the people who own the licenses for the series are very strict and protective of the content. so you might have your mod removed or receive a cease and desist.

    Very true, but there are workarounds for this.


    First off, you've given very little information on the goal of the project. So my guess is you won't get a lot of help working on it yet

    As far as tips are concerned, I'm willing to help out, but i need to know exactly what kind of advice you need.

  9. I do believe you are searching for the "Iron Hills" dwarven armor from lotr. That is If my magnifying glass is working correctly, You may want to find a bigger photo.


    Nevertheless, a fantastic request, One I've wanted to seen implemented into Skyrim for awhile now

  10. to me, Halo 3's soundtrack fit Skyrim beautifully. But that might just be my own nostalgia speaking.

    Other than that you can't get much better than the lotr and Hobbit soundtrack(s)

  11. I believe the home you remade a bunch - the before was spot on for vegetation, whereas the second is a bit barren of that. Regardless, I think it looks great.

    I think a lot of the issue there is the angle of the shot. In the "before" I shot much closer to the home, and I angled the camera over the fence. In the "After" I wanted to include the stone fence far in front (A recent and very lore-accurate addition.) And so I think the distance and inability to see flora behind the fence may have made it look a bit barren.


    Needless to say, I do see your point. I did remove some of the bigger vegetation near the front of the house in an attempt to reference the original Bag End in New Zealand. I'll see if re-adding it improves the overall look in game, as I admit it does look a bit empty.

    Thanks for another helpful suggestion Matthias.

  12. New update! :dance:

    Beyond this gate lies the militarized Dwarven camp Phinglaid, to which many Doorfist Dwarves are intrenched. The Doorfists are an evil power-seeking clan that wish to conquer the shire and use it's strategic location to construct their empire. But lucky for the Halflings, they have not the manpower or supplies to do it, yet.


    I've placed far more Halfling holes than I can count, all across my custom worldspace. And while each isn't the same basic mesh, I try to make each one feel a little unique. I'll admit, After awhile I do begin to lose some ideas on how to accomplish this task, but I play around with various vanilla and custom meshes until it seems to fit. This is my personal favorite Halfling Hole so far.


    There are many great fishing spots all over the shire, any pond or river will do, just cast your line and wait. But the settlement of Small Dolving is the largest exporter of fish and fishing supplies for miles. Many Fishers from the surrounding areas know this is the best place to catch, sell, or buy any type of fish or fishing supplies.


  13. It is like playing with two on-line friends, except Vilja and Inigo are much more clever than some on-line friends.

    Well said, very well said :D


    Out of the two, I prefer Vilja as well. Both are unquestionably impressive. But Vilja had much more content, making her a bit more interesting

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