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Everything posted by Plarux

  1. Hello everyone, I recently updated Simple Coffee and thought that the issue with vendor items not respawning was fixed, but I was somewhat mistaken. There have been multiple attempts with different scripts to fix this. The current script that I am using is below. It's connected to a "forced" reference alias inside of a quest that is pointed towards a vendor's aspiration container. I've experienced vendors having the items that I'd like and some not having any at all. However, the issue with respawning was fixed for the vendors that had the items. Not sure if it has to do with the leveled lists that I'm injecting or possibly the reference it's being placed into. Anyways, I appreciate any help or advice that you guys have to offer. Thank You, Plarux Scriptname SC_AddLeveledListScript extends ReferenceAlias LeveledItem Property LLD_Vendor_Custom_List Auto Auto State startState Event OnLoad() InjectLeveledList() EndEvent EndState Function InjectLeveledList() GetReference().AddItem(LLD_Vendor_Custom_List, 1, 1) EndFunction
  2. ReDragon2013, thank you for this reference! My apologies for not realizing this was the wrong forum :/
  3. I was able to compile the script successfully. Thank you both for the help! Scriptname Plarux_FastTravelMenu02 extends ObjectReference Message Property PL_FastTravelMenu02 Auto Message Property PL_LND_Message_Solstheim Auto ObjectReference Property SolstheimMarker Auto ObjectReference Property RavenRockMapMarker Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (RavenRockMapMarker.IsMapMarkerVisible() == TRUE && RavenRockMapMarker.CanFastTravelToMarker() == TRUE) Menu() else PL_LND_Message_Solstheim.show() endif EndEvent Function Menu(int aButton = 0) aButton = PL_FastTravelMenu02.show() If aButton == 0 Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(SolstheimMarker) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(SolstheimMarker) ElseIf aButton == 1 EndIf EndFunction
  4. IsharaMeradin, Thank you for replying! I was able to resolve the error in the previous post, but now have another one :/ Here's the updated script: Scriptname Plarux_FastTravelMenu02 extends ObjectReference Message Property PL_FastTravelMenu02 Auto Message Property PL_LND_Message_Solstheim Auto ObjectReference Property SolstheimMarker Auto ObjectReference Property RavenRockMapMarker Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) IsLocationDiscovered() EndEvent Bool Function IsLocationDiscovered(ObjectReference RavenRockMapMarker) if (RavenRockMapMarker.IsMapMarkerVisible() == TRUE && RavenRockMapMarker.CanFastTravelToMarker() == TRUE) Menu() else PL_LND_Message_Solstheim.show() endif EndFunction Function Menu(int aButton = 0) aButton = PL_FastTravelMenu02.show() If aButton == 0 Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(SolstheimMarker) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(SolstheimMarker) ElseIf aButton == 1 EndIf EndFunction Compile Output: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Plarux_FastTravelMenu02"... E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\Plarux_FastTravelMenu02.psc(10,1): argument ravenrockmapmarker is not specified and has no default value No output generated for Plarux_FastTravelMenu02, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Plarux_FastTravelMenu02 The error it is giving is directly related to the line with the Bool Function. When I changed RavenRockMapMarker to something else, it will say argument "something else" is not specified.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm currently trying to create a script that teleports the player (only if they have the location discovered) via activator. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I think that I've got the right idea. Here's what I have (attached to an activator): Scriptname Plarux_FastTravelMenu02 extends ObjectReference Message Property PL_FastTravelMenu02 Auto Message Property PL_LND_Message_Solstheim Auto ObjectReference Property SolstheimMapMarker Auto ObjectReference Property SolstheimMarker Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) IsLocationDiscovered() EndEvent Bool Function IsLocationDiscovered(ObjectReference SolstheimMapMarker) if (SolstheimMapMarker.GetMapMarkerVisible() == 2) Menu() elseif PL_LND_Message_Solstheim.show() endif EndFunction Function Menu(int aButton = 0) aButton = PL_FastTravelMenu02.show() If aButton == 0 Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(SolstheimMarker) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(SolstheimMarker) ElseIf aButton == 1 EndIf EndFunction Compile Output: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Plarux_FastTravelMenu02"... E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\Plarux_FastTravelMenu02.psc(18,6): no viable alternative at input '\\r\\n' No output generated for Plarux_FastTravelMenu02, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Plarux_FastTravelMenu02 I'm not sure what the third line of the Compile Output means, and require assistance figuring out what to do next. Thank You, Plarux
  6. I've used the Cheat Terminal to test mods and have used the [Move to Location] option about a trillion times probably. Someone could definitely use the script connected to those options for a weapon/grenade. The event for the gun/grenade's script would be OnFire or something like that. There's a mod like the one you mention on Xbox called "Custom Fast Travel", except it uses motorcycles as markers. It works, but you can only travel from and between the markers.
  7. Hello everyone, I normally don't make request, but this idea is too good for me to just keep locked in my head. If I had the time to create this, then I would delve right into the Creation Kit to make it. However, my time is focused on college right now. The idea is pretty simple - fast travel from anywhere to a specific point. A gun or grenade could be used as an activator that initiates the teleport player command. A marker (craft-able in the settlement mode or player homes) that will act as a sort of hub for the player to be transferred to. The story involves the Institute, a rogue scientist, and a quest to find the schematics / devices that were created from reverse engineered molecular relay technology, which was stolen years back.
  8. Hello, I hope everyone is doing well today! This post is in regards to renaming an item in the game using a script. More specifically, I'd like to rename the Coffee Tin(s) (PlayerHouse_Ruin_CoffeeTin_01 and PlayerHouse_CoffeeTin_01). However, I'd like to stay away from altering vanilla records. From what I've gathered on the web, it could involve a quest with alias that point towards the Coffee Tin. I'm not really sure, so that's why I'm asking. If anyone has suggestions or knowledge on this, please reply. Thank You, Plarux
  9. Here is the mod that has the order issue. Basically, you craft a misc item that is taken out of your inventory and it is replaced with another item via script. The mod adds a few new leveled lists to death leveled lists, but the COBJs and misc items should be what is affecting this. You get more junk items that can be used to craft ammunition at the Chemistry Station with this mod. It all functions as intended. However, it annoys me to see the recipes out of order :dry:
  10. I thought this as well, but I've tried renaming the COBJs and the Misc Item(s) connected to them. If priority is set to 0, they should order alphabetically. However, that isn't the case for me :confused: .
  11. I'm resurrecting this post, because I have created a new misc item for the mod that I am working on - Simple Coffee. This misc item is a Coffee Tin that contains c_Aluminum (2) and c_GroundCoffee (4) for its components. When using this item for a recipe at the cooking station that only requires 1 Ground Coffee, crafting the recipe will take the Coffee Tin and not give the player 3 Ground Coffee back or the aluminum. From this post, I was able to make a working scrap recipe for the workshop mode involving the Coffee Tin. However, I can't seem to figure out how to fix the issue with using the Coffee Tin in a recipe at the cooking station. Could anyone point me in the right direction? EDIT: I used a work-around to solve this issue. Thanks to SKK50 for helping me awhile back, because the knowledge he gave me is proving to be extremely handy. A script checks to see if the player is using a cooking station, when the item is removed (used in the recipe), then the script gives the player the components of the Coffee Tin. This was huge for Simple Coffee, because Coffee Tins will contain the ingredient for crafting a Cup of Coffee.
  12. Hello Everyone, I hope whoever reading this is having a wonderful day! As the title states, I can't seem to get my constructible objects to order right in the Chemistry Station. There are numerous things that I have tried, but with no success. These unsuccessful solutions included: changing the COBJ's priority, EditorID, and the FormID. I've also tried changing the value and FormID of the items being constructed, which are misc items. I've created a new recipe filter, so all of my COBJs are under the same category, but not ordering properly. If anyone can lend me some help, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Plarux
  13. I know this reply is late, but I don't know much about what you've suggested. When I have some time, I will do some research on what you've mentioned.
  14. Here is the script error that I received when compiling the Quest Script that you suggested: C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\FCRScript_DieFeM.psc(11,17): GetAmmo is not a function or does not exist C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\FCRScript_DieFeM.psc(11,27): cannot compare a void to a ammo (cast missing or types unrelated) I'd assume the other script would give a similar error? Also, should the quest have a conditional or constant flag? Thank You for the Help! Plarux
  15. I hope everyone reading this is doing well. The reason for making this post is simple - I'd like a script that gives the player "Empty Fusion Cells" when they fire a weapon, such as the Laser Rifle. My research on the Creation Kit Forum lead me to this page here. I would assume the script would use this event function and then use a leveled list with various chances to give the player Empty Fusion Cells, which could be used at the Chemistry Station to make Fusion Cells. Any input on how to do this would be greatly appreciated, as this is something I've been craving in Fallout 4 for a long time. Plarux
  16. SKK50, I appreciate the help a lot. I'm learning as I go, so my apologies for my lack of knowledge. :/ If I were doing this with multiple different recipes, how would I do it? Multiple different scripts and quests or just scripts on the same quest alias? Here is the script that I tested. It adds an empty coffee tin when the player crafts a cup of dirty coffee. Scriptname PLSC_ECT_Script extends ReferenceAlias FormList Property PLSC_CoffeeDirtyCreatedFormList Auto Const Mandatory Potion Property CupofCoffee_Dirty Auto Const Mandatory MiscObject Property PLSC_CoffeeTin01 Auto Const Mandatory Event OnAliasInit() RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("CookingMenu") ;Cooking + Chemlab EndEvent Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) If (abOpening == TRUE) Self.AddInventoryEventFilter(PLSC_CoffeeDirtyCreatedFormList) ElseIf (abOpening == FALSE) Self.RemoveInventoryEventFilter(PLSC_CoffeeDirtyCreatedFormList) Endif EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form CupofCoffee_Dirty, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(PLSC_CoffeeTin01, 1, true) EndEvent
  17. Okay, so my properties would be an Object Reference with linked to the empty coffee tin, the Form List with the empty coffee tin in it, and one for the cooking menu (not sure how I'd add this property). Please let me know if this is correct?
  18. Hello, I've recently been playing around with creating leveled list for Simple Coffee and can't get them to function properly. As for injecting them into the game, I've figured that out. However, I don't think I understand how to set up a leveled list. If anyone could possibly reply with some links to resources that would lead me in the right direction or explain it a bit, that would be appreciated as always. Another small issue I've been having is values being reset or changed when I load my mod up on a fresh save. Would this possibly be fixed with cleaning my fallout4.esm? The issue is noticeable on the cup of coffee items that I've added with Simple Coffee. For example, the Cup of Coffee (Dirty) should have +5 Rads. When I load it up in game, the cost value of the item is set to 0 and the +5 Rads don't appear. Any help on this matter would be awesome, because I don't want this to happen when I release version 3. Thank You, Plarux
  19. Hello, The title says it all really. No power armor inside interiors and when the player tries to enter a cell with power armor they will receive a message saying "You can't enter with power armor" or something of that nature. Something simple in concept, but I have a feeling there's a lot more scripting behind it all. Anyways, it's an immersive gameplay change that would make me use power armor in survival. I'm currently working on my own mods, so I won't get to this idea for awhile.
  20. DieFeM, Alright, so i was able to get everything working! The vendor sells some misc items too, but that's not a problem *insert meme here*. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into figuring this out. One step closer to releasing version 3 for Simple Coffee.
  21. Makes a lot more sense now. I thought about it a bit at work today, and knew I didn't quite understand it. After reading SKK50's reply again, I see what you mean about editing vanilla records and agree with you about avoiding editing these. I thought I was missing an alias from the suggestion in your very first reply, but can see now that's not right. :mellow: Anyways, I will attempt to try your new suggestion tomorrow. I'll post another reply with an update some time soon. Thanks again, Plarux
  22. I'm going to try what SKK50 suggested first, because some of the items I'd like to add to the Institute Food Vendor are actually aid items - Cup of Coffee. Hopefully that works for making the coffee drink available, but I also need the vendor to carry misc objects too (Coffee Tins). Would I just make the option for "VendorItemsMisc" to be empty, so that he can sell anything? If I can't have the luxury of both, then being able to have just the drink is good enough. The option for coffee tins at the Institute vendor was requested, so I want to try and make it possible. I appreciate the help from both of you. Will try what you guys suggested later today. Thank You, Plarux
  23. DieFeM, I tried following what you suggested, but couldn't get it to work. The vendor that I'm using is the vendor for food, which doesn't have an aspiration container. I created one, linked it via keyword to NPC, and through the quest alias. My script looked very similar to yours. There was nothing there when I loaded it up. Waited 2-3 days, saved and exited, loaded it back up, and still nothing. My leveled item has 5 cups of coffee. I've tried checking different options for "use all", leveled, count, etc. Can't think of anything else to try. I've tried adding the leveled list via FO4Edit to see if it works and no success. :confused:
  24. Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to add items to vendors via script for those who do not have leveled list that items can be added to. A perfect example of this is the Food vendor at the Institute. Can I just use FO4Edit to add the leveled items I'd like him to sell to his connected vendor chest? This is a problem I've ran into trying to do leveled list injections for my mod Simple Coffee. I've figured out how to add all the items to leveled lists, but not vendors who have no leveled lists that can be added to. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank You, Plarux
  25. To answer everyone's question, I want the script to add an item back to the player's inventory once they craft something. Since the Coffee Tin was used for one of my recipes, I wanted the player to receive the Empty Coffee Tin back. The OnItemRemoved is for the Coffee Tin used in the recipe, so when it's removed AND the player is in the crafting menu of the cooking station (or whatever station). This way the player will only get an empty coffee tin when they use the recipe requiring the coffee tin. Zorkaz, I can't find anything that does this. Nor any information on the web that has helped make it possible. The item being crafted is a Potion. SKK50, a) The Coffee Tin used for the recipe at a cooking station. b) I read about that on the creation kit website, but not really sure what it is :sad: hereami, Not sure how I would incorporate that into the script tbh.
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