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Everything posted by Plarux

  1. Hello, I'm creating this post to find some insight on how to add items once a player crafts a specific object. There's multiple ways of doing this, but I think the easiest would be to make a script that checks to see if the player is at a crafting station and the item used for the recipe is removed from the player's inventory. For example, I've created this script below. It doesn't work, but it's the basis of getting this to function. I've done some googling, but can't figure out how to get the script to check & see if the player is crafting. IsFurnitureInUse can be used to do this though. However, I don't know how to make it work. If someone could help me get this to function properly, I would be extremely grateful! You will be credited too :smile: Scriptname PLSC_AddEmptyCoffeeTin extends ObjectReference MiscObject Property EmptyCoffeeTin Auto Const Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Game.GetPlayer.AddItem(EmptyCoffeeTin, 1, true) EndEvent Thank You, Plarux
  2. Don't mean to dig up bones, but can anyone help me figure out how to add items to settlement vendors?
  3. If I were to want a crafting menu to appear on a certain option on the message, do you know how I might make that possible without any animations like the chem station has? Also, thank you for this! It's a huge help.
  4. Hello, I'm currently creating an activator/item that will display a message when it is dropped. For example, mods like simple camping, where you drop the sleeping back and have options when you activate it. However, I'm not to shabby with the scripts. I do know that I will most likely need a static object to drop, or "placeatme" and an invisible activator to start the message to display options. Any help is appreciated and will be credited upon publishing of the mod that I'm using this for. Thank You, Plarux
  5. Hello again, I need a script that onevent [player scrapping some object event name] [object ref, #, true], something happens. For instance, when you scrap an animal (an item in my case) in your settlement, it would give you meat (another item). The item I would like the player to receive is not a component. Thank You, Plarux
  6. Hello, I'm trying to find ways to remove/disable objects from a cell, once a player selects an option on a terminal. For example, once the player buys the key to Home Plate, then a terminal will appear inside the house. If the player activates the terminal, there is an option to scrap the cell (disabling the objects). Would it be better to use a quest or scripts? Any help is much appreciated as always :thumbsup:
  7. Hello everyone, I need help figuring out how to get my activator to disable upon being activated. Below is a script connected to the activator: Scriptname PS_AmmoPouchScript extends ObjectReference Ammo Property Ammo308Caliber Auto ObjectReference Property PL_AmmoPouchActivator Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Ammo308Caliber, 20, true) endif EndEvent What I need help with is finding a way to disable the activator once it gives the player the ammo & display a message saying "20 .308 Rounds added" like when you pick up a chem or another item. If you could lend a hand, it would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Hello, I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out how to get my custom legendary items (weapons and clothing) to spawn in a container. There is a video by Eag1e that I've watched that shows how to create a unique weapon and place it in the world, but not a container. Here is that video. From around 8:30 to 9:40 he is messing around with the script connected to the quest "customitemsquest". It's a very good tutorial, but I need to figure out how to make it spawn in a container. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  9. Hello, This time I'm looking to figure out how I could add an effect to armor that while worn, gives the player bonus experience when they discover a new location. I've recently updated my mod Plarux's Stash, but I'd like make a new armor with this discovery effect. Any help or information is appreciated! Thank You, Plarux
  10. Hello, I'm making this post in search of suggestions on how to make a deactivated elevator active, only if the player has activated something on a terminal. There already exists in the game script(s) that make the elevator activate and deactivate, but I'm not sure how to use them in unison with a terminal to activate the elevator. For instance, here is a script for the call button of an elevator. It includes properties for the elevator that if set to true, a message will appear saying "This elevator isn't functional". It's a pretty big script and my understanding of it is very limited, but I can see that there are lines concerning "On Activate". Are these lines something I could alter to make it where the elevator is active after the player activates a button on a terminal or is there an alternative way to write a script that does what I need it to? Any help is appreciated. Thank You, Plarux Scriptname LoadElevatorPanelScript extends ObjectReference Hidden Group Optional_Properties Bool Property bStartDeactivated = FALSE Auto { Whether this elevator starts "off" or not. If set to TRUE then LinkCustom01 this button to the ElevatorMeter above the door. } Message Property DeactivatedMessage Auto {Message that shows up when any elevator button is pressed while it's deactivated.} EndGroup Group No_Touchy CollapsedOnRef Bool Property InteriorPanel = FALSE Auto Const {Only for the button inside the elevator.} Keyword Property LinkCustom01 Auto Const {Only used if you want this elevator to start in the "off" state, to be turned on later.} ;Keyword Property LinkCustom02 Auto Const ;{Only used if you want this elevator to start in the "off" state, to be turned on later.} EndGroup Bool bHasAlreadyLoaded = FALSE Event OnLoad() if !bHasAlreadyLoaded bHasAlreadyLoaded = TRUE if InteriorPanel PlayAnimation("Play01") endif utility.Wait(0.1) if bStartDeactivated ObjectReference Link01 = GetLinkedRef(LinkCustom01) if Link01 if !Link01.Is3DLoaded() Link01.Waitfor3dLoad() endif Link01.PlayAnimation("Play02") endif if GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef() RegisterForRemoteEvent(GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef(), "OnActivate") GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef().BlockActivation() endif Playanimation("StartOff") else ;Do Nothing endif endif EndEvent Event ObjectReference.OnActivate(ObjectReference akSender, ObjectReference akActionRef) if akSender == GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef() if bStartDeactivated if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() DeactivatedMessage.Show() endif endif endif EndEVENT Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if bStartDeactivated if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() DeactivatedMessage.Show() endif else if InteriorPanel if GetLinkedRef().GetOpenState() == 1 GetLinkedRef().Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) endif else if GetLinkedRef().GetOpenState() == 3 (GetLinkedRef() as LoadElevatorDoorScript).ActivatedFromButton = TRUE GetLinkedRef().Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) endif endif endif EndEvent Function MakeElevatorFunctional() bStartDeactivated = FALSE if GetLinkedRef(LinkCustom01) GetLinkedRef(LinkCustom01).PlayAnimation("StartOn") GetLinkedRef().SetLockLevel(0) endif if GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef() UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef(), "OnActivate") GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef().BlockActivation(FALSE) endif Playanimation("Play02") EndFunction Function MakeElevatorNonFunctional(bool ShouldDoorClose = TRUE) bStartDeactivated = TRUE if GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef(LinkCustom01) GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef(LinkCustom01).PlayAnimation("Play02") endif if GetLinkedRef() if ShouldDoorClose GetLinkedRef().SetOpen(FALSE) GetLinkedRef().SetLockLevel(254) else GetLinkedRef().SetOpen(TRUE) endif endif if GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef() RegisterForRemoteEvent(GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef(), "OnActivate") if ShouldDoorClose GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef().SetOpen(FALSE) else GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef().SetOpen(TRUE) endif GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef().BlockActivation() endif Playanimation("StartOff") utility.Wait(1) if GetLinkedRef() if !ShouldDoorClose GetLinkedRef().SetOpen(TRUE) endif endif if GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef() if !ShouldDoorClose GetLinkedRef().GetLinkedRef().SetOpen(TRUE) endif endif EndFunction
  11. PhanomGames, I looked at my data folder and the .pex file for the script is there. RedRocketTV, You're right about the loose files. I updated my Fallout4.ini file, so it should work properly now. Thank you for replying to my post/replies & helping me figure this all out.
  12. RedRocketTV, Okay, so I got the key to be added to the vendor inventory of Trudy using the aspiration method that you suggested. I tried using the script that you mentioned too, but nothing happens. Also, I created a folder with the name of my mod in the /Data/Scripts to see if that is the issue. The only guess that I have is that it's possibly the properties that I'm using? I made the fake item a misc item w/ no components. Is there something I missing? I've had issues before with my game not reading scripts, so I'm not sure if it is that or the script itself. UPDATE: I uploaded to bethesda.net & everything works. For some reason, my game doesn't load my scripts. If I were to upload my mod to the nexus, how would I get the scripts to function properly for others?
  13. RedRocketTV, Does this script look similar to the script you mentioned? This is from a YouTube video about this issue for Skyrim. It's the exact script that I've used, but it doesn't function in-game. I used Fo4Edit to add the fake key to the vendor list. The key shows up, but the script doesn't change out the item/keys. Will using an aspiration container make this script work or is there something wrong with the script I'm using? I appreciate the fast response!
  14. RedRocketTV, Thank you for the information. I'll take a look at Daisy to see exactly what you're talking about. However, what I'm stuck on is how to get the fake key/item to give the real key to the player when it is purchased. Would looking at Daisy shed some light on how to do this? I assume you meant to say "player inventory" when referring to using the "fake" item to add the key. UPDATE: I assume this is what you're referring to with Daisy, but I pulled it up for Trudy. What I don't understand is what the ref "VendorAspirationDrumlinDiner" is there for. I open up VendorAspiration, but there's nothing in it. My guess is that scripts/quests add items into this container as the player progresses through the game? This is another way to add the key to the vendor's inventory, but how would I get the fake item to give the player the real key when it is purchased?
  15. Yeah, it doesn't show up in her inventory for some reason. Since I can't add the key, I'm trying to add in a fake key the player buys from Trudy. After it is bought, a script will remove the fake key and add the real key to the player's inventory. However, all the scripts I've tried compile and don't function in game. Do you have any idea how to make a script that does this? I've tried OnContainerChanged and OnItemAdded for when the fake key is added, but the script doesn't do anything. I'm using Game.GetPlayer().AddItem & Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem. Also, I tried a script that sets a quest stage after the item appears in the player's inventory and that stage does the removing/adding, still it doesn't work. ------- Thank you for the help!
  16. Unfortunately, I don't think you can add Keys to vendors. Using FO4Edit is easier to add items to vendor containers, which is their inventory. As long as your item is in a leveled list, it will show up in the vendor's inventory. The bypass for the key problem is to add a misc item to the vendor that looks like your key, then have a script replace the fake key with the real key (once you buy it and it's in the player inventory). There's a video on YouTube show how to do this in Skyrim, so I'm going to try that in Fallout 4. Here's the link to that video.
  17. I tried what you suggested steve40, but it still doesn't work. Do I need to wait for the vendor inventory to reset? UPDATE: Waiting didn't work.
  18. Here is the script that I came up with. I know it's wrong, but this was the best of my knowledge. All of the properties work, but the actual function does not. Also, I don't know which event to use in order to get this script to start. Since I'm using a quest, could it be a onSetStage 0 or something like that? UPDATE: Alright, I played around with it a bit more & figured it out. I used a leveled list containing the item. This script is connected to a quest that is startgame enabled & run once ticked. The quest has one stage - 0. When I tried to buy the key from Trudy, it doesn't appear in her inventory. I applied this script to an object and set extend to ObjectReference, it still didn't work Any suggestions?
  19. Hello, I'm having trouble adding an item ( a key) to the leveled list of a vender (VL_Vendor_General_Drumin). My knowledge of papyrus is not good, so I cannot get the script to work properly. From research, I tried creating a quest that has a stage with a fragment - VL_Vendor_General_Drumlin.AddForm ( keyid, 1, 1). However, I'm not sure how to get properties of a script to work. When I try to add them to the script, the list of properties remains empty. If you could provide a sample script and maybe possible ways to add properties, I would be extremely thankful. It seems so simple, but I always run into issues when writing my own scripts. :sad: I appreciate any help! Plarux
  20. Oynlen, Unfortunately, someone has already agreed to help me. I appreciate your interest!
  21. Hello, I'm trying to add a message that is displayed when the player uses an item, such as a chem. One that the player has to click "Ok" or enter on to get it to disappear. Could someone possibly show me a script that would do such a thing? I know how to create messages and understand how the buttons work, but have no idea how to use papyrus. Thank You, Plarux
  22. Hello, I'm looking for help creating a retexture or creating a new mesh/texture that resembles the blood sample in Fallout 4, but it's actually a green poison vial. The reason being that I am currently creating a feature in my mod that allows the player to create a poison that is applicable to a weapon. However, I need a mesh and texture for the item. If you are interested in creating a new mesh/texture or just a retexture of the blood sample, please reply below or email me - [email protected]. Below I've provided a picture of the blood sample from Fallout 4, a couple images that the poison could be based of off, and the .nif file for the blood sample. Credit will be given to the creator of meshes, textures, etc. Mesh for Blood Sample - TTubeBlood.nif Blood Sample from Fallout 4 Image 1 http://i1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii557/Plarux/7248870_zpsl8fupp9t.jpg Image 2 The mod that I am currently working on is Wasteland Hunting. Check it out if you're interested!
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