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Everything posted by irswat

  1. The link for this mod no longer works. Would someone who has it upload to dropbox and send me a link via pm?
  2. I have a problem where i can't wait unless I first go into a container, a dialogue, or VATS
  3. This is what I did. I found almost all of the major errors seems to originate from three plugins: dog city, city of adventurers, and the torn city. So I used the deep copy as override into and made a separate plugin with the records of these 3 plugins.
  4. Do you think some of these errors are caused by merge plugins renaming formids that conflict? If so can I simply allign the old formid references with the new form ids that merge plugins assigned to them? For example: Fails[128]: [REFR:94FF7FFF] (places RubbleBlockade03 [sTAT:0006EE20] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:94FF8083] (in 000thecity "The City" [WRLD:94FF80E1] at 7,1)): [05000B01] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  5. thanks dubious, I did read just that article yesterday and am learning alot. I don't know how I ended up with a double post. The board said the first one was blocked because I was posting so quickly, so I waited and made another one, and realized I had two.
  6. I merged about 140 plugins. The plugin works fine, but mergeplugins has a list of errors. Occasionally I have minor hiccups. Is there anyone who can help me understand what the various errors mean, which ones are serious, and how to go about fixing them?
  7. In the sounds.bsa file is where adultmale09 are. MannyVargas' voice files are in there. I narrowed the problem down to my merged plugin which changed adultmale09 to adultmalex editor id.
  8. I checked in fallout voices bsa, and I don't find a folder for him under male actors unique. Lips don't move either. Any idea why this would happen? I tried extracting adult male 09 files related to him to data, but no luck.
  9. I had this same problem, and even though I have a pretty powerful rig I was having the exact same problem at 133 plugins. When I merged several of the plugins and go my load order down to 129 the problems went away. I have since added a mod or two and am having no problems with 131 plugins. Try merging plugins using mators merge plugin utility. another possibility is missing textures or meshes. When this happens you can extract them from the BSA using BSA unpacker into your data folder.
  10. it's momod additions, and you guys are correct. GECK is looking for skeleton.nif in meshes/creatures/blowfly/ and it doesn't exist. EDIT: Extracted skeleton from vanilla meshes.bsa and eureka, problem solved. thanks guys!
  11. thanks guys! i have tried archive invalidation. i will look into the skeleton issue! so nice to play this game with lots of mods and textures and no crashing! thank God and thank you guys for your help I found a Glowfly.nif in \meshes\creatures\blowfly\ but there is no glowfly folder, and there is no skeleton.nif in the blowfly folder. I extracted the meshes and textures from momod.bsa and again, no meshes/creatures/bloatfly/skeleton.nif, but I did find a skeleton.nif in meshes/Floater/ I opened this skeleton.nif in GECK and it was nothing more than a flat/2-d plane. Does anyone know where I can find the skeleton.nif that is used for the blowfly. I'll try putting that in with the glowfly.nif and see if that does it.
  12. http://i66.tinypic.com/1kxaq.jpg sometimes this happens. what causes it, and how to fix? that's a glow fly btw, that is stretched out for miles
  13. I actually just took the AI-difficulty mods and deep copy as override the records into a new plugin, loaded it after my bashed patch, and that seems to have worked very well. Now the wasteland is a brutal place.
  14. this should be pinned. this is one of the most useful discussions on the topic I've seen. And I was just wondering this very question! thanks! p.s. the auto wrye bash tag script does apply the tags if you have the latest version from github.
  15. random question: do you know how to use wrye bash so that all records from a particular mod will be conflict winner. For example: I want YUP bug fix records to always win. I also want my Combat enhancer values to always win. Is there a way to do this?
  16. I am using heap replacement in nv sr. Thanks for the reply. I merged a bunch of NPC upgrade mods into one (npcs upgraded, cnr, ncr upgraded, etc) and got my plugin number down to 129. I tested just now with 0 problems which made me go woohoo!
  17. If I am outside in goodsprings, there is no graphical issues. When I go inside suddenly textures are missing, missing meshes, textures change based on what angle they are viewed at, etc. If I save the game inside and then exit new vegas and reload new vegas the textures are fixed. Then I go outside and there are missing meshes, but if I save outside, exit new vegas, and reload, everything is perfect. then I go inside and the textures/meshes are messed up again inside. I have 133 plugins loaded including my bashed patch. I have compressed textures using ddsopt and/or ordenador down to no greater than 2048. I have deleted my FalloutNV, prefs, and default, and verified integrity of cache. I have patched NV for 4gb. Here is my load order any ideas? specs: i7 2600k @ 4.8 ghz 3gb 7970 DD @ 1080p 16 GB RAM SSD
  18. I narrowed the problem down to one of the files in landscape/lod/NVDLC03BigMT/ I use FNVLODgen, so I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong on that end.
  19. A toggleable option that displays and/or logs the paths of the files being loaded on the loading screen. This would help troubleshooting missing assets, corrupt meshes, etc.
  20. I wish there were a way to display what files are being loaded on loading screens.
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