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Posts posted by inggrish

  1. yeah mate, you read it right, there should be no instances of a single 0.


    this is probably my last suggestion...ive got nothing else hey. but here goes:


    use the arrow keys in the render window to pan out from your centre cell (0,0) to an area maybe double or triple the land mass you've created (i went to about 33X and 33Y, and my area was only about 10cells wide), which should create a bunch of wilderness cells. (i think someone mentioned the same process above)


    then use the heightmap editor to regenerate your full LOD, and save.

    then generate your textures from the render window, starting from the centre, then from outside the corners of your landmass.

    finally, export the LOD through World->World Testing->Update Distant LOD Data. export all LOD for your worldspace.


    umm, thats about all i can remember at 1AM.


    Best of luck




    wow you seem awake to say its that time! haha, how do you generate textures from the render window? What do you mean by this?






  2. ahh *censored*. i was kinda hopin thatd be it, cos i understand how frustrating it is, i wouldnt wish it on anybody. the only other option i explored was a once-off reference to a heightmap naming error, which i also changed before the problem disappeared. if you generated LOD textures:




    there's a whole bunch of .dds files in here with coordinate names.


    apparently the convention is to place two zero's (00) to signify a zero coordinate in the name. but sometimes the heightmap editor names them using only one zero. so see if there are any with only one zero, and rename the file to make them all two zero's.


    Hope this helps





    hmm again, no luck. All co-ordinates containing 0s, always contain 00, not 0. (If I read your reply correctly this means its right?)


    Thanks again for the suggestion



  3. hey inggrish


    i was having this same problem tonight, was driving me a little bit insane.


    then i remembered i'd messed with my oblivion.ini earlier that day, so i restored it and my water was once again intact.


    before you do that though, check other areas for the same problems (bethesda built areas) - i checked the waterfront district, and it was horribly chopped up. the only setting i can think of that might have caused this ( i never had problems when i did this kind of modding on the game about a year ago) was enabling shader 3.0 support - even though my graphics card supports it, i think it may have stuffed it up pretty bad.







    EDIT: narrowed it down to uGridsToLoad=x ; seems like x larger than 10 is the problem.




    hmm, thanks for your help. Unfortunately though, I do not think this is quite the problem since "uGridsToLoad" =5 in my oblivion.ini file which I believe is the default. I hav't seen this problem elsewhere in the game which is driving me insane!



    Cheers for your input



  4. Happens because the cells over there havn't been defined. When doing an island, you should always create a buffer of about 3-5 cells between your coastline/playable region and the edge of your worldspace. If you're working on a full worldspace, you'll need to have a similar buffer before the edge of the quads you are using.



    Ok, so how do I do this?

  5. I am creating a new worldspace, an island; however, when looking out to sea, the floor looks like it dsoes in the screenshot. It just dissapears after a certain distance. I want the water to be very clear and clean, so i feel changing water opacitiy isnt the right option for this. So does anyone know how to extend what can be seen on the ground below the sea?


    Thanks for your time


    Matt (Inggrish)

  6. I have to say MAG is the best online shooter I have ever played. As long as you are in a squad with headsets who are NOT obsessed with call of duty, and actually know how to use teamwork... lets put it this way, I have never had so much fun on a shooter. Really deep customisation; unique factions in a constant ongoing war; massive replay factors, and the promise of a lot of DLC. Don't listen to reviews, if you want a shooter with teamwork that is nothing like call of duty;p this is the game for you. :)
  7. Hey all, it recently came to my attention that my mod Jade Manor was the mod that was causing the glitch where NPCs did not unlock the doors to their shops in a lot of places including most of the imperial district; which meant the player had to trespass in order to see the shopkeeper.


    I have now fixed this, and the new version of Jade manor can be found here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17455


    Sorry to all of those that this bug affected for so long!




    Matt G (Inggrish)

  8. Try using Tes4edit to clean the mod. You could undo the changes to the AI packages this way. Tes4edit is the easiest tool in my opinion, but there are others.



    Thanks all for your help. I have now fixed the problem, and to my knowledge, the bug with the merchants is no longer present. The new file is found at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17455


    If anyone could test this to make sure I have removed the bug I would greatly appreciate it.


    Thanks again


    Matt (Inggrish)

  9. However, there are other changes to vanilla AI packages evident from the esp file, everyone of which might cause a conflict at some point in the game. The simple fix outlined above will not cure all potential problems. Thoroughly cleaning up the esp file is likely the best solution.

    Yep, which is why mod makers should always use new IDs if they change anything vanilla, especially anything NPC or AI related.




    Haha, I started using new IDs AFTER I created Jade Manor unfortunately. Which is why there are a tonne of bugs with Jade Manor. Is there a simple way of ironing out all of these bugs?

  10. Hi everyone.


    Im currently putting together a team, for a new town mod. This will be a preserved ayleid town in the sky, (the teleport linked to there being located in a new ayleid ruin on the ground.)


    This will be a full town mod with a main quest line and side quests including a house for sale quest. It is NOT however going to be a exceptionally large town as that would simply be too time consuming!


    Currently there is me and Demonman, between us having decent ecxperience with interior and exterior decorating, etc, and some small experience with model creating; and some even smaller experience with scripting and creating quests; but not nearly enough!


    If you are interested to join our team, and you have good experience with scripting and/or creating quests or have anything you could bring to this team, please add a comment!!!


    Thanks a lot for reading,


    Matt (Inggrish); and Jack (Demonman) :thanks:

  11. I don't see why the trainer mods would mess up the trainers in the game; I have used a couple before and they have been alright. Hmm, 4-5K is tonnes of gold, you are right about that. It probabaly is one of your current mods that is causing this.


    sorry I can't be much more help than that. Good luck finding the problem; oh and please update me when you have found the problem, I would be interested to know exactly what it was.



  12. So, I've built up my little "basic" Oblivion build, and I'm currently playing through it with a couple of new toons (so as not to risk breaking my main guy who I generally use for FCOM rampages and bloodletting in the major cities) However, I've suddenly realised that the training costs are astronomical. Now, being a thorough guy, I generally always train my guys before I level up... but I can't afford it. I mean, I really can't afford it. After crashing through 10 dungeons, and loading my horse down so bad its groins scraping along the floor, I can afford to train twice. At level 6!!!! Something has really ramped up my trainers, and I cannot for the life of me work out what.

    As FCOM is currently disabled, the only mods I have installed that I think could be responsible are TIE and COBL. But TIE doesn't seem to be functioning right anyways. (working on that one- probably a minor conflict) ... yet neither mention anything anywhere about ramping up the trainer costs. And with both and/or one or the other disabled, theres no difference. Still astronomical training costs.

    Now, I'm not the console cheat type, so I don't want "just type playeraddskillblahbloodyblah..." as an answer... but does anyone know which mod could be guilty of this or, better yet, what .ini (if any) value controls training costs? Just so I can nerf it back down to a somewhat more acheivable level...

    Thanks in advance.



    As you train using trainers, the cost goes up a air bit each time anyway, so personally I don't think it is a mod that is causing it, unless the jump in price is tonnes more? What sort of price did trainers use to be and what are they now?


    If you look around, there are some good mods out there that either change the amount of times you can train per level, or change the price to train, or even both.


    Here is a good looking mod that simply changes the price of training, without changing the amount of times you can train per level, so it may be what you want http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15033


    Hope this helps



  13. I apologize if this seems remedial, but always start with the simple things first.


    It sounds like you just haven't applied the water to the cell. Right click on the cell and Edit it. In the area that says "Has Water" there is a dropdown menu; make sure your new custom water is selected.


    Failing that, on the lower left side of the Edit Water window is a dropdown where you select which water type is used for day, night, and underwater. Make sure your new type is selecting itself.



    Ah, thank you so much.

    It was the last big I hadn't realised about selecting the water for day, night, and underwater; I wasn't sure exactly what they were for so I left them alone. Haha, I had the rest of it sorted but not that.


    Anyway, thanks, kudos to you.



  14. Very simple question... I'm sure this has been asked many times, but I couldn't find anything with a half hour of google and forum searches, and there's nothing under a search for 'wood' in the moders' resources download list either.


    I noticed the only static object for making wood floors is static/floorplane01, but it's broken (erroneous data in the nif, broken normal mapping, wrong sound for footsteps, etc). Is there any wood floor resource available out there?


    Hey, this could be what you are looking for:




    its not a direct link, but scroll down to and download "OBLIVIMONK’S SET01 by Oblivimonk" It has a lot of stuff in there that you probabaly don't want, but you can pick and choose meshes, and from downloading and using it myself for a mod I am creating; I can say there are 2 very nice wood flooring meshes that are basically square fairly flat models (each one containing decking style wood flooring)


    Hope this helps. Check it out.


    There may be more out there but I am not too sure.



  15. Yes, but I was mostly copying from somebody else, not setting out to create an effect I was specifically looking for. I use the water from Thermae Baths indoors in my own mod, and, essentially the water from Sweetspring island in my worldspace.



    Ok, how did you use that water in your mod? Its just that I copied the stats exactly to how it is in the Thermae bath mod, even used the texture for the water, yet it still is the very dark blue opaque water with very little reflection!


    Sorry to be a continuous pain, but Im just not sure why this is like this.


    I can provide screenshots if needs be





  16. I've tried putting the mod at different points in my load order and no matter where I put it I only get the vanilla load screens. The no text part of the mod is working fine, just not the screens. I recopied the files to the correct folder a few times to be sure they were there. Here is my load order:



    Cobl Main.esm


    Better Cities Resources.esm

    CM Partners.esm

    Colourwheels Sexy Female NPCs.esp

    Colourwheels Sexy Female NPCs Vwalk.esp

    Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

    UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp


    Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

    Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp

    Enhanced Water v2.0 HD - SI Addon.esp

    Atmospheric Oblivion.esp



    All normal clothes buyable.esp

    Oblivion_SI Vwalk Full.esp

    Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp

    Update My Statue.esp

    Living Economy.esp

    Living Economy - Items.esp

    Cutthroat Merchants.esp

    Landmarks, w Wells.esp


    DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp


    DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp

    DLCOrrery Vwalk.esp


    DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp


    DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp

    DLCMehrunesRazor Vwalk UOP.esp


    DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp

    Growlfs Hot Clothes.esp

    Jedi LightSabers with Sound.esp

    SpeedBuster Collection.esp

    Colourwheels Sexy Stock Armor & Clothing Replacer.esp

    Colourwheels Sexy SI Armor & Clothing Replacer.esp



    DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp

    DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp

    DLCThievesDen Vwalk UOP.esp

    Cobl Glue.esp

    Cobl Si.esp

    Cobl Tweaks.esp







    DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp



    DLCfrostcrag Reborn Vwalk.esp


    Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp

    Knights Vwalk UOP.esp


    Harvest [Flora].esp

    Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp

    Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp

    Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp

    Colourwheels Sexy Imperial Legion.esp

    Colourwheels Sexy Imperial Legion Vwalk.esp

    Colourwheels Sexy Bank.esp

    Unlimited Amulets and Rings - Shivering Isles.esp













    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners NPC.esp

    Cobl Races.esp


    Get Wet.esp

    Real Lava 1.3.esp

    NRB4 Standard Road Record.esp

    Streamline 3.1.esp

    ANBMiniMicroBikini double melon.esp

    Kurtis's Spell Pack v1.0.esp

    DMRA Stock Clothing Skimpy.esp

    DMRA Stock Armor Skimpy.esp

    DMwardropemerged no enchant.esp

    Loading Screens - Vanilla No Text.esp

    Better Cities .esp

    Better Cities - Full City Defences.esp

    Better Cities Full.esp

    Better Imperial City.esp

    Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp

    Better Cities - COBL.esp

    Better Cities and IC Vwalk.esp

    Better Cities Full FPS Patch.esp


    I use BOSS for the load order and OBMM to manage the mods. Any help would be appreciated.





    Im no expert, but could that other mod that changes the loading screens be conflicting with the loading screens mod you want to work? (Iv highlighted it in the quote)


    Matt (Inggrish)

  17. You can change the water yourself, but I've only done that once so am not qualified to explain it to you.


    Poke around on the wiki http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page


    In the meantime, the Thermae Bath Mod has excellent indoor swiming pool water.



    Plus, it also includes an excellent Thermae Bath, both interior and exterior.



    Thanks for the suggestion. Iv messaged the creator of that mod, so hopefully they will get back to me on that. When you changed water yourself, did you manage the desired effect?

  18. :blink:


    Crikey, Im not sure how that has happened. If you are sure you placed the castle in the same mod file as you flattened the land and you have definately activated the file in data files to test, then I am not sure why it is not appearing.


    What model/object are you using for the castle exterior?



  19. Hi,


    Im currently making a new upper class house mod, and I decided that I would do something new for me and add a swimming pool/baths to my mod.


    My problem is though that after looking through the available water for use, none of the default waters are clear and pale enough, the closest being the defaultwater which just looks like the sea! I have tried editing/creating my own water by duplicating the default water and changing colours fog, opacity, which has helped but it hasn't touched the colour of the surface of the water which is where I really want it to change.


    Is there any way I can change the colour of the surface water myself without downloading someone elses mod? Its just that I want to release this mod later on, and permissions may become a problem!!!



    Thanks for your time


    Matt (Inggrish)

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