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Everything posted by duinnin

  1. It is perhaps best you canceled the vacation because not only will the server be hit with the influx of new gamers, but I imagine many, like me, will be downloading anything and everything here they want before modders decide to remove their mods and put them up for sale on Steam. Let the downloading begin!
  2. Yea, just tested, Carlotta Valentia in Whiterun sells her veggies from the displays. There's no scripts attached or anything visible within the CK, only ownership set. Ugh.
  3. I thought some vanilla merchants sell their displayed items, like in Whiterun, I think the food from the merchant stalls would disappear when purchased. Hmm...
  4. Hey people, I created a camp with a merchant fisherman. I have fish barrels and a bunch of clams at his camp marked as owned by his merchant faction, but when I go to buy from him the only thing he sells is a couple potions from his inventory and gold from his merchant chest. I want to be able to buy his clams and see them vanish from his boxes. I don't know why it won't work.
  5. You're welcome to do a video for my mod Unique Border Gates. Thanks.
  6. It's deleted. You'd need to reload your mod and the deleted objects should be gone. It's normal and how CK operates.
  7. Hey guys, can someone explain what Skill, Skill Mod, and Skill Power Mod actually do? I'm looking at Magic Effects and bit confused. I presume Skill simply adds points to your skill. Skill Mod lowers the cost of magic spells, and Skill Power Mod I think I've figured out in that it improves spell and weapon damages, better prices, tempering, blocking, etc. But I see Bethesda used Skill Mod and Skill Power Mod in separate Magic Effects but the descriptions suggest they do the same thing. Potions use Skill Mod while Enchanted Armor uses Skill Power Mod. For example, Lockpicking Mod and Lockpicking Power Mod both make lockpicking easier, so no difference? Or is there? Adding a potion that adds 10 pts to your Lockpicking skill will only increase your skill level so you can choose higher level perks, nothing else? Or does that also increase Lockpicking Mod and Power Mod? Just trying to understand all of this. After all these years there's still not much documentation!!
  8. Hey guys, is there any performance difference between creating individual NIFs versus using Texture Sets for retextured content? I would think Texture Sets would be much less of a strain and the way to go since the game would only need to load one NIF and the various textures assigned to it, whereas with the NIF route the game must process multiple NIFs plus the textures. That could be a lot of RAM space filled up with duplicate NIFs needing to be loaded. Bethesda didn't use either process consistently. Barkeeper, chef and farm clothes, for example, use Texture Sets, but monk, necromancer and warlock use NIFs despite being the same mesh. Modders seem to favor the NIF process. This actually came to mind because of the Book Cover mod's large file size which creates individual NIFs for each book instead of using Texture Sets because I discovered the mod actually only uses like a dozen or so different meshes. Of course, I should point out that a NIF is required is for the female 1st person armor mesh as the Creation Kit won't save Texture Set information for some reason. I can use TES5Edit to add it in, but opening and saving the ESP in the CK clears it all out again.
  9. More female boots that are unique and I would like male versions created: meshes\clothes\wench\wenchoutfitbootsf_0.nif meshes\clothes\wench\wenchoutfitbootsf_1.nif meshes\clothes\fineclothes01\bootsf_0.nif meshes\clothes\fineclothes01\bootsf_1.nif
  10. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the female version of the yarlclothes02 outfit uses completely different boots and gloves than the male version, and I would love if someone could create male versions to match as I think they are pretty awesome. The files in particular are: meshes\clothes\yarlclothes02\bootsf_0.nif meshes\clothes\yarlclothes02\bootsf_1.nif meshes\clothes\yarlclothes02\glovesf_0.nif meshes\clothes\yarlclothes02\glovesf_1.nif Matching ground meshes would be sweet too.
  11. That what I do yea. I don't use NMM but figured ya can pick location.. no?
  12. I've been having problems lately too. I only noticed it with the Chicago Premium links though. The others work fine for me so try a different location.
  13. I attempted to do this myself but failed. I know how to add new weapons by importing new meshes over vanilla ones in nif files. This obviously doesn't work the same for armor (nor bows) due to the rigging aspect. So yea, if anyone experienced could make Tsun's Armor without the bracelets and rings that'd be awesome.
  14. Sweet, I noticed that guy is actually working on lootable graves and much better approach than I was going for. I'll track his progress.
  15. I created container versions of the gravestones and replaced the vanilla versions with mine throughout all cells. I have new leveled lists for the random loot one can find when clicking on a gravestone too. Simple and it works. I previously had done flora versions, but decided I didn't want forced to take bones and other junk. To expand on this, I want to require the player have a shovel in order to open these gravestone containers, but I haven't a clue how to add this condition. I presume it needs a script, is there a vanilla one I can use? Additionally, I created flora versions of woodpiles and hay bales, but it would be nice if upon "harvesting" the meshes would disappear and respawn after few days. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Excellent! That was my mistake, I put the conditions under the Magic Effect, not the Ability. Corrected it and works as planned. Thanks!
  17. I tried to create a Smithing perk called Insulated Armor with the idea that when wearing warm-looking armor (via ArmorMaterial keywords) the player receives a frost resistance bonus (20%). I created a Spell Ability and Magic Effect with Resist Frost, and in the Magic Effect I put conditions for some keywords like ArmorMaterialSteel. I added this ability to the perk, but unfortunately it doesn't work; the resist frost is applied but is always there regardless of armor (or lack of). Any ideas how to go about this without scripts? I'd like to create similar perks for fire and shock too.
  18. Is there any mods that provide high resolution textures for the complexions? or any replacers? This is for following files: femaleheaddetail_age40 femaleheaddetail_age50 femaleheaddetail_frekles femaleheaddetail_rough
  19. I've been using texture sets to add standalone versions of retextured armor. My question is whether I need to specify all the relevant texture files in the texture set or do any unspecified ones automatically use the one set in the mesh nif? For example, many armor have cubemaps specified in the mesh nif, but I didn't add them to my texture sets; I only specified diffuse, normal and envmask. Some I only set a diffuse, so are the armors using the mesh normals and envmask? Texture sets seem very rarely used in mods so no examples and I can't find any information online. Hope someone can explain it better.
  20. Adding activators would take forever to apply to every pile of firewood in Skyrim. I used the replace object feature to swap all the static piles with my flora piles. I have done similar with other statics, like hay stacks are flora that give straw when clicked. I am looking to use activators on wells, since there are just a handful in all of Skyrim, so when activated they give you some bottles of water.
  21. I had originally converted firewood piles into containers, but that isn't realistic. I thought it would be nice to make it into a "Tree" so it may disappear upon collecting the wood, but CK crashed when I tried to place a test wood pile I setup as a tree. Obviously its mesh isn't set to proper type. I did manage to create the wood pile as Flora instead so merely clicking on it adds a number of firewood to inventory, which is much better than a container, but the wood pile still remains. Any clue how I can have the wood pile disappear once collected? I still want it to respawn eventually too. Any help be appreciated! On a side note, the CK gives me four problems. One, when viewing a NPC only Full view works; face view only shows eyes and mouth. Two, after about a hour double-clicking to open anything will just stop working; I have to close the CK and reopen. Three, closing the CK gives me a failed to shutdown properly error. Four, I had my ESP become corrupted apparently as it crashes Skyrim and CK when try to load, but thankfully I have a backup so lost a couple hours of work instead whole thing.
  22. Sorry guys I've scratched this project. Too big for me and I've been battling some health issues for awhile now too.
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