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About torikamal

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    Life Is Strange
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  1. After playing for a while, controlling the stagecoach gets rather repetitive. Could someone advise a way to make the stagecoach wider (so that it can collect all items), while also greatly increasing the speed to that it essentially skips to the nest points of interest? I think this would greatly speed up the game without really affecting the balance much.
  2. Here's a sketch for a goofy character I came up with called Mister Sprinkles. https://soundcloud.com/torikamal/tori-kamal-mister-sprinkles-2020-12-26/s-WKlL0G6VYEO I'm hoping to add a few characters like this to the game, so was looking to see if anybody has any experience in adding voice audio for new characters into the game.
  3. I absolutely would support this. There are quite a few keys. Like the inventory key.
  4. I'd be all in favor of this too. Especially if it is a 1-key toggle.
  5. Has anybody looked into being able to add new dialog to the game for NPCs? I recall it being difficult in The Witcher 3, but am hoping it has been made easier in Cyberpunk 2077. My guess is that we're going to get sick of random NPC voices pretty quickly, so if we could community-source some NPC quips as you are walking by, I think it would really help the game's flavor!
  6. Hi Folks, When you play The Witcher 3 for so darned many hours, you start to hear many of the NPC lines over and over again. I'd like to add a little variety to them. I can't code, but I do enjoy acting, so I came up with a character called Rubby Stubbish. He's a simple fellow, always questioning the world, never really coming up with much in the way of answers. If there's a coder out there who knows how to add some voice files to the game, I'd love to collaborate with you. I'm just hoping for the easiest implementation possible--just adding the voice as variety to random characters in Novigrad, or whatever is easiest. Please hit me up if you are interested. I made a demo below, but I'm planning on tightening up the character's voice, and adding a good number of lines more. I'd cut all the audio up, and make it available in whatever format is necessary. Rubby Stubbish SoundCloud Voice Demo Thank you!
  7. I have to say that I whole-heartedly endorse Audacity. I use Pro Tools for music creation and MIDI editing (which Audacity doesn't do), but the speed that Audacity can do things means that I hop out of Pro Tools to do any single-track editing. I would recommend that you remap common functions so that your left hand mostly stays on the keyboard and your right hand mostly stays on the mouse. I have it set up so I edit audio the same way I would move a character around in a video game :tongue: Audacity even lets you create keyboard shortcuts for their plugins (effects) and create chains (macros)! Go for it! It'll cost you...nothing because its' free!
  8. This is a unique community. Your efforts are very much worth it and appreciated!
  9. Sorry I have been so absent! Here's a little description I've put together for Philips Fullwoode and some reference images. Philipis Fullwoode A completely ridiculous and pompous bard, who speaks with a contemptuous, condescending, slightly nasal voice. A fop. He is always sporting a larger-than-life codpiece at times adorned with tassels, beads, or ribbons. http://images.google.com/imgres?q=fancy+codpiece&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=TCRbmAI_5drxWM:&imgrefurl=http://stitchesandseams.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html&docid=lTYBsjLzSrPtxM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1OL7S8izd5g/TVFb9EtzFDI/AAAAAAAAGFA/ZwZEw7WLD0o/s400/020711_codpiece_02.jpg&w=300&h=400&ei=p7P4ToPzH47ggge9xJytAg&zoom=1 His clothes, likewise, would be whatever the latest Parisian (if Paris were in Skyrim), probably full of ruffles and the like. Some long hair. Definitely some pompous beard and moustaches. http://images.google.com/imgres?q=moustache&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=643&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=KoFgUdzIkpoFgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.costumecraze.com/ACC845.html&docid=wbW_fP8SfSn98M&imgurl=http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/california/70484-The-Dandy-Moustache-and-Chin-Patch-large.jpg&w=600&h=805&ei=UbX4TtqLD5CSgQf9uNmiAg&zoom=1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashman For some reason, despite all this, many women fall for him, which makes it all the more ridiculous. It also infuriates the men around him as it makes no sense that women would swoon for a man such as he.
  10. Folks, I just want to say that I am really impressed with all the input so far! I figure, the more bards the better! @firebug3 thank you for organizing the first thread into a resources list. That will help a ton! I just wanted to give a heads up that I will be flying under the radar for the next week or so. I have to finish up some audio gigs and get the assets turned in, so I'll be out for a bit, but I will be back, and much more productive after that. By the way, are there any ready-made songs that are already in the game (or previous elder scrolls games) that anybody knows of that might have been in the books you can collect? Cheers!
  11. Thanks for all the great feedback and ideas, folks. Keep em comin! BTW, @ Tyrannus007, thank you very much!
  12. @DigitalZombie That sounds like a good idea. I may have to give it a shot. In the meantime, here is the first concept demo I've done for the character. Hopefully it drips with ego, self-agrandizement, while being rather ridiculous. Phillipis Fullwoode is the name I came up with for the character. Demo
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