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Everything posted by SharraShimada

  1. The last update forced F4SE to patch to 5.0. But if you patch F4SE you have to update every mod, that uses F4SE. And they are not all updated at the moment. So either play without those mods, or downgrade to 1.9.4. And for the future, disable auto-update for Fallout. Every time Bethesda patches, they swrew something up. Best solution ist to wait, until someone (not Bethesda) fixes the crap they´ve done.
  2. This would be really nice... I hate it, when i have to cover large areas with small tiles.
  3. Savegames should be no problem. But keep in mind, that every mod, you wont re-install, can corrupt your gameplay. Even if you install newer versions, without proper uninstallation from savegame. But everything in your data-folder should be removed to prevent incompabilities. The only things you could keep are settlement-presets in f4se folder, because they are not loaded on game start.
  4. Running FO4 with less then 2GB video RAM works fine. Just install ENB-Boost and allocte some system RAM. Yes its not as fast als video RAM, and loading times are a bit up, but it works fine while playing.
  5. Not a big loss. I hate the molerat farms. They are HUGE, and the molerats always turn hostile after a while...
  6. Sorry to tell you, but thats not true. I run FO4 with an old 1GB 450GTS. Sure it wont run on 1920x1080 with 60 FPS, but a (kinda) solid 30fps on 1600x900. And i´ve seen rigs with even less potent GPUs running FO4. Sure, the more the better, but thats not the problem here. And part 2 of your statement is also not true. Sure, if the game only uses 8GB of RAM, and you have 64 Gigs installed, the rest lays dorment. But thats not the point here. 2GB is hardly enough for FO4. 4GB is hardly fine, 8GB is recommended for a nearly smooth gameplay and 16GB if you have some heavy mods. My normal RAM-usage of FO4 is around 7GB. And another 2-3 Gigs of RAM for the System. So 8Gig would be not enough for my setup.
  7. Dont use quickstart saves. Some mods only initialize when you start a game from scratch. For example: I can´t get HUD-Framework running if i load a savegame at vault 111 exit. I have to start normal, and everything is fine. You should try that at first.
  8. One thing you should do is, testing your computer with other games. What you describe could be hardwarefailure... Another thing is, patches for Microsoft Windows. Take a look at your taskmanager. Windows is know to have some problems with the patcher for quiet some time. It consumes 80-90% CPU for doing nothing, but it wont stop also. If thats your problem, disable Auto-Update, restart the computer, and try again. (but dont forget, your computer wont patch anymore...)
  9. No skyrim special edition does not use the exact same engine as fo4. They have updatet skyrims engine with SOME of the newer features, but not completly, because that would break the whole game. And then: Fo4 textures are HUGE, compared to the ones uses in skyrim. Its also heavly scripted. Skyrim not so much, because the older engine could not handle as much. You cant just compare the engine. Skyrim is a 6 year old game, and it was developed for computers in that era. FO4 was developed for much more powerful computers, with the abilites of 64 bit systems. And last but not least, skyrim is patched/modded to the peak by the comnunity (and many patches are used by bethesda themself) FO4 still gets patches from bethesda, and they screw up something every time. Given those circumstances, we should give FO4 another 2-3 years, when bethesda stops crap-patching it, and the community can finally start to fix all the bugs bethesda build in.
  10. @kevkev the question was not if place everywhere is obsolet. The question was, if its mandatory for transfer settlements, because it builds regardless of the players abilities to build. I´ve seen place anywhere in some mod-requirement-lists in several settlement-blueprints, and i think its not necessary.
  11. My question is, why is "place everywhere" needet? Transfer Settlements already spawns everything in place, regardless if i, the player, could, or not. So there is no need for this mod in my opinion. Am i wrong?
  12. Nuka world had lots of potential, but they did not use it. Some areas are fun, others are boring as hell. Star core collecting is a real waste of time for example. Its nice one time to explore, but after that i skipped the drama and move in guns blazing, just to get over with it. It may be nice for those, who like to play raider-style. But thats not my way.
  13. The game mixes up the vertibirds some times. Take a look around the camp. Somewhere may be a lonely vertibird which will bring you back to the prydwen, and from then on everythins normal. Its just a hickup in sorting out all the flying crap. Even a BOS-Airfield-Officer can have a bad day.
  14. Thanks. First, try it without TrueStorms. Its known to cause weird problems. Pipboy remover is also reported to cause problems with power armor. And some posing-mods are causing loops in the engine, resulting in crashes or inventory-loss. Your other mods should be fine. So try to remove this mods and try again. And remember to uninstall in nexus mod manager, not just disable them. Disabling leaves the files in game folder, and cause still harm.
  15. What might be causing this? Nearly everything. What mods are you using?
  16. Solution: Dont look into the sun. Its not healthy. Joke aside. Looks like a bug with volumetric lighting. Disable and try again. If thats the problem, you can look for a fix.
  17. If the mod shows up, but there are no textures/meshes anywhere (like hair listed, but not shown) try to run the Mod-Manager of your choice in admin-mode. Had the same problem, installing without admin-rights, the files are there, but they cannot be loadet due to some weird file-restrictions in Windows. For some reason the inventory-list is not affected, so the mods themself show up, but no textures and so on. Reinstall, them, and it should work. Advice for NexusModManager: Do NOT disable. Uninstall and reinstall. Disabling wont change file-permissions. It will only remove the entry in the plugins-file.
  18. Just read another post, claming. day1 downloads seems to be corrupt in some way. People who downloaded the game-files on day one (or as preload), got much more problems, and the patches wont solve that. Okay, that may be a myth, but its worth trying and re-download completly, after uninstalling everything.
  19. Is this a permanent dropdown? Or does it get back to normal after a while? Thats caused by the very poor used engine by bethesda. On some rigs, it causes fps-drops like hell, because something is not loading as fast, as the engine is expecting. Whats the actual difference on your hard drives? And, even two identical rigs are not the same thing. Its the thing with PCs. They produce problems, where non should be.
  20. Do you have any mod installed, changing the speed and/or animation for entering the PA? Had the same problem with some mod, making instant entering PAs.
  21. You realize, that you are using "Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul" which modifies and adds large amounts of snap-points? And after that, you use mods, changing the vault-tec items another time. So, there may be a huge conflict with changed gemoetry of parts where the snappoints, that are changed, rely on positions that are no longer there.
  22. Thats usually caused by some mod that changes animations. Walking-animation for example. Even some "get fast in and out of power armor" can cause this. Its simplyfied an animation-cycle bug, causing the engine to wait for something to finish, whats not there, or not corretcly stating its finished. Changing weapon is also an animation, and so this is delayed until the other animation is done, or the engine aborts due to timeout.
  23. 1. das Forum hier ist generell englisch. Es sind zwar auch durchaus Deutsche hier vertreten, aber deutlich in der Minderheit. Solltest du natürlich des englischen nicht mächtig sein, bleibt dir keine große Wahl.... Zu deinem Problem: FO4 hat, soweit ich weiss, nur 2 Sätze Körper-Meshes. 1x weiblich 1x männlich. Diese liegen, sofern deine Mods direkt ins Spielverzeichnis installiert werden, unter Fallout 4\Data\meshes\actors\character. Für weibliche Chars wäre das FemaleBody.nif Sind die Raider auch nackt zerstört? Falls nicht, ist mit dem Body-Mesh alles in Ordnung, und der Fehler liegt in einer Kleidungs/Rüstungs-Datei. Diese verformt den Körper auch, wenn die Daten nicht passen, und die Kleidung angelegt ist. In dem Fall sollte es reichen, das defekte Mod-Verzeichnis zu löschen, bzw. Die Dateien, die mit dem Mod installiert wurden.
  24. @wanderer3292, this sounds like a laptop, because of the 860m. Therefore i would assume, the i3 is also just a dualcore. So you´re computer is not really the best for playing FO4. To be honest, a GTX 780 TI would be more powerful compared to your mobile chip. But the main limitation comes from your CPU. Is it, by any chance a model ending with a "U"?
  25. So, your problem is not to fit the hardware to a rack, but to keep it quiet... The hardware is there. Even consumer-hardware wont be bothered it nailed to a server-rack. So, there ist absolutely no problem with that. And for the cooling: Either use water-cooling with a large radioator and a huge, slow turning fan. Or use heatpipes and large fans. The larger the fan, the more air is moved at lower rpm. (yes there is a point at which its nonsense to use even bigger ones)
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