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About soupdragon1234

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  1. Then don't leave the thread open if you aren't looking for any feedback?
  2. From what I've heard many of these things come from hijacked accounts its one way scammers get around similar restrictions on eBay for example, maybe some additional checks if the account hasn't been active for a number of months/years and suddenly out of the blue they're uploading mods, would be flagged as suspicious something like that.
  3. Active Magic Effect is attached to them take a look at this thread its for LE but it equally applies to SSE the trouble is its an NPC rather than player so you'd have to adapt for that i.e. click on them in the console and get their i.d.
  4. Difficult to say with any certainty as particle emitter effects do not display in Nifskope but very likely a combination of Base Color in BSEffectShaderProperty (63) and BSPSysSimpleColorModifier (69) in MagSprigganConcCastingArt.nif
  5. Make sure skyrim.ini is not set to Read Only (right click -> properties) untick the box if so
  6. Quest related objects get baked into the save and will not budge as a rule you can try console commands like recycleactor but they have mixed results. If you start a new game these objects will be in the new position as they have no previous reference. If you really, really don't want these things in their present positions then disable them and create replacement objects instead but thats really not a good idea for all sorts of reasons mainly compatibility. If you really want a Breezehome somewhere else just create a new house N.B. the "pet trigger" is a triggerbox that teleports pets normally dogs into the house if they're outside and their AI tells them they're supposed to be sandboxing etc inside as creatures can't open doors
  7. You havn't stated what game its for... but generally you need a plugin that "translates" the model into a format blender or any other 3d modelling software for that matter, recognises then exports it again to to whatever format it supports. There are a couple for bethesda games theres the niftools plugin or PyNifly written by BadDog who's a member on this site... the latter is the easiest one to work with generally but for animations I find niftools easier personally. But niftools doesn't support FO4 iirc and PyNifly certainly does as well as a number of other games. Theres also an official plugin for FO4 released by Bethesda but that only works with 3dsMax 2013/14 thats not even available anymore they're supposed to be releasing a plugin for Blender because of this and because its open source and doesn't remove old versions but we're still waiting.
  8. I did create a combat quest for want of a better word once, for npc's that would normally run away they were given a target to attack i.e. like one of the sparring dummy packages that the Companions use instead of a dummy it was a real target and listened for the oncombatstatechanged event I think it was which would normally be when they ran away, reset their combat state which returned them to the target and continued until the target npc was dead. It was clunky but it worked but it was for a small number of npc's I don't think I'd like to do that en masse there were a lot of script events firing
  9. Unless its a combat override package that would be a no, combat is handled directly by the game engine its not something exposed via AI packages other than combat override and they're quite limited in scope i.e. typically used to flee instead of fighting i.e. Run for your Lives, etc
  10. Once items are inside containers they don't count as object references and neither condition functions nor papyrus will recognise them anymore. I don't know any workarounds except don't put them in a container this applies to any container including npc's and player's inventories
  11. DAR is no longer updated by the author who's left the scene and theres no source available so no-ones going to do anything with it. The replacement is OAR which is being updated by its author and is backwards compatible with DAR files. So update because you're not going anywhere sticking with DAR. The animation file issue is a different matter entirely you've downloaded the wrong file version you have the LE files when you need the SE versions they're not compatible and neither DAR or OAR can do anything about that. If there are no SE versions available you'll have to look up how to convert them yourself its not difficult.
  12. Grab an original model dagger .nif and open it and the broken sword .nif and delete the BS/NiTriShapes from the dagger and replace with the one from the sword
  13. HDT-SMP is CPU intensive yes. Try Afterburner instead never had any issues with it, a bit of overclock bit of undervolt thats the sweet spot.
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