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Posts posted by Alehazar

  1. The Templar Talent "Cleanse Area" removes all magic effects within a certain radius from the Templar who casts it. Sadly, it does not remove hexes -or any other spell effects- from the person who uses the Cleanse Area. This seems somewhat contradictory with the talent description.

    But judging from the explanation on the DragonAge Wiki, I imagine the Cleanse Area effect works as intended by the game designers. So this would not be a fix, but a tweak.


    If possible -at all- I'd like the Cleanse Area to remove all magical effects (that can be removed with this talent) to be stripped from both the caster as well as those around him/her.


    I really hate those Hex spells, that render my carefully built, deathdealing Warrior into a flailing idiot, who couldn't make a dent in a dollop of soft butter.

    I especially chose the Templar specialisation -on my first playthrough, so I didn't know much- so my character would be able to rid themselves from those darn hex spells. Since this does not work as such in the vanilla game, I was rather distraught to see my Warrior founder helplessly, while the enemy whittled away my health to zero.


    Help would be appreciated.

  2. It does not matter what dialogue choices I make, what companions are present, whether or not I save Redcliffe or leave it to be destroyed. When I save Connor's life by using the help from the Circle of Magi, the fate of Lady Isolde -in the Codex Entry- is that she gave her life to save her only son. She did NOT die. I know from the DragonAge wiki that this a bug that may occur, but it simply happens ALL the time and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. Is there something I can structurally change to have the Codex update accordingly so it properly reflects my actions? Or, preferably, can anyone help me out -as I really do not understand anything about the DAO toolset. Any help would be appreciated.

  3. Several times I have used the GECK to make a pair of glasses for my game. I edit an exsting pair of spectacles, change the ID and all the other specs and put it through the render window to the location of my choice. When I have my character put the glasses on ingame, instead of the frame resting on my nose and ears as it should, the glasses float near my character's left side of the face -at a 90 degree angle (clockwise). What am I doin wrong? A set of night vision glasses someone else made and released as a mod, is working without a hitch.

  4. While I usually take a liking to Lucy West -and I'm willing to help her out with her personal quest- I really dislike Evan King.

    Also, once you arrive in Arefu, you have very limited dialogue that appeals to me as someone who loves to roleplay. If you haven't accepted Lucy's quest, you can either be thrilled to help King out; you can ask him for payment -which he downright refuses- and you can then tell him you just love to help him out anyway, or you just tell him he's on his own. If you have accepted Lucy's quest, you have the dialogue option that you have a message for the West family. Dialogue then devolves according to the previous breakdown.

    Now what really bugs me -abd here's the mod request- you can only continue Lucy's quest, if you decide to help Evan King. I thought I could simply bypass this by checking the West residence, finding and examining the corpses and subsequently reporting back to Lucy that her family is dead. (Hoping she would then prompt for either an update of the quest -if you agree to further investigate- or its termination, if you turn her down).

    The point is, even though you found her family dead, you cannot directly communicate this to Lucy. You have to go through Evan King to have the quest progress.

    I'd like the original option to remain, but would love it, if someone were able to create an alternative solution to Lucy's quest, without breaking the original quest, or the game itself.


    What I had in mind:

    1. you have agreed to help Lucy.

    2. you have refused to help Evan King

    3. you have checked the West residence and you have activated one of the corpses in the house.

    4. you report back to Lucy.

    5. use Lucy's original dialogue (if you would normally help Evan King and check on the other families in Arefu and report on the deaths of the Wests to King; he would ask whether Lucy's brother was among the corpses. Then the quest progresses and you need to find Lucy's brother. At this quest stage, when you tell Lucy about the state of affairs regarding her family, she has a bit of dialogue, imploring you to find her brother -possibly her only living relative.)

    6. Have the quest update to the next -alternate- stage; "Lucy has implored you find her brother and to make sure he will be able to live safely within the Arefu settlement; so put your resentment aside and help Evan King and restore peace to Arefu."

    7. Talk to Evan King and agree to help him.

    8. Quest updates: find the "Family" (based on your medical skill when examining the West family, you will have gathered certain clues that may prompt additional dialogue -which makes it easier to narrow down the location of the Family.)

    9. Make sure you get Lucy's brother out alive and try to solve things peacefully; you may need some Speech skill levels, Medicine level, etc. to stay on the Family's good side and not turn it into a massacre.


    10. Optional: (for those who think the Family consists of a bunch of creeps); you can use shotgun diplomacy -bye bye Family- and then convince Lucy's brother to go back to Arefu when you show him her letter. (Normally this plays out quite differently).


    11. Those who have a desire to fail the quest, can still opt not to help Evan King and not help Lucy West by refusing to continue your investigation of her brother's disappearance.


    I do not know what is possible or impossible for this mod to work. I realize you cannot add new -fully voiced- dialogue, but if you carefully plan the PC's answers to existing dialogue, I think you can go a long way.

    Personally, I have excruciating little experience in Quest modding, so hence my request for someone to step up and make the alternate solution to Blood Ties. It may seem convoluted and redundant, but for me it would add more roleplaying value.


    Maybe Ser Bryant was mistaken? Humans make little mistakes all the time. Or, Sten had blood from something else on him. He killed a chicken! <.< I have no idea. lol


    Nah, that was Shale! :laugh:


    (Slightly off-topic) I once took Shale to Haven, to see whether the Golem would go berserk on the chickens that wandered there; I was slightly disappointed.

  6. My current character is Naomi, Asian ancestry.

    In her mind, dad never really wanted to have children. He only loved his wife, Catherine. She did want to have children. Guess, what? Since dad really cared about his wife's happiness, he chose to honor her wish. Alas, cruel fate had other intentions, turning the child he never wanted into the murderer of his beloved wife. A constant reminder: the one who took away his happiness, his resolve, his will to live.

    Killing this child would probably leave him with grippling guilt towards Catherine and so he decided to bring her to one of those Vaults. When she was old enough, he decided his promise to his wife was fulfilled and he abandoned her. Knowing what a mentally unbalanced bully the Overseer was, dad must have been able to anticipate that his daughter would be considered guilty by association when he escaped Vault 101 -her fate would be decided. Whatever the outcome, dad was free once more.

    Once outside, Naomi doesn't go looking for dad; that was per his own request, according to his recorded farewell on the holotape she found.

    Instead she needs to explore this alien world, this Capital Wasteland -and soon she finds herself fighting for mere survival. She needs to hone her skills accordingly, so she can get passed locked doors, disable security turrets and gain access to food, ammo and other resources and even a place to spend the night in relative safety. She soon finds herself bartering with all kinds of Wasteland inhabitants. With mutual mistrust and the everpresent knowledge that a simple trade situation could quickly deteriorate into an exchange of gunfire.

    When she -quite accidentally- picks up dad's trail, she is driven more by instinct than by reason, to find him. After freeing him, Naomi feels gutted; feeling that the project her father was forced to abandon, does indeed seem more important to her dad than his only child.

    She then drifts along, knowing that if she keeps her guard down like this, she won't last very long in the unforgiving Wasteland. Yet, somehow, death seems preferable to the notion, that she was nothing more than an exchanged gift in a doomed relationship, ready to be discarded when it no longer served a purpose.

    Dad was left to his own devices to see if he could make his lifelong dream -the Waters of Life- come true. Whether he would succeed or not, his daughter was already lost to him. She always had been -ever since Catherine died.

    What became of the Lone Wanderer is anybody's guess. Some say she died in a hail of gunfire -others say she wasted away with some horrible disease. Some stories tell of how she became a ghoul who finally went feral.

    The closest thing to the truth is, that no one really knew her true fate. And maybe that's for the best.

  7. I went from the original "Neverwinter Nights" and "Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines" to Fallout 3. Quite a culture shock. In NWN I generally played Warrior Classes like the Paladin and the Monk (both Lawful Good; Paladin by nature, monk by choice). I like roleplaying. But with FO3's flawed Karma system and terrible dialogue choices, the Annoyance Factor skyrocketed. Thankfully, the "I'll touch what I want" mod saved me from going bonkers from every person in the Wasteland telling me to either "look where I was going", or to "be more careful". Before this mod, I frequently massacred Megaton; you help someone and a second later they bark at you you should watch where you're going. So, that mod saved Fallout 3 from disappearing into the wastebin. I also decided to ignore -as far as possible- the whole Karma system and only choose dialogue options that would best fit my character's personality. If someone asks me for my help, I'm willing to lend a hand; but I'm not a total idiot. I don't do favours and I don't help for free. Chances are, that someone personal errand is going to cost me ammo, repairs, and other resources. If they expect me to leap into the fire, I want to be as prepared as possible. Examples: whenever Bryan Wilks comes running up to me -he still scares the cr*p out of me at times- I tell him to calm down and then take the speech challenge. If I fail I tell him to take a hike. With Agatha? If I fail the speech challenge to get her to pay me something, I don't do the quest. If Uncle Roe at Canterbury Commons won't meet my price to settle the feud between the two wacko's, I'm sure he'll find someone who will help him for whatever he is willing to pay.

    (I would have loved to have seen a bartering system that would allow you to reopen negotiations; tell Roe that if he refuses me know, the next time I come his way, my fee doubles. Refuse me again, and it doubles once more. And maybe there comes a time when I will refuse him altogether. After all, it is all about supply and demand. And I think my services -while not cheap at all- will help the settlement of Canterbury Commons in the long run). If Lucas Simms won't pay me top dollar -ehr, cap- I won't defuse the bomb. Mr. Burke is out of his mind, so I don't help him out.

    My character is usually a hothead who is more at home with shotgundiplomacy than persuasion and charm. She has a fair sense of what's right and wrong, although what's morally right and legally wrong often clash. Laws impose restrictions to protect people, but my character will easily break them, if the need arises. If she needs food, medicine or other resources rather badly -if her life or survival depends on it- she doesn't hesitate to steal what she needs.

    She also detest bullies and loudmouths -braggarts and tough guys. One of her fundamental character flaws, is that she behaves like a bully when dealing with aggressive people. If she has acquired too much bad karma before coming to Megaton and Lucas Simms tries to intimidate her, informing her of a quick and bloody demise should she misbehave in his settlement, he doesn't stand a chance. And if anyone in Megaton is stupid enough to come to his aid, they die as well. If it means she will have to massacre Megaton, so be it.

    And she especially dislikes Three Dog for his bigotry; he just sits in the well protected GNR studio, telling everyone what a bad person my character is -and he doesn't have to survive the harshness of the Wasteland on a day-to-day basis. When the Ghouls do take over Tenpenny Tower, Three Dog remains silent about the fate of its original occupants. And the Brotherhood of Steel tends to shoot at non feral ghouls, but Three Dog is not going to compromise his cushy and well protected studio by rocking the boat.

    When encountering Scribe Yearling, the dialogue option I would wish for, isn't there: "It's a free Wasteland, so I'll go where I please."

    Negotiating with total scum like Colin Moriarty, I would have loved the option to smash his face into his own bar, put a .44 Magnum to his temple and tell him I'll pay him in lead if he doesn't tell me what I wish to know (and he can keep the change).

    Since it is not possible, I'm glad I found a mod that let's me shoot him, without the whole town swooping down on me in grim retaliation (swooping is bad.)

    People of the Wasteland can either meet my price and they will be rewarded with a job well done, or they can wait for someone else to pick up the quest (and there won't be anyone to do so). In setting ultimatums or issuing counter threats, people can comply or die.

    I'm not a completist who is trying to do every quest that is out there; I'm not on a wild XP hunt either. I wish to roleplay -and within the confines of the game I try my best.

    When I tell Evan King he'd better not miss the next time he takes a shot at me -and he replies he was shooting his gun while I was still an itch in my daddy's pants- I teach him that negligence in thinking before speaking has dire consequences.


    When my Lone Wanderer leaves Vault 101, she will soon recognise that this Capital Wasteland is brimming with wasteland *ssholes galore and the only Good Fight out there is one of day-to-day survival.

    Just as Smiling Jack in VtmB said: "Everybody can live or burn; it's up to them".

    So if anyone gets too close for comfort, if anyone invades my personal space, if anyone thinks they need to belligerently impress or intimidate me, then my legend is going to spread like wildfire -emphasis on "fire".


    Roleplaying in FO3? It's a challenge.

  8. I replaced the Fallout 3 Main Title Theme with the Main Title Theme from Paul Verhoeven's "Totall Recall", composed by the late Jerry Goldsmith. For New Vegas, I use John Carpenter's Main Theme from "Escape from L.A."

  9. When I've acquired a lot of expensive stuff, but I'm overencumbered by it, I use the console command tgm, toggling Godmode. I then travel to Springvale, because I have set up a lockable floorsafe to stash my stuff. Once I've unloaded all the goodies, I use tgm once more, to toggle Godmode off again. I also created a custom set of power armor, which has an object effect to carry its own weight. So the weight of the armor itself does not count on my total carrying capacity. Most power armor also adds 1 -temporary- attribute point to strength; and each point of strength corresponds to 10 additional pounds of weight you can carry around.

    As a level 2, I generally help out Moira with her Guide, carefully exploring the Wasteland, as I go. My three Tag skills are Repair, Small Guns and Sneak. I like to sneak around most of the time, do the occasional 360 pivot to see whether any red ticks show up on my compass, and if they do I generally try to neutralise these potential threats before they become aware of my presence. Whenever possible, I like to stay on high ground, climb onto the ledges of ruined buildings and snipe my foes with death from above. Making my way through subway tunnels, I leave a couple of frag mines in key doorways. If someone -or something- tries to sneak up on me, at the very least I'll be warned when those mines go off. And if I'm lucky, they will kill the approaching enemy. I don't use -vanilla- companions, as most of their AI conflicts with my sneaking; Dogmeat will run off and attack radscorpions that haven't been able to detect me yet. Charon usually gets into my line of fire.

  10. Adding a dead NPC is super easy. Just copy an existing dead NPC in the GECK (double click it's name, then give it a unique ID and hit ok. Say "yes" to creating a new FormID). Then open up your new NPC, make any changes you want, such as their outfit, their face, etc. Make sure "No low level processing" is checkmarked. Give them 0 health, but also attach the following script to them, to guarantee they start dead:

    scn DeadNPCScript
    begin gamemode

    You can change "DeadNPCScript" to whatever name you want to give the script, just make sure it's unique. That's all there is to it. When you're ready to place them into the game world, just select them in the list and drag them into the Render window. Then click on the render window to make sure it's selected, go to "World" in the menubar, then select "Run Havok Sim". This will make them drop to the ground with ragdoll physics, so they land in a more natural way. Repeat as needed until you're happy with how they look.

    Just what the doctor ordered! Sorry, bad pun. But yes, When I read your how-to, it is clear that this is indeed supereasy; just knowing exactly how, is the tricky bit. And thanks to you, this will save me days of demonstrating my ineptitude to myself. Because, honestly, I'd never would have come close to this in a million years. My search in the GECK Help pages did not yield anything, but that could be attributed to me failing to add the correct search tag. This is one of the very reasons I love the Nexus Sites -the exchange of ideas, concepts and people who are willing to patiently answer questions, or hand-tailor tutorials and guides, so even a total noob like me can understand what the correct steps are into getting something done.


    So, thank you. I've already copied and pasted your explanation into my "how-to-mod" folder.

  11. For tutorials, go to both Fallout3, New Vegas and even Obilivion, and using the search function, use "tutorial" in the "File name contains" or "File description contains".


    For adding a dead NPC that starts a quest, this was done in Shadows and Dust http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17399/?


    For 3D modeling, you should use Blender http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/30/?


    For texturing (something I have never done), I have heard that GIMP is good. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/32/?


    Hope this helps.


    Thanks ! I think I'll be very busy for a while!

  12. I'm thinking of creating a -smallish- quest, just to test and expand my modding skills.

    The Lone Wanderer is to find a Dead NPC in a certain location; on the body is an item that will start the quest.

    But how do I add a dead npc to the game? I've been experimenting -mind you, I do not intend to release the mod, I merely want to learn more modding skills- with a Terminator from the Cybernetic Dawn mod.

    A) I don't want the dead NPC to be a playable race. Could even be a dead creature. Is that possible?

    B) How can I properly position the dead NPC; sofar I have edited a "DeadSettler" into a Terminator, but when I put it into the renderwindow, it's simply standing. But I need it to be somewhat sprawled on the ground, or across a workbench, or table, or slumped over in a chair?

    The dead NPC that I put into the render window, can be rotated along the Z-axis, but the X & Y are not responsive. (Tried to put a broken down Terminator in the RobCo Factory cellspace.)

    Now I've seen Argyle -the Ghoul who travelled with Herbert "Daring" Dashwood- in the GECK render window. That's a good example of how I'd like the dead NPC to be found.

    Any help or insight would be appreciated.

    The FAQ Forum (of FO3) is linking to helpful guides and Tutorials, but the links go nowhere.

    Can someone recommend some good tutorials or guides, on how to use NifSkope for 3D modelling (and texturing, with another program I suppose).

    Mind you, I'm someone who's never done anything at all in regard to making custom meshes and textures.

  13. I was wondering whether someone would be willing to have a go at the iconic sword of the Original Neverwinter Nights. Myself, I don't know anything about making meshes and textures; tried some 3D modelling once, but I got lost in the terminology alone.

    Anyway, here's a pic I found.



    Thanks in advance.

  14. Those cutscene performance test files sound awfully familiar; those were the files I manually removed after uninstalling the main mod. I'll install the regular DAZIP and see if I can replicate the bug.


    I used the same savegame after uninstalling the mod. When installed using DAUpdater, game performed without a hitch. I separately tested the 1.1 DAZIP with and without the 1.2 manual update; they both pass with flying colors. Ser Cauthrien's scene triggers as it should.

    When I stopped playing DAO many months ago, Alistair's Wedding was pretty much the last mod I'd installed, but I never got around to finishing the game with a human noble who'd romanced Alistair.

    I've only started playing DAO again quite recently. My recent playthrough (Dwarf Commoner) all went fine and as expected. Until the Landsmeet. I searched the Nexus forums and came across the other thread whIch link I posted (temporary deletion of the override folder). My game had always performed okay -no glitchy behavior- even with all the mods I had installed. At first I thought it might be a computer virus that had corrupted the game files. Having ruled that one out Alistair's Wedding was my most recently installed mod.

    After its full removal -with both NMM and the manual deletions- my game functioned as it should. I never contemplated it could have been the Performance Test files that might be problem -I cleanly forgot about those.

    So, I'm sorry I jumped to a premature conclusion -that was pretty inconsiderate, not to mention stupid of me.


    In conclusion it seems fairly conclusive that those performance test files

    1. den600ar_landsmeet_chamber.are

    2. den600ar_landsmeet_chamber.lst

    3. wedding_test.cub

    4. wedding_test.cut

    caused the buggy behaviour.


    (Wanted to post earlier, but the Nexus went down for maintenance when I was typing the EDIT).

  15. I actually deleted quite a lot of savegames to test what was wrong, having to replay a lot of quests. I started replaying right at the point where Anora is rescued and you're caught by Ser Cauthrien. I thought that the way I dealt with her would cause the bug -since the bug places me directly into the Landsmeet Chamber and skips the part where Cauthrien tries to keep you out. I also remember removing some *.cub file from the override folder. Isn't that a cutscene? If it does not belong to Alistair's Wedding, then it is most likely another mod that causes the conflict.

    I have several armour and weapon and clothing mods installed:

    * Installed DAZIP Files

    - The Lucky Stone (Promo)

    - Guildmaster's Belt (Promo)

    - Blood Dragon Armor (Promo)

    - The Wicked Oath (Promo)

    - Warden's Keep (DLC)

    - Embri's Many Pockets (Promo)

    - Amulet of the War Mage (Promo)

    - Mark of Vigiliance (Promo)

    - Feral Wolf Charm (Promo)

    - Helm of the Deep (Promo)

    - The Lion's Paw (Promo)

    - The Edge (Promo)

    - Memory Band (Promo)

    - Dalish Promise Ring (Promo)

    - Band of Mercy (Promo)

    - Sword of Mercy (disabled)

    - Golem's Might (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

    - Elvhenan Weapons

    - Andraste's Weapons (disabled)

    - Shaperates Blessing (disabled)

    - Kilgorin - Sword of Darkness

    - Witch Hunt (DLC)

    - Bregan's Bow (for Awakening) (Promo)

    - Bregan's Bow (for Origins) (Promo)

    - The Stone Prisoner (DLC)

    - Talent Books (for Origins) (BioWare Social Network)

    - TnT EnA A

    - Ancient Boots (BioWare Social Network)

    - Improved Chain Lightning(Friendly Fire)

    - Witch Robes for Elves

    - The Winter Forge (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

    - Wilds Robe

    - Bulwark of the True King (for Awakening) (Promo)

    - Pearl of the Anointed (for Awakening) (Promo)

    - Bulwark of the True King (for Origins) (Promo)

    - tal_storage_chest (BioWare Social Network)

    - Pearl of the Anointed (for Origins) (Promo)

    - Advanced Quickbar

    - Grey Warden Runic Armor (disabled)

    - Far Song for Owen

    - Queens Attire

    - The Winter Forge - Awakening (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

    - The Winter Forge - Leliana's Song (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

    - The Winter Forge - Golems of Amgarrak (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

    - The Winter Forge - Witch Hunt (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

    - Healing Received Fix

    - TnT Blade Dancer (disabled)

    - Dragon Age: Awakening (Official Module)

    - Return to Ostagar (DLC)

    - Feastday Gifts (DLC)

    - Feastdayss Pranks (DLC)

    - Golem's Might (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

    - The Darkspawn Chronicles (DLC)

    - Witchcraft (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

    - Blightblood (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

    - Witchcraft (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

    - Blightblood (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

    - Leliana's Song (DLC)

    - Battledress of the Provocateur (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

    - Battledress of the Provocateur (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

    - The Golems of Amgarrak (DLC)


    * What's in my Override Folder:

    * As Separate Folders:

    Apprentice robe fix (female mage robes will now have the fabric details the male robes have by default)

    blkblade_drop_fix (Armorpiece will now drop in Awakening)

    Chantry ToplessV2 (Chantry Robe)

    Cousland Sword and Shield

    DAO Nude Paintings (overrides paintings in base game and DLC)

    DesireDemonNude (changes the texture of the Desire Demon)

    Equal Love (Morrigan and Alistair can be romanced by samesex Warden)

    Flemeth Robe (Flemeth's Robes from DAII can be added by script)

    gar_improvedcl (changed script for chain lightning)

    Ig_Noble_Dress-807 (makes the noble dress -as worn by Lady Isolde f.i.- more revealing)

    JowansIntention (fixes the Jowan's Intention Quest; it can now be actually played)

    ladyaeducan (when romantically involved with Gorim, this can trigger a sex scene before Gorim leaves for the surface)

    LadyoftheForestNude (what the name says)

    Malcolm Face Morph (using the Dragon Age Face Replacer, you can change your male Human Noble to look like the Warden from the SA Trailer)

    MorrigansFace (replaces the eight preset of the Human Female into Morrigan's)

    NaturalBodies 1.00 (bodymesh and texture replacer for all races)

    NMM_chargenmorphcfg (installed by the NMM)

    phae_mainmodule (The Winter Forge)

    SexMovieAlwaysPlays (having romanced a companion the "Let's go to bed" option will trigger the sex scene; Morrigan's option should be "Kiss her")

    Sigrun Dark (changes Sigrun's head in Awakening)

    Swish of Satin (a dagger added via script in Awakening)

    The Pearl Redone (changes sexscenes at the Pearl for all Wardens except Dwarves)

    TnT Blade Dancer v1.1 (skimpy rogue armor; Elves and Humans only)

    TnT Enarmored A_01 (slingshot outfit for human mage)

    Trailer Leliana v1_0 (makes Leliana resembles the one in the SA Trailer)

    Trailer Leliana v1_0 - DLC version (works for DLC Leliana's Song)

    WitchRobesElves (adds a set or renamed Morrigan's Robes without restriction that's wearable for both Elves and Humans)

    z_TerraEx_Silverite (should correct the Silverite Mines bug in Awakening)

    ZylchMorriganRobes (makes Morrigan's Robes topless)


    * Loose Files





    additem.ncs (allows you to add (mostly vanilla) items via console script)

    sdw_recipes.ncs (gives all recipes in DAO)

    sdw_recipes_daa_ncs (gives all recipes DAA)


  16. Sten says that after killing the people of a farmhold and some children he waited several days for the Bann's men to arrive, while Ser Bryant states that Sten was still wet with the blood of his victims. Slow drying blood? Or is the qunari a phylactery that is turned inside out?


  17. The Lady of the Forest states that the crimes the humans commited against Zathrian's family were perpetrated centuries ago. And those responible are long since dead. The current werelwolves have nothing to do with the death of Zathrian's children. Whcih is their main motivation to have the curse ended; These werewolves are not responsible for what happened centuries ago. Word was sent to Zathrian every time the landships came to the Brecilian Forest, but he has always ignored them. They were no longer going to be denied. So they spread the curse to his clan, hoping this would force Zathrian to lift the curse in order to save his clansmen. To Zathrian it does not matter whether the current werewolves are or are not responsible for the death of his children. They descend from those original werewolves and he considers them to be no more than savage beasts, mindless animals. His vengeance is eternal. He only wishes to cure his clan.

    Which raises another question. As Zathiran is tied to the curse the same as Witherfang, would not the curse end if Witherfang is killed to obtain its heart to cure the Dalish?

  18. My Dwarven Commoner is ready to go to the Landsmeet, but when she travels to the Royal Palace, the scene where Cauthrien tries to stop the Wardens does not start -we're immediately inside the Landsmeet chamber, so the scripted scene where Loghain rants does not trigger. I did not kill Cauthrien when freeing Anora. I did harden Alistair and convinced him to marry Anora; is that gamebreaking? Can I use the console to trigger the Landsmeet?


    I tried replaying several events prior to the Landsmeet -I do not support Anora or I do not even talk to her, II simply kill the Tevinter Mages to gain access to the Alienage Hospice or I bribe my way in, I help out Ser Otto or I do not, I save Oswyn, etc- but each time I end up inside the landsmeet chamber itself. No Ser Cauthrien, no scene trigger. I am really at a loss. If someone knows a console command that will trigger the scene.... I tried the "runscript zz_den_debug", but it only teleports me directly into the Landsmeet chamber. Again no scene trigger.


    EDIT: found an installed mod that made it impossible for the Landsmeet Anterchamber Scene to properly trigger:

    Dahlialynns Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding by DahliaLynn

    After it's removal with the NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) everything was okay again.

  19. My Tracking Centres for both TesNexus and DragonAge2Nexus have been wiped clean, as if I've never tracked any file whatsoever; my Tracking Centre for DragonAgeNexus is now incomplete -a lot of Tracked Files are gone from the list, so I no longer get any Comment Tracking or File Updates for the files that have been wiped.


    EDIT: same goes for my Fallout3Nexus and FalloutNewVegasNexus Tracking Centres; only one page remains -and I'm quite sure I had 3 to 4 pages of Tracked Files per site.

  20. Name: Cassandra (a name for my female characters who have zero patience; kinda like Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry).

    Gender: Female

    Age: late twenties

    Race: Hispanic (looks like Sunny Smiles -but without the smiles.)

    Combat Style: Stealth, sniper rifles and shotguns or SMG's when cornered.

    Specialties: Shotgun Surgeon, long-range rifles.

    Weaknesses: short temper, not very sociable and not much of a negotiator.

    Likes: directness, shotgun-diplomacy.

    Dislikes: diplomacy, negotiation, people who don't listen when she lays down the rules of engagement. People who do not heed her warnings or threats. People like Benny. Mr. House's arrogance. People like Pacer, who refuses her access to The King, unless she pays him a bribe or manages to persuade him; she does not pay people anything -unless she buying from a merchant- and she's low on persuasion. So she'd rather shoot him, which would make The Kings hostile. (Sadly most RPG's do not accommodate my preferred playing style.)

    Wants: revenge on Benny; and killing everyone foolish enough to step between her and her target.

    Fears: her near total-amnesia she suffered when Benny shot her. The human mind is incapable of dealing with a void that big. People like to pigeon-hole and classify the world around them in a vain attempt to impose order over the natural chaos. No longer knowing where she came from, where she grew up -no attachments to a former life. She has to start from square one, without knowing the path she travelled prior to that fateful day when she was shot in the head.

    Any information others provide about her past, is met with reservation and distrust. It all lacks any type of context she can relate to.

    Friendly Factions: anyone who is willing to accept her help with no strings atached.

    Enemy Factions: anyone who is trying to use her, deceive her, or otherwise take advantage of her. (Which is why I don't play the Sierra Madre DLC; if the former BOS Scribe cannot use her.... As for the Honest Hearts DLC; since the Burning Man tries to manipulate my character, things don't end on a friendly note. With the Old World Blues DLC, she can only try to survive long enough to exact revenge on those [insert your favourite expletive] who took her bodyparts).

    Companions: ED-E. She finds human companions too bothersome. She would've loved Rex, I suppose. but Pacer's earlier refusal to permit her an audience with the King made that impossible.

    Love interest?: none; she is driven by darker emotions.

    Parents: she cannot remember. She has dreams -nightmares- of faces that appear familiar, but she cannot put names to them.

    Early life: anyone's guess.


    Teen years: who knows.

    How did he/she become a courier?: that's a big unknown as well. But it seems evident that she probably chose that profession, because she already had talents and abilities that would make such a hazardous occupation survivable. Those skills must have been like a second nature to her -because even though she cannot remember who taught them to her, she knows how to wield them without any hesistance or second thoughts whatsoever.


    Favourite or Applicable Quote: "Everyone can live or burn. It's up to them." -Smiling Jack, in "Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines" (Troika / Activision).

  21. In response to post #8293801.

    When uploading images you can tick a box whether the image contains Adult Only contents. Myself I usually check the box of any image I upload, that either portrays graphic violence or scantily dressed people (not nude, but the type of clothing that falls into the "lingerie" category.)
    I don't have any kids of my own, but I can appreciate that people who do have kids, do not wish them to view what could be considered to be too graphic imagery. You can try your best to keep your kids away from stuff like that, but there's no 100% full proof method that covers all bases.
    By flagging some of my uploaded pics as Adult, people can use the filter and thus have a better chance to prevent their kids from catching a glimpse of something they -the parents- would not approve of.
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