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Posts posted by Alehazar

  1. A couple of days ago I had started another human female mage. I was trying to enlist the aid of the Dwarves and even though I sided with Harrowmont (I simply dislike Bhelen more) I travelled to the Aeducan Thaig once I was cleared to go to Caridin's Cross. I thought to get some extra XP, killing some Darkspawn, Deepstalkers and acquire the Bag of Bodyparts to initiate the Asunder quest. Oghren and Shale were happily slaying a troupe of Deepstalkers and Leliana was raining arrows on the poor slobs, when a Deepstalker Leader broke away from the fight and made for my mage character. He was low on health and I -erroneously- believed I only needed to Shock him a little to send him to the Other Side.

    And then -to my own shock and dismay- the Deepstalker Leader Overwhelmed my mage!

    Now that was a first for me. On all my previous playthroughs, I never witnessed this before. Probably because they never got the chance; they were always quickly slaughtered before anyone of them even got a chance to say "Boo!".

    If I hadn't witnessed it myself, I'd never have known that Deepstalkers -or perhaps only Deepstalker Leaders- can actually overwhelm a party member.


  2. Branka is bad; all my Warrior Talents seem to be wasted on her; she simply resists practically everything. The only thing she seems susceptible to are poisons such as Soldier's Bane -or its more potent cousin. So having Zevran in my party usually helps. Of course I need to keep him alive while my warriors dispatch the Golems first. A Grandmaster Paralyze Rune on Zevran's daggers is also a pro.


    I very much dislike (A Paragon of her kind Quest) what I call the "Halls of Corruption"; it's past the little Altar of Asunder, where you are confronted by a horde of Corrupted Spiders and a couple of Genlock Emissaries. The part that follows -which I have dubbed "The Queen of Corruption", where you have to defeat the Corrupted Spider Queen before you can read Branka's journal- I also find to be a major pain. Specifically the Overwhelm capability of these Giant Spiders. They only need to do it once to my mage and she's a goner. Wynne doesn't survive such a thing either. Even my Warrior is no match for three consecutive Overwhelm actions; yeah, that's right. I try to use a Pommel Strike, but the spider gets to me first. By the time I get to my feet again, the second spider pins me to the floor. And then strike three. Meanwhile my other party members are trying to avoid similar fates. I really need to pause a lot, carefully survey and scrutinize the progression on the battlefield, watch the movements of my enemies and enable party Talents while there's still time.


    Another boss fight I dislike is Ser Cauthrien, when she comes to arrest me for slaying Rendon Howe. Those mages cast misdirection hexes on my warriors, rendering their blows ineffective. The bowmen throw a volley of Scattershots at my party, stunning practically everyone. Just when I think I can continue the fight, another scattershot proves me wrong. And Cauthrien seems impervious to practically everything I can throw at her.

    Only Soldier's Bane has some effect, but when my rogue gets stunned time and again by those scattershots, it really diminishes any real chance of victory.


    Also Gaxkang, the Unbound, proves to be a tough fight. It rapidly depletes my health poultices and the fight seems to take forever as Gaxkang can heal itself with Drain Life.

    I usually let either Alistair or Sten take a whack at him, combined with Zevran and Wynne to provide healing and dispel those Hexes.


    Taunt, Disengage, Runes and Massive and Light Armor and poisons, as well as a solid implementation of the Tactics Screen, can keep my Rogue or Mage from getting targeted as well as keep my Warrior alive.

  3. I usually try to do what's right, but since the dialogue options I get to use are fairly limited -I cannot use sarcasm, or cynicism, or irony well, other than with Moira Brown- and I always get bullied, intimidated, patronized or otherwise talked down to, I tend to get really annoyed. And soon that annoyance turns to anger. Especially when dweebs like Moriarty or Three Dog are trying to blackmail me. I really don't respond too well to such behavior.

    When I descend into the spiral of evil, I especially miss certain dialogue options when talking to dad. It was him leaving the vault that forced me to flee; and since then I've been trying to survive. And the general Wasteland attitude only further erodes my sense of right and wrong.

    Soon all I care about is survival. And if other people even refuse to compensate me for the ammo I spend, the armor that needs repairing and putting myself in harm's way to solve their problems, then it's usually Survival of the Fittest.

    The only lame thing about going down the Path of Evil is that you miss out on a lot of nice stuff, perks and rewards. Luckily I know the basics of how to use the GECK so I can get -as an example- Lesko's lab coat and his Bio Enhancer, regardless whether I kill him or not.

    Whenever playing Fallout 3 I must constantly remind myself to try and roleplay as much as possible -otherwise it simply becomes an XP or (Good) Karma hunt. Which is ultimately boring.

  4. I tell the little boy that his mother is dead.


    You're mean :laugh:


    I'm a Blood Mage; since I like to Roleplay, my demeanor leans towards "evil".


    (Strangely, I kill the bandits that greet me when I arrive in Lothering, but apparently my options with Ser Bryant is that he needs to send out his men to deal with them -that's basically the first little glitch).


    Not a glitch - one of them ran away. You probably chose the option "you don't really want to mess with a mage/warden..."


    Yep, you're right; the big dopey one. I remember now.


    (I make Bodahn pay for his timely rescue; 200 pieces)


    Wow, I've got to try that :thumbsup:


    Ask for a reward; he offers a hundred. Manage to successfully use the consecutive Persuasion option and he'll double it.


    He says he wants to talk to me about what happened at Redcliffe.

    I reply that I thought things turned out rather well and he starts thanking me for going out of my way for trying to save the Arl's family and doing just that !


    That is messed up :confused: You have not done any actions that would cause that. Do you have any mods installed other than official DLC? Have you used the console; specifically any of the debug routines? Only thing I can think of to try (without any more information) would be to disable the last four DLC's (uncheck) until you are ready to use them as they can cause problems but this is a new one on me.


    I stay away from the Debug routines; only Console command I sometimes use is to kill all hostiles -only when my game crashes right before I (barely) tend to win a difficult boss fight and I really hate it to have to make the effort all over again.

    Most mods I have installed are texture replacers.

    And the occasional Sexy armor for my mage and rogue (a lot of it is TnT)

    Another mod is a fix for the Ancient Elven Boots; a mod that adds skill and talent books to my inventory, but I use those sparingly as I know that too many talents early in the game can cause the game to glitch at higher levels; a mod that changes the Red Color of my Health bar to a Bright Green one (I'm somewhat colorblind); the Equal Love mod, so I can romance Morrigan with a female PC; all the race installments of Sex Cutscenes Always Play; Witch Robe for Elves; a mod that adds Morrigan's robe to my inventory without the Restriction.

    That's pretty much it. Then of course the Rewards from the DLC's when you finish them.


    Then again, when I DO go out of my way to save the Arl's family, my Codex (under the Character Tab) updates that Lady Isolde gave her life for her son -but then she still lives. As does Connor. No deals with the Demon either; it is cast out.


    (As an aside: sometimes Athras doesn't give me the Amulet he promised me if I found his wife Danyla -Nature of the Beast Quest; and I give him the scarf and everything. I'm still trying to figure out, under what conditions this glitch occurs.

    Also, when I decide to kill Brother Genitivi, his Codex Entry updates that he was never seen again, PLUS that he did find the Urn and returned safely to Denerim)

  5. I have all the DLC's installed, including the Witch Hunt 1.1 patch. This patch was applied after the 1.04 patch -I also have Awakenings. (Yes I first installed Origins, then Awakenings, then the patch). Since I was forced to make a reinstall (I tried to make a mod myself which completely disabled my game), I'm suffering from the bug where Morrigan won't teach the Shapeshifter specialisation, regardless of my Approval rating with her.

    (I also have a mod installed that allows me to romance Morrigan as a female PC)


    First I will describe some of the decisions I made along the way, to see whether someone recognises something that might contribute to this glitch.

    If you simply want to see what the glitch is, scroll all the way down.


    I started out as a female human mage, who dislikes the Tower and resents the presence of the Templars.

    I help Jowan escape and upset Irving. I badmouth Greagoir and leave with Duncan.

    In Ostagar I boast my abilities as a mage to all and everyone, I refuse to help the deserter and after 2 rejections I finally help the Kennel Master -after my Joining.

    In Lothering I choose not to help Elder Miriam, I help the Crooked Merchant and I turn away Leliana in the tavern. I turn her away as I try to leave Lothering.

    I threaten the Revered Mother to get Sten. I don't help the robbed Elves and I tell the little boy that his mother is dead. I threaten to kill the ranting Chasind and after he takes off I tell the people of Lothering that I really don't care.

    (Strangely, I kill the bandits that greet me when I arrive in Lothering, but apparently my options with Ser Bryant is that he needs to send out his men to deal with them -that's basically the first little glitch).

    I perform the Job Board jobs of the Chanter, but ignore the Blackstone Irregulars.

    I specialise as a Blood Mage

    Then I exit to Camp. (I make Bodahn pay for his timely rescue; 200 pieces)

    I go to Orzammar to do some shopping and then to Denerim to acquire more stuff. I deal with the Backstreet Justice Quest, tell Ser Landry to s*d off and I kill him and his men when he pops up while traveling the Denerim map. I visit Wade, Wonders of Thedas, Gorim and the Chanter's Board. I accept some board quests that can only be resolved later in the game and the one called Loghain's Push. I deal with them and visit the merchant who starts the Golem in Honnleath Quest (Stone Prisoner DLC). Instead of going to Honnleath I go to Redcliffe and decide not to help Teagan. I do give Jetta the lockbox, talk to Kaitlyn and tell her I do not intend to fight for Redcliffe. I do visit Dwynn's house and tell him what a sensible dwarf he is. I also visit Bevin, intimidate him into relinquishing the key. I visit the house of the guy who has signed a form for the Irregulars, only to click on his bookcase to get Codex entry. I leave Redcliffe and go to Camp. As the cutscene won't trigger I move to Denerim to report to the Chanter's Board. The cutscene plays and I return to Redcliffe, confront the scavenger and revive Teagan. I'm rather rude to him and meet him by the mill. I'm mistrusting Isolde and tell Teagan he is expendable.

    I fight my way into the castle, refuse to tell Jowan what happened to Lily, but I do turn him loose, telling him I don't care what he does.

    After my confrontation with Connor I simply state that someone is going to die regardless and Isolde offers herself to be the sacrifice. I say I need more time to think things over. Instead I ransack the rest of the castle. I return to Isolde and let Jowan cast the ritual.

    I confront the Demon myself and make a deal for the talent book. Afterwards I return to camp expecting Alistair to berate me for sacrificing Isolde.




    He says he wants to talk to me about what happened at Redcliffe.

    I reply that I thought things turned out rather well and he starts thanking me for going out of my way for trying to save the Arl's family and doing just that !

    My Approval with Alistair goes up 7 points !

    I mean, WHAT?

    Anyone else encounter something similar: Does anyone know what might cause such a glitch?

  6. [....] (Quote culled by Alehazar)

    EIGHT talon company with heavy weapons, grenades and assault rifles spawn out of nowhere and kill me in no time :mellow:

    I cheat by placing mines where theyll spawn ;D Couple hundred free experience.


    I use the same tactic when I emerge from Marigold station after killing the Fire Ant Queen (and Doc Lesko as well) and my karma dictates that either Talon Mercs or Regulators will show up. Before I go pop the Queen I mine the area where they will spawn and put a destructible mini nuke (destructible mini nuke mod) among the frag mines. (I love the smell of roasted merc in the morning.):biggrin:

  7. Ok, you don't need to install anything with FOMM.

    But after installation you can use it to sort the load order.

    I dont fear FOMM, it works very well for me.


    If you want to have more content with destroed lights, it is better to make a new mod.

    This means for enemies, which see better or worse in darkness and not only the destruction of the lights with only effect for the player.

    I like the idea and hope, somebody will do it.

    Perhaps some human enemies can use night vision and dont care the broken ligths but are blended if you switch the ligth on :-)

    Blend Grenates would be another suggestion for lighteffects on the AI.


    Maybe -in a mod of course- the player could use terminals -like the ones you can hack to override gun turrets- to switch off power and turn off lights and lighting. Or maybe flick a switch to cut a section of the electricity grid. That way, the meshes of the lights do not need to be altered (made destructible), you just need to change the lighting effects of the affected area -and the resulting effects on the nearby NPC's/creatures. Still, I wouldn't know how to go about that.

    Thanks for your input -and of course thanks to all others who have contributed their own ideas and suggestions.

    Hope someone who might know how to go about this will pick up on this mod idea.


    Kind regards,



  8. Perhaps you should ask this in Destruction V6-1 - A Destroyable Environments Mod by SP

    I'm sure the author would add this, if possible.



    ** Lights and Doors have been disabled in this release, I PLAN to add this back in with 6.2 **


    Yeah, I came across this one, but it contains a Master file and you the load order is paramount to get it to work properly -which means you need FOMM. And I don't use that. So practically any mod that uses a Master file, I don't use.

    But thanks for the tip. It's nice to see that people are taking time and effort to offer feedback and tips like these. It is definitely appreciated -no doubt about that.


    Thanks again,



  9. Haha ghouls see better in darkness...


    Would be cool, having some enemies see better in the dark


    It's always nice to have drawbacks -i.e. advantages for enemies- as well. It would mean, you'd have to play more tactically, deciding when it would do more harm than good and vice versa. And just suppose that ghouls would be able to learn this tactic of killing lights. Then they could turn the tables on the player.


    But is it feasible?



  10. When I decide to kill (as a mere example) Silver in Springvale, I find it hard to swallow that I still cannot use her bed to sleep in, as the game still recognises that the ownership flag for that particular bed is set to Silver. I know I can use the console to reset the ownership flag, but is it possible to let a script do the work, i.e. if Silver is flagged as dead, the ownership of her bed automatically defaults to the player?

    Is it possible to do this for more people around the Wasteland, like Agatha, or other Wastelanders that do not respawn?


    Kind regards,




    As an aside; how come those Slavers at Paradise Falls -the ones not merely tagged as "Slaver", but those that have actual names like Eulogy Jones, Cutter, Izmir and the lot- resurrect from the dead, after I wipe out Paradise Falls when saving those kids?

  11. Is there a mod that allows the player to shoot out lights, or smash them with a melee weapon if the lights are within reach of such a weapon?

    Apart from meshes and textures that would allow such annihilation, there'd have to be sounds of glass breaking and the area that is affected to be plunged into darkness. Whereas lights in the same area that are still operational should still illuminate some kind of space until they too get obliterated. Then of course all the creatures within the darkened areas should respond accordingly, that they can no longer see so well.


    It's a lot to ask for, but I think it'd be great to use as a tactic when confronted by more powerful, or numerous enemies. It also seems great for immersion purposes.




    Kind regards,



  12. THE creepiest thing? I received a love letter from Mr. Burke! How can anyone top that? I mean, Yikes!


    How? Or better yet, where and when? :confused:


    I used the Black Widow Perk on Burke when he wanted me to blow up Megaton. I used it, not to get more caps, but to persuade him not to blow up Megaton. He said he would convince Tenpenny as to why Megaton would be left standing. Some days later -I don't know how many, but also quite some levels higher- I returned to Megaton's saloon and Moriarty came to me, quite annoyed, that someone had left me a letter ("I'm not a post office!", Moriarty said -or some such.)

    A little time later, I got a second letter -same location.

    I'm dreading going back to Moriarty's, afraid I may get more letters. But some sense of perversion -for lack of a better description- wants to see how this will pan out.

    There should be one more letter.


    Yeah, I know. I received that one. He asked me to write one to him and have it delivered to Tenpenny Tower. Does anything happen after that last letter? Does Burke go berserk if I don't reciprocate? Or does it just peter out, like a story tangent in a book that simply doesn't go anywhere?

  13. THE creepiest thing? I received a love letter from Mr. Burke! How can anyone top that? I mean, Yikes!


    How? Or better yet, where and when? :confused:


    I used the Black Widow Perk on Burke when he wanted me to blow up Megaton. I used it, not to get more caps, but to persuade him not to blow up Megaton. He said he would convince Tenpenny as to why Megaton would be left standing. Some days later -I don't know how many, but also quite some levels higher- I returned to Megaton's saloon and Moriarty came to me, quite annoyed, that someone had left me a letter ("I'm not a post office!", Moriarty said -or some such.)

    A little time later, I got a second letter -same location.

    I'm dreading going back to Moriarty's, afraid I may get more letters. But some sense of perversion -for lack of a better description- wants to see how this will pan out.

  14. Off late I've had so many people and critters die in such ways, that it almost looked like motion picture stunt choreography executed in too extreme perfection. If I'd been able to capture those moments as film files, they could've been a movie montage worthy of endless repetition -and with no commercial breaks!

    John Woo would have been moved to tears, I think.

  15. I was in the Dupont Circle area, making my way to the Dry Sewer Entrance to gain access to the Our Lady Hospital. I knew from previous playthroughs that Super Mutants would be battling Talon Company Mercs. I also recalled that 2 Talon Mercs would be patrolling the first stairwell. But this time my sneaking skill was maxed out, so I thought I could easily get into a good position to snipe the two mercs. I hugged the wall as I inched my way to the stairs. I kept close tabs on my compass for the red ticks and on the Hidden message at the top of my HUD. Then all of sudden one of the mercs -still out of sight- said a single "Hello". My heart skipped a beat, but I was still Hidden. Apparently the two mercs met and one decided to say Hi to the other.


    With the same sneaking skill I went to Takoma Park. As I exited the subway into the actual Park area, I knew I could expect some green uglies coming my way. Even though they never saw me, one of them still fired his missiles into the car wrecks that were piled together. As I wondered why the heck he'd fired his weapon if they hadn't spotted me, cars starting blowing up and I was lucky I make it a standard policy to save prior to transition and -whenever possible- after transition. A reload was necessary.


    Being over Level 20, I started encountering these Albino Radscorpions -which requires Broken Steel I think, or some other DLC. Luckily I had picked up my "BB Gun of Navarone", which fires BaByNukes. Although the AP cost lets me only rack up one shot in VATS, if it hits, it's Bye-Bye Big Boss. Also works wonders on those Mutant Overlords. If you miss though, you don't have enough AP to enter VATS again. And squeezing of a BaByNuke while back-pedalling from an angry Albino Radscropion usually ends in a mushroomcloud demise for my character. (As an aside: BB Gun of Navarone is no longer in the Download Database. Hell, you only get 25 BabyNukes for the entire game -unless you cheat of course.)


    Another scary moment was when I decapitated a raider -with a gun, I still don't get that BTW- and as I went crept closer to the headless body to loot it, the head rolled back into my line of vision. In a fear reflex I bashed my left mouse button and left of a burst of fire. Then it dawned on me what it was and that you don't need to fear a loose head.


    In the Corvega Building I was happily annihilating Giant Ants.When I crept back up some stairs to some higher level room where I'd already popped two ants I was freaked out by an ant that was sitting just around the corner -but it was only a head. As I swerved around it, there was no body attached to it. But it was sitting completely upright,staring me down.


    Sometimes I manage to surprise a raider, sitting on a chair against a wall. I pop his head and he remains seated in the same nonchalant pose, with his head missing; alright, that's not creepy -but it could be if I revisit the area after a while and try to take this raider out -again.


    That's it for now.

  16. On all my playthroughs of fallout 3 nothing annoys me more than Little Lamplight. Those brats have the audacity to talk back to a power armored tank with a minigun! :confused: Bethesda should have had the option to allow children to die. I mean seriously Mayor Macreedy the way he talks to you he is just asking to be shot.


    The Killable Children mod will take care of those -http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=376


    The only problem is that you first have to get into Little Lamplight, before you can start blasting away.

    I tried to make a mod once that would allow the player to Override the Lamplight Gate. I installed a terminal that would only be accessible, when the Lamplight faction would become hostile. Since you can't draw a weapon until your through the gate, I had to override that too.

    Basically you shoot MacReady, the faction turns hostile and you use the override to open the gate. Sometimes they open the gate themselves and send the dogs out.



    And everyone is dying to get me to help them, but they treat me like cr*p all the same; there's a mod for that too -and it has saved many Wastelanders from getting obliterated.



  17. Autumn:

    He jabs some crazy stuff in his arm just before he falls, Uber Enclave Radx/Radaway? Also, the radiation in the chamber dissipates, so he's only got to last a few minutes before it's safe for soldiers in APA (with the extra rad resistance...) to go in and ge him out. Then fill that b******d full of radaway like there's no tomorrow.


    If the radiation dissipates, why is the room lethally irradiated when you need to start the purifier at the end of the MQ? Did Liberty Prime bomb something he wasn't supposed to?


    And if the Enclave have such powerful Rad removers, why don't they go fetch the GECK themselves; are they just lazy? They're taking quite a risk, because if I die, it'll take them a lot longer to figure out the code to start the Purifier -look at all the permutations of a three digit code. That's not very sound policy.


    And as a side note; why do all the wasteland yobbo's think they're so tough? Col. Autumn, Evan King, Jericho, Moriarty, Lucas Simms -even that dweeb Tenpenny. And that security guy at Canterbury Commons, Dom Something. I only wish there were facial animations that would show their bewilderment when I level my Desert Eagle at them.


    I guess the gene pool seriously deteriorated when the bombs fell in 2077; Fallout probably fried a lot of human DNA, making people brawnier, but definitely not branier. Even Moira Brown -quite a smartas*- has some sociopathic traits. Those big green mothers with the overdeveloped musculature are SuperMutants; guess that makes most Wastelanders simply mutants. Physically they appear to be normal human beings, but their minds are all shot to pieces. Or is that 200 years of survival filtering into society?


    Bottomline: they made a game that's nice to look at, but they dropped the ball on a lot that does not involve shooting stuff.

  18. You probably don't understand. What I need is to keep Leliana from dropping a huge amount of approval while in romance with Morrigan, while not breaking up with either of them.


    Without a mod, that's not possible; if you're pursuing romances with more than just one companion, than the jealousy factor will always kick in. It's her/him or me. And that always results in approval loss, regardless. One non-mod solution; pursue only one romance on each playthrough.

    Save your game once you arrive in party camp for the first time. Start romancing one party member. Load the "Arrival Party Camp" save and you can choose a different romance partner. Mind you, you will then have to play the different story tangents, so you will have to play all the quests that follow twice -one with the first romance partner, and another with the second romance partner. Or even more complex if you wish to romance all companions that can be romanced.

  19. I was hoping for a non-mod solution, and I always talk to my party. Except for Alister, saving him until I can complete the party and hear his views on them.


    I just want to keep leliana liking me without getting the "Its either me or her" speech. -30 approval is devastating...I do suppose hardening her would lessen the approval drop.


    Don't use the Romance dialogue options with Leliana, like "Do you often enjoy the company of other women?", if your player is female. Don't give her the flower Andraste's Grace, that's a romantic gesture. Simply use the lines that boost approval, without giving her the idea you are romantically interested in her. If she shows interest in you, choose the dialogue that she is a treasured friend, but don't lead her on that she might think you're in to her. That way she will become your friend, not your lover. Then there's no romantic tension between Leliana and the one you are romancing.

  20. Most romances, if not all, I think, are more dependent on where you are in the game than anything else, even approval rating, and also on whether you have completed the character's personal quest or not. They act like every other scripted milestone in the game, they're designed so that they can't advance past a certain point at a certain time. They also seen to be quite dependent on how much time they spend in your party and which particular events they've been able to see and comment on. Your approval will increase just because of a romance anyway, it's not such a big deal, and it's probably meant to simulate a gradually strengthening relationship as it happens, not before it happens. You don't just suddenly get to sleep with Leliana or any other character, it takes a while and there's a few stages along the way.


    I don't think so, i managed to get around 80 approval with Morrigan before even leaving Lothering for the first time, its all about how silver-tongued you are and if you got gifts.


    It's also whether your actions and dialogue with certain quests related figures are approved or not by the members in your party; if you threatened the Revered Mother in the Lothering chantry with Morrigan and Alistair in your party, Morrigan's approval will go up, but Alistair's approval with decline.

    If your Morrigan's approval is high enough and your coercion is up to par along with your cunning -for persuasion- you can help Wynne save the circle and convince Morrigan -if she's in your party at the moment- that she might have been a Circle Mage if things had panned out differently for her. If either Morrigan's approval is too low and/or your "communication skills", that dialogue option won't even show up.


    Talking to Alistair in Camp for the 1st time -hopefully gaining approval with the options you pick- can quickly open up new dialogue options when you initiate a new dialogue, after the previous topic has concluded.


    Sten is a tougher nut to crack, his approval only rises a few notches at a time. Gifts can readily increase his approval; and if your persuasion skills are high enough, you can even convince him that your actions are more complex or more justified than he assumes -thus, possibly negating a negative approval response.


    It also matters whether or not you have a companion in your party during certain quests/events; if Shale is in your party when you find Caridin, you can either gain a lot, or lose a lot of approval with Shale. It also decides how you may receive Shale's personal quest and how can get the map marker to Cadash Thaig.

  21. Could be memory leakage related. If you're playing the PC version, memory leakage will likely occur after a few hours of playing. Scripts then start to fire with a serious delay, and sometimes don't fire at all. When helping Athras, the Dalish Elf who lost his wife Danyla- I didn't receive his amulet as promised. In the Fade when captured by the Sloth Demon, I defeated a lesser Demon and left through the Pedestal, only to find that the Rune that would signify the completion of that particular Island had failed to appear -luckily travelling back to the island caused the script to fire. Having defeated the Broodmother, a cinematic with Hespith should fire, but my game crashed to desktop instead. Or reaching a certain trigger point or having a game transition, also crashed the game. That's probably indicative of having played too long.

    When you notice that quests don't update immediately, or other lags within the game. it is probably wise to save and exit DAO. Then start up the game and load your last save.

    Also watch out for savegame bloating, due to the installation or deinstallation of certain mods. The size of your savegames becomes far greater than they are supposed to be, as the savegame is incorporating data that isn't supposed to be there -anymore.


    As always, save often, and save in as many different slots as your HD allows. Don't merely quicksave -if your quicksave file gets corrupted....

    I always save before a game transition, and right after a game transition -provided I don't end up in a combat situation.

    Saving before engaging a dialogue, or accepting a quest, might also be useful.

    Try to name your savegames accordingly; like "Lady of the Forest Resave"; might be abbreviated to "LotF Resave", or whatever works for you.

    Once you've completed the game once and you want to start another playthrough with another character you could use same names for certaina save situations, i.e. "Arrival Ostagar", "Arrival Lothering", "Arrival Redcliffe", or "Meeting Morrigan", "1st Camp", "1st Talks", things like that.

    That way you can replay a character starting when you arrive at Party Camp for the first time and start romancing someone else.

  22. My first character was a Dwarf Commoner and I was happily surprised on how exceedingly perfect Beraht's voice matched his facial features. Everything his character seems to embody is captured in his face and complemented by his voice and the choice of his words.

    I was almost disappointed he was kicked out of the game so soon.

    The same I think about Gorim; his face and voice are a wonderful match; it almost seems to perfectly define Gorim even if you know nothing about him. His tone of voice, his calm demeanor, the blush on his cheeks, his hair and beard, the cheekbones and eyes. It all adds up to make perfect sense. Even Prince Bhelen -whom I think is a total pr*ck- has a winning combo. (Maybe I'm just partial to Dwarves?)


    (As an aside: for my Player Character, whenever possible, I use the Cocky Voiceset; "Ooh, it fell down" "Now that would make an interesting pet." "Time to kill some darkspawn!"; or for the female human noble, the Experienced Voiceset: after a successful kill: "Next!", "Finally some wildlife" "Did you honestly think you had a chance?").


    - Duncan also has the right voice with the right appearance and the personality of his character.

    - Loghain was a bit of surprise for me; but that was how differently he sounds; the way he sounds at Ostagar and the way he sounds at the Landsmeet. From a brooding, dark type of person. To a blusterous, boastful, self-righteous *ss.

    - First Enchanter Irving has a voice that matches his looks, but the way he wields it, makes it sounds a little over the top.

    - Dagna from Orzammar -yes, another dwarf- is also wonderfully voiced; when you agree to help her, her final remarks are a joy to hear.

    - Brother Burkel -whom I think bears a resemblance to Dutchman Theo Maassen- looks a bit too much like he's joined the Dark Side of the Force, but the voice complements his function as a spokesman of the Chantry.

    - The nug salesman who is out of nugs, has a truly wonderful mug to look at and his voice adds to his misery.

    - Ruck -when he merely screams he sounds like Fozzie Bear of the Muppets- sounds right, but doesn't look the part; apart from his crooked stance maybe.

    - His mother, Filda, sounds just right for the part she is supposed to play.

    - Leske, also speaks the way he looks; great voice direction, what else can I say.

    - Uldred, looks just like Wynne describes him -and leave it to Barry Dennen to make him sound like a raving lunatic who himself believes he has retained his sanity.

    - Merchant Bodahn Feddic, is another splendid blend of voice and facial features.

    - And while the animations for his son Sandal fail to elicit a certain liveliness -or lack thereof- you'd expect him to have, his voice is well matched.

    - Oghren is one of the characters that wouldn't have been so colorful without the voice they gave him. Especially the conversations he has with fellow party members are a wonderful and welcome addition to the game.

    - the same can be said for Shale; of course the golem has not much of a facial expression, but the voice really bestows life upon the walking rock.

    - Morrigan; sexy and husky voice, with a use of grammar that suits the glint in her eyes. Wicked!

    - Flemeth and Branka; Kate Mulgrew, do I need to add anything? The first voice actor I recognised.

    - King Cailan; regal, but indeed the puppy that Wynne sees in him.

    - Queen Anora; danger Will Robinson! She exudes the definition of a femme fatale. Her elven handmaiden sounds annoying; like she walked out of the set of the UK series "'Allo, 'allo". Marjolaine also sounds over the top -and that is not endearing at all.

    - Sanga (the proprietess of the Pearl) seems to change her accent as she welcomes you to the pearl.


    The default Leliana has also a matching voice; she looks like a human morph of Brain, from Pinky and the Brain -cartoon series. She sounds terrible; I think she is really poorly voiced. I now have a mod installed that changes her default looks into an approximation of her appearance in the Urn of sacred Ashes Trailer. She look better a thousandfold, but she still sounds horrible.


    The one voice I really detest is he one of the Lady of the Forest; it almost makes me want to kill her, regardless whether I'm a goody two-shoes or not.


    And, bits of conversation of NPC's that you may overhear when you're close enough:

    One of the most hilarious bits of conversation is in Lothering, when your Codex updates about the Chasind: The "I saw you take the food from my cart" conversation? When the farmer finally says: "But what about my food?". Brilliant.


    That's enough for me, now.

  23. Oghren is a rude sob, sure. But he's also one of the best comic relief sidekicks with his failed innuendo's. His comments towards Leliana, Shale and Wynne are beautiful. Shale and Oghren are the ones that have the funniest comments in my personal opinion. Oghren's little chat to the Warden prior to engaging a conversation with Felsi and the actual dialogue with Felsi are wonderful. "That's me, Mr. Charm." And the way he is rebuffed by Felsi is hilarious. Those two were indeed made for each other -can't you feel the love?

    While a mod that changes Leliana into a close approximation of the foxy girl in the Urn of sacred Ashes Trailer, has made me re-appreciate the little Bard, I think she has the poorest voice work of the lot. After Zathrian surrenders in the Sanctum of the Lady of the Forest and Swiftrunner wants to go in for the kill: "No! Lady, stop him.". I mean, please! Or when you agree to help Wynne sort out the troubles in the Tower and you talk to Keili. "Don't say that. You have a right to live, just like anyone else".

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