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Posts posted by Alehazar

  1. I've been playing DAO since it was first released. But it was only a couple of weeks ago when I noticed a Genlock go Berserk -a floating text above his head said clearly "Berserk"- so I figured it was a dual wielding warrior. And when an enemy activates Berserk, it's a good moment to speedily dispatch them, so I used a Flurry. Then the same Genlock used "Dirty Fighting" on my attacking rogue! That would make the Genlock a Rogue -and not a Warrior.

    So, do Darkspawn have cross-over classes; they can go Berserk and use Dirty Fighting?

    Or is my game glitching?

  2. Read the article of Edge Magazine. Didn't even know about Valve's modding structure.

    It's nice that the Nexus Sites favour the exchange of ideas, concepts and offering the helping hand to starting modders above making money. That's probably the solid base that helps the Nexus Community grow and evolve.

    Must be a hassle to keep everything streamlined, so the end-users do not experience lag or unplanned downtime. Mind you, the time, money and effort that is put into maintaining the sites is greatly appreciated.

    Now if you'd consider creating another way -besides PayPal- for members to go Premium, I'd be more than happy to make the upgrade. (It's really PayPal that makes me refrain from doing so.)

    Most of my Internet payments I do through iDeal -just a thought.

    Thanks for keeping the wheels turning.


    EDIT: (27-05-2013 / dd-mm-yy) when attempting to Go Premium, the only payable way for me -personally- (Dutchman) was PayPal. Decided it was time and created an account.

  3. I thought that Ad Blockers and No Script interfered with downloading content -as I always get a message, that "if my download doesn't start, it's probably because I'm using Ad Blockers or No Script". That aside, I don't use either of them. I can see that Ads are an integral part of what keeps the Nexus Sites up and running, and since they don't blatantly shove things down my throat or (simply aren't allowed to) carpet-bomb my e-mail account, I'm fine with them.

    Now if there'd be other methods besides a PayPal account to support the Nexus, I'd be happy to go for the big one. Myself, I use iDEAL for most of my internet purchases; to me it really is "ideal".

    While I do not endorse some mods because they do not live up to my expectations (or are otherwise not exactly what I was looking for), I think it equally important to (at least try to) offer some constructive criticism, hoping that modders will keep on modding, trying to improve their skills and honing their talents -good modding doesn't always come naturally. For a lot of people (like myself) it's a lot -really a lot- of trial and error. Aside from that, I really enjoy the tips, hints and tutorials other people have put to together, collated, categorised or otherwise contributed to. It enables people (or more specifically, me) to follow a pre-fabricated route, use a pre-made template, or use a proven method to get from nothing to something.

    Sharing experience, knowledge and offering a helping hand also takes time, patience and effort. It's not equal to "paying it forward", but it might inspire or offer renewed incentive to keep on modding (or trying to mod.)

  4. I was just playing DA: O with my male Dalish warrior (Champion sub-class), when I had the second vision, and my camp got swarmed by shrieks. I meet Tamlen, was forced to kill him.. and I was really disappointed that you can't show some respect to your clanmate by burying him with Dalish Honors. I mean, he's a member of your clan, and yeah, you have already 'mourned' him, but you should still be able to bury his body once he turns up, right?!


    What I would like is if someone could make a mini-mod where your dalish character can fully mourn their clanmate: Your companions all standing behind you in a semi-circle while you bury your fellow elf, you then repeat the song that your clan sung for him, and you finally end it with the Dalish Oath.


    I'm saying this because I feel that Tamlen really gets the small bit in your pc's origin story.. and then when he turns up almost halfway through, there isn't even a sense of your pc really feeling his death. I was forced to put my pc's clanmate down, Alister spoke a line or two and bam, oh, it's another dead enemy, let's just leave his body. No feelings of sadness that my character has just been forced to slay his kin. WHAT THE BEEP?! I want some feeling of Tamlen's death! FEELING!


    So, if someone would be kind enough to see what they can do, it would really be great! Thanks you!






    I know how you feel. It's even worse when you play as a female Dalish and you went through the options of a romantic relationship with Tamlen during the Origin story.

    It's basically why my elf quite readily makes the Ultimate Sacrifice at the conclusion of the game -maybe if the Creators will it, she might see Tamlen again. Losing him twice is just too much; yeah, I know I really get fully immersed into RPG's like DAO.

    The feeling of having failed Tamlen and her clan, stays with her throughout the entire journey to the conclusion of the story.


    But I like your idea for something of a decent farewell to Tamlen. While my modding skills for DAO are absolutely zero, I hope someone will take up the cause for a Farewell to Tamlen.


    As an aside: I usually name Dog Tamlyn when I'm a Dalish Elf and I don't get romantically involved with any of my companions. Seeing his apparition during the Sacred Ashes Quest, is another salt treatment of open wounds.

  5. I've played all races, all classes and all Origins.

    I find myself drawn towards the Rogue class. Using poisons and grenades is wicked. Also the tier 3 Rogue talents that will allow your rogue to use the cunning modifier and perform automatic backstabs against a stunned target are simply great.


    Maybe I leveled up my others class characters in the wrong way. Fighting Branka as a mage or warrior, I couldn't make a dent in the fender. Whereas my rogue, using the concentrated soldier's bane in combination with either the concentrated demonic poison or quiet death, was chipping away her health like a jackhammer drilling in quicksand.


    I also enjoy laying down traps -that's how I usually take down the maleficarum in Denerim. Disengage my party, activate stealth and start trapping the hell out of the floor. Fire traps, grease traps; great combo.


    The only drawback is in the dungeon of Arl Howe; salvo after salvo of scattershots, simply stun my party, making them sitting ducks.

    Then they get trampled on -quack!


    Yeah, definitely a rogue

  6. I for one love the Fade within the Sloth Demon's Domain. I simply keep on trying different strategies. Making use of my class skills, trying to chain the different shapes together so you can quickly decimate your adversaries before they can get the drop on you.


    I found Nature of the Beast rather tedious, hacking your way through werewolves, darkspawn.....

    All I wanted was to tell Zathrian to take a hike, once I found him inside the ruins. Simply walk out, let him do battle with the werewolves, let his clan die, whatever. It was rather silly that I need my companions to fight ourselves into the sanctum of the Lady of the Forest, then Zathrian comes in and decides to take us all on when I side with the beasts. He could've gone to the ruins earlier on and fought them on his own -at least he wouldn't have had to deal with my companions and me as well.


    While I enjoyed the skirmish with the highwayman near Lothering, the Lothering side quests are just fodder to crank up your xp. Other than that it becomes more tedious with every playthrough.


    Ostagar used to be vibrant and intense, but that novelty has worn on. Too bad because it still has one hell of a battle sequence.

    Korcari Wilds are a....... hm, maybe it is time for me to take a little break from DAO. Let it rest and simmer down for a while. I know that once the fever goes up, I enjoy most aspects of the game from head to toe.


    Very satisfying? As a human noble or a city elf taking down Rendon Howe.

  7. Jory was warned, but in certain dialogue it is clear he believes that once the Blight is defeated he may/can return to his wife.

    (PC: "So you abandoned her? Jory:"Never!") Yet "there is no turning back"! Anyone who becomes a Warden leaves his/her old life behind -permanently. But Jory was somehow convinced he would be able to return to his family. Surely Duncan should've picked up on that? It also seems apparent that he wanted to become a Warden for both glory and out of a sense of duty ("Ferelden needs my blade and I shall not falter").

    When confronted by Morrigan Daveth lost his cool and was reduced to a scared little bunny, whereas Jory was too dense to really appreciate the situation. "Quiet Daveth. If she's really a witch do you want to make her mad? Flemeth's comment is far more prophetic than it appears: "There's a smart lad. (Is that sarcasm I hear?) Sadly irrelevant......."

    When Jory drew his blade, he was slowly backing away, like he merely wanted to escape. Duncan drew his dagger and the duel became inevitable. Someone would die, and it was obvious whom that person was going to be.

    While Daveth was able to see the bigger picture, his demise was another crack in Jory's crumbling veneer of knightly bravery, quickly unraveling his wavering resolve.

    When the PC speaks to Jory before taking Alistair to Duncan, you can get a line that states you think that Jory is pretty dense. Which is true. Jory is unable to grasp what becoming a GW means to his life as a family man. As to why that idea persists in his mind and why nobody is setting him straight seems rather sloppy.

    I can only ponder that Duncan -desperate for more Wardens- ignored his own better judgement.


    As an aside: Alistair reveres Duncan and when you question Alistair at Ostagar about the Grey Wardens he clearly states that the GW's will do anything to win the fight (and that means some extreme measures). Yet when my GW is doing just that -any means to an end- almost everybody in my party (usually with the exceptions of Morrigan and Zevran)- disproves of my decisions and starts to second-guess my every choice. Meanwhile they all look to me to decide on the course of action.....


    Furthermore I think that Duncan and Loghain share quite a lot of similarities: their "the end justifies the means" attitude, infers that they are willing to save their world by either destroying the enemy who poses a threat to it, or destroying their world themselves so it cannot fall into enemy hands.

    For Duncan that is ending the Blight. For Loghain it is keeping out the Orlesians.

    Duncan's tunnelvision keeps him from assessing Loghain's state of mind and perceiving a possible threat and thus a fatal flaw in the plans to defeat the Darkspawn; only when Cailan is crushed and the beacon is lit, the truth sinks in on why Loghain's troops aren't attacking.

    Whereas Loghain's only concern is the possibility that the Orlesians will help them win the war. Regardless whether they would leave Ferelden or refuse to go back to Orlais once the Blight had been quelled. That has to be a death blow to his ego, his pride, his memories and whatnot.

    Arl Eamon says in his address to the Landsmeet: "Must we destroy all that is good about our nation, in order to save it?"


  8. I have some assumptions myself:


    • Flemeth is a dragonborn (in Skyrim term) or basically the same as Morrigan's child. A human born with the soul of the Old Gods.. (Dragons)
    • Flemeth's body is not an immortal one even though her old god soul is immortal. That's why she needs to switch bodies every generation to refresh her vessel.
    • She has lots of "Horcruxes" that stores a copy of her soul so that she can survive even if one of her body is destroyed. Hawke unkowingly helped her to ressurect her body in Sundermount. I assume she made her horcruxes through murdering Lord Connobar and his men and allies. The act of murder splits one soul to be stored into inanimate objects.
    • Morrigan's child is the Warden's child or other grey warden's child. If it's not either the Warden's or Alistair's or the secret companion's, probably be Riordan right before the night of the last battle. (without his knowledge/our knowledge). In other words, she will be with child nevertheless. And this child may be the main protagonist of Dragon Age 3.
    • Dragon Age 3 starts in the middle of the Circle - Chantry war. Which is actually the plot of Flemeth as the Vanguard of the Old Gods in Thedas trying to destroy the Maker and his influence once and for all. So basically, it's a clash of the Gods, between the Old Gods and the Maker.
    • The main character of DA3 which is also a "dragonborn" must travel throughout Thedas. From the southern uncharted territories of the Arbor Wilds, through the farthest reaches of the Donarks, Seheron and Par Vollen in the north, with a mission. Siding with the Chantry and the maker, or heeding is true nature of an Old gods and side with the Mages.
    • I would like to see the ressurection of the Griffons, with the Hero of Ferelden leading all of the Grey Wardens to destroy every single darkspawn in existing deep within the Deep roads


    I thought Riordan was out of the question because he's been a warden for too long; he says so that the final blow should be his -he is the eldest and the taint won't spare him much longer. Only the recent Wardens (Player -if male-, Alistair, Secret Companion) can impregnate Morrigan during the Dark Ritual.

  9. As a noble dwarf (female) I have a relationship with my second, Gorim. She is politically naive as she tries to show that dwarven honour can be more than a cracked veneer that coats a lot of backstabbing, scheming, conspiracies and shifting alliances. she tries to lead by example. She defends the scholar from Vollney, fights in the Provings and gives the helmet to Frandlin Ivo (that bastard!).

    She calls out Lord Ronus Dace and fights his son, Mandar.

    She believes Trian to be socially inept and likes to poke fun at his expense. But it is not to ridicule, more of a jibe.

    I find Bhelen's claims that Trian is moving against me a little far-fetched.

    When she is betrayed and exiled, no longer a dwarf, this weighs heavily upon her. She finds a new purpose among the Grey Wardens. Andshe meets Gorim in Denerim, a brief spark of hope rekindles, but it completely crushed when he tells her he is married now (she is a princess and he but a warrior; except Gorim failed to realize that on the surface Orzammar titles are no longer valid or applicable.) She is utterly devastated. She tenaciously bends her mind to quelling the Blight, the sole purpose she has left.

    - She helps out Teagan by breaking the Night Siege. She helps Kaitlyn find Bevin -and gives them gold to travel to Denerim. She helps Bella to get away from Lloyd. And offers Berwick mercy by letting him help defend Redcliffe during the assault

    - She restores the Circle and turns to them for aid in driving the demon from Connor. thus sparing Lady Isolde from sacrifing her life for her son's.

    - She helps the Dalish, but battles Zathrian to end the curse of the werewolves.

    - She sides with Harrowmont, as aiding Bhelen is a no-no. (Too bad the game doesn't allow for a roleplaying tangent I would've loved for my Noble Dwarf -i.e. she stopped caring for Orzammar the day she was exiled and would tell Dulin to either let her see Harrowmont straightaway, or she'd simply rip up the Treaty and let Orzammar have its civil war. Whoever'd win would not be able to stand against the Darkspawn when they'd come surging from the Deep Roads, razing Orzammar to its foundations.)

    - She destroys the Anvil, helps Oghren find Felsi.

    - She helps Genitivi, finds the Urn, does not desecrate it, ergo she slays Kolgrim and his acolytes.

    - She helps all of her companions through their personal quests. Quite bitter over how Bhelen and his cronies used her as a patsy (and her father not willing to intervene on her behalf), she hardens Alistair.

    - When Riordan reveals how the archdemon can be slain, she now knows what she will do.

    - She refuses the Dark Ritual and slays the dragon, dying in the process -as the Blight would end, so would her purpose in life.

    - I would've loved the option to ask Gorim for a final favour: should the dwarves of Orzammar for some inexplicable reason wish to bury her body in Orzammar -so she would return to the Stone- he'd have to prevent that and burn her on a pyre like the humans do. In the eyes of Orzammar she was no longer a dwarf, thus she does not wish to have their funeral rites.

    - She does not engage in a romance, as Gorim was the only man in her life.

    - Alistair and Anora rule in concert, Loghain dies.

    - The slavers in the alienage are shut down the hard way; Caladrius dies.


    As a city elf I basically do the same, except she does perform the Dark Ritual (I have Equal Love installed) as she does not wish to lose Zevran.

    And for some reason she detests the dwarves in Orzammar.

    Alistair is hardened and is given his revenge by killing Loghain (I fight him, defeat him and Alistair may deal the killing blow.)

    Alistair will be sole ruler of Ferelden.

    Caladrius and his slavers in the alienage die

    Dalish join, curse is ended.

    Harrowmont rules Orzammar

    Anvil of the Void is destroyed

    All companion quests are completed

    Connor and Isolde both live

    Dark Ritual is performed

    Redcliffe is saved

    The Urn is not desecrated, Genitivi lives


    My Dwarf Commoner has a great dislike for the Dalish Elves, and doesn't help out at the Dalish Camp; leave Cammen lamenting, tell Athras he has a funny way of asking for help, and tell Varathorn "it is a shame" they cannot go into the woods to collect some ironbark. Alora will have to decide the fate of the halla. Within the forests my dwarf does not engage Deygan or Danyla. She does end the curse, so the Dalish will march

    I haven't decided whether or not the Dark Ritual will be done -right now she's looking for Branka.

    She helps out Bhelen, but only because of Rica (nice to have that option).

    But she follows basically the same path of trying to do right. (She lets Oskias go, gives a few bits to Goilinar and is extremely protective of her sister. When looking for Jarvia, Leske's betrayal hits her hard and she ends up slaughtering the lot of them. She is affected by the Shaper's attitude towards the castless and sells the stupid tome to Jentrin because of it. While she helps the robbed elves in Lothering she is also driven to pickpocket nearly anyone she can interact with).


    Redcliffe is saved

    Connor and his mom both live.

    Dalish are recruted, curse is ended.

    Bhelen will rule Orzammar.

    All companion quests are completed

    Alistair is hardened.

    The Urn is found, Kolgrim defeated, Genitivi lives (I already killed Leske when I came to the Guardian and when I meet Leske's Apparition in the Gauntlet I honestly don't care for whatever he has to say.)

    (and the rest isn't written yet)

    Though I'm quite certain that the Anvil of the Void will be destroyed


    My mages (both elven and human) clearly see the danger they can pose.

    They both help Jowan escape ("He LIED to me!") and feel terrible for chosing their "friend" over the Circle.

    They save Redcliffe.

    They free Connor by going into the Fade; Lady Isolde is thus spared.

    All companion quests completed.

    Harrowmont will rule Orzammar.

    The Anvil is destroyed

    The Urn is not desecrated, Kolgrim dies, Genitivi lives.

    Dalish are enlisted, Zathrian dies, curse is ended.

    Alistair is not hardened

    Alistair and Anora will rule in concert, Loghain dies

    Caladrius and his cronies die

    Dark Ritual is not performed

    No romance is engaged

    Blood Mage Specialisation may be picked in order to quell the Blight. (Duncan intimated that Mage Wardens may use Blood Magic as a means to an end.), but is also the catalyst for the Ultimate Sacrifice.

    They die ending the Blight.


    My Human Nobles? Both Warrior and Rogue?

    Unlike what Ceorlic says about being a spoiled brat, either class of my nobles are quite like my dwarven noble: they believe nobility is more than a title and a bloodline. Their quest for vengeance on Arl Howe is the driving force that propels them through the game.

    If they romance someone at all, it is usually Leliana (not the vanilla one, but one that is more in line with the Sacred Ashes Trailer; she's a knock-out that way).

    My Warrior has just defeated the second general at the Denerim Alienage, while my Rogue is still plodding through the DLC content of the Return to Ostagar and the Watden's Keep. (As an aside: the only DLC that I truly liked is The Stone Prisoner).

    - Redcliffe is saved

    - Connor and his mom live

    - Harrowmont yada, yada

    - Anvil destroyed etc.


    I find playing dark or evil characters in DAO not really satisfying. Only my Dalish Elf has a strong sense of loathing towards humans, and for that reason alone she doesn't care what happens to Lothering and its people, nor the fate of Redcliffe when she walks away.

    - Redcliffe is left to its own devices

    - Connor dies, Isolde lives

    - Dalish join, werewolves are decimated

    - Either Harrowmont or Bhelen rules; I generally let my character's mood decide who gets lucky.

    - Romance is either Zevran or no one; her heart really lies with Tamlen. And she is devastated when she is forced to kill him during the random encounter of the Shrieks' Attack on party camp.

    - The Urn is found, but not desecrated (Shartan sided with Andraste, and that's something she needs to respect and honor.)

    - Genitvi might live or be killed, the latter being more likely

    - Loghain dies (she dislikes Alistair -and that seems mutual- but she really hates Loghain).

    - If Anora sides with her dad, Alistair will rule. If she holds up her end of the bargain, there is to be a royal wedding. (Or isn't there?)

    - Because why should she give her life for the majority of shems?

    - If Alistair is keen of tossing his life into the abyss, he is free to do so (less talking and more dying.)

    - Or is the Dark Ritual the answer she accepts?

    - Those last couple of scenario twists may vary, as I let my (roleplaying) mood decide which way to turn.

    - Most companion quests are unresolved or never initiated (she dislikes Oghren, Sten's remark on elves "being pointy-eared, who excel at poverty" doesn't earn him any credit. Leliana is a human, as are Morrigan, Wynne and Alistair. Although siding with Morrigan just to rub Alistair the wrong way can be quite satisfying).

    - Caladrius and his slavers die.

    - Lord Vaughan, son to the Arl of Denerim is gutted through the bars of his cell in the Denerim Dungeons.

    - Cailan's body is left for the wolves.

    - Avernus is allowed to live -to spite Alistair (although no reaction is forthcoming).

    - Anvil of the Void is destroyed, as Caridin makes a good point when inferring a parallel between the enslaved souls of dwarves who became Golems and the elves who were enslaved by the humans for many a century.

  10. I've had this happen weirdly a few times, once when I was standing too close to the fence (the guards actually just started shooting at me after someone yelled "back to work")


    Other times it seems I get the same issue as yourself. Jean Baptiste refuses to fire and the PC gets "stuck" in the cutscene.


    Re loading before I had walked in and trying it again fixed it for me (eventually) just try standing in different spots in the first box made by the guards.


    I had a feeling that EVE may cause this problem, but it has happened without EVE too, so, I'm at a loss for a real solution.


    I thinks its a vanilla bug.


    I concur. I don't know who or what EVE is -a mod probably- but it seems to me that FNV can glitch at any moment. Maybe some savegames made after a glitching moment, can never rid themselves of it. I've seen all sorts of enemies -animal, mutant or humanoid- get stuck in the wasteland. My compass still registers them as NPC's, but shooting them has no effect. Sometimes a quicksave/quickload can get them unstuck, but not always. When that happens I can only hope to reload a save before the glitch occurred. Just what is it that these things can occur at all -worse yet, why do they sometimes persist? Does the console offer a reset function? And if it does, would it solve this random glitching? Makes me wonder.....


    http://newvegas.nexu...le.php?id=45104 this might be able to help you if you have a modded game. Sometimes mods will cause vanilla errors to develop that wouldn't normally happen. it's not listed on the fallout wiki as being a bug. usually if it's just a vanilla problem that happens in any version of the game the wiki pages will have a possible fix for the bug listed but I wasn't able to find anything corresponding to it. I'll keep checking the related wiki pages to see if I find anything for you. Let me know if this helps


    Thanks. Mighty nice. Didn't know that about the Wiki page. I'm assuming FNV isn't the only moddable game that might display this type of bugs?

  11. Even after playing well over 100 hours, this encounter happened to me for the 1st time ever since I started playing Oblivion.

    I ventured into Dzonot Cave, on the border of the Imperial City Island, and I encountered an Orc who attacked one of the bandits coming at me. I figured the Orc got caught in the crossfire, getting hit by an errant arrow from the bandit's bow.


    As an aside:

    (Near Bruma I was pleasantly surprised maybe 8 out 10 times of finding an Imperial Forrester and an Imperial Patrolman shooting arrows at each other. Apparently one must have hit the other by accident to take out a random bandit. same thing once happened in Cheydinhal, where Aldos Othran got into a fight with a city guard. Another city guard started yelling "Murder!", when Aldos was struck down and started attacking his fellow guardsman; I believe this guard standing in front of Aldos' house is flagged essential, so the fight simply continued. Anyway, I digress.)


    Turns out the Orc was an "adventurer" exploring the cave for wealth and for the honor for Orsinium. He eventually got killed by one of the other cave dwelling bandits, but it was quite refreshing to see a live adventurer in a cave for once. Most of those that I come across, are already dead.


    Being at the right place at the right time? It sure seems like a once-in-playthrough encounter.

  12. I usually like to play stealthy characters -creeping and crawling, trying to remain unseen, undetected, virtually a ghost. Still, you are bound to be detected under certain circumstances. To combat that little drawback I like to leap from rock to rock, ever higher -gaining a nice high ground where I pepper my enemies with arrows, turning a black bear into a furry pincushion.

    What I don't like at all, is that for some reason that same black bear keeps bumping its head into the base of the tall rock I'm standing on -and all of a sudden it teleports to the top of the rock, right next to me. It's pretty annoyed about my earlier barrage of arrows and with one or two sweeps of its front paw it knock my lights out. Time to reload a game.

    This is a real gamebreaker for me. It sucks the fun of trying to utilize stealth right out of the game -and out of me, leaving me feeling slightly anemic.


    As for a mage character? I don't send her -I play as a female character- into a cave, or Ayleid Ruin to go dungeon delving... That's a sure way to die many lifetimes in a row.


    And as a warrior I run into similar problems others have already mentioned: when using a shield I get staggered, only to be staggered some more. Two handed weapons make me move like a drunken cow, while my adversaries manage to land every blow they dish out.

    By the time my character is level 17, enemies swarm around her. I get staggered, paralysed and tossed to the ground. When I try to run, mages shock, burn and freeze me into oblivion -okay, that was a very bad pun. Enemy archers? They paralyse me, or make me lose my stance. When playing as an Orc, even other Orcs don't like me! When solving other people's problems they reward me by yelling for me to get out! The only way my Orc is going to get some respect is to join the Arena early on and fight my way up to Hero.

    The only way to keep my character alive is to cheat: setting up extra abilities when they exit the imperial sewers after the tutorial.

    I give my Orc (and Nords) a Lesser Power that will boost their Strength, Agility, Speed, Strenght and Endurance, as well as their Health and Fatigue. The trade-off is that the same Lesser Power completely drains all their available Magicka and gives them Stunted Magicka as well. These last two effects last considerably longer than the boosts to their other attributes and skills, so if my Orc is near death, despite the Lesser Power, there's no -magical- way to heal her up. And if more enemies come along her escape route....

    My Stealth Elf -based on Nec's Mystic Elf Remake- has two lesser powers that either chameleon or make invisible; with the same detrimental effects to her magicka, so using these LP's is not always the wisest of choices.

    I'm still dialling in these new abilities, trying to see which way I need to tweak.

  13. I've seen various HUD and UI mods on the Nexus -but some of them are a little short on proper explication or require OBSE or other plug-ins. All I want to do is move my compass from the Bottom Center, to just above my Status Bars (Health Bar, Mana Bar and Fatigue Bar). That is all.

    I run my game at 1024 x 768 resolution. I have no other mods installed that affect the (default) appearance of my HUD.

    Could anyone tell me what I would need to do to make this -seemingly- simple adjustment?


    Thanks in advance,



  14. http://www.dragonage...file.php?id=441

    adds the item to your inventory that can be used by humans and elves. But not to a vendor :(

    The Winter Forge- http://www.dragonage...file.php?id=122 so that you can change the bonuses and whatnot to whatever you want it to be, IN the game so you dont have to work with the toolset. ;)


    Installed TWF -took me a bit to figure out how to swap, but I managed it. Thanks for the advice.

    Nifty mod; pretty useful for any and all who enjoy playing (and re-playing) DAO and DAA.



  15. A very small number of leg-hold traps happen to instatiate in the game this way; essentially half-buried. (There are some other examples besides this one.) They actually can be disarmed, if you're willing to play around with zooming in-and-out, swinging the camera all around, and generally fiddling with the cursor POV and precise location for about half-of-forever. (I know, I've done it... :tongue: Another place this sort of thing happens is one particualr chest in the Lair of the Werewolves. It's blocked by debris so that you can unlock it, but you can't open it. Your character keeps hopping around as it approaches the chest, but then has to find another path.)


    But since it makes just about zero difference in the game-play, I've learned to ignore it when it happens. (Or sometimes, I run Dog over the trap just to spring it, so I'm not leaving a highlighted object behind me! :teehee: )


    I figured out those other traps and tripwires -like the one in the Deep Roads while trying to find Paragon Branka; zooming out in those situations really does the trick- but the one in the Korcari Wilds has had me baffled from the start, so I wondered whether this particular one was bugged or not. It sure bugged me. So this one needs more fiddling attention than the others, as in my mind I've tried all possible camera angles -must have missed a few I reckon. Usually I let Alistair "disarm" it.


    Thanks for the insight.



  16. When the Warden is in the Korcari Wilds -along with Ser Jory, Daveth and Alistair- you (finally) come to a little wooden bridge with the Hurlock Emissary waiting for you. Fire an arrow, a spell or let your melee fighters charge at him, he will run away and lure your party across the bridge. There's a cluster of traps waiting for you there. All traps, but one, can be disabled. For the life of me, I cannot make the trap-disable mouse pointer appear over this trap. I'm using the PC version, all DLC's and Awakening, patched to 1.05 -but even at 1.03 and 1.04, the trap can still not be disabled. Am I the only one to come across this in-game anomaly? And if not, does anyone know whether this can be remedied? Or has someone already found a "cure" for this?


    Any insight would be appreciated.






    I have a request: could someone make the Reaper's Vestments -can be bought at "Wonders of Thedas" in Denerim- look like Morrigan's Robes -without the Character Restrictions, so the main character can wear them. Or perhaps release a stand-alone version of "Reaper's Vestments" that look like Morrigan's Robes?


    I only used the toolkit once, following instructions on the internet; I completely messed up my game -requiring a full deinstallation and reinstallation. Bit of a pain really.

    I know there are excellent modders out there, who actually post mods that work like a charm.


    Reaper's Vestments stats:


    + 6 Constitution

    + 20% Fire Resistance

    + 16% Spell Resistance

    + 10% Chance to dodge attacks

    + 12 Armor


    Mind you, I don't want to change the stats or look of Morrigan's -restricted- robes.


    Thanks in advance,



  18. I've had this happen weirdly a few times, once when I was standing too close to the fence (the guards actually just started shooting at me after someone yelled "back to work")


    Other times it seems I get the same issue as yourself. Jean Baptiste refuses to fire and the PC gets "stuck" in the cutscene.


    Re loading before I had walked in and trying it again fixed it for me (eventually) just try standing in different spots in the first box made by the guards.


    I had a feeling that EVE may cause this problem, but it has happened without EVE too, so, I'm at a loss for a real solution.


    I thinks its a vanilla bug.


    I concur. I don't know who or what EVE is -a mod probably- but it seems to me that FNV can glitch at any moment. Maybe some savegames made after a glitching moment, can never rid themselves of it. I've seen all sorts of enemies -animal, mutant or humanoid- get stuck in the wasteland. My compass still registers them as NPC's, but shooting them has no effect. Sometimes a quicksave/quickload can get them unstuck, but not always. When that happens I can only hope to reload a save before the glitch occurred. Just what is it that these things can occur at all -worse yet, why do they sometimes persist? Does the console offer a reset function? And if it does, would it solve this random glitching? Makes me wonder.....

  19. Have you tried noclipping through the fence using "tcl" then clicking on the captured guy and typing in "kill" in the console? I'm not sure if the script needs the guy to be vaporized or just dead, though. Hope this helps!



    yeah, tried the no-clipping when I decided to go steal the evidence Rose needs to get the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty prosecuted.

    Then some time later I wanted to join the BoS -but for my initiation trial they want me to kill the Van Graffs. Thought Ranger jackson told me explicitly, if I were to take any action against the wicked twins, he would no longer feel obliged to hold up jis end of the deal to see the conspirators punished.

    But what really bugs me -no pun intended- is that I cannot do the Van Graff missions.

    As long as Jean Baptiste doesn't kill the poor slob, this plot line will not progress. And me killing the poor fellow won't do squat. The event is scripted and Gloria's brother needs to pull the trigger. Somehow, somewhere the proper script doesn't fire -or does not finish.

  20. Name: Sarenna.

    Gender: Female.

    Age: as young as the (vanilla) CharGen allows.

    Race: Hispanic (Sunny Smiles face and Domestic Goddess Hair)

    Combat Style: long range sniper rifles, short range stealth mode, Silenced SMG's, Silenced Pistols.

    Specialties: Shotgun Surgeon, stealing stuff that I need, good perception, stealth, chemically enhanced faculties and guns.

    Weaknesses: if enemies lock on to my position at short range and my stealth is no longer a viable option, I usually end up dead.

    Likes: Joana, Dazzle, Sweetie, No-Bark, Old Ben, Corporal Betsy, Julie Farkas, Sarah (Vault 21), Tabitha of Black Mountain, Rhonda, Angela Wiliams, Lt. Carrie Boyd, Sunny Smiles, Doc Mitchell (he saved my life).

    Dislikes: Benny, Jason Bright, Santiago, any rank in Caesar's Legion, Manny Vargas, Cachino, Dr. Hildern, Dr. Keely, Miss McLafferty, Powder Gangers, General Lee Oliver, the Colonel at Hooverdam, Omerta Family, Neill (Supermutant near Black Mountain), Keene (Nightkin Commander), Mr House, Silus, Sgt Contreras, Deputy Beagle, Giant Radscorpions, Deathclaws, Night Stalkers and Gecko's.

    Wants: revenge on Benny, independent Vegas.

    Fears: (up until level 6) Giant Radscorpions, Night Stalkers & Deathclaws. Any Type of Gecko -they're a nuisance. Deathclaws who get a little too close for comfort. Powder Charges hidden in tall grass, CTD.

    Friendly Factions: NCR (and affiliated locations), Primm, Goodsprings, Novac, Freeside, The Strip, The Kings, Boomers, Crimson Caravan, Followers, BoS, Great Khans.

    Enemy Factions: Powder Gangers, Caesar's Legion.

    Companions: ED-E, Rose Cassidy, Craig Boone, Veronica, Rex, Arcade Gannon, Lily Bowen, Raul Tejada.

    Love interest?: too bad Joana has a boyfriend.

    Parents: Benny's bullets caused amnesia.

    Early life: Benny's bullets caused amnesia.

    How did he/she become a courier?: I needed the money. (an educated guess, as Benny's bullets caused amnesia.)

    Favorite Mods: H&K 416 (Fixed Version), Remington R700, Mossberg 500, D-Lite Arms & Armour (my own mod), SpaceSuit WetSuit (my own mod), Colt M1911 (Magnum .44 ammo), Walther P99, Walther WA2000 (Wood), HK MP7A3, HK USP Match, Desert Eagle, BNB (Big natural), Chem Fiend Perk (my own mod), Detox FNV (based on similar FO3 mod by RipperV), Beretta A9R Auto, Beretta M92 (ported HeroineZero FO3 mod; NOT by me), Mini Nuke IED, Heavy Laser, Friendly Fiends (wearing a Fiends helmet adds Fiend Faction), my own stealthsuit mod (has the same -yet constant- effect as a stealthboy, but absolutely NO DT. So it's as protective as a dress).

  21. I've arrived at Freeside and I wish to venture inside the Silver Rush, run by the Van Graffs.

    Gloria is discussing some business deal with a Mr. Soren.

    At some point Gloria says to her brother "Do it!".

    He is supposed to vaporize some poor slob, but he doesn't do anything.

    And we all just stand there. The scene won't finish and I cannot approach Gloria or everyone will turn hostile.

    I reloaded various save games, but the game simply doesn't progress at the Silver Rush.

    It's never happened before, so why now?

    Can this be resolved using some console commands?

    Any help is appreciated.

  22. @ Alehazar: lol that's funny, especially since the game beats you over the head with a stick that there is something more coming that is worse. Not once but twice! Choosing not to listen and complain later when it happens is a problem some have to deal with it.


    During the field test in the Korcari Wilds Flemeth says: "... tell them that this Blight's threat is greater than they think...."

    So saying that this Blight is not really a threat -whether or not compared to previous Blights- seems rather silly.

    When she sends Morrigan with you and you decide to question Flemeth before you leave for Lothering, she tells you that the Wardens should not rely on anyone else defeating the Blight. While Loghain is a different story to her, he apparently believes the Blight is an army he can outmanoeuver -that he doesn't see the real threat behind it: the Archdemon.

    Since it is common sense not to fight a war on two separate fronts -that usually is the one thing that will make you lose the war, not being able to commit your forces as a whole- Loghain must be taken out of the equation, since his meddling keeps the nation divided.

    Then when you arrive in Denerim -Arl Eamon's estate- he has the gall to say that we are the ones who divide the nation "while a Blight claws at our land.".

    Even at the Landsmeet he says to all assembled: "None of you have a say...... how dare you judge me.....".

    If you simply add up all of Loghain's actions since Ostagar, it is evident to me that his crimes warrant capital punishment.


    And Riordan's claim that there are too few Wardens in Ferelden and they need all the help they can get is rather redundant; even is Loghain joins, the tally remains three, as Alistair will leave. If my Warden had the option to leave as well if Riordan is so intent on making Loghain a Warden, I'd be out of there as well.

    "We aren't judges", Riordan says, but in my opinion Loghain's atrocities simply cannot be overlooked.


    Usually as a human-hating elf (I like to roleplay and since DAO is an RPG) I have very little respect for Alistair -since he doesn't want to assume the responsibility of making decisions, but still second-guesses my every decision if they are not within the ballpark of his moral standards- but my resentment for him pales compared to the utter loathing I feel for Loghain.

    History is ultimately written by the victor; only then is it decided whether underground freedom fighters who rebel against the invading forces, will revered as heroes or reviled as terrorists.

  23. The Grey Wardens want to bring in reinforcements from Orlais; that;s enough reason for Loghain to have them killed.



    And you assume that many of these Wardens are doing this for a good cause? Many come from Orlais and have contacts with nobility. To assume this idealistic view that Wardens give up politics and richs for the good of all is silly.


    Then the game should never have been released as it was; the designers should have added the option for the Wardens to leave Ferelden, cross into Orlais, let the Blight swallow Loghain's beloved country and then destroy the archdemon when it starts to push to the Orlesian border. Ferelden is a sacrificed. That way the Wardens don'tt have to go through all the trouble of getting the Dalish, the mages and the dwarves to honor their treaties. They don't oppose Loghain, they don't have to defuse a civil war. They can save time, money, effort and other limited resources by turning their backs on Ferelden.



    So? More likely it would've become a dual kingdom. If Calian would've married Celene, would that mean Ferelden would become subjugated to Orlesian rule again? That seems unlikely.



    With Orlais as it's ruler. Do you think the people of Ferelden would want that, considering that they have been abused for a 150 years of occupation? Many would skin Cailan alive when that happens.


    So for fear of Orlais, everything must be sacrifced? Would Loghain rather destroy Ferelden himself, so no one can lay claim to it? Sounds like killing ones own children to prevent them from dying by random accidents.



    Killing the Wardens will only result in losing Ferelden to the Blight. So if Loghain is successfull, everything he's being trying to save will be destroyed.



    No. What the Warden did was stupid and totally out of line with the GW mantra. If they were dead and Duncan was alive, the first thing he would have done is to leave Ferelden and rally the rest of the GW's to stop the Blight's spread. Ferelden was already doomed.


    If Duncan truly believed that trying to fight the darkspawn at Ostagar was silly -that Ferelden was doomed from the getgo- he'd have left before the massacre. He'd probably not have waited for Cailan to get his army ready.



    Loghain could've done something about Howe's treachery; he knew about Howe's actions as he tells the Human Noble at Ostagar that he is familiar with the king's promise. When he states at the Landsmeet, that "whatever Howe may have done, he should have been brought before the Senesechal", makes him a bloody hypocrite. His alliance with Howe is only convenient when Loghain can benefit from Howe's actions.

    So not bringing Howe to justice, he allows to go unpunished.



    You are meta-gaming at this point. You don't know if Loghain knew enough about Howe's plans, considering that he wanted to kill Anora and blame it on Eamon.


    I thought it was Howe's idea to kill Anora and blame it on Eamon; as Anora is a prisoner within the Arl of Denerim Estate, and Howe is also the current Arl of Denerim.

    Loghain may not know about this plot either; if Howe kills Anora he can feed Loghain any lie as to how she died.

    Anora cannot honestly have thought her own father would have her killed; sometimes she decides to support her father. If Loghain truly wanted to kill his daughter, then without her, he could become king instead of regent. I'd say he's gone 'round the bend if that was really something he seriously contemplated.


    At least Eamon isn't blind to the Blight's threat.


    But Eamon is hungry for power. The Blight works well for him.


    And Loghain isn't?



    If he wins, Ferelden is doomed. Just because Loghain is blind to see the true threat of the Blight, doesn't make him right to destroy all of Ferelden's chances to oppose and overcome the Darkspawn menace. His actions will bring about the downfall of everything he cherishes and all he is trying to save.



    If he wins, Ferelden is united and can fight slow the threat down till GWs come and finish it once and for all.


    Why would Grey Wardens come to save the day, when Loghain has targeted them as regicides, sends assassins after them and hunts them down like animals?

    If they really have ties with Orlesian nobility and play politics like anyone else, they'd probably resent Loghain for such actions. And as they do not seem to be tied down by idealistic motives, the Wardens can simply wait for Loghain's forces to be properly decimated, then move in to kill both the archdemon and Loghain's battle-weary troops. The Loghain loses still.


    His views will lead to the total annihilation of everything he wants to save. Though his views may be justifiable, his actions -if successfull- will doom every living soul in his "beloved Ferelden". He will brook no threat to Ferelden's safety -and its independence- from anyone. Clearly he fails to realise that the biggest threat to Ferelden is his own one track mind towards everything Orlesian. That makes Loghain the bigger threat to Ferelden,, than the Wardens and Eamon combined. Loghain simply is too pigheaded to do what is right, even if it means turning to Orlais for their contingent of Grey Wardens So maybe this isn't an issue of legal vs illegal, but one of whose actions are detrimental versus beneficial to Ferelden.


    While he doesn't see the Blight as a threat, it must be pointed out that the Blight was never a real threat. Preivous Blights were much bigger in scale and time while this Blight was small. It's like watching a hyped up action movie only to have a anticlimatic ending. Even if the Blight is stopped, Orlais still remains, the Qunari still remain, all of Ferelden's enemies still remain.


    Not a real threat? The darkspawn have found an old God, tainted it into an Archdemon. The archdemon can unify the otherwise ragtag bands of darkspawn into a formidable fighting force. "Unstoppable" is what Duncan called it.

    So if Loghain succeeds and the Wardens die, the "never real threat" will be left unchecked and soon it will be a Blight of such proportions that it could easily dwarf the magnitude of previous Blights. The archdemon cannot die, if not slain by a Grey Warden. So Loghain will never be able to contain the darkspawn. They will spread -and unified by the Archdemon, they will become the unstoppable force that Duncan dreaded. Then it doesn't really matter whether Orlais, the Qunari and other enemies of Ferelden remain; there will be no more Ferelden.

  24. Hmmm...Loghain:

    * allowed the Grey Wardens to be massacred (personal)

    * abandoned the king to die (treason)

    * permitted an assassination attempt against the warden-PC (personal)

    * permitted Tevinter slave-traders to operate out of Denerim (illegal)

    * took a blood-mage from the lawful custody of the chantry (illegal)

    * imprisoned a templar (illegal)

    * if you played the Human Noble origin, he allowed Howe's attack on the Cousland house (illegal & pesonal)

    * organised for the poisoning of Arl Eamon (illegal)

    * tries to forcibly take lands from those who oppose him (per the Chantry Board quest Loghain's Push - illegal)

    * appoints himself as Regent after Cailan's death when Anora at the least should assume the throne as Queen (illegal)


    I'm sure there's a few I've missed. He cannot use the "Defence of Ferelden" to excuse every single one of these things. He dies.


    To counter-claim in order:


    * The Grey Wardens' lives are not his concern. It's a role of a GW to slay every single darkspawn in anymeans possible. And that means fighting to death. They would haved been injured in the best or dead in the worst.


    The Grey Wardens want to bring in reinforcements from Orlais; that;s enough reason for Loghain to have them killed.


    * If the Cailan lived, Ferelden would have gone back to the Orlais as Gaider clearly stated here and in the codex here that he (the king) was interested in marrying the Empress.

    So? More likely it would've become a dual kingdom. If Calian would've married Celene, would that mean Ferelden would become subjugated to Orlesian rule again? That seems unlikely.


    * The warden and Alistair were legitimate threats towards the stablity of Ferelden, he had every right to kill him


    Killing the Wardens will only result in losing Ferelden to the Blight. So if Loghain is successfull, everything he;s being trying to save will be destroyed.


    * That was illegal (I give you that) but he need a way to fund his forces. Most likely that this was one of Howe's plans rather than Loghain's


    * Same as above

    * Also same

    * He didn't allowed it, Howe did it on his own for petty revenge


    Loghain could've done something about Howe's treachery; he knew about Howe's actions as he tells the Human Noble at Ostagar that he is familiar with the king's promise. When he states at the Landsmeet, that "whatever Howe may have done, he should have been brought before the Senesechal", makes him a bloody hypocrite. His alliance with Howe is only convenient when Loghain can benefit from Howe's actions.

    So not bringing Howe to justice, he allows to go unpunished.


    * Eamon is also a legitimate threat, he would have use everything to obtain something which is good for him


    At least Eamon isn't blind to the Blight's threat.


    * It's civil war, he has the right to crush his opponents.


    If he wins, Ferelden is doomed. Just because Loghain is blind to see the true threat of the Blight, doesn't make him right to destroy all of Ferelden's chances to oppose and overcome the Darkspawn menace. His actions will bring about the downfall of everything he cherishes and all he is trying to save.


    * He can become regent if Anora want him to (which she did)


    Just because you hate him, doesn't mean that his views are not justified. What is legal or illegal here has no bearing there.


    His views will lead to the total annihilation of everything he wants to save. Though his views may be justifiable, his actions -if successfull- will doom every living soul in his "beloved Ferelden". He will brook no threat to Ferelden's safety -and its independence- from anyone. Clearly he fails to realise that the biggest threat to Ferelden is his own one track mind towards everything Orlesian. That makes Loghain the bigger threat to Ferelden,, than the Wardens and Eamon combined. Loghain simply is too pigheaded to do what is right, even if it means turning to Orlais for their contingent of Grey Wardens So maybe this isn't an issue of legal vs illegal, but one of whose actions are detrimental versus beneficial to Ferelden.

  25. Ser Cauthrien (sp...) is only following orders. Still, she could have easily gone against Loghain. Oh man, another thing about Loghain is that angry glare of his. *shudder*


    Cauthrien is a dweeb who insists on insulting my dwarf or elf (Don't interrupt churl, your betters are talking.) Yeah, right. Cauthrien suffers from misplaced loyalty; she sees what Loghain has done and what he has become, yet she believes that opposing him is akin to betrayal.

    Then she can share his fate -which she will gladly do.

    I just wish I could make that other sycophant (Ceorlic?) die as well. I'd love to let my Human Noble shoot an arrow through his mug when he tells me I am a spoiled brat.


    And if Anora decides to stab me in the back, I'm always disappointed that Alistair will simply lock her in the tower. Too bad there is no alternative way of dealing with her. Ah well, can't have 'em all, I guess.

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