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Status Updates posted by AsaRuth

  1. It's been an embarrassingly long time since I've checked in. So, hello and howdy!
  2. Goodness, I've been gone a long time. Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season. I've been coping with lyme disease these last past few months. It is every bit of awful that you have heard of. Mine was caught by an oncall neurologist when I had what looked like a stroke. I lost feeling in parts of my hands and face. One pupil was fully dilated for over a month. I've been dealing with over whelming fatigue and incredible joint pain and muscle weakness. I'm getting stron...
    1. AsaRuth


      And...nexus strikes again. Half my post, gone, and I lack the energy to type it again. Also, it just deleted my updated profile....ugh.
    2. TreborMarg


      I'm really sorry to hear you're going through all that! A couple of my friends here in Calif caught it years ago and I know it's a hard thing to go through at best and sometimes it strikes harder for some. :/
    3. AsaRuth


      Thanks TreborMarg-


      I'll be honest, this thing is far harder than I expected. However, since I've been diagnosed, I've found that this disease is truly awful. I'm lucky to back at work and at a job that my employer understands the disease and has been truly generous with sick days and flex scheduling. Hopefully your friends are doing well and kicking some serious tick-related behind!

  3. Luv-may your absence be caused by the greatness of (your) life and the wash of happiness and fulfillment with you every waking moment. I miss your feedback and warmth. Come back to us.
  4. I've been missing your presence, hoping all is well.
  5. ok *dorky* those puppies maybe the cutest thing, ever! <3 and, also, your new images are great!
    1. kowalski99


      Awww...thank you hon.Glad you like it.<3
  6. ok, I've recently added/kudos a few more who really deserve it. I can not stress how much your work is respected.
  7. Hello Etayorius! Now this song will be stuck in my head!
  8. My dearies, I have a completed dl of dragonborn, I may be away for a while!
    1. Naktis


      Have fun with it! :)
  9. Hello and thanks!
  10. Merry Christmas!
  11. Merry Christmas!
  12. Merry Christmas and happy holidays Everyone!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AurianaValoria1
    3. Risibisi


      Merry Christmas and happ holidays to you too! :D
    4. Ithildin


      Sorry I'm late - and hope you had a lovely time yesterday! :)
  13. I love your avatar! Wash is great!
  14. you are welcome! Hope all is well!
  15. So, I had the realization that I'm far more active on the nexus than I am on social media, and I'm ok with that!
    1. Naktis


      What is this social media you speak of? o_O
    2. Risibisi


      Oh, Naktis was faster.. what do you mean with social media? Facebook?
    3. Ithildin


      Gah - the F word! D: *stabs Facebook*


      Nexus is my social media. I occasionally venture onto Tumblr, but have hardly written a word there. :)

  16. *peeks in* Hello SlayerClaus!
  17. Hello nivea, thank you for adding me<3
  18. Happy thanksgiving Spaceritual, we miss you!
  19. Hello, and thanks for directing us to Black mesa, it looks good!
  20. As I do, every so often, a new round of kudos went out this week. If you know of anyone I missed, please let me know, so much amazing talent is difficult to keep up with, and that is a great problem to have.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Risibisi


      Comes back.. of course I was just kidding!!!
    3. MasterAub


      I saw you added me as your friend...what can I say beside THANK YOU...
    4. AsaRuth


      Risibisi-You are doing better than I!
  21. Thanks for the add!
  22. Hey all, wanted to say I'm well and dry, hope everyone and there loved ones are safe as well
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Oh, Happy to hear! =)
    2. Ithildin


      Me too. That's good news. :)
  23. Sandy! Why!?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      I've been watching videos of news all about it since this morning. I do not think saying take care yourselves would be meaningful at this time but I hope you all guys are okay there!
    2. Naktis


      Stay safe out there.
  24. thanks for adding me!
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