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Status Updates posted by AsaRuth

  1. ok, question, to those who may hit these wall before me. What to do when you have a mod you wish to release, that uses another moddered assets and you can't get ahold of them for permission to release....over a long period of time?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Using others content without permission would take you to BAN, you must understand that, firstly.


      If they do not want to give you the permission, only chance is to remove that content from your file, but if they do not respond you, write them one last PM tell them you're using their content and credit them as required. And keep PM's for in case of any "badness" to happen.


      This is minimal risky way. That's what I would do for sure.

    2. Naktis


      I'm in the same situation like you. Been waiting for a reply for about four months now. >:O


      Just like Lazy said you could always remove the content. You could always look for something similar. Maybe the author of that other mod will reply sooner.

    3. AsaRuth


      Good ideas! Thanks!
  2. hello and thanks!
  3. Ok, the opening ceremony was so great! I <3 my second homeland!
  4. *peeks in* Still silent? Boo!
  5. Kittyeh, LordFrost and Screaming- Hello! I'm trying my hand at "actual" modded NewVegas until the dawnguard DLC comes and yikes-I'm behind the learning curve! Oh well :) Hope today finds you well and happy. -cheers!
  6. Kittyeh-I'm so glad to see you put up a new mod today (?) maybe a silly question, could the lovely wolf be a mount?
  7. Hello, thanks for adding me!
  8. Hello! Thanks for adding me. Hope all finds you well.
  9. Hello! Thanks for adding me.
  10. Hi, hope all finds you well!
  11. As I periodically do, I sent out another round of kudos to some of those modders and image artists who work inspires me. Thanks to everyone of them for their efforts and generosity!
    1. Naktis


      I agree. Thank you for sharing the lovely mods and images with others. *happybounce*
    2. AsaRuth


      ***Big Happy Shimmy for Naktis***
  12. Hello, thanks for adding me!
  13. today, Michele Obama spoke to my graduating class. Very proud to call myself a part of the class of 2012-we came a long way from our past.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      Congratulations! :D
    3. Naktis


      That sounds nice. Congrats. :)
    4. AsaRuth


      thanks all
  14. Hail Calyps! creator of the blessed body and the most excellent ro's armor!
  15. hello! I had to stop by to tell you blessed body is gorgeous and your armors are superb, thanks and I hope you are having a great day!
  16. greetings! thanks for adding me!
  17. This handsome fellow to my left is Sir Cedric Pumpernickel the second, and yes, he is enjoying watermelon.
    1. AurianaValoria1



      Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir Pumpernickel.

    2. Naktis


      Well met, Sir Pumpernickel. :)
  18. Finals Time, oh finals time...how I wish you were over...
  19. "Kittyeh has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"

    Hello Kittyeh!

  20. *waves back* Hello!
  21. Happy St. Patrick's Day
    1. Ithildin


      Happy St. Paddy's to you, too! =) My family and I all happen to be wearing green this morning - none of us planned it.
    2. AurianaValoria1


      You too, AsaRuth! :D
    3. Flintlockecole


      I woke up drunk, knew something was happening. Cheers.
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