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Status Updates posted by AsaRuth

  1. completely understandable!
  2. Hello Space, I've missed you lately, but I see you are busy into ME3. I hope it is wonderful and you are enjoying yourself, and...that you will come back to us soon. :)
  3. Babe...You are so not active here :D
  4. Is it bad I miss the old profile picture?
  5. Hello all, it is so good to meet you here
  6. Hi testing! Glad to see you here, and thanks for the nirnroot glow!
  7. This might not be a popular idea, but I think those of us that have been around the nexus for years can understand why I say what I'm about to say. I was once a new member, but I would willingly been put on a tight leash until I proved an actual member. A tight leash would look something like this: new members had to have a minimal number of endorsements (let's say, five for the sake of argument), or un-banned images (three maybe would be a good number), or combo of the two before t...
    1. Spaceritual


      I think Dark0ne suggested in one of his recent posts that he was thinking of changing the moderators role a little in relation to warning and such... can not remember which article he wrote about it in though..
    2. Ithildin


      AsaRuth: Sounds like a good idea (the tight leash) to me. I'm not sure how you would've ended your thought process, since Nexus has a habit of cutting people short, but I'm interested in reading the rest. :)
  8. Another round of kudos and recongisation for making this community stronger. Thank you for your work and support!
  9. well, I've abandoned any attempt to write my characters story, for sharing here, or anywhere. Simply put, I'm not a writer. Oh well, strengths and weaknesses. I'm eager for the release of the CK. I know that some truly impressive mods are going to happen. On a personal note, my brother surprised us all and made it through the holidays, however, he decided to refuse use of his feeding tube. As selfish as this will sound, I hope he can last until the the end of this semester,...
  10. hi all, been a while since I've been back, things are, for what they are, pretty good right now. I am currently attempting to create a running journal/storyline for my character, to be shared with the community. Apparently, the years of college persuing a degree in science has *not* helped my creative writing skills. Yet, I try...with poor results. With that all said, hope all is well, and are enjoying the holidays.
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Imagination is more important than writing skill. If you have some tryings, we are wish to hear them for sure.
  11. Ithildin-Thank you. Not creepy at all, very appreciated.
  12. Today, I spent the time adding a few and giving kudos to some who I consider essential to my experience as a gamer and a member of the nexus community. Even If I never spoke with you directly, I've seen your names, I loved your mods and images. You deserve the recongition for the support and work you put into the community. Thank you one and all.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Xtudo


      Thanks, I'm honored too. :D
    3. Aoikani


      Thanks Asaruth! :)
    4. wolfsangeleyes


      I second Amnis. Kudos for your kind words. And thank you for adding me.
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