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Posts posted by prensa

  1. WonkaArts - Hello!

    Is your new custom revolver able to be animated? Specifcally, is it in seperate parts that can be moved or is it one whole piece.

    If it's one whole piece it can't be animated as is.

    If it's seperate then it can be animated provided it can be adapted to either the .32 break revolver or the .44 swing out cylinder.

    What you need to do is make sure the parts of your revolver to be animated match the corresponding parts in a vanilla weapon.

    For example, the cylinder of the vanilla revolver has the name:


    Anything with a ## before it is an animation call.

    Because the cylinder is called ##swmCylinder:0 it will be animated as a cylinder.

    There are others like ##swmTrigger:0 for the trigger.

    The weapon has it's animations set in GECK to tell it which Reload, Attack etc. to use.

    Those animations are in the form of .kf files & within those are listed the ## that they look for in the model they are called on.

    When a .kf is called on this model it will look for a part called ##swmTrigger:0 & animate it accordingly.

    The normal procedure to get custom weapons mirroring a vanilla one is to copy & paste your model over a vanilla one.

    Open your custom revolver in Nifskope, "Copy branch" a part, "Paste branch" that part into another Nifskope with the vanilla 44magnumrevolver (or whichever weapon you are mirroring).

    You then "Copy" your moved part & "Paste over" the vanilla revolver's matching part.

    Repeat until your weapon is moved across.


    You'll have some loose Blocks left over at the bottom when you're done, right click - Block - Remove Branch those to clean up.


    Don't forget to save it before closing Nifskope, give it a new name so as not to clash with the vanilla model you used as a base.

    That way you'll end up with a weapon that works as the vanilla did, with a bit of luck. :smile:

    In Geck, use the same animations that the weapon you are mirroring used, Reload, Attack etc..

    Hope this helps!


  2. TARDISMan2011 - Hello!


    As Inazuma22 says, it's normal for that to happen.


    Though they may appear to be unchecked in the launcher Data Files, they can still be.


    The Default Data files window is known for being buggy & it's best to use a mod manager.


    Mod managers also allow you to move things in your load order so it's best all around.


    Hope this helps!



  3. phoenix777 - Hello!

    Setting a Protectron & Pod up is pretty easy as all the parts are in the game ready.

    Depending on what you need you can copy & paste the pre made ones or you can set one up from scratch.

    To copy & paste a pre made Protectron & Pod, go to GECK's Cell View window & locate WarehouseRobots - Drag'n'Drop Robots. Calling that up will take you to a room with pod & Protectrons already set up for you to copy & paste.

    They come in several varieties, some have AI Packages that make them check for tickets & the like so if you're not wanting them to do that be careful which you use.

    Taking a look at the Protectron's AI Packages will let you know what their set up to do.

    Use left click & CTRL to select the pod, Protectron & Terminal you want to use & CTRL C to copy them.

    You can then use CTRL V to paste them into the cell you want them to run in. Just drag them about to place exactly where you want them.

    You can customise them, just remember to make them a unniqe version by changing their ID, AFTER you've copied them from the WarehouseRobots location. You don't want to change all references to the vanilla ones. :smile:


    Or, to set up from scratch, you need:

    From Activator:


    From Terminal:

    genericProtectronTerminal (Wall mounted version)


    genericProtectronTerminalDesk (Desktop version)

    From Creature:


    Make the Protectron your own unique version, so you can make changes to it without changing all references, by changing the ID & clicking OK.

    Open your version of the Protectron & click on the "AI Packages" tab.

    Right click on the empty lined box in that & select "Add".

    Find & double click on:


    Repeat & add:


    Click OK on your Protectron's details window to save.

    Place you terminal where you want it.

    Place your Pod where you want it, double click on it & select "Open by default" as that will make it easier to position your Protectron in it.

    Place your Protectron inside it, place him way back so his arms don't poke out the Pod door when it's closed. No one will see if his back's clipping the inside back wall of the pod but they will see if his arms poke out.

    Double click on your Protectron to bring up it's window, tick "Persistent Reference" so we can link to him & click OK.

    Once all three are placed, double click on your terminal & select the "Linked Ref" tab.

    Left click on the "Select Reference in Render Window" & a red target will come up. Hover that over the Protectron & it will turn white, double click to select the Protectron. Close the window with OK.

    Double click on your Pod & select the "Activate Parents" tab.

    Right click on the empty lined box in that & select "New".

    Left click on the "Select Reference in Render Window" & a red target will come up. Hover that over the Protectron & it will turn white, double click to select the Protectron. Close the window with OK.

    You should now untick the "Open by default" on the Pod.

    Save your plugin & you're ready to go.



    Things to note:

    Make sure that the navmesh in the room goes into the interior of the pod, or else the deactivated Protectrons will "pop" out of the pod & onto an area that is navmeshed.

    The navmesh can be on the ground under the pod, it just must be on navmesh.

    When testing, don't load a savegame that's in the same room as your Protectron & Pod. Otherwise the Protectron might not start out deactivated & you'll wonder what you did wrong as he wanders around. Instead make a save just outside the door to the room your placing it & enter the room fresh each time of testing.

    I don't think I've missed anything. :smile:

    Hope this helps!


  4. senterpat - Hello!


    "but the downloaders can't see the new textures. I notices that vanilla textures don't have a full path from the C drive like the textures I assign, they say "data/textures" while mine are "c/program filesx86/Bethesda/falloutnv/data/textures" so how can I do it right? :/"


    That's right, that's your problem.


    An incorrect path would be something like:


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\Textures\projectiles\Shells.dds


    That path would be reliant on Fallout 3 being installed in that one location & only there.


    That's why it works on your machine & not on anyone else's that has a different install location.


    You need to use only "Virtual paths", your .nif should point to textures thus:




    Both those paths point to the same texture but the last one will work with any installation of Fallout 3.


    Nifskope should automatically skip the stuff before Textures when you navigate to your texture but you need to set that up first.


    In Nifskope go to Render - Settings & click on the "Rendering" tab. In there click on "Auto Detect Game Paths" & Nifskope should detect all compatible game's.


    Hope this helps!



  5. tiggerdyret - Hello!


    "It is freezing, not crashing and I've already used the multicore fix."


    Make sure you've added it to the FALLOUT.ini in documents that I described.


    It's a common mistake to apply the fix to the Fallout_default.ini that's in the Fallout 3 folder.


    Hope this helps!



  6. vegeta0585 - Hello!


    There is a bug in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, that can cause crashing on saves in the Rivet City/Project Purity area.


    It's only in that specific area though.

    It can be easily fixed with FO3Edit by following these instructions:



    Now if it's freezing you're getting & not proper crashes & you've got a multi core computer then look here:




    That explains the multi core bug & how to fix it with a simple edit to your FALLOUT.ini.


    Hope this helps!



  7. shadowreaper753 - Hello!

    Is Fallout 3 running without any mods or DLC's ticked?

    If it is not, have you made any alterations to your .ini?

    Try deleting your .ini file so that Fallout 3 will make it from scratch.

    The one you want is in:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Delete it & run Fallout 3 to see if it works (It'll create a new one on running).

    If still no luck, is it crashing or freezing? If it's freezing & you have a multi core computer, look here for a solution:


    If your game is only crashing when mods are active, check the above mentioned FALLOUT.ini file for this line:


    Make sure it's not set to 0 & instead looks like this:


    Still no dice? Switch off all your mods then enable one mod at a time & check between each to see if Fallout 3 runs. That will allow you to identify the culprit.

    Hope this helps!


  8. Dylak - Hello!

    As blove asks, what have you attached the script to?

    If you made a unique copy of that LvlRaiderGun that must be killed for the XP points, you could attach an OnDeath script directly to them.

    Something like:

    scn qsz1

    Begin ondeath
    rewardxp 500


    Tha would award the player 500 XP on the LvlRaiderGun death.

    Make sure, if you do attach the script to them, that it's your own unique copy of LvlRaiderGun or else the script will be on all of them. :)

    Call your version something new like LvlRaiderGunBrucieBonus or something.

    You could even use a

    If IsKiller player

    In there if you wanted to only give XP if the player kills them, like so:

    scn qsz1

    Begin ondeath
    If IsKiller player
    rewardxp 500


    You can also attach your version of the script to a quest as blove says, I've not done that myself so I'll leave explaining that to blove. :)

    Information on creating quests here:


    It depends on what you want to do.

    Hope this helps!


  9. Purr4me - Hello!

    If you read my original post, that was meant for & intended to help CountFuzzball, you will see I did not wish to pick a fight with anyone:

    "Now I don't want to start something here, I don't know the full context of the clip you've quoted so I can't speak for it's original intention."

    My advice was that CountFuzzball did not need to redo their mods just because they had been made while other mods were installed.

    I stick by that advice, nothing has been posted here to prove otherwise.

    I strenuously avoided critisising the advice that had led CountFuzzball to that conclusion & concentrated on giving advice backed up with facts & devoid of technobabble.

    "(...."spurious claims......) that <----- irks me to no end."

    Spurious = (of a line of reasoning) Apparently but not actually valid: "this spurious reasoning results in nonsense"."

    I stand by my description, I've repeatedly asked you questions on your claims & you've repeatedly avoided them.

    I backed up everything I've said with clearly understandable & repeatable reasonings.

    I've been open to having you prove your claim that mods will gather all files in the Data folder at the time of making thus adding others unwanted content to mods.

    I don't claim to know everything but I do need clearly understandable proof before I'll believe something.

    If this is as big a problem as you say it is should be demonstratable.

    "I gave you a demo. use it."

    I looked at it & replied in my previous post, refuting your claims that it proves that making mods while other mods are installed causes issues. It does not, it simply replaces trees with cars.

    "it's indignant and demeaning."

    I've remained calm throughout & polite. I've stuck to facts & avoided obfuscations. I was not being sarcastic when I stated I'd be the first to applaud you if you proved this bug exists, I've always backed serious works on fixing genuine bugs in Fallout 3.

    My original post was intended to help someone, my second pointed out several flaws in your argument against my first (which I notice you sidestepped). At no point have I demeaned anyone.

    Perhaps you should reread my first post & I think you will clearly see it contains no offence to you.

    I think it best we draw a line under this, it has ceased to be of use to anyone.


  10. tiggerdyret - Hello!

    I see you're using the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, it's an excellent collection of fixes.

    One thing to be aware of, it's Broken Steel plugin does have a bug that can cause crashes on saves made around Rivet City & Project Purity.

    There's a simple fix for it using FO3Edit, you can find it here:


    That bug will only cause crashes around Rivet City & Project Purity, nowhere else.

    Is your game crashing or freezing?

    If it's freezing, it could be the Fallout 3 multi core bug.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    So if you computer is a multi core that could be your trouble.

    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    If it's not freezing but crashing, does it happen when multiple enemies are on screen?

    If so, what spawn setting are you using on MMM?

    Setting it too high for your system can cause trouble, too many NPC's in one place means increased AI handling & more likey crashing. Try lowering it.

    I use "Slightly Increased Spawns" 1 - 2, it still creates enough enemies for tough battles but is also very stable.

    Hope this helps!


  11. Purr4me - Hello!

    "If I change the name of any object listed in a mesh folder in the same file path as seen in the bsa, say like baseball bat too carhulk01. and list that as an overwrite. I won't have cars, it will pick up my file renames as such."

    Yes of course if you rename a baseball bat to carhulk01 & then place it loose in the path where carhulk01 is in the .bsa you'll replace the car with a bat in game.

    No one's disputing that, it's the whole foundation to modding. You can replace existing items by matching their name & path. Modding 101.

    "over 7000 cars installed into fallout3, no mesh files or textures."

    Um, yes there are meshes & textures. All you've done is used an .esp to replace tree objects with cars.

    The reason you have no meshes & textures is you're using the vanilla cars, so the textures & meshes will be in the end user's Fallout 3 installation, inside the .bsa's.


    If you think you've done that without meshes & textures, I'm puzzled as top where you think the objects you see in game come from.

    "and my baseball bat will be in place of those cars but you won't know where it's coming from"

    I do know where it would come from, you just said you renamed & replaced the car with the bat model.

    Not seeing the mystery here.

    "and if such files are laying in the data directory from other mods installed and you build yours? well you will end up using assets not of your own. "

    No you won't.

    If you have loose files in your Data folder they will only be used in you mod if they are called on by your mod or it's masters. Same goes for .bsa's.

    If the loose file is a replacer for a vanilla item, say a tartan teddy bear, it will replace that item, the teddy bear.

    If someone else uses your mod without that tartan teddy bear replacer they will simply see the default teddy bear item in it's stead.

    How can assets leap into another mod? Loose files would have to be gathered up & packaged with your mod. For them to do anything in game they would have to be referenced by your mod's .esm or .esp or be vanilla replacers.

    If anything was in a mod that was not meant to be there it would show up in FO3Edit, hence my advice to check for dirty edits.

    I bet almost all the mods on the Nexus were made with other mods installed at the time.

    Seeing how your mod plays with others is actually a good thing.


    I did not post to get into an argument, I merely wanted to assure CountFuzzball that they do not have to redo all their mods because of those spurious claims.


    If you have a theory about a potential bug, great! Why not gather proof & prove it's existance, if you can demonstrate that there's a genuine issue with making a mod while other mods are installed I'll be the first to applaud.



  12. Purr4me - Hello!

    "these are lose files the geck picks up and NO, they are not ticked by anything,"

    But they are, you select Fallout3.esm as a master when you create a mod in GECK as the minimum master needed.

    Fallout 3.esm loads it's assets, either from the default .bsa's or any file that replaces those default items that's placed loose in your data folder.

    If you drop a big new loose .nif called Technobabble.nif into your Data\Meshes then it will be ignored by Fallout 3.esm as it's not listed within it & thus alien to it.

    ". if its a tree, and there is a texture sitting open that is not in the bsa but in its' path and not he same, and is belonging to another author, your mod will pick his tree texture .and if you upload your mod and do not have his tree texture with it ,nothing will show up, so you include the need for your mod to use another assets in order for yours to work."

    No, that's not how it works.

    If you have a mod that replaces the default texture of say, a car & all it is is a replacement for the vanilla texture that's packed in the Fallout - Textures.bsa then you will see that replacement texture on cars in GECK while making your mod.

    This is because a replacment texture is a loose file placed in the same path as the original one that's in the Fallout - Textures.bsa, loose files however take precedence over ones packed in .bsa's so the loose replacment is the one that gets used.

    Your mod will not care or record the replacment texture though, you can test this by making your mod with the vanilla replacer texture in, closing GECK, removing the replacment texture & reload your mod.

    All will be the same except the replacment texture will be gone & GECK will default back to the original in the .bsa. The Game will do the same.

    If what you said was correct then anyone making a mod while using a vanilla texture replacer, like NMC, would end up with a mod that's full of broken textures when used by anyone without NMC.

    That's clearly not true.

    You'd only need the other modder's textures if you were using their models.

    There seems to be some confusion over how loose files work as regards to replacing .bsa packed ones too.

    A loose file intended to replace a vanilla asset in a .bsa MUST be placed in the same path as well as having the same name.

    For instance I just released a mod with fixed doors for Point Lookout, the originals are packed in the
    PointLookout - Main.bsa & the path of one of them is:


    So my loose file needs to be in the Fallout 3 folder in the exact same path in order to replace the originals, thus:


    Placing it anywhere else will result in the file being ignored & the default .bsa version being used unless an added .esp/.esm is used to make a call on it.

    So the example you give:


    Won't overwrite each other as you say, as they are not the same path.

    One of those paths is in Meshes then a folder called AQFH then weapons then 2handed.

    The other, the vanilla location, is in Meshes then weapons then 2handed.

    Two different locations, effectively two different weapons that just happen to be called Assaultrifle.nif, so not replacing the other.

    You could use an .esp/.esm to replace all instances of the vanilla & use your new weapon in that new path but I don't see how that applies to any of this.

    "chuck steel has no esp in his mod resouces and it gets picked up as a resource. "Loose file". BY the geck."

    Are you talking about "Chucks Havok Friendly nifs Modders Resource"? Chucksteel has several excellent modder's resources.

    The default path for that is:

    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Chucks Hovok Nif's


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Chucks Stacic Nif"s

    Neither of which is an original game folder path, you're saying you have those items in your GECK with no .esp or .esm adding them in? How are they being set up as objects as that's got to be done with a plugin of some kind?

    Unless you've placed them in a different path & renamed them to match vanilla objects as replacers, in which case that goes along with what I've said above, the GECK only loads what the selected plugins tell it too from .bsa or loose files if they match the .bsa's path.

    All of this needlesly complicates the whole process & was the reason I was going to avoid answering this.

    As I understand CountFuzzball's post, they are concerned that creating a mod with other mods installed will mean all other assets will get used somehow.

    This is not the case, as I detail in my above post.


    I've yet to see any evidence to the contrary, a quick peek at a mod with FO3Edit would show any changes.


  13. CountFuzzball - Hello!

    "Does this mean all my custom created esps contain path directories inside the esp that may or may not exist on another users' harddrive?"

    Simple answer, No.

    Now I don't want to start something here, I don't know the full context of the clip you've quoted so I can't speak for it's original intention.

    What I will address is that you seem worried that other bits of mods will somehow leap into your mod if they are in the Data folder when you're making a mod in GECK. Won't happen.

    GECK will only use assets of the plugins that have been selected in the File - Data window.

    "thing is, you don't tick a BSA archive in the geck, it just needs to be present in the data folder. "

    It needs to be present in the Data folder AND referenced by the .esm/.esp that's ticked in the File - Data window in GECK.

    You don't tell GECK to use .bsa's, that's true, you tell GECK which .esm/.esp's you want to use & they list what .bsa or loose files they use.

    If you tick something in the File - Data window in GECK & it has a .bsa or loose files then those assets will be open to you & that ticked mod will be a master, a requierment, of your mod.

    A .bsa is just a packaged archive of files, the same as loose files just bundled together.

    People make mods all the time with the DLC's & umpteen other mods & files in, those other files are all ignored unless you've selected them in your mod or set their plugins as masters.

    "Is there a rigorous method of checking this?"

    Yes, use FO3Edit to take a look at your mod:


    With FO3Edit you can view every single change your mod makes, every single object you are referencing that, if custom, should have it's meshes & textures packaged with your mod.

    Under "File Header" you'll even see a list of your mod's Masters, all the mods that are needed for yours to work.

    This is what people do to make sure there are no "dirty" edits in their mods, that's edits to things they did not intend to change.


    "I'd hate to have to redo some mods I have intention of releasing, but the above has got me considering it, unless there's a way to cleanly remove that junk."


    Always check your mod with FO3Edit for the above mentioned dirty edits, that's considered good practice.


    There's no need to worry about other mods that were in at the time of creating as long as you did not select them as masters.

    Hope this helps!


  14. fallout3hudson - Hello!


    Since you played up until the CTD, it suggests something changed after the crash.


    Have you tried deleting your .ini file so that Fallout 3 will make it from scratch?


    The one you want is in:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:



    Delete it & run Fallout 3 to see if it works (It'll create a new one on running).


    If that does not work, make sure Fallout 3 is still set to use the right graphics card, depending on what mod manager you have there may be a "Game Settings" heading in there that allows you to set the "Graphics adapter". If not that can also be found in the Fallout Launcher.


    If still no luck then I'm at a loss.


    Hope this helps!



  15. Inazuma22 - Hello!


    "but can someone tell me what each of those types of lights means?"


    There's a detailed guide to lighting here:




    That describes all the lighting types in detail with pictures to illustrate the differences, you can jump to that part here:




    It also explains how best to use them & is a really good place to get a handle on lighting, it's where I learnt. :)


    "i herd one them lags your game if you put too many in one cell"


    Lighting can be a hit on a cells performance but it tends to be extreme usage, though the size & clutter content of the cell also factor into it. Obviously the power of the computer running the game also matters.


    There is a special view in GECK that allows you to see a coloured image of your cell with the performance hit of lights shown, red areas being potential slow down spots.


    That's also described in detail on the above mentioned page, jump to it here:




    I've found lighting lag is not usually a problem unless you're really pushing the quantity of lights in an already complex cell.


    Fallout 3 cells tend to favour moody low lighting levels anyway so as long as you don't go crazy, lag should be easily avoided.


    Hope this helps!



  16. crmiller197 - Hello!


    "textures are all messed up everytime i even see or load one it crashes"


    Have you taken care of archive invalidation?


    Either download & activate the stand alone ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated:



    Or, If you are using the FOMM / NMM, there's a built in version of archive inalidation in either of those.


    The Mod manager built in version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again AFTER you add in a new mod.

    Also do not use both versions of archive invalidation at once as that will cancel each other out.


    Hope this helps!



  17. crmiller197 - Hello!

    Are you encountering excessively large numbers of creatures when you CTD?

    If so, try a lower spawn setting, too high a setting for your system can cause instability.

    Check your load order, if you don't use FWE it should be something like this:

    Fallout3 & DLC's

    Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

    Depending on the options you choose & the DLC's you have, you might have some different esp's.

    But NEVER use Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp AND anything from == MMM Alternative Configuration Modules == folder.

    For instance, never use Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp when using Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp. Those options are set with the in game menu.

    Hope this helps!


  18. assassin01 - Hello!

    Modded Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always due to a missing master, in other words a plugin is missing another that it needs to work.

    If you open your mod manager you can left click on each mod & a list of their masters will be displayed at the bottom. You MUST have those masters in your load order for that plugin to work.

    A common mistake is to use a patch intended for a mod that you do not have in your load order.

    If you still can't track down the startup crash, turn off all your mods & make sure Fallout 3 runs okay.

    If it does run okay it's definitely a mod error, turn back on your mods one at a time checking between each to see when the game stops crashing on startup. That way you can find the culprit & check it's documentation for it's requirements.

    You've got some MMM plugins you don't need, you can untick & remove all of these:

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

    As they are all included in the plugin Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp that you have.

    StreetLights.esm should be moved above BrokenSteel.esm to avoid a water glitch around Project Purity once the clean water shows up.

    Hope this helps!


  19. scarycave - Hello!


    I'm no Blender expert so I'm of no help there.


    I do know that exported models into Nifskope can often end up with jumbled names on their Blocks.


    It's often best to copy your exported model from one instance of Niskope & paste it over the vanilla creature you modified in another instance of Nifskope.


    Open your exported model in Nifskope, "Copy Branch" the creature in the Render Window.


    Open the vanilla model in another Nifskope & "Paste Branch" you modified model into it.


    Now "Copy" your model & "Paste Over" the corresponding vanilla mesh.


    Close the top Block & you'll see some left over blocks, select Block - Remove Branch those left over parts.


    If the creature you're working on has a mesh made of more than one piece, repeat the above for each part.


    Save as the New model & rename it from the vanilla.


    See if that version works.


    If still no joy, upload the model here, I'll take a look & possibly someone else more skilled with Blender might look too.


    Hope this helps!



  20. RieFairy - Hello!


    Are you using any cosmetic/face changing mods? Could be causing the mismatch.


    If you are, try turning off those mods & see in game if the NPC's are okay.


    If the obvious suspects have no effect, does the problem persist when all your mods are off?


    Does the problem just occur when NPC's are clothed or is it there also when you remove their clothes.



  21. RieFairy - Hello!

    Did you add the line:


    To the correct .ini file?

    As it's common to mistakenly edit the Fallout_default. ini that's in the Fallout 3 folder.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    If you have added/changed that line in the correct .ini then the other common cause for head body mismatch is NPC's added by .esp's.

    NPC's end up with mismatched bodies & heads unless added by .esm's.

    But that NPC is vanilla from Arefu, so unless you've got a mod changing her, that seems unlikely.

    Are you using a body replacer? If so, make sure you've got a compatible armor replacer. Type 3 for instance needs something like:


    Hope this helps!


  22. simpliztik - Hello!

    " and the ini. that you mentioned that you thought was named "FALLOUT.ini" is "Fallout_default" and I assumed they were the same."

    They are not the same. :)

    The Fallout_default.ini is in your Fallout 3 folder & is only used when the game needs to recreate the normal .ini.

    It's a common mistake to make the changes to the Fallout_default.ini.

    The FALLOUT.ini is the one that the game uses when in play & is the one you need to change.

    That .ini will be in your Documents folder, check the details in my first post to find it's location depending on your operating system.

    Hope this helps!


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