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Posts posted by prensa

  1. GrayWolf04 - Hello!

    "This causes the game to freeze a few seconds later"

    If you have a multi core computer then it could be the Fallout 3 multi core bug, Fallout 3 freezing almost always is down to this.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    "I'd prefer not to have a FPS limiter mod, since while outside, the FPS is around 25 to 30 FPS, which is the minimum I'd like. "

    Severe fluctuations in Fallout 3's frame rates can cause oddities, like micro stutter which is a strange speed up & slow down effect simillar to a damaged film.

    Many people have experienced it, including me. There's a solution to that as well, Fallout 3 Stutter Remover:


    I've used the FSR_4-0-7 version for ages & it's great.

    That does several things, including an FPS cap, that allow Fallout 33 to run smoothly.

    It has a customisable .ini that allows you to turn off/on many of it's features, including the FPS cap, as suits your needs.

    Though I'd recommend using it's FPS cap as fluctuating FPS is a major cause of bumpy gameplay.

    You can set the minimum FPS you want in Stutter Remover's .ini, it actually comes set to 30 FPS as default so that may suit you straight off. :)

    If not, you can raise or lower to whatever works best for you.

    Hope this helps!


  2. M48A5 - Hello!

    "The problem you are having is caused by the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. "

    No, I use the UF3P & have never seen such an issue.

    Perhaps you are thinking of the known bug with the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, that can cause crashing on saves in the Rivet City/Project Purity area?

    It can be easily fixed with FO3Edit by following these instructions:


    It never causes a texture or missing mesh problem.


    darksoul2142 - Hello!

    Your problem of previously fine textures & meshes dropping out combined with that massive load order make me think you are experiencing a bug that kicks in at around 255 mods.

    Fallout 3 & even previous Bethesda games seem to have a limit of 255 mods after which textures & meshes can randomly fail leading to messed up textures & missing mesh symbols.

    Some people get this issue with less than 255 mods, some speculate that the number of .bsa's may be part of the reason too.

    There's been lots of discussion of this issue on the Nexus over time, a thread with it can be found here:


    You should try running with a big batch turned off, just to see if the problem goes away.

    If it does you'll have confirmed the cause, try weeding out unneeded mods from your load order to try & reduce your load.

    You can save some plugins by unticking & deleting these:

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp=1
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp=1
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp=0
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Dynamic Player Scaling.esp=1

    As they are all built into the:

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

    That you already have.

    Hope this helps!


  3. Yukichigai - Hello!

    "Am I using the wrong tool? What tool do you use to view kf files?"

    Nifskope is the correct tool, it's what I'm using.

    "What animation exactly has the coding for ##VisCtrl and ##Shishkebab?"

    ##VisCtrl is in the 1 hand melee equip, unequip & holster.


    Open 1hmunequip.kf up in Nifskope & left click on the top block (NiControllerSequence).

    Down at the bottom in Block Details, look for "Controlled Blocks" & expand it's details.

    ##VisCtrl is near the bottom of that list, between ##Latch & ##l_Blade.

    Same for 1hmequip.kf.

    Though you don't need to change the animation .kf if you're wanting to use the same animations in your modified model, you just need to match shishkebab's animation settings in GECK.

    The ##VisCtrl in the .kf controls the ##VisCtrl Node in the Shishkebab model.

    You'll note everything in that Node relates to the flames & their effects.

    Not sure what the handle ##Shishkebab does, it's not part of the flames off mechanism.

    "Also, is there one for two-handed melee weapons?"

    I just looked in 2hmequip & there's no ##VisCtrl in it.

    Just recently though I've experimented with these handle calls in .kf's & found they can be quite flexible.

    As you can see they can contain several different animations for different parts depending on which weapon they are called on.

    I wanted to use the .44 heavy recoil animation on a semi-automatic, setting it in GECK to use the same animation was fine.

    Problem was that animation was meant for a revolver so the slide did not work on my semi-automatic as there was nothing in that animation checking my model for the slide.

    I found I could copy the the slide call & animation into the heavy recoil fire animation .kf relatively easily & now have a heavy fire .kf that works with semi-automatics as well as with revolvers.

    The file can be used to overwrite the vanilla .kf, allowing the original functions as well as the new slide call.

    The only pain was having to modify all the different versions of the .kf (attackleft, sneak, etc.)

    So it's possible you could modify the 2 hand animations to contain the ##VisCtrl.

    Though as I say, if you just want behaviour like the Shishkebab, you don't need to change the .kf. Just include the Shishkebab's ##VisCtrl flame parts.

    I've only recently started playing with these so I'm certainly not an expert on it. :smile:

    Hope this helps!


  4. Yukichigai - Hello!

    "I'm trying to figure out what it is exactly that makes the Shishkebab's flame effect disappear the minute you holster it."

    Two things working in conjunction, a specific block within the model & the animation .kf being called on the model at the time.

    If you go to the shishkebab & open it in Nifskope, click on the flame effect in the Render window.

    The flame effects, glow effect, etc. are all under a NiNode named ##VisCtrl.

    Blocks with ## are always model parts that animation .kf's will look for.

    The ##VisCtrl is used for visibility.

    When an animation .kf gets used that is set up for ##VisCtrl it looks for any Nodes in the model with that heading & acts according to it's settings (makes it invisible/visible).

    Animation .kf's like:


    That are 1 Hand Melee animations, have ##VisCtrl listed in their "Controlled blocks" that control what happens to the Node & all it's children that is called ##VisCtrl in the model.


    You'll also notice that they have many ## that they look out for like ##batonhandle that works with the baton.

    As long as your weapon is set to use the same animations like the shishkebab, the ones with the ##VisCtrl listed in their "Controlled blocks" & you've set up the parts you want to disappear under a node named ##VisCtrl as in the shishkebab model it should work the same.

    Use the shishkebab's set up as a guide.

    Hope this helps!


  5. Lendglas - Hello!


    "I have used Fo3edit, Fo3Masterupdate"


    You have to be careful what mods you use Masterupdate on, it can cause strange issues on some.


    It's best avoided using it on any mod that changes something that another true .esm also changes.


    It's because Masterupdate only flags the .esp as an .esm & does not create the overrides of a true master.


    It's handy to correct .esp's that add NPC's as it will fix the head/body color mismatch bug but not a good idea to blanket use it.


    Definitely don't use Masterupdate on the Unofficial patch plugins:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp
    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp
    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp
    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp
    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp


    It can cause problems, for instance a masterupdated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp will cause a strange glitch where all the loose clutter in the Taft tunnels will bang into you upon entering.


    Use Fo3EditMasterRestore on them or just place fresh copies over the changed ones.


    All of these MMM plugins can be unticked & deleted:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Size Scaling.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Reduced Wasteland Spawns.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp


    As they are included in the FWE/MMM FOIP patch that you have, Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp.


    "Regarding the Bug fix Mods"


    Personally I use the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch that you've got.


    Used it for years (literally) & it's great.


    Says what it does & does what it says. No technobabble, no fuss & no changes to the intent of the game's original stylings. :smile:


    Only one bug with it's Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp that you should be aware of, can cause CTD's on saves at Rivet City/Project Purity. Simple fix using FO3Edit for that issue can be found here:




    Hope this helps!



  6. thefourwings - Hello!


    Is the mesh you are using the exact same one as vanilla?


    Have you placed the bear in a room near a Room Marker & Portal?


    Havok objects that are set in GECK in a room with a Room Marker will disappear if moved into another area outside of the original Room Marker.


    They will only show up if moved about (when the Havok engine takes control of them) & will disappear again when they come to a rest.


    It's the major drawback of Room Markers.


    This can seem strange as you may not be aware of the glitch & Room Marker are set to not show as Default in GECK.


    You can see Room Markers in GECK by going to the View tab at the top & selecting Show/Hide Window & ticking their box.


    Hope this helps!



  7. ilyasw - Hello!


    This is out of my range of experience I'm afraid so I can't be much help.


    What I can say is that the model:




    Is doing a simillar thing to what you are doing.


    If you compare that to your model, you're missing the BSDismemeberSinInstance block.


    You've also still got the old shoulder decal in there as well, you should probably remove that.


    There's information, that may be of use, on how to export an armor from a 3d program & set it up here:




    Hope this helps!



  8. Hoamaii - Hello!


    "I'll check these links and let you know"


    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :)





    Loganastephens - Hello!

    Hmmm... I'm puzzled.

    I do know my Fallout 3 only likes my sound card (Creative) to be in Game mod when run.

    I don't know what sound card you have but if it's Creative like mine, switch it to Game Mode.

    This can normally be done by going down to the hidden icons in the Taskbar, there should be a "Volume Panel" that you can right click on to reveal an option to switch mode.

    It may be different if you have another sound card.

    You can also often change audio mode by opening the Audio card's control panel, found in the Start programs menu in a folder named for your audio card (example, mines in a "Creative" folder).

    It's worth a shot.

    Also check to see if you have ffdshow, it's a codec package with an adjustable user interface to allow tweaking.

    It's used & often installed by many video or audio programs.

    Because it's packaged with something else it's often not realised that it's even there.

    It can cause trouble with Fallout 3's handling of sound files if it's installed & should be added to it's list of programs not to be used with.

    It'll show up in your list of programs, go to your Start menu - All programs & locate a folder called:

    ffdshow - Audio Decoder Configuration

    Make sure Fallout 3 is on the list in DirectShow Control - Don't use ffdshow in.

    If you cannot locate it, don't worry you probably don't have it installed.

    Some people have found this .dll helps to get their Fallout 3 working, worth a shot:


    Hope this helps!


  9. Hoamaii - Hello!


    "I have another pb now: I cannot use console command. tilden key has no effect at all."

    There are some possible solutions at bottom of this page under "Bugs":


    Also here:


    If none of that works for you, there's this mod that may help:

    Console Key Binder by Quarn (requires FOSE)


    Also there is this:


    Hope this helps!


  10. Clairefun - Hello!


    The fact you've got a quad core & it's freezing points to the multi core bug. You mention adding the one line but did you do both?


    Both lines are needed for the fix to work:




    Also, make sure you edited the correct .ini as a common mistake is to edit the Fallout_default.ini in your Fallout 3 folder instead.


    The correct .ini to edit is the FALLOUT.ini in your Documents folder, exact locations mentioned in my post above.


    Hope this helps!



  11. Clairefun - Hello!

    "things are fine for anywhere between 5 - 20 minutes, and then it crashes and I have to log out to get any response."

    Is the game freezing? If so it's probably the Fallout 3 multi core bug.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    So if you have a multi core computer, that's likely your problem.

    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    Hope this helps!


  12. czosnek1 - Hello!


    "what i saw , is the name of craterside supply change to spaccio di craterside or something"


    It's something you see quite often, Fallout 3 place names changed to another language.


    It's caused by one of your mods, it happens when a mod is made on a different language version of Fallout 3.


    If you've got a mod making changes to Craterside, that's the likely suspect.


    Unticking any suspect mods & checking in game to see if it's gone back to normal is a good way to identify the culprit.


    It can be easily corrected with FO3Edit:




    Run FO3Edit, in the FormID at the top paste in Craterside Supply's ref id:




    Press enter & you should be taken to Craterside Supply's details.


    In the right hand window of FO3Edit you will see several columns, one for each mod you have changing Craterside Supply.


    Fallout3.esm will obviously be there along with any other mods making changes, look for one that is changing the Full Name from "Craterside Supply".


    Once you locate the mod, left click on Fallout3.esm's correct name, Craterside Supply & drag it into the incorrect language version's slot.

    FO3Edit will warn you that you are making changes, click OK.


    Now close FO3Edit, it will ask you to save your changes. Make sure that ONLY the mod you want edited is in the list shown, if there's anything else show untick it BEFORE you click OK.


    All done!


    Not sure why you're seeing crashing though it could be due to the changes being made in that area by the name changing mod, it's possible that changing the name back my fix that.


    Hope this helps!



  13. BlackstarAlchemist - Hello!

    Your crashing on startup is probably due to one of those many patches you have, you've got a lot of CRAFT & CALIBR plugins there, I had to look up what they did. :)

    A quick check shows you've got:


    If you left click on that in your mod Manager you will see a list of it's masters show up at the bottom.

    It's masters are:

    CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp

    You've not got CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp so that will cause a crash on startup.

    Untick & delete CRAFTHelper_WCE.esp.

    If you still can't run Fallout, there's probably another patch in yor load order that's not meant to be there like the one I mentioned. Check the plugin's masers in your mod manager as I showed to help figure out which one.

    By the way, Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp is built into Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp so you don't need it.

    So untick & delete Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp.

    M48A5's correct, you need one or the other of these:

    FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp


    FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp

    "So if you have any suggestions of good MODs I am all ears."

    You've got many of my must have mods like DCInteriors & MMM, those two are great & I wouldn't be without them. :)

    Hope this helps!


  14. Loganastephens - Hello!

    "Which exe? The fallout launcher?"

    Yes, M48A5 is checking that you applied the multi core fix to the correct .ini as it's common to change the Fallout_default.ini in the Fallout 3 folder by mistake.

    The correct .ini to apply the fix to is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    But that fix is for freezing while in game, does not normally stop Fallout from loading.

    Are you getting any kind of error message on crashing?

    I do know that sometimes Fallout 3's need for Games for Windows live can cause trouble, try a disabler for that.

    If you have FOMM, there's a built in one in there under Tools - Install Tweaker. If you don't use FOMM, there's one here you could try:


    Hope this helps!


  15. BlackstarAlchemist - Hello!

    By the way, your mod manager should have a "Load Order" tab within which will be a "Copy to clipboard". With that you can copy & paste your load order without using screen grabs. I use FOMM but NMM should have a simillar feature.

    Modded Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always due to a missing master, in other words a plugin is missing another that it needs to work.

    If you open your mod manager you can left click on each mod & a list of their masters will be displayed at the bottom. You MUST have those masters in your load order for that plugin to work.

    A common mistake is to use a patch intended for a mod that you do not have in your load order.

    I see you have:

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2 - DIK.esp

    Which are patches for MMM to work with FOOK but you don't have FOOK so that will cause a crash on startup.

    Untick & delete those two.

    You've also got a few MMM plugins that you don't need:

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection esp
    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

    Those are all built into the Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp which you have so they can be unticked & deleted.

    I don't use CRAFT but several of those plugins you have look like they should be one or the other,
    those lead pipe no assault rifle ones. You should check the readmes for more info on them.

    If you still no joy with the startup crash, turn off your mods one at a time checking between each to see when the game stops crashing on startup. That way you can find the culprit & check it's documentation for it's requirements.

    "With this new Nexxus can't I eliminate FOMM?"

    You can use either FOMM or the new Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) depending on which you prefer.

    While you don't need to use either mod manager, they do make life a little easier with mods.

    Just don't use both together.

    Hope this helps!



    PS: StreetLights.esm should go above BrokenSteel.esm.

  16. theoneandonlyboiler - Hello!


    "I didn't try any other locations since it doesn't matter if it works somewhere else. Either I can place the body in the depot or I'll just leave it be. It's really the only place that fit's what I'm aiming at."


    Yes but if it works in another location, you'll know there's some setting in the Depot that's causing the trouble. That could help to locate the problem.


    Also, is there anything loading below the mod you are adding the body with that changes the depot? It's possible another mod is overwriting your body placement.



  17. Loganastephens - Hello!


    If you go to your:


    Fallout 3\Data


    Can you see the DLC's files in there?


    For each you should have 3 files named for the DLC like:



    BrokenSteel - Main.bsa

    BrokenSteel - Sounds.bsa


    If they are all there, make sure they do not have tiny padlocks on them.


    If they do have padlock symbols on them, move them out onto your Desktop & back EXACTLY where they came from. That will remove the padlock symbol & allow them to work.


    If still no joy, where you able to run Fallout 3 before trying to install the DLC's?


    Are you using a mod manager?



  18. "How do I add these textures using FOMM?"


    Assuming you've got the archives unpacked properly, you can use FOMM's package manger's "Create from folder" option to install into FOMM.


    Just make sure you've got the folder structure correct.


    "I've downloaded the two performance files, removed the # and hyphen at the end to rename them, and then tried to extract only the first. From the instructions it said this will do both. It doesn't happen, I have to extract each individually."


    I don't use NMC but I see they recommend unpacking the archives with WinRAR or possible problems can occur, are you using WinRAR?


    Hope this helps!



  19. WastelandLoner - Hello!


    "However i have a lot of extra nif files in my folder and if i move them anywhere else then i am left with exclamation marks."


    That's correct, your mod will look for your new mesh exactly where you told it to. Move the mesh without changing the path in your mod will result in a missing mesh symbol.


    Some bigger mods pack meshes & textures into their own .bsa's like official content but there's really no need for smaller quantities.


    It's good etiquette (not to mention tidier) to pack your mod's new files into sub folders, usually named for your mod. For example any new Meshes you add to your mod would go to:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\My Cool Mod\Weapons


    That way the new meshes end up in the correct Meshes folder but are neatly collected into your personally named folder "My Cool Mod" or whatever you call it.


    The Textures folder would have the same set up.


    It makes keeping track of your files much easier, for you & any end user.


    Remember though, if you change to this arrangment to make sure you correct the paths set in your .esp/.esm & that the textures in your models are changed if they are using custom textures.


    Hope this helps!



  20. theoneandonlyboiler - Hello!


    It's possible the dead body is being cleaned up by the game.


    Many cells are set to reset with dead bodies being cleaned away & NPC/creatures respawning.


    I take it your Dead body is unique? If not make a unique version so that you can safely modify it.


    Then try ticking the "Quest Item" box in the NPC's data window.


    As a Quest item it should never be removed from the game.


    Hope this helps!



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