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Posts posted by prensa

  1. JamesIva - Hello!

    "I have transferred all the files from FOSE into fallout 3>data,"

    As M48A5 says, if you've placed all of the FOSE files into your Fallout 3 data folder, that'll be your problem.

    The fose_loader.exe & the .dll's all go in your:

    Fallout 3

    That's the folder that your Fallout3.exe & Data folder are in, not inside the Data folder.

    Make sure you have the latest FOSE version:


    Check your Fallout 3 is up to date by running the game & going to the Settings - Display & looking at the bottom left corner.

    Latest version should be

    If you have the GOTY version, it does not need patching.

    If you don't have the GOTY & you don't see that number get the latest Fallout 3 patch.


    Hope this helps!


  2. Rayness115 - Hello!

    "Hello and thank you for taking the time to look at my troubles!"

    No problem! :)

    "Thanks for explaining to me what FFDShow is but I cant find such file in my programs."

    You probably don't have it on your computer, so it shouldn't be a problem. It's normally only the cause of stuttering radio in game anyway.

    You could also paste it into the Start menu seach box just to make sure it's not there.

    "Also I didnt quite understand the creative card and the game mode part would you mind explaining that to me please? Thanks!"

    Looks like your sound is Realtek rather than Creative which is mine.

    I know with my Creative card, trying to play Fallout 3 in any mode other than Game Mode will cause trouble & can result in a freeze not long after starting.

    I see you have three modes simillar to the options in mine, try setting it to "Game" & see if that lets you play Fallout 3.

    It's worth a try & you can easily turn it back if it does not helps.


  3. Rayness115 - Hello!

    "I have absolutely no idea what the hell FFDSHOW is"

    ffdshow is just a codec package with an adjustable user interface to allow tweaking.

    It's used & often installed by many video or audio programs.

    Because it's packaged with something else it's often not realised that it's even there.

    It can cause trouble with Fallout 3's handling of sound files if it's installed & should be added to it's list of programs not to be used with.

    It's most often associated with radio skipping.

    "and where I can find it"

    It'll show up in your list of programs, go to your Start menu - All programs & locate a folder called:

    ffdshow - Audio Decoder Configuration

    Make sure Fallout 3 is on the list in DirectShow Control - Don't use ffdshow in.

    It's quite possible you don't have it on your system, all depends on what sort of programs you've installed.

    Freezing in Fallout 3 is most often due to the Fallout 3 multi core bug.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

    "I have tried everything! The fallout.ini"

    Make sure you've edited the correct .ini & made both changes.

    The .ini you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    Another cause of freezing can be sound card settings, if you have a creative card it should be set to Game Mode.

    Hope this helps!


  4. praetorian815 - Hello!


    Big textures can cause stuttering but that tends to be markedly different to micro stutter, the game will lag as the bigger textures load up. Since you don't have any texture packs that's unlikely to be your issue though a few places like Rivet City are very graphics intensive areas even in the vanilla game & it's not unusual to notice a slight slow down there for many.


    If your hard drive is thrashing during the slow downs, it may need defragging. The further apart Fallout files are the slower they will be to load when needed.


    Could be micro stutter, affects many newer computers running games with the gamebryo engine.


    Tends to feel like a slow down then speed back up as moving along, an effect a bit like a messed film.


    I use Fallout Stutter Remover to fix this & that smoothes the game right out:




    You tend to have to play with the FPS cap in the settings .ini that comes with that to get the perfect results for your specific rig but once you get it right you just leave it alone & all is well. :)


    My main experience is with the FSR_4-0-7 version, which I've used for some time.


    It's even got a very nice "Fas Exit" setting that makes Fallout 3 exit cleanly & quicker than normal.


    Hope this helps!



  5. ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


    "So this supports the newest blender right???? I'm I going to have to go back to 2.49 32bit?"


    I'm no expert but sadly I think it only works for 32-bit Blender 2.49b:




    "The newest blender (2.5ish running newest right now) is not so hard to do basic cut,pasting,covering of missing bits and what not."


    Yes, last time I checked out Blender, the newer version seemd a lot more user friendly. :) Unfortunately the .nif export/import plugin seems to work only for that older version.


    Anyone who's more up on this than me, please feel free to clarify. :)



  6. ZippyDSMlee - Hello!


    Afraid I can't help you much with Blender, I've never managed to master it myself. :)


    "why doesn't blender have a plug it that fixes most of this crap?"


    I take it you've got Blender NIF Scripts?


    Latest version here:




    That allows Export & import of .nif's with Blender.


    There's also this video series on Youtube about exporting .nif's from Blender:




    Hope this helps!



  7. Bazerk83 - Hello!

    "Though now, the creative control panel refuses to switch between entertainment mode and game mode after quitting Fallout 3."

    It's a known issue that's been around for some time, I used to just leave my audio on Game mode because of it, since Fallout 3 won't work in anything but Game mode but other programs work okay in Game mode.

    There's a tool in your Start menu - Creative folder - Sound Blaster X-Fi - Creative Automode switcher.

    That can be told which programs to run in which mode, you drag the .exe into it & tell it which mode.

    For instance you can drag the Fallout3.exe into it, don't forget to set FOSELoader.exe in there too if you use FOSE.

    It's a great idea & It may work for you but chances are it won't.

    Sadly it does not seem to work for me & many others, not sure if these issues are just Win7 64 bit troubles or affecting others. A Google search certainly brings up many with the same problem.

    "As I say, it's irritating because rebooting after playing Fallout 3 is a bit bothersome."

    What I do, just recently found this work around that's fairly painless, when the mode gets locked instead of rebooting just go to the Start menu search box & type in:

    Device Manager



    Click on that & under sound, right click on Creative SB X-Fi & select Disable, wait for the manager to refresh then right click & Enable.

    That returns you to being able to change modes.

    Take care not to select Uninstall there by the way. :smile:

    If the above mentioned Automode switcher did not work for you, there's a handy tool for changing modes in a much less round about way than calling up multiple Sound Blaster windows each time, I use this Gadget:


    You can call that up off the Gadget menu (right click on the Desktop, near bottom of that pop up) & quickly change between Entertainment, Game & Audio Creation mode.

    There's some discussion of these issues here:


    Hope this helps!





    EDIT: Just found a tool called X-Fi Mode Changer:




    This does what the Creative Automode Switcher is meant to do but unlike that program this seems to work with Win7 64 bit.


    It can be set to auto detect Fallout 3 & change to Game mode & then swap back to your chosen default afterwards.


    The UI is very good & simple to understand.


    I've only just found it so I've not done a lot of testing with it yet but it looks like a promising solution to having to manually change modes if the Creative Automode Switcher does not work for you.

  8. MisterSmiley - Hello!


    Looking through windows, into or out of buildings that use load doors, is not normally possible as the "inside" location is actually not really inside the outside location that you see.


    You're basically teleported to the "inside".


    The only mod I know of with windows that appear to look outside is the superb DC Interiors:




    Several locations in that mod, like the USO Club in Takoma park, have windows that look "outside". It's a clever bit of trickery on Chucksteel's part where he's recreated the outdoors behind glass to create the illusion of looking out.


    Maybe that's what you are thinking of?


    Hope this helps!



  9. Cronyx - Hello!

    That's a lot of questions, I'll try & answer some. :smile:

    "Extract model"

    That's easy, models/meshes are in the form of .nif's & are packaged in .bsa's which are basically archives.

    The main Fallout 3's meshes are all in the Fallout - Meshes.bsa, each DLC has it's own .bsa.

    I use the BSA Unpacker built into Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) but if you don't use that you can unpack the model you want from the .bsa's with something like FO3 Archive Utility:


    The models/.nif's can be viewed & edited with Nifskope (for more information on that see below).

    "I need to edit the models, delete triangles on the models till I trim it down to just the part I want"

    Although Nifskope is a great tool for editing & adjusting models/.nif's:


    & it is amazing what you can get done with it, however for the more complex job of breaking up armors & clothes, you're going to need to use something like Blender.

    Blender is a free 3D model suite & one of the most common tools used for this kind of work.

    Unfortunately it's quite a tough beast to learn to use, though there are many tutorials out there including videos on Youtube.

    You can download the version compatible with the additional tools needed here:


    There's even a tutorial .pdf to download there.

    Also some other useful links:


    Creating armor mashups in fallout3 with blender


    "Does GECK have a model editor built in, or do I need to download like Rhinoceros 3d or something?"

    No, GECK is used once the models are complete in outside programs as mentioned above.

    GECK can be used to set textures to a degree.

    "And does Fallout use any kind of weird format that I'll need to convert to and from during the editing?"

    Fallout 3 uses models (meshes) in the form of .nif's, these can be exported from Blender using a plugin that can be found on the above linked Nexus Blender page.

    For a lot of work & general viewing, Nifskope can do quite a lot.

    You can resize, move around, assign new textures, adjust UV map positioning all with Nifskope.

    Detailed info on .nif's can be found here:


    "Can I use the stock textures? Are they still going to fit?"

    For the most part, considering the work you are talking about, you will just use the vanilla textures. For instance, the mod you mention, Tailor Maid comes with very few custom textures & uses almost exclusively the originals.

    New textures would only be needed if you were making a radically new item.

    You can use the above mentioned .bsa unpacker to open open up the texture .bsa's to take a look at Fallout 3's textures.

    Textures can be edited in photoshop, Gimp (free):


    Or Paint.net (free), which I use:


    Paint.net is very user friendly & quick to pick up. It's uncluttered & has many user made plugins that can expand it's capabilities. It may not be the most sophisticated but it makes up for that in it's ease of use.

    "On Balancing I was planning on just taking the base value, say it's 20, and give the chest piece 12, gloves 1, helmet 5, boots 2, that sort of thing. So that if you wear the whole ensemble, you'd wind up with the same stats as if it were still one whole piece."

    That's doable, once you have the armor broken up into pieces you can create new items in GECK & point them to your new models.

    In GECK you can adjust their stats & selecting which body slot you wish them to occupy. There are various body slots available for armors like Head, Upper Body etc..

    Manipulating them in GECK will be the easy part as GECK is very intuitive & easy to learn & master.

    A very detailed guide to GECK, with tutorials & a wealth of information, can be found here:


    Blender will be the toughest learning curve. :smile:

    "I hear these things called Leveled Lists are what's responsible for auto-seeding throughout the world"

    Yes, they are used for placing items randomly on NPC's, in chests as loot etc..


    "if you don't place things manually at specific XYZ positions."

    You can't use the lists to place items in the world spaces, that sort of placing is done by hand.

    "Am I going to be able to replace every instance of an NPC wearing the single, original version of the outfit, to wearing the segmented, individualized version in a way that doesn't approach pain-in-the-ass amounts of hassle?"

    You could do it, though there are a lot of NPC's out there. :smile:

    Many have hand set specific inventories while others get there gear based on lists.

    Many weapons mods alter the lists so that their new weapons are distributed to various factions & armors could be adjusted in the same way.

    Hope this helps!


  10. MAJORSEANAK47 - Hello!


    Is it just the Music or all sounds?


    If it's just the music in game gone, launch the game & go to Settings - Audio, check the Music slider is not turned all the way down.


    Make sure you've not accidentally deleted your sound files, go to your:


    Fallout 3\Data


    & make sure this file is still in there:


    Fallout - Sound.bsa


    If all that checks out, have you installed any video or music or DVD players just before you lost sound?


    If so there could be a codec installed with one of those that messes with your Fallout 3.


    This tool is handy to check by date if any new codec's were installed & allows you to toggle them off to see if it helps:




    You can easily turn the suspect ones back on if they have no effect.


    Have you changed any sound settings for your sound card?


    Some have special "game" settings & don't like to be changed when playing games.


    Hope this helps!



  11. Shotokanguy - Hello!


    "I popped those two patches in and made a new merged patch and it's not happening anymore. I'm not sure if it's 100% right now, but it looks okay."


    Glad that helped. :)


    "I noticed there was a patch for RH Ironsights and EVE too. Wouldn't I need that one as well to fix my first problem?"


    Oh yes, I see there's a patch there for EVE & Ironsights, grab that too.


    I don't use either so I'm not up on all the patches. :)



  12. Andrewprynn - Hello!


    "The file that I changed was the Fallout_Default.ini file. Although, I do think that's the same thing.


    No, that's the file Fallout 3 stores your default settings for if it has to recreate your .ini.


    Only the FALLOUT.ini in your Documents folder is actually applied to your game.


    The one you want to change, for Win7, is:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:



    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.


    Unless you apply the changes to that one, the fix will not work.


    Hope this helps!



  13. Andrewprynn - Hello!


    Is the freezing happening during gameplay, or are you not even getting to the main menu?

    Freezing in Fallout 3 gameplay is almost always the Fallout multi core bug.

    That freezing tends to happen randomly, though confined spaces are particularly susceptible. The game will lock up & usually needs the task manager to end it.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    "I changed the one line and added the other to the .ini files"

    Can I just double check you made the changes to the correct .ini, the one you want to change, for Win7, is:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    If you still get freezing with that, try:


    Hope this helps!


  14. MRCAir - Hello!


    "Thx man where do i find this setting?"


    Same place as those other settings you were changing, in GECK - Gameplay - Settings & then paste:




    Into the "Filter" box & it will be displayed.


    Hope this helps!



  15. Purr4me - Hello!

    "as for a log time ago. "already known" things, that's great for the past, forgotten logs and posts. Does not apply in this situation."

    That's why I thought I'd mention it. Most people know to place Streetlights above Broken Steel (BOSS included I believe) but have no idea why.


    Since the problem you showed is the exact same area & same distinctive split in the water between clean & polluted, I figured it would be of interest to you.

    I was just putting out there what I'd seen cause the issue before & what was used to fix it as it may have been of help to you.


  16. Purr4me - Hello!


    I don't know about the other problems but that bug with the clean water & polluted water being sectioned like that is caused by making changes in that area with a mod that loads below Broken Steel.


    It crops up once you complete the main quest & Broken Steel turns the water around Project Purity to clean.


    It was noticed a long time ago over on the Streetlights comments, I remember talking to SpeedyB64 about it.


    It was found that moving the Streetlights.esm above BrokenSteel.esm fixed the problem.


    That's why Streetlights.esm has the odd looking but correct advice to load above BrokenSteel.esm, loading it below results in that exact same clean/polluted divide in the exact location in your picture.


    I would assume any mod making changes like streetlights in that area would have the same trouble.


    Hope this helps!



  17. Shotokanguy - Hello!


    The animation issues you describe are typically caused one mod overwriting the animations of another.


    Many weapons mods add their own animations & because Fallout 3 only has certain slots available they all use the same meaning they are easily replaced by one & other.


    In this case you're RH Ironsights is probably clashing with Fallout 3 Re-Animated.


    There's a patch to make those two work together on the RH Ironsights page:




    It's in Files under "Optional Files" & is called:


    RH_IronSights - FO3RA Bridge


    You also mention you're using FWE, make sure you've got the RH IronSights/FWE patch, also on that file page:


    RH IronSights - FWE Bridge


    "I gave up on it for a while after getting a lot of mods working and finding still more that I wanted to use, and feeling kind of overwhelmed."


    I find It's best to add just a few mods at a time & play with them for a while rather than add in a whole heap all at once.


    Adding in just a few at a time means you get more of an idea of what they are doing & if anything isn't working right it's easier to identify.


    It's also a lot easier to keep a handle on your load order this way.


    I've seen people grab everything & pile it all on at once & it normally leads to trouble & confusion. :)


    Hope this helps!



  18. MRCAir - Hello!


    There's a mod that allows spent casings to build up with an increased lifespan & total amount, it's Shells Rain by Ginnungagap:



    "Please guys help me get more shells on ground"


    The setting changed to allow more shells to accumulate is:




    It's default is 25


    It probably controls the total for all debris & not just spent casings.


    Hope this helps!



  19. dmxdex2020 - Hello!

    "Why are you using the older version instead of the newer?"

    I've used the older version before the update came out without any problems & I've never been compelled to update. If it aint broke... etc. :)

    I've nothing against the update, it's just that I've never used it much whereas I've run with the 4.0.7 version for a long time & can thoroughly recommend that one.

    As to Vsync, as I said above, I leave it on to prevent the tearing & use Triple Buffering.

    The Stutter Remover fixes the micro stutter & runs the game smoothly.


  20. Nomad050 - Hello!

    "A university student group I am a part of recently purchased a MakerBot 3D printer"

    Didn't get toys like this when I was at school. :smile:

    "Do the payload files keep all different models separate or is it really difficult to extract these types of models individually?"

    The individual models? Easy as pie to extract, these games are intended for modding.

    The models/meshes are in the form of .nif's & are packaged in .bsa's which are basically archives.

    Fallout 3's meshes are all in the Fallout - Meshes.bsa, the DLC's all have seperate .bsa's.

    "or that huge chained down statue thing in "The Pitt""

    That should be in the ThePitt - Main.bsa.

    You can unpack the model you want from the .bsa files with something like FO3 Archive Utility:


    I actually use the BSA Unpacker built into Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) but the above program will do if you don't have that installed.

    "Does anyone know if there's a way to extract Fallout character/weapon/scenery models to a .c4d, .3ds, .blend, or a similar format?"

    You can open the .nif model with Nifskope, a fantastic free tool for viewing & editing .nifs:


    Once open in Nifskope go to File - Export - Export .obj & that will export a .obj file.

    An .obj can be converted into a .3ds if you need that fomat rather than .obj.

    "Has anyone ever modded the game models in a 3D program or done anything like this before? "

    Well the vanilla models are modified all the time in 3D programs like Blender:


    As to whether anyones used the models in a 3D printer before I couldn't say.

    If you do make some Fallout 3 models with that thing, you should post the pictures here in the images section. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd want to see them. :smile:

    Hope this helps!


  21. dmxdex2020 - Hello!


    Setting iPresentInterval=0 turns off Vsync in Fallout 3 which can gain some FPS but usually at the cost of tearing as you found.


    I leave on the game's Vsync but activate Triple Buffering in Catalyst Control Center as my card has good size memory, it makes up for the Vsync.


    I would imagine your Nvidia has a Triple Buffering option too.


    These settings are discussed in more detail here:




    "Using ipresentinterval causes my framerate to be lower and more irratic"

    I note the irratic part there, do you mean your game sort of slows or speed up like a messed up film in places?


    That could be micro stutter, I get that with my quad core. I fixed it by using the excellent Stutter Remover:




    I use the older FSR_4-0-7 version.


    You can tweak the .ini that comes with it to set the FPS to what suits you. You may need to try a few FPS variations before you get it just right or you may find the default works for you straight off.


    That smooths the game right out nicely & as I say I still use the games default Vsync.


    Hope this helps!



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