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Posts posted by prensa

  1. VikingII - Hello!

    I don't think the casings are listed in GECK.

    I know they are set in the Art & Sound tab of weapons but I think that's it as far as in Geck.

    You can find the models in the Fallout - Neshes.bsa, searching for Casing brings them up.

    Several, like 45calcasing.nif, are in the .bsa under:


    You could extract the models & create a new misc item (if you want to pick them up into inventory) or a moveable static (if you want them moveable but not takable).

    You'd need to tweak the casing models though as they are set up as special non selectable havoked items (OL_ITEM_PICK).

    They are weighted though so it's a simple case of flipping their flag to normal Clutter items in Nifskope.

    For example, open 45calcasing.nif in Nifskope.

    Expand the details in the Block List by clicking the arrow next to BSFadeNode.

    Expand the details of bhkCollisionObject, left click on bhkRigidBody & in the details that come up at the bottom in Block Details find Layer & change it from:




    Find Layer Copy & change it's OL_ITEM_PICK to OL_CLUTTER as above.

    Go to File & save your changes.

    You should change your model's name from the original to prevent confusion.

    Now you can add the item into the game through GECK as a new misc or moveable static.

    You may want to change the models material setting as it makes a really loud metal clang in game.

    I'm guessing the tinkle "casing" noise is added to it via the weapons animation.

    You can change it to a compromise sound that's not bad, open in Nifskope & expand the details of bhkCollisionObject, expand bhkRigidBody & left click on bhkConvexVerticesShape.

    In the bottom Block Details change:




    Save your changes.

    Hope this helps!


  2. Overseer108 - Hello!


    Simplest way, especially if you don't want to do anything if it's not the player, is to specify a reference at the point of entering the trigger zone.


    Begin OnTriggerEnter Player


    That will only carry on further if the Player is the one entering the Trigger.


    Note that another reference can be used, not just the Player, depending on your needs.


    Hope this helps!



  3. Thefixr - Hello!


    The trees look like it's an archive invalidation issue.


    Make sure you've taken care of archive invalidation as failure to do so will prevent the new textures from showing up properly.


    To fix it, either download & activate:




    Or, since you use FOMM, click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  4. FrickinAmazin - Hello!


    Modded Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always caused by a missing master.


    In other words you are using a plugin (.esp) without another plugin that it needs to work.


    If you open your mod manager you can left click on each mod & a list of their masters will be displayed at the bottom. You MUST have those masters in your load order for that plugin to work.


    If nothing missing turns up from that you have to play detective.


    You already know that it works with no mods so that tells you it's a mod issue.


    Untick your mods one at a time checking between each to see if Fallout 3 runs. When Fallout 3 runs, you'll know which mod is the culprit.


    It could be a patch that is out of date & looking for a different version of a mod.


    Also, get rid of these:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    They are included in your Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp.


    Hope this helps!



  5. VikingII - Hello!


    "I want to add the digital zooming effect too."


    The Gauss rifle from Anchorage DLC?


    That does not have a digital zoom in the un modded game, you must be using a mod that adds that effect in.


    I know of:


    Zoom Reworked




    Taking a quick peak at that, it seems to work with all scopes via it's scripts.


    It seems to apply the digital effects based on the weapon's assigned Weapon Skill, Energy Weapons get the Digital Zoom while others get the normal.


    Assuming you have that mod or some derivative, it would seem you have to set the weapon's skill to Energy Weapon.


    Hope this helps!



  6. fredbob392 - Hello!


    If you installed with a mod manager you can just deactivate your mods with that, no need to uninstall the whole Fallout installation.


    Untick & then deactivate in the Package Manager section.


    That will leave the mods still available while you decide what to keep.


    If you did not use a mod manager & really want a clean start then, as you said, nuinstalling Fallout 3 & deleting any mods left in your Data folder will give you a fresh start.


    Mods can be left behind after uninstalling Fallout 3 so that deletion is best if you're going down that route.


    Remember to also delete your FALLOUT.ini after uninstalling & before reinstalling as that too can be left behind. It's in:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    Remember to apply any fixes to your new .ini like the multicore bug fix etc. when you reinstall.


    You may want to keep a copy of your old .ini so you can remind yourself of any tweaks you may have applied.


    Hope this helps!



  7. awesomelad777 - Hello!


    I think this can sometimes happen even with just the vanilla game.


    Been a while since I did the quest (& I had no trouble getting in) but I think you have to speak to

    Mayor MacCready rather than opening the gate yourself.


    There are a few bugs listed with Mayor MacCready opening the gate along with the work arounds here:




    It's listed under "Bugs".


    There's some console command fixes there that may help.


    There's also a walkthrough for the quest here:




    Hope this helps!



  8. krlovins - Hello!


    "it crashes before i get the to the main title screen."


    Modded Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always due to a missing master, in other words a plugin is missing another that it needs to work.


    If you open your mod manager you can left click on each mod & a list of their masters will be displayed at the bottom. You MUST have those masters in your load order for that plugin to work.


    A very common mistake is to use patches without having the actual mod they were made for.


    In your case you've got:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp


    Which is a patch for using MMM, FWE & Project Beauty but you don't have Project Beauty so it will crash your game on startup.


    Unitck & remove it to stop those startup crashes.


    By the way, you also need to untick & remove these:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp


    As they are included in the Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp patch that you have.


    That should leave your MMM plugins thus:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esm (fine where it is)


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp


    Hope this helps!



  9. SprocketSpring - Hello!


    Sounds like a classic archive invalidation issue.


    If you've not taken care of archive invalidation, new mod added textures won't show up properly.


    To fix it, either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  10. OndyTHX - Hello!


    Looks like the Type 3 Body:




    That not only has the new body but it also comes with the option of two different face styles that have a more make up/model look. You can also choose to use the default face.


    Those choices are built into the installer that's available there & can be easily selected.


    The hair looks custom too, a great collection of the most popular hair packs can be found here:


    A Good Hair Day




    That combination should allow you to set up your character like those pictures.


    Hope this helps!



  11. Crystalking52 - Hello!


    "using Update Facegen Model Availability caused my golden sunglasses to not be worn properly by the character (they floated sideways off of his head)."


    That happens if you do the Update Facegen Model Availability without the .egm in place or incorrectly named.


    Update Facegen Model Availability must be done AFTER the .egm is placed.


    The .egm must have the exact name of the .nif model it is for.


    The .egm you use must be from the same model you used as a base.


    Your model must have no mesh changes to the original (new textures are fine).


    "I noticed in the Fallout edit file (FO3edit.exe) that all hats and eyeglasses had been added to my mod with slight changes and when I attempted to remove them, it corrupted my entire ESP file. "


    That's normal, you generally remove all headgear that gets added that is not part of your mod as part of the normal "cleaning" of your mod.


    I don't know why it would be corrupted removing it though.


    "Praise be to the Lord though since I had a backup."


    Aleays make a backup before editing in FO3Edit. :)


    Worth noting that GECK also makes backup copies of your .esp in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Backup


    " Thanks again for all of your help though! "


    Happy to have helped! :)



  12. Crystalking52 - Hello!


    "That did the trick, my sunglasses now properly use the textures."


    Great! :)


    "Not quite sure what happened with the corners"


    Ah, I take it you made them new items & not a replacer?


    When you do that with hats or glasses you have to do a few special things as those items need to change shape to match different characters sized/shaped heads.


    Unpack the matching .egm for the model you used (If it was shades.nif then it's shades.egm) from Fallout 3 - meshes.bsa.


    Rename the .egm to whatever your new model is called, example:




    Then the .egm should be:




    & place the .egm in the same folder with your model.


    Now in GECK go to the top & in Character select "Update Facegen Model Availability".


    Then save you mod.


    Your new gold glasses will fit properly now.


    In the second quick example pic I posted above I used the tortoiseshell glasses .egm for speed & if you look closely the shape is a little off, here's the glasses after using the correct & renamed .egm looking as they should:




    Just to show the difference it makes.


    I gave them a slightly pitted look as if they've been in a few sandstorms during their post apocalypse lifetime. :)



  13. OndyTHX - Hello!


    I'm sorry, I'm not entirely clear what you're looking for.


    Sounds like you might be after a female face replacer so I'll list some:


    Josef Greys Makeup Face Retexture - PLAYER ONLY VARIANT




    Alternate Female Face




    Retextured Female Face




    Face by Yoshikinakota




    Josef Greys Makeup Face Retexture




    If you meant something else try another wording. :)


    Hope this helps!



  14. WastelandLoner - Hello!


    "it seems it was caused by the streetlights mod, for some reason this must be before BS in the load order."


    Yes, Streetlights makes some changes around the water near there & if it's not loaded above the Broken Steel DLC a small patch of water will remain polluted.


    It's only noticable once you've fixed Project Purity.



  15. Radeonn - Hello!


    Crash on startup of modded Fallout 3 is almost always due to a missing master, in other words you're using an .esp without another file that it needs.


    In your mod manager you can left click on each of the plugins & their Masters will be listed at the bottom.


    You must have all the masters listed or else using that plugin will crash the game on start up.


    For example if one of those mods require CALIBR & you do not have it the game will crash on start up.


    If you still can't track down the cause, turn off your mods one at a time checking between each to see when the game stops crashing on startup. That way you can find the culprit & check it's documentation for it's requirements.


    Hope this helps!



  16. Crystalking52 - Hello!


    Oh sorry! I misunderstood & thought you meant the tinted tortoise shell glasses. :)


    You mean the Shades.nif, that model is using Vertex Colors which override colors in the diffuse texture.


    If you go to the model's NiTriStripsData & left click on it so the details are displayed at the bottom in Block Details.


    In there find "Vertex Colors", expanding that & you'll see a list of dial settings (like the ones used to set Emissive & Specular).


    If you click on one of those you can change the dial to whatever color you want, when done you will see the corresponding section of the glasses change.


    Each section has to be changed (rather tedious :) ).


    Alternatively, you could do away with Vertex Colors completely & use the colors in your new Gold texture.


    To do that set the texture path to your new one as normal & go to NiTriStripsData as before. This time find "Has Vertex Colors" & click on the yes so that it changes to no, remember to save the changes.


    You'll note that, with Has Vertex Colors set to no, your new texture is showing up properly now.


    Hope this helps!



    Example is using a gold texture with no Vertex Colors.



  17. Crystalking52 - Hello!


    I just threw together a quick gold retexture of those glasses to check & it all worked perfectly.


    Can you see your new texture showing up in Nifskope?


    Or is it just in game that it does not show up?


    Have you remembered to change the Texture path in your version of the model so that it points to your new gold texture?


    All I did was modify the vanilla texture:




    ...with a quick gold overlay, making sure that the lens part had transparency.


    Save your new gold texture as a DXT5 so as to preserve the transparent lenses.


    No need to mess with the .em or the normal map, unless you're making a really textured frame or scratched lenses.




    Hope this helps!



  18. 888mikem888 - Hello!


    "You know, like scary mods. I've searched but had no luck. Any one by chance know of any?"


    Here's a few Horror themed things, including some I have not tried:


    Re-imagines Super Mutants as more horror film style.


    FEV Horror SuperMutants by SkarmonyX




    This has an H.P. Lovecraft meets Evil Dead vibe going on complete with skeleton undead:


    Dunwich Expansion - The Necronomicon Ex Mortis by SatanabusJones




    For those wanting that Jason Voorhees look, :) Rivens Full Face Hockey Mask:




    Freddy Krueger in Fallout:


    A Wasteland Nightmare Freddy Quest and Companion Mod by Riven1978




    A horror themed quest:


    Devoured in Darkness by Kentington




    Going to Advanced Search (down at the bottom of the Nexus) & typing:




    Into the "Description contains" field will bring up a few other things too.


    Hope this helps!



  19. cuzalino - Hello!


    M48A5 is correct, you need to patch FWE & MMM for the best results.


    The standard would be the MMM/FWE patches from FOIP:




    As to the saves issue, that's quite odd I've not seen saves being deleted before.


    Are your saves ending up where they should:


    C:\Users\LFW\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves


    You've not activated/deactivated Games for Windows live? As depending on whether you use that or not saves will be located in a Games for windows folder within that save folder.


    Another idea is that something is redirecting the saves, Win7 is sometimes touchy with it's UAC & only pretends to save things to a certain location & really saves them to another secure location.


    Make sure Fallout 3 is being run with the proper security clearance. Try running Fallout 3 as administrator & see if you can save over old saves without them disappearing.


    I have on occasion heard of virus protection software blocking games from making saves (they see it as program making unauthorised changes). Often such programs can be set to allow the games freedom to make saves by being added to a trusted list.


    If none of that brings any joy you could try using CASM:




    Many people who suffer from save corruptions find that useful & it may help you with your disappearing saves.


    Hope this helps!



  20. Aanikron - Hello!


    "The FO3Edit training manual makes it sound like master-update is always a good idea to reduce conflicts and generally improve stability."


    There was a time when Master update was thought of as a cure all that would fix anything but it's a little more complex than that.


    " I have gotten the impression from various forum posts that some mods may not like being master-updated."


    Many mods are actually messed up by being Master updated, the Unofficial Fallout 3 Broken Steel Patch for instance. Master updating that leads to a particularly odd bug of clutter items in the Taft tunnel bunching up on you & blocking passage there.


    I've seen other mods exhibit simillar problems when flagged as masters in this way.


    There are a few bugs inherent in using .esp's for mods rather than .esm's & in the early days of Fallout 3 modding these where not entirely understood.


    Navmeshes in .esp's can be messed up when leaving & re-entering.


    Most famously is that NPC's head & bodys will be mismatched if set in an .esp.


    Now that those problems have been identified, most newer mods use .esm's when needed to get around these issues. There is a difference between simply flagging a file an .esm & making it a proper .esm (generation of ONAM subrecords for instance).


    So you don't normally need to use Master Update on newer mods.


    "Which kinds of mods should and which shouldn't be master-updated before playing? "


    I only use it on a few older NPC adding mods to fix the above mentioned body mismatch & only on those select mods. As long as you untick any mod in your load order you don't want Master updating it can be a safe solution in those cases.


    So I'd say only use Master update if you have reason, like the above mentioned issues. Don't use it on everything in the hopes it will magically cure all ills as it can create more. :)


    Hope this helps!



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