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Posts posted by prensa

  1. R216 - Hello!


    Really does sound like the Fallout 3 multi core bug & I see you're using a Quad Core.


    Does the game freeze mainly in small interiors, locking up & then CTDing?


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    You say you've applied the fix, are you sure you changed the correct .ini?


    You need to edit the right Fallout 3 .ini file, NOT the Fallout_default.ini in your Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3 folder.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    By the way, I don't use FWE but from the FOIP readme for the FWE/MMM patch:


    "The Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp automatically includes ALL optional MMM addons, including the in-game menu, except for the DLC plugins."


    & the load order example at the bottom of this page:



    So you don't need:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    It's job seems to be done by Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp.


    Hope this helps!



  2. Thingamajig - Hello!


    Yes, it's a known bug.


    Most notable when using Streetlights but it also occurs in a few vanilla locations too.


    It's been mentioned on the Streetlights board a few times & is assumed to be an engine bug.


    It's not happening everywhere right? Just a few places? Seems to affect rough ground, areas where the light is broken by an object & dependent on angle of viewing.


    If it is as I described, I don't find it too bothersome. It only affects a few areas & the coolness of having nightime lights far outways it. :)


    Hope this helps!



  3. Djaidam & rockblock51 - Hello!


    Are you both running on Vista or Win7?


    Both Vista or Win7 have a redirection feature when saving to the program files.


    You need to run as administrator to get around it.


    If you look in your Fallout folder you should see a heading - "Compatability Files" near the top under the address bar. Click on that & it will show you any files Windows has hidden.


    If you see your Merged Patch in there, cut & paste it into the real Fallout 3 - Data folder.


    You can get around it by right clicking on FO3Edit & select "Run as administrator"


    This should allow you to save the merged patch to your Fallout folder.


    Hope this helps!



  4. michaelrm1256 - Hello!


    "As I already stated, NON MODDED."


    I never suggested you were using mods.... :)


    The quest "Not of this World" is the one you need to start Mothership Zeta.


    It turns up as soon as you hit the wasteland from vault 101.


    If it's not in your quest list & you have installed Mothership Zeta, then there's something wrong.


    That combined with not having the radio signals for Anchorage & The Pitt point to the DLC content not being installed.


    Do you have the quests - Into the Pitt (The Pitt) or Aiding the Outcasts (Anchorage)?


    With FOMM you could have checked at a glance.


    FOMM is handy even if you don't use mods, it's got other tools including a windows live workaround. Plus the Data files handler that comes with vanilla Fallout 3 is very poor.


    If you don't want to use FOMM, are the DLCs listed in your vanilla Fallout Data Files in the Fallout 3 launcher?


    If they are listed in that, are they ticked?


    If they are there & ticked, untick them. Load your game, save & exit. Now tick them & reload & see if the quests show up.


    Another way to check they've installed properly is to go to your:


    Fallout 3\Data


    Can you find these files in there:


    Zeta - Main.bsa

    Zeta - Sounds



    If we can establish that the DLCs are definitely installed it would be a starting point.


    If the mods are there & ticked, what happens if you type this into the console in game:


    setstage 05000802 10


    Open the console by pressing the key under Esc.


    I'm having to assume your Zeta is 05, that's based on the assumption you have installed all 5 DLCs.


    If you had FOMM you could check your Zeta's mod index number there (they vary depending on load order).


    Does a message show up, & if so what does it say?


    Hope this helps!



  5. michaelrm1256 - Hello!


    "If read that the DLCs are tricky to get working, that they were botched. I dont know if the same bad files that went into the DLCs went on the GOTY DVDs or not."


    I've got Fallout 3 GOTY on disc & it works fine. The DLCs also work great too. That's the real bonus of waiting for GOTY versions, most of the serious bugs are ironed out by then. :)


    It's also already the latest version so it does not need patching.


    "BTW operation Anchorage radio signal never came up niether did the Pitt's one either."


    Are you sure you've got the DLC's installed? As it sounds like it was a struggle to install & it should have been pretty smooth & quick.


    Do you have the quest "Not of this World" listed in your quests menu?


    As it sound like you are at the vanilla Fallout 3 Alien crash site (it appears in the game even without Mothership Zeta installed).


    Are you using Fallout mod manager (FOMM)?




    If so, check that to see if Zeta.esm, Anchorage.esm & ThePitt.esm & other DLCs are listed & ticked.


    Also make sure your load order is:









    Hope this helps!



  6. kikklez - Hello!


    Like bethjunkie says, the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp has a bug that causes CTDs when saves & autosaves are made around Rivet City.


    There can still be problems even with that fixed version.


    I posted a complete fix using FO3Edit for it in the Discussion section of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch:




    Look for:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


    Hope this helps!



  7. scarecrowsuperman - Hello!


    I assume you mean this mod:




    MTUI does not have an .esm or .esp file so they won't show up in your load order.


    MTUI just consists of a Menus & Textures folder & it's changes are fairly subtle.


    If you want to double check it's installed properly, go to your:


    Fallout 3 - Data - Textures


    & there should be an MTUI folder in there.


    Go to your:


    Fallout 3 - Data - Menus


    There should be dialog, main & options folders plus a couple of .xml files.


    Make sure you toggle Archive Invalidation on in FOMM or else it's new textures won't show up.


    As for FOMM, if you can see your Fallout3.esm, Anchorage.esm, BrokenSteel.esm etc. in FOMM when you run it then it's found your Fallout 3 Data folder & all should be well. :)


    Hope this helps!



  8. GreatDestroyer - Hello!


    The save - autosave.fos.bak is a backup version, I think it's the last autosave before the one that was just written.


    If in need you can remove the .bak & have a funcitonal autosave.fos.


    That's perfectly normal.


    Saves that end in .fos.tmp, I believe, are saves that have been interrupted.


    The game makes a .tmp as it's trying to save & if all goes well it removes the .tmp after it's done.


    Delete the .tmp files. Or if you want to play safe place them in a temproary folder out the way.


    Try making a clean save of your game, go into you Megaton or Tenpenny house & wait 4 game days.


    Exit the Fallout 3, turn off all your mods, go back to Fallout 3 & reload.


    Save your game again & exit Fallout 3.


    Turn all your mods back on & continue with the last save you made.


    Sometimes this can sort things out.


    Try out CASM as soon as possible as it seems to help people with saving issues.


    Question, do you only get the crash on saving/loading in certain areas?


    If it is area specific, where?


    "Also, are there any tips on ways of checking the mods for errors/conflicts? Because I've tried loading them sequentially (+1 each time) and individually (only 1 each time), and neither seems to show me what's causing this."


    FO3Edit is the best tool to look for mod conflicts but unless the saving/loading is area specific it would be hard to know what exactly to look for.


    Culprits in causing CTD problems are any mod that deletes or removes something from an area in Fallout 3. Fallout 3 can be very sensitive about certain things being removed.


    That was what was at the heart of the bug in Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, it had disabled some radioactive dust clouds near Rivet City & for some reason Fallout 3 threw a fit about that.


    You could check your mods for red higlights in the Cells & Worldspace headings in FO3Edit.


    But I would have thought if it was a mod you'd have found out when turning them off one at a time.


    Hope this helps!



  9. Tankus910 - Hello!


    Have you set bInvalidateOlderFiles= to 1?


    You need to edit your .ini, the one you want to change is in:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    & change this line:








    Are you running Vista or Win7?


    If so go to your Fallout 3 - Data folder, are there any padlock symbols on the folders or files within?


    If so, drag the affected folders/files onto your desktop & move them back again (ensuring you put them back EXACTLY where you got them).


    "but neither Project Beauty or Fellout work on there own either."


    Do Project Beauty & Fellout work if you just use Project beauty.esm & Fellout Full.esp with NONE of the their DLC plugins?


    If it's just when their plugins (PB Broken Steel.esp, Fellout Anchorage.esp etc) are ticked that

    you have trouble, check your Fallout 3\Data folder.


    Are files like:


    Anchorage - Main.bsa

    Anchorage - Sounds.bsa



    BrokenSteel - Main.bsa

    BrokenSteel - Sounds.bsa



    & the same sort of files for the other DLCs in there?


    If they are not there I know Games for Windows Live can hide them & place them in a different folder, moving those files I mention above into the Fallout data folder can fix it.


    I'm not sure about a Steam set up though. I've never used Steam.


    Hope this helps!






    BlackRampage - Hello!


    "By the way: What is MTUI?"





    It's sort of a DarnUI lite, adjusting some fonts & displays without being quite as major an overhaul as Darn.



  10. GreatDestroyer - Hello!


    "I do have a multi-core CPU, but it's only a dual-core, would the edits required be the same?"


    Exactly the same:


    Change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Refer to my other post about getting the right .ini because editing the wrong .ini will have no affect on the game.


    My old dual core was fine but other dual core users have had problems.


    My new quad core was really affected & that's when I had to use it.


    It's worth trying as it could fix the problem & at worst, if it does nothing for you, you can just change your .ini back again by reseting the one line & removing the one you added (iNumHWThreads=2).


    CASM seems to help people with the saving troubles so is worth trying.


    "Running FO3 just vanilla seems to fix the problem, or at least delay it."


    If you still get it without mods I would definitely try that .ini fix.


    Do you get frame skipping at all? Not so much the stuttering that you can get when loading a busy are but more like a film with missing frames?


    Fallout 3 on my quad core is affected by this & I fixed it with this excellent mod:




    I'd recommend FSR_4-0-7 as that's the one I've used the most & had the best results.


    It does require FOSE:




    I would try that .ini fix first though as that may be all you need.


    "part of my game appears to be in a foreign language (French?). The only bit that appears in this language are the 'area names' that pop up when you're looking at a door. Everything else is still in English."


    Like BlackRampage said it happens when mods are made with other language versions of Fallout 3.


    It won't actually break anything, though it can be annoying.


    It's easily fixed in FO3Edit by dragging the original place name over from Fallout3.esm into the other language version in the offending mod.


    I once had to do that to multiple entries in a german mod.


    Hope this helps!



  11. Sxano - Hello!


    Where is your BrokenSteel.esm?


    I can't see it in that load order you've posted, have you got it ticked?


    Also, nothing to do with your Broken Steel problems, what version of Apocalypse Armory are you running?


    As only old versions used just an .esm, the latest Apocalypse Armory 1.93 uses an Apocalypse Armory.esm AND an Apocalypse Armory.esp.


    If you are using Apocalypse Armory 1.93 without the Apocalypse Armory.esp few if any weapons will show up in the wasteland as the .esp is what places them into the hands of the various factions.


    For detailed Apocalypse Armory installation instructions look here:




    Is that your complete load order?


    Because I also notice that MMM does not have any of it's .esp files.


    Hope this helps!



  12. pheonixstar - Hello!


    "I have been using the BOSS autosort in FOMM"


    If you're using Old FOMM can you still update the BOSS list, I think it crashes FOMM.


    If that's the case, just use BOSS, it can be easily updated:




    Mart's Master Menu should go at the bottom of those MMM plugins.


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    "though I miss bullet time and sniper rifles hitting exactly what was in the cross hair from FWE."


    Like BlackRampage says, there are several sniper correction mods on the Nexus.


    The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch has a simple but effective fix for the scope crosshairs too.


    Hope this helps!



  13. GreatDestroyer - Hello!


    Most of your mods are clothing ones & you wouldn't expect much trouble from those.


    I notice the Weight.esp comes before other .esm files, that's normally a no no.


    I don't know what mod Weight.esp is, were you advised to put it there?


    You could use BOSS to help with load orders:




    Once you install BOSS & it is run, it will autosort your mods.


    "Also a new problem has cropped up. After my last save (in Lesko's Lab) I have been unable to save, as that will also cause the game to crash."


    Try blowing yourself up with a grenade or Fatman, wait for the auto reload & then save.


    Some people have trouble with the Fallout 3 saves & use CASM:




    I've never had that trouble so I've never used CASM but others swear by it.


    Are you running Fallout 3 on a multi core?


    Is your game sort of freezing before the CTD?


    If so, it could be the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    You need to edit your .ini, the one you want to change is in:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    If you still get the CTD issues after that, try just Fallout 3 & the DLCs.


    If you don't get the CTD problem with vanilla Fallout it must be caused by a mod so use that troubleshooting method I mentioned in the first post to track the culprit.


    By the way, that's a lot of individual clothing mods, you may want to combine their .esp files into one big clothing .esp to ease loading & save your mod slots (there is a limited number of mods that Fallout 3 can use).


    You can use FO3 Plugin Utility to merge those plugins:




    - Run FO3 Plugin Utility.

    - Go to - File - Open & select the first plugin you want to merge.

    - Go to - File - Merge Plugins & select the second plugin you want to merge.

    - Go to - File - Save As & name your new merged plugin.


    A really easy way to cut down on the number of mod files you have.


    I'd only recommend merging simple plugins like the clothing ones & only once you've made sure none of them are the culprits for your CTD issues.


    Hope this Helps!



  14. CliffordConan - Hello!


    The exclamation marks mean missing meshes, most likely cause by not placing the files correctly (or see the "padlock" issue below if you use Vista or Win7).


    "objects which flicker between textures. This includes stuff like the chairs in my upgraded megaton house and weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. In addition there is no icon for any of the new weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. "


    This sounds like a classic Archive invalidation issue.


    Toggle Archive invalidation off then back on again in FOMM, sometimes that's all it takes.


    If this does not help, check your


    Fallout 3\Data\Textures


    In there should be a folder called:




    & it should be about 952 MB (998,609,974 bytes) in size.


    If it's not that big, you are missing something!


    Apocalypse Armoury has very detailed installation instructions here:




    Also, if you are using Vista or Win7, make sure that the files & folders in:


    Fallout 3\Data\


    Don't have any padlock symbols on them.


    If they do have padlocks, drag the affected files/folders onto your desktop & move them back again.


    Hope this helps!



  15. GreatDestroyer - Hello!


    Make sure that:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp


    Is fixed as it has a bug that can cause CTDs, normally around Rivet City.


    I posted a simple fix using FO3Edit for that in the Discussion section of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch:




    Look for:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


    Are you using the latest version of Apocalypse Armory, 1.93 Beta?


    To check, open up FOMM & left click on Apocalypse Armory.esm & make sure it says 1.93 Beta down at the bottom of FOMM.


    Do the same for Apocalypse Armory.esp, if either say 1.9, 1.91 or anything other than 1.93 you've got the old files in still.


    In that case drop the new Apocalypse Armory.esm & Apocalypse Armory.esp from V193_UPDATE into your data folder, saying yes to overwrites.


    Note that only the Apocalypse Armory.esm & Apocalypse Armory.esp will say 1.93 Beta. The Apocalypse Armory patches will still say 1.9, that's perfectly normal.


    You can grab the update in the files section here:




    Do the CTDs happen when you just run Fallout 3 & the DLCs with no mods?


    If you haven't tried without mods do so.


    If you don't get the CTD problem with your mods turned off, it points to one of them being the cause or at least clashing with another.


    If that's the case turn your mods back on one at a time, checking between each to see if the game still runs fine.


    As soon as you hit the CTDs again you'll know which mod is the culprit.


    Hope this helps!



  16. pheonixstar - Hello!


    "I have been playing today and my game is fairly stable. I have only had about 3 crashes in 6 hours of play."


    We're getting there! :)


    Quicksilverva is correct, you don't need the individual files if you use DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm.


    You had it right in the original load order. :)


    Untick & remove:







    The only file you should use with the DCInteriors combo is:


    DCInteriors_Collectables v1.1


    As long as you have all 5 of the official DLCs.


    It's an OPTIONAL file that adds some content from the DLCs into the DCinteriors.


    DCInteriors is a fantastic mod, one of my all time favourites.


    As I said before, I don't use FOOK2 but I think some of your FOOK2 load order might be slightly off.


    I found this FOOK2/MMM load order at the official FOOK2 site:




    You could also use BOSS to help with load orders:


    BOSS for FO3 - Better Oblivion Sorting Software for Fallout



    Hope this helps!



  17. adouglas4312 - Hello!


    "i go to launch Fallout through FOMM and FOSE it instantly says that it stopped working"


    Fallout 3 crashing on startup almost always means you're missing a master file, in other words one of your plugins is missing a file it needs to work.


    I don't know what the Clint-M1014 mod is but if you got rid of it did you also get rid of:




    As it sounds like it relys on Clint-M1014.


    If that's not the cause, open FOMM & left click on the first of your mods, after Fallout3.esm & the DLCs.


    At the bottom of FOMM will now be listed it's Masters, the files that mod MUST have in your load order.


    For example if you clicked on Apocalypse Armory.esp it would list:



    Apocalypse Armory.esm


    As it's masters.


    Go down each mod (if you start at the first mod you can just press the down cursor key to move through them) & make sure you have all that it needs.


    Also, when you run BOSS, it often has comments next to the mods in the page that opens up. Pay attention to any warnings that may give you.


    If you still have trouble after that, post your load order on here & I'll take a look.


    Hope this helps!



  18. Commander19 - Hello!


    I'm sorry, I've only ever edited scripts & made very basic tweaks.


    There is an informative guide here:




    & of course the GECK guide on scripting:




    & maybe you could post the question in Fallout Mod Talk:




    There may be someone there with more knowledge on scripting.


    Sorry I couldn't be of more help!



  19. pheonixstar - Hello!


    "Could the fact that I played on a bad GPU have corrupted my saves somehow?"


    I would have to say that's very unlikely. Save corruption normally happens because of bad saving to the hard drive or corruption of the data in memory at the time of saving.


    A different GPU should have no effect. I've moved Fallout & Oblivion saves over from one dual core computer to another quad core & played them just fine.


    If you're getting crashes in other places not just Arefu & you say you've done the .ini multi core tweak?


    Did you edit the right .ini, because people often get the wrong .ini & that will not work.


    You need to edit the one in:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    If you have edited the right .ini then BlackRampage's advice:


    "As for the Arefu stuff: Have you tried disabling all your mods then try going to Arefu?


    If it doesn't crash, you'll know it's caused by one of your mods (or 2 mods having a conflict).


    After that, try re-enabling your mods one at a time. Each time you enable another mod you check in-game if the game crashes when you go to Arefu."


    Is exactly the advice I'd give, it's a very effective way to troubleshoot & find out which if any mods are causing trouble.


    If Fallout works fine without mods, you know then & there that your trouble is from a mod.


    "Is FOOK2 generally considered more stable than FWE?"


    I don't use either so I can't say from experience (Mart's has always been enough for me) but plenty of people run them fine, it just takes that bit more wrangling to get them playing nice with your other mods. :)


    I also just spotted something else in your load order:








    You've not got all of those ticked have you?


    You only need one, choose the one you use based on how many of the song packs you have.


    I got all 100 so I use GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp.


    Whichever you choose, untick & delete the others.


    Hope this helps!



  20. adouglas4312 - Hello!


    Fallout3.esm should always come first! :)


    I take it you're using Fallout Mod Manager to move your load order about, it's best:




    Your two Apocalypse Armory .esp files should be swapped around like this:


    Apocalypse Armory.esp

    Apocalypse Armory - Optional Historical Names.esp


    I see you use CALIBR, xCALIBR & Apocalypse Armory, Apocalypse Armory has CALIBR & xCALIBR patches:


    Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp

    Apocalypse Armory - xCALIBR.esp


    Using those will bring all of the Apocalypse Armory weapons into line with CALIBR & xCALIBR.


    There is also an Apocalypse Armory / Weapon Mod Kits patch too, it does not allow AA weapons to be modded but it does allow the two mods to work better together:


    Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp


    They are all in:




    In the File section here:




    You've got some mods I don't use but BOSS would be able to sort those for you:


    BOSS for FO3 - Better Oblivion Sorting Software for Fallout (BOSS)




    Once you install that you can run it & it will autosort your plugins based on a frequently updated list.


    If you add those Apocalypse Armory CALIB, xCALIBR & WMK patches, your load order would be something like this:











    Apocalypse Armory.esm



    _____________.esp files__________________














    Apocalypse Armory.esp

    Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp

    Apocalypse Armory - xCALIBR.esp

    Apocalypse Armory - Optional Historical Names.esp

    Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp


    You'll need BOSS to help you with the ones I don't know.


    Hope this helps!



  21. ianwianpian - Hello!


    "now im having a problem with FO3edit. i made a copy of FO3edit and renamed it "FO3MasterUpdate.exe" but it wont run in master update mode. "


    Did you literally rename it:




    Including the .exe at the end?


    Because Windows is set to hide recognised extensions so the .exe should be hidden. If you included the .exe when you renamed it you may have a file that is called:




    & thus will not work.


    You can check by right clicking on it & selecting Properties. In the window that comes up, next to the picture of it's icon, ensure it says:




    & NOT:




    It's a common mistake.


    Hope this helps!



  22. pheonixstar - Hello!


    I don't know if this will help the Arefu problem but I do have a couple of suggestions.


    I don't use FWE so I'm not an expert on it but the Foip MMM/FWE Readme says:


    "- The Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp automatically includes ALL optional MMM addons, including the in-game menu, except for the DLC plugins. Do NOT use ANY of the following plugins:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No DLC Increased Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Size Scaling.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Skeleton Decay.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Reduced Wasteland Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp"


    & the load order given at the bottom of the page here:




    So that means you need to untick & remove the following:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    Leaving behind:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp


    Just leave the Mart's Mutant Mod.esm the way it is, that's fine.


    Don't forget to remake your Merged Patch afterwards.


    Make sure that:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp


    Is fixed as it has a bug that can cause CTDs, though that's normally around Rivet City.


    I posted a simple fix using FO3Edit for that in the Discussion section of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.


    Look for:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


    Are you using the latest version of Apocalypse Armory, 1.93 Beta?


    To check, open up FOMM & left click on Apocalypse Armory.esm & make sure it says 1.93 Beta down at the bottom of FOMM.


    Do the same for Apocalypse Armory.esp, if either say 1.9, 1.91 or anything other than 1.93 you've got the old files in still.


    In that case drop the new Apocalypse Armory.esm & Apocalypse Armory.esp from V193_UPDATE into your data folder, saying yes to overwrites.


    Note that only the Apocalypse Armory.esm & Apocalypse Armory.esp will say 1.93 Beta. The Apocalypse Armory patches will still say 1.9, that's perfectly normal.


    You can grab the update in the files section here:




    Hope this helps!



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