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Posts posted by prensa

  1. grant290186 - Hello!


    If you go to your Fallout 3\Data folder, can you see the CRAFT.esm?


    Can you see any of the .esm files you've installed in your Fallout 3\Data folder?


    If you can't see any & you're certain you've put the .esm files into your data folder, what operating system are you running?


    If it's Vista or Win7 is Fallout 3 in Program files?


    If that applies, check your Fallout 3 Data folder for a "Compatibility files" button just above the contents & below the address bar. If it's there, click on it & if your .esm files are within, move them to your Fallout 3\Data folder proper.


    If the .esm files are in your data folder, check to see if they have padlocks on them. If they do have padlocks, move them onto the desktop & back EXACTLY where they came from. That should remove the padlock symbol & allow them to work properly.


    Hope this helps!



  2. Meathos - Hello!


    "but since i ditched Apocalypse Armory"


    Apocalypse Armory works great! The only serious trouble that can happen with Apocalypse Armory is if you install with V191_BETA_COMPLETE & don't heed the warning to use the V193_UPDATE with it.


    If you use V191_BETA_COMPLETE, you MUST use the V191_BETA_COMPLETE.


    There are detailed installation instructions for that here:




    Plus an FAQ for common troubles with it here:




    As for your load order, there are a few problems.


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    Are all included in the Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp so untick & delete them.


    That should leave that part of your load order something like this:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp


    Your Mart's Mutant Mod.esm is in the correct place so leave that alone.


    There's a load order example listed here:




    I'm just a little sketchy as to the placement of:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp


    As it's not listed. Checking it out in FO3Plugin Utility seems to point to it simply being a patch to the main Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp so I've placed it accordingly.


    No doubt BOSS:




    Would know for sure, that program is a handy autosort utility that is very good for sorting complex load orders.


    Don't forget to remake your Merged Patch afterwards.


    Hope this helps!



  3. GoldenSama - Hello!


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp has a bug that causes crashing around Rivet city/Project Purity during saves (including autosaves on exiting doors).


    I posted instructions for the fix using FO3Edit in the the Discussion section:




    Look for:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


    Hope this helps!



  4. falloutperson416 - Hello!


    I answered your PM but I thought I'd also post it here too in case it helps!


    Almost certainly caused by a mod.


    My suspicion would be the Destruction mod.


    Have you got the two hotfixes under Updates:




    Destruction V6-1 - HOTFIX


    Destruction V6-1 - Mesh Fix


    They MUST be installed AFTER either the FOMOD or manual installation.


    They even say "Should fix errors within metros" & "Fix incase you have missing meshes or textures because of this mod" so it sounds like a very likely candidate for you troubles!


    If that turns out not to be the culprit, you'll have to do a bit of detective work.


    Untick your mods one at a time, checking in between to see if the tables & metro are back to normal. That way you'll be able to isolate the culprit.


    You can narrow down your search for the mod causing it with FO3Edit:




    Open FO3Edit & let it load up your mods, in the Editor ID box at the top (NOT the FormID one) copy & paste in:




    There'll be a slight pause, when it's done FO3Edit will have located Table01 & will present it's detailes on the right.


    Unde the details on the right, at the bottom click on the "Referenced By" button.


    This will display all the mods making changes or use of Table01 & thus will give you some ideas of what mods to swap out first.


    Hope this helps!



  5. davidline - Hello!


    "Well, I was soooo happy at one point that it was running, and it ran for 2 straight hours no problem, so I exited"


    Well, at least that's a step in the right direction! :)


    "Anyhow, should I continue adding more codecs and see if it works"


    If you mean downloading more codec packs I'd say no. While it's possible more codec could help, they could also clutter up things. You got it to work once.


    You say you installed the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch? If you're using the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp that needs to have a bug fixed or else it causes CTD's at & around Rivet City.


    I posted a fix using FO3Edit in the Discussion section here:




    Look for:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


    Also bear in mind Unofficial Fallout 3 DLC Patches need the DLC's to be in your Fallout 3 data folder:


    "-The Unofficial DLC Patches will ONLY work if the DLC's are in your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder otherwise using them will crash your game. If you want to move the DLC's out of G4WL then simply do a file seach in your "C:\Documents and Settings" for *.esm" (make sure the option "Search hidden files and folders" is checked) once found simply cut and paste them into your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder and enable them like any other plugin."


    "Back to square one, also I just noticed that my Fallout ini file in the steam folder is missing, strange..."


    I don't use Steam, is your .ini not in:


    Users\ YOUR NAME \Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    Like normal Fallout 3?


    "what do ye know, it freezes, again,"


    Is it locking up in game? Because that points to the multi core bug which should be fixed by applying that .ini tweak.


    Where does it freeze now? In game or right at the start?


    Does it go bak to working if you remove the DLC's & Unofficial Patch?


    Hope this helps!



  6. falloutperson416 - Hello!


    As well as BlackRampage's suggestions, if your crashing is at or near Rivet City then it may be your Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp.


    The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp has a bug that causes CTD's when saves & autosaves are made around Rivet City, particularly on that little area with seating across from the Jefferson Memorial.


    I posted a fix using FO3Edit for it in the Discussion section of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch:




    Look for:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


    Hope this helps!



  7. Pastulovic - Hello!


    Do you have ffdShow installed? It's used by many video & audio programs.


    If you do, go to your Start menu & find the ffdShow folder.


    Within that open the Audio decoder configuration, in that select the DirectShow Control.


    On the right you'll see "Don't use ffdShow", tick the box next to it.


    Now click on the Edit button beside it, another window will open.


    In the new window, if Fallout3.exe is not listed, click on add & navigate to where you've got Fallout installed & select the Fallout3.exe. Close all ffdShow by clicking on the OK.


    Do the same for Video decoder configuration in the ffdShow folder.


    Have you got AC3Filter installed? Again, lot of video, audio, burners, etc. use it.


    If you have got AC3Filter, go to your Start Menu - All Programs & find it's folder.


    Run AC3Filter Config in the Config window that comes up got to System.


    In System look for "Default Audio renderer". That has two settings, Use "Direct Sound by default" & "Use Wave Out by default".


    With my Creative card & Alchemy I have to use Direct Sound by default or else I get radio stutter.


    If I don't use Alchemy I have to use "Use Wave Out by default".


    Basically whichever one you see in use when you check it, change to the other setting & see if it fixes your problem.


    In the same System window is a "Filter Merit" heading with two settings, "Prefer AC3Filter" &

    Prefer other decoder".


    Again, changing this can help. Note, to change that particular setting on Win7 you have to first right click on AC3Filter Config & "Run as administrator" to call it up or else it won't allow it to be changed.


    Hope this helps!



  8. davidline - Hello!


    Have you got AC3Filter installed? A lot of video, audio, burners, etc. use it.


    It can cause radio stutter but has also been blamed for CTDs.


    If you have got AC3Filter, go to your Start Menu - All Programs & find it's folder.


    Run AC3Filter Config in the Config window that comes up got to System.


    In System look for "Default Audio renderer". That has two settings, Use "Direct Sound by default" & "Use Wave Out by default".


    With my Creative card & Alchemy I have to use Direct Sound by default or else I get radio stutter.


    If I don't use Alchemy I have to use "Use Wave Out by default".


    Basically whichever one you see in use when you check it, change to the other setting & see if it fixes your problem.


    In the same System window is a "Filter Merit" heading with two settings, "Prefer AC3Filter" &

    Prefer other decoder".


    Again, changing this can help. Note, to change that particular setting on Win7 you have to first right click on AC3Filter Config & "Run as administrator" to call it up or else it won't allow it to be changed.


    I know you said you used the .ini fix but just to double check, the .ini you want for Win7 is:


    Users\ YOUR NAME \Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want is called:




    Open it & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Since you're on Win7, is your Fallout 3 in program files?


    If it is, check your Fallout 3/Data folder for files/folders with little padlocks on. If you find any, move them onto the Desktop & back EXACTLY where they came from. This should remove the padlock & allow the files to work properly.


    The fact that your title music is sometimes missing tends to point to audio trouble. Make sure your audio drivers are up to date & suitable for your system.


    A handy program that allows you to easily enable/disable Codecs on your computer is:





    With a bit of trial & error, you may find a troublesome codec.


    Hope this helps!



  9. ianwianpian - Hello!


    "hey thanks for the help everybody i really appreciate it "


    You need to provide more information on your problem. Simply saying Fallout 3 crashes is very vague.


    Exact circumstances & locations if it's in a specific area, operating system being used & basic specs can really help.


    Posting your load order can give further clues, run Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) go to Load Order - Copy to clipboard & past it into your post here.


    People need something to work with in order to help.


    If the game is crashing in combat, are you using any mods that greatly increase the number of creatures/NPC's on screen? Combat is already intensive on your computer & increased opponents will only push it further.


    If the crashing started recently, have you added a new mod? If so untick it & see what happens.


    The most basic method, that is really good for tracking down a problem when running multiple mods is this:


    Turn off one mod at a time checking in between in gmae to see if the problem is still there. When you reach the point where the problem goes you will have identifiesd the mod responsible.


    It's a simple method but quite reliable.


    Hope this helps!



  10. frakle - Hello!


    "whenever i go outside i crash."


    Is it going outside anywhere?


    If it's just exiting Rivet City or fast travelling in that vicinity it could be:


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp


    Have you applied the fix to that with FO3Edit? I posted it in the Discussion section here:




    & remember to remake your Merged Patch afterwards.


    If the crashing is when you exit to the outside world anywhere then is it just being outside or is it the autosaving that happens when passing through doors that's causing the CTD.


    If you don't even get to see the outside world before it crashes, try turning off Save on travel in your Fallout 3 - Settings - Gameplay menu.


    If none of that helps, you're gonig to need to do some detective work.


    Untick your mods one at a time, checking between ingame to see if the issue is still there. That wasy you can identify the culprit.


    Hope this helps!



  11. GodEmpire - Hello!


    As far as I know, the general consensus is FOOK2 & FWE don't mix.


    The official FWE site says here:




    FOOK2 - Incompatible


    I think you have to have Fook2 OR FWE rather than both.


    As gor the game crashing at startup, that is almst always caused by a missing master.


    In other words, you are missing a file that one of your mods needs to run.


    If you run FOMM you can left click on your mods & a list of the masters for that mod will be displayed at the bottom of FOMM.


    Those masters MUST be in your load order or Fallout 3 will CTD before getting to the menu.


    Check all your plugins this way & ensure they have the required masters.


    You've got several warnings in that load order you've listed of missing files.


    By the way, you don't need the Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp. It's supposed to be replaced by the Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp that you have from FOIP.


    Hope this helps!



  12. Germangangsta - Hello!


    Have you got any mods that are changing NPC's faces?


    If so, untick them & see if that helps.


    If it's just Raiders added by Mart's Mutant Mod, you may need a patch for your face mod & it.


    Hope this helps!



  13. Selohos - Hello!


    BlackRampage's "Did you make a new merged patch afterwards?" is definitely something to remember after making any changes to your load order (even if it's just changing it's order).


    If you keep getting CTD's with your current mods, try turning off a mod at a time & see how you run. Keep doing this unitll the crashes stop & you'll have located the troublemaker.


    I see your on WinXP, make sure you applied that .ini fix to the correct .ini file.


    The one you want is in:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    & is called FALLOUT.ini NOT the one with Default in the name.


    Hope this helps!



  14. kingtitan - Hello!


    "Launched the game, crashed on partial loading. But, I did not give up hope"


    Never give up hope! Running Fallout 3 & mods is not for quiters! ;)


    "It appears to be working as it should now"


    Great! :)


    "I don't believe I have either one of those programs installed"


    You'd be surprised! Though you may not have installed AC3Filter & ffdShow directly, they come with & are needed by many audio, video, DVD authoring/editing etc. programs.


    Since you've got Win7 you can search for them at the bottom of your Start menu. Even if they don't cause CTD's they often cause radio stutter on songs.


    Still, if you don't get CTD's or radio stuttering, don't worry about changing their settings.


    "Ok, so I went ahead and edited the fallout_default.ini file with said variable"


    No, the Default .ini is just the backup copy of the vanilla .ini file & would only be used if you deleted the old one.


    Since you have Win7, your .ini should be in:


    C:\Users\ YOUR NAME \Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    Or go to Libraries - Documents - Fallout 3 Documents


    It will be called FALLOUT.ini, that's the one you need to put the multi core fix in.


    "what are some things I can do to at least help prevent crashing in the future?"


    If you plan on using mods grab Fallout mod manager (FOMM):




    Just get "Old FOMM" if you don't have New Vegas.


    FOMM will make your life using mods with Fallout 3 a lot easier.


    Hope this helps!



  15. Integrater - Hello!


    Glenstorm is quite correct:


    "Are you sure you need to enable all of the GalaxyNewsRadio esps? I'm not familiar with it myself but from the way its named, its almost certainly meant to be such that only one should be enabled at any point of time."


    You DEFINITELY only use one!


    It all depends on how many of the music packs you download. For example, I've got all packs - 100 songs so I use just:




    If you have 80 songs you would use just this one:




    & so on but only ever one.


    BlackRampage is right about the general order. Fallout3.esm in particular always goes first.


    Where it is at the moment it will be overriding almost all of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm.


    Don't forget to apply the FO3Edit fix to the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp or else you will get CTD's near Rivet city. The FO3Edit fix can be found in the Discussion section of Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch:




    StreetLights.esm goes before BrokenSteel.esm because otherwise, when project purity starts up, the new clean water clashes with an area StreetLights modifies & you get a strange patch of old murky water.


    Hope this helps!


    Edit, Hey you beat me to it, I'm getting slow.....



  16. kingtitan - Hello!


    "One thing i read said to run the setup.exe from the disc in compatibility mode but I have no idea if i should do this. "


    I never did that & I installed the GOTY version from disc onto a Win7 64 bit machine.


    I also installed it into the Default Program files & haven't had any trouble, though FOMM is good for working around pesky UAC trouble.


    A few of the common things to check:


    (1) - Do you have ffdShow installed? It's used by many video & audio programs.


    If you do, go to your Start menu & find the ffdShow folder.


    Within that open the Audio decoder configuration, in that select the DirectShow Control.


    On the right you'll see "Don't use ffdShow", tick the box next to it.


    Now click on the Edit button beside it, another window will open.


    In the new window, if Fallout3.exe is not listed, click on add & navigate to where you've got Fallout installed & select the Fallout3.exe. Close all ffdShow by clicking on the OK.


    Do the same for Video decoder configuration in the ffdShow folder.




    (2) - Have you got AC3Filter installed? A lot of video, audio, burners, etc. use it.


    It can cause radio stutter but has also been blamed for CTDs.


    If you have got AC3Filter, go to your Start Menu - All Programs & find it's folder.


    Run AC3Filter Config in the Config window that comes up got to System.


    In System look for "Default Audio renderer". That has two settings, Use "Direct Sound by default" & "Use Wave Out by default".


    With my Creative card & Alchemy I have to use Direct Sound by default or else I get radio stutter.


    If I don't use Alchemy I have to use "Use Wave Out by default".


    Basically whichever one you see in use when you check it, change to the other setting & see if it fixes your problem.


    In the same System window is a "Filter Merit" heading with two settings, "Prefer AC3Filter" &

    Prefer other decoder".


    Again, changing this can help. Note, to change that particular setting on Win7 you have to first right click on AC3Filter Config & "Run as administrator" to call it up or else it won't allow it to be changed.




    (3) - If you have a multi core computer & Fallout 3 is freezing, It could be the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    You need to edit your .ini, the one you want to change is:


    For Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  17. LordGrievous - Hello!


    "Entering the ID number manually worked like a charm. Thanks. Been playing for several hours without crashes."


    Great! :)


    "I am having another problem now. In northern parts of the map(minefield,scrapyard) I'm getting random CTD's within a minute of even being in those areas. "


    Bummer! :(


    Did you use the V191_BETA_COMPLETE version of Apocalypse Armory?


    If you did, you MUST have the new .esm & .esp from V193_UPDATE.


    If you need to check which version you're using, open up FOMM & left click on Apocalypse Armory.esm & make sure it says 1.93 Beta down at the bottom of FOMM.


    Do the same for Apocalypse Armory.esp, if either say 1.9, 1.91 or anything other than 1.93 Beta you've got the old files in still.


    In that case drop the Apocalypse Armory.esm & Apocalypse Armory.esp from V193_UPDATE into your data folder, saying yes to overwrites.


    You can get V193_UPDATE in the file section here:




    Note that only the Apocalypse Armory.esm & Apocalypse Armory.esp will say 1.93 Beta. The Apocalypse Armory patches will still say 1.9, that's perfectly normal.


    If that does not help, you're going to have to do some detective work!


    Untick all your mods & see if the CTD problem around the Scrapyard still happens.


    If it's all fine, you'll know it's one of your mods. In that case turn your mods back on one at a time, checking in game between to see if the trouble returns.


    That way you will be able to track down the culprit!


    Hope this helps!



  18. thefakegame - Hello!


    "still random freezes, went in the bathroom of megaton looked at a urinal and the game froze lol oh well"


    Random freezing mainly in interior cells are symptoms of the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Are you running on a multi core computer?


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    You can fix that by editing your .ini, the one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    As far as your load order goes, the Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Releases.esp from FOIP replaces:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp


    So untick & remove all three of those, leaving that part of your load order thus:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Releases.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp


    Hope this Helps!



  19. Contrax2009 - Hello!


    They are all anmation files:












    For instance, the 2HAHANDGRIP2_TOMMYGUN.kf is a special two hand grip for weapons.


    I know that WillieSea's fix for a weapon reload and jam glitch on the laser pistol are - 1hpjamf.kf & 1hpreloadf.kf So that's probably those.


    Dragonskin Tactical Outfit adds these:








    That just leaves 1hpreloada.kf, not sure where that came from.


    Go to your FOMM & select "File Manager" on the right.


    In the File Manager window that opens, expand the Data details by clicking on the + next to it.


    Do the same to Meshes - Characters then left click on -male & the .kf files should show up in the window on the right.


    Within that, left click on the 1hpreloada.kf & see what Mod it is from (listed below it under Mod Name).


    If no mod is listed there, it's probably a left over from a mod you installed but did not completely remove.


    If it is a left over, you could try removing it & see if that fixes your issue.


    If that does not fix it, place it back.


    The only other thing to do after that is untick your mods & try running with just fallout 3.


    If the problem is not there with just Fallout 3 you will know it is caused by one of your mods.


    In that case, turn your mods back on one at a time checking in between to see when the problem returns. That way you will be able to find the culprit.


    Hope this Helps!



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