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Posts posted by prensa

  1. LethalThreat - Hello!


    That looks like Room markers & Portals out of alignment.


    If you copied a cell with Room markers (which Alexandria Arms does) & then changed the room about you'll be out of alignment with the original Room Markers/Portals.


    Room markers & Portals are used to save memory when playing the game, particularly for large levels.


    They hide everything that is not possible to be seen from where the Portals are set.


    If they are out though, you get weird disappearing rooms. :)


    They will be invisible normally in GECK, you have to turn them on in order to see them.


    In GECK go to View - Show/Hide Window - tick the "Portals and Rooms" box & close.


    The Room markers are big blue boxes & the portals are black rectangles.


    You can either adjust the Room markers & portals or delete them.


    You probably want to turn Room marker & Portal view off after you're done, just go back to View - Show/Hide Window as before & untick it.


    If you're looking to understand Room markers & Portals, there's a tutorial here:




    If you just want to delete them, you can skip all the above & use the filter option in Cell View & type:




    & delete the "Room Markers" & "Portal Markers" that show up in there.


    Hope this helps!



  2. montybrad - Hello!


    It's very easy to change the music in a cell or even add your own.


    In GECK go to the cell you want to have custom music in the Cell View window, right click on it under the Name column & select Edit.


    The Cell's info should have opened in a new window.


    In the Common data tab you'll see a pull down called Music Type, click on that to choose one of the vanilla Music Types or a custom one that you added yourself.


    To add your own custom music to that list, go to the Object Window - Miscellaneous - Music Type.


    Right click on one of the existing Music types & select Edit.


    In the Music Type window that opens, change the ID to something specific to your mod & the music you want to add.


    Lef click on the button below the ID & Browse window will open where you can choose the music you want to use.


    Note, the new music has to be in your:


    Fallout 3\Data\Music


    It can be in a folder named for your mod, as long as it's inside that Music folder.


    Click OK on the Music Type window when you are done, it will ask if you want to create a new form, click yes.


    Now when you go to that Music Type tab in your Cell you will be able to select your new music.


    Remember that in game if the Radio is on it can drown out background music, so turn off your radio to hear your custom music properly.


    Hope this helps!



  3. Tinman764 - Hello!


    "I'm going to guess that the added line refers to the number of cores avialiabe?"


    It is believed so.


    "If so, should it be changed to reflect the appropriate number of cores in the machine, or left at 2?"


    Left at 2.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers.


    The fix seems to work by limiting multi core computers (greater than 2 cores) to using only 2 cores for Fallout 3.


    I & many others have tried 3 but that seems to still freeze just as if the line was not there. iNumHWThreads= seems only to fix freezing if set to 2.


    Hope this helps!



  4. Bazerk83 - Hello!


    "My question now is.... IF I do start crashing in Rivet City (I haven't tested that far in yet), and I then decided to remove this .esp and reinstall UF3P and just use your fix, would it corrupt any mods that I installed after the first time I installed the patch?"


    If that segment is missing from your version of the UF3P Broken steel patch, you shouldn't get the Rivet City/Project purity CTD bug. It was only caused by those two lines, the one you changed & the other you don't appear to have.


    If problems did occur, there would be no problem in swapping out your version for the Nexus one which you could apply the fix too.


    I actually posted a "how to" for unpacking the UF3P from it's installer, if you used that you could just get the broken steel plugin & place it over the one you've got now.


    It would save unistalling your version & re-installing the Nexus version.


    Should you need to do that the how to is here:




    I would only bother if you get that CTD bug, if it aint broke........... :)


    Now your load order, you don't seem to have the FOIP FWE/MMM patch:




    Your MMM plugins, when using FWE, should look something like this:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esm (Fine where it is)


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp


    The Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp from FOIP would replace these:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    Hope this helps!



  5. bushwackAR15 - Hello!


    I have seen this problem before, it seems to affect a few people.


    I've never seen a clear cut solution.


    Did you run Fallout 3 with mods & no troubles before or do you mean this is your very first install?


    If you had it installed before, move your old Fallout.ini in:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    Onto your Desktop, start Fallout 3 & let it remake your .ini then see if you can use Archive Invalidation Invalidated.


    If that does not work, try the Archive Invalidation tool that is built into FOMM.


    If still no joy, are you patched with the latest update? I think earliier versions of Fallout had problems.


    If you have a GOTY version then that will be the latest & you don't need the patch.


    Latest patch can be found here:




    If you do need that patch make sure to get the version that matches your game (US or UK).


    While looking into this I did find some people who claimed changing the order that the .bsa's are listed in your .ini helped them to use binvalidateolderfiles=1 & Archive Invalidation Invalidated.


    I have no idea if it works but it's worth a try.


    Install & activate Archive Invalidation Invalidated as normal.


    Open you .ini & search for:




    It should look something like this:


    SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa


    Move the texture .bsa's to the end after Fallout - Misc.bsa, like this:


    SArchiveList=Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa


    Like I say, I don't know if it works but it's worth a try & you can always move that original Fallout.ini back in or restart Fallout without an .ini to return it to normal.


    Hope this helps!



  6. darkrider9 - Hello!


    I've never had that happen in GECK however I have heard of some Vista users having simillar problems.


    There's a solution for that here:




    "December 20, 2008: Several Vista users have reported bugs regarding the GECK crashing when clicking on items in the object palette list and/or when accessing/editing AI packages. A suggested workaround solution is to disable tablet functionality in Vista when using the GECK. Navigate to "Control Panel" -> "Programs" -> "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off". This last link is found in the left-side pane of the "Programs and Features" window. When the "Windows Features" dialog box appears, unselect "Tablet PC Optional Components", click "OK", and restart Vista. "


    If that's no help & you are running Vista or Win7, go to your:


    Fallout 3\OPAL


    & make sure the:




    Or any of the other files in there do not have a little padlock on them.


    If they do have little padlocks on them, move them out onto your Desktop & back EXACTLY where they came from, that should remove the padlock & allow the files to work properly.


    Hope this helps!



  7. max241896 - Hello!


    You say it worked before, did you install any new mods?


    If so untick them & see if you can load a save.


    Do older saves work? Sometimes savegames can become corrupt, try to make fresh saves in new spots regularly. Don't rely on quicksaves & autosaves, a proper save is best.


    If all else fails, untick all your mods & see if the savegames load.


    If they do, it's one of your mods.


    In that case turn them back on one at a time checking in game between each to see if your savegames work. That way you can track the culprit.


    Hope this helps!



  8. Bazerk83 - Hello!


    "but under persisten there is no place object"


    If the placed object is not altered then don't worry about it as it can't cause the bug if it's not there. :)


    I can't figure out why you've not got it though, I only know of two versions of the UF3P Broken Steel plugin.


    Where did you get yours?


    It sounds a bit like the version that's not from the Nexus that had a partial fix applied.


    "So far the game is absolutely flawless and looks gorgeous on my HDTV. Still only half way through the mod adding/test phase but it's looking much more promising than all other installations I've worked on over the years."


    Fantastic! Like you said, if it's working well it's best not to ask too many questions. :)



  9. MrThousandnpennys - Hello!


    The freezing sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  10. gingersnapples - Hello!


    You need to change a setting in the GECK's .ini in order to load multiple masters.


    GECK's .ini should be in the same place as your Fallout 3.ini.


    Go to your:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    Open this up in notepad:




    & change this line:




    To this:




    Don't do it while GECK is running though or it will change the setting back when you close GECK.


    Hope this helps!



  11. ilikepies2 - Hello!


    I don't know what's causing your 20thCW mod trouble but there's something wrong with your MMM load order.


    You're using Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp AND plugins from == MMM Alternative Configuration Modules == folder, it's a common mistake & can lead to odd behavior & MMM Menu settings being cancelled out.


    You need to untick & delete these MMM plugins:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp


    That should leave your MMM load order something like this:


    Fallout3 & DLC's


    mart's mutant mod.esm


    mart's mutant mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    I'd also recommend using the Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp plugin, that goes just above the Tougher Traders plugin.


    Hope this helps!



  12. Bazerk83 - Hello!


    "It does not go that far for some reason."


    Well that's odd. I've seen two versions of the UF3P Broken Steel plugin, one from the Nexus & one unofficial modification off site &, though they are slightly different, both should have that heading.


    It sounds like your's is the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp from off the Nexus.


    In that case the original instructions should work:


    Now go back to Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp in the left hand side of FO3Edit.


    Go to "Worldspace" & keep expanding like this:



    000003c Wasteland

    00002DB4 Cell



    Under "Persistent" you will see one "Placed Object" amongst the other headings, it should be showing up red.


    Left click on "Placed Object" & it's details will show up on the right.


    Once again it's the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp column we want to modify.


    Note that Broken Steel has "Deleted, Quest item...." in it's column, drag that with the left mouse button into the exact same place in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp column.


    Close FO3 Edit, it will ask if you want to save the changes to Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, click OK.


    (If anything else is listed in that box, untick it before clicking ok)


    All done!




    Does your:


    0000003C Wasteland Wasteland


    Not have a + in front of it?


    Clciking on that + should expand it to reveal:


    00002DB4 Cell


    Clciking on the + in front of that should expand it to reveal:




    Clciking on the + in front of that should expand it to reveal several Placed items including a single:


    Placed Object


    That's the one, in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp column, you want to make the changes too.


    Hope this helps this time! :)



  13. yumenightfire27 - Hello!


    "Some of the doors won't open. I get "this door is activated elsewhere""


    That message is displayed when a door is opened by a trigger instead of the door itself.


    Clicking on the door in GECK should display a line connecting the door to any activators that it's linked to.


    You could also see if it has any Activate parents set by double clicking on the door & checking that heading.


    "The lights are WAYY too bright!! It's blinding bright and shining off of everything. The scale is currently set to 1.0000 and I can't lower it any more than that. "


    The scale determines the size of the object like other objects. Normally you don't need to change a light effects scale.


    To change the brightness you want to double click on the lightbulb shape & select "Extra" in there should be a setting called Radius. It might have a number like 250, raise that to increase the reach of the light or decrese that number to dim it.


    As you adjust the Radius you'll see that wire frame circle around it change size, that indicates the light's reach.


    It's best to turn off the Render Windows extra bright light to gauge how your placed light will look in game (the "a" key toggles the extra bright light on/off). I still find it best to go in game to check out the lights effect is how it's wanted.


    Don't forget there are many types of light like warm, cool, etc. to choose from.


    "I keep falling through the floors!! I don't know what I did but I keep falling through invisible holes in the floor. Some of them are small enough to jump out of but some of them I fall all the way through and I fall back through the ceiling in the same room"


    That's odd, you should only fall through holes or gaps in miss aligned sections. Make sure your kit pieces used aren't some strange special pieces. Make sure they are lined up & snapped together, other than that I can't think why you'd fall through.


    Hope this helps!



  14. Motherfat - Hello!


    It'll be something to do with whatever sound card or built in sound your PC has.


    If I don't use Creative Alchemy the Power helmets sound modulated but overall volume needs to be turned way up.


    If I use Creative Alchemy the overall volume is better but the modulated voices from helmets & speakers like the Tenpenny gate are too quiet.


    Almost too hard to hear, it seems to be a problem many experience.


    There are mods that disable the Power helmets modulation as it's an option that can be set.


    The solution I use to disable the voice modulation is to change the .ini setting:








    & that turns of the modulation so I can hear the voices normally.


    Hope this helps!



  15. Bazerk83 - Hello!


    "I tried this and a popup box kept coming up saying "range check error" and when i close it it keeps coming back over and over and the only way I could stop it was to close FO3edit."


    That's odd.


    "What would you suggest?"


    Okay, try this:


    Go to Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp in FO3Edit.


    Go to "Worldspace" & keep expanding like this:



    World Children - That's the first "World Children" you come to.

    00002DB4 Cell



    Under "Persistent" you will see one "Placed Object" amongst the other headings, it should have "TempGoToRivetCity" on it.


    Left click on the "Placed Object" & it's details will show up on the right.


    It's the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp column we want to modify.


    Note that Broken Steel has "Deleted, Quest item...." in it's column, drag that with the left mouse button into the exact same place in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp column.


    Close FO3 Edit, it will ask if you want to save the changes to Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, click OK.


    (If anything else is listed in that box, untick it before clicking ok)


    All done!


    That should do it.


    I don't know why you got that error before, did FO3Edit show an error when you load your mods?


    It would show up in the right hand window at the bottom right after FO3Edit finishes loading your mods.


    If by some chance you still get error messages, when you open FO3Edit untick everything except Fallout 3, the DLC's, the Unofficial Patch & it's plugins. Then try to apply the fix.


    "P.S. sorry for the late reply I've been ridiculously busy recently!"


    No problem, I'm a little late too! :)


    Hope this helps!




    Papajack55 - Hello!


    Sorry I've never used a custom race, as far as I knew:




    Shoould fix that, try posting the question seperately so someone who may know the issue will see it.



  16. Riv7 - Hello!


    I don't use FWE so I can't help much with that.


    DC Interiors Project - is great & apart from the new doors, navemesh links to them & a bit of signage is pretty much self contained & plays nice with other mods.


    "but the MMM version supported is 6.1, will 6.2 work with it or should I use MMM 6.1 instead?"


    MMM 6.2 is fine with the FOIP patch as far as I know. It's very minor differences that are bug fixes for 6.1, you install 6.1 then apply the 6.2 patch over it.


    MMM is also a great mod by the way. :)


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Great work, loads of fixes. You just need to be aware of a bug in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp that causes CTD's on saves around Rivet City & Project Purity. It's easily fixed using FO3Edit, info here:




    Apocalypse armory is a fantastic lore friendly collection of weapons, there's some overlap if you use it with FWE. They'll work fine together but there will be some doubles of weapons & weapon damage imbalance.


    There's a new Apocalypse armory/FWE patch to try & match the two mods weapons damage here:




    Apocalypse armory also has a patch for EVE on it's file page, under Optional files.


    Fallout 3 Street Lights is excellent & is another mod that tends to play well with others.


    "Should I ask for a load order too?"


    BOSS is a handy tool for sorting complex load orders, once in place you can run it & it'll sort your load order for you based on an updateable list. Does not know all mods but it can really help when your load order becomes large:




    Hope this helps!



  17. cc135691 - Hello!


    I can't offer any direct help with Blender, it made my brain melt last time I tried to use it. :)


    But here are some links.


    Nexus wiki has a guide that seems to cover much of what you want, it also seems to be user friendly & detailed. It's here:




    There's an extensive guide to download on the Nexus:


    Fallout3 Training Manual on Blender GIMP NifSkope and GECK




    Blender to Fallout 3 - Tutorial




    Not strictly what you were asking for but it may be of use:


    Breezes Blender FO3 Biped Animation Kit




    Hope this helps!



  18. xzarrus - Hello!


    Type 3 needs to be assembled because it has some choices, so it can't be directly installed straight out the packet like other mods.


    I've written a step by step guide for installing with FOMM that can be found here:




    I don't use NMM but since it's based off of FOMM it should work with that too.


    Very important to take care of archive invalidation.


    If not taken care of new mod added textures won't show up properly in game, this goes for all mods adding new textures not just Type 3.


    Either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation




    Note FOMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  19. blackplasma - Hello!


    "where are the textures with dark patches? (to edit/remove)"


    I see this problem a lot over at the Type 3 body mod page.


    It's often called the "Brown panty" bug. :)


    It happens when vanilla textures get used on a new body mesh they weren't meant for.


    Not using archive invalidation is the most common cause, thus your new texture is not showing up in game.

    This means the game defaults to the vanilla texture on the mesh in use.

    If the mesh in use is not the vanilla one you'll end up with the "Brown panty" look.


    Simple fix for that is to either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation




    Note FOMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  20. Superiorone101 - Hello!


    "I have recently experienced some extremely annoying texture problems involving all the creatures on Fallout 3 including MMMF3 creatures. "


    Assuming you've placed the textures properly, archive invalidation comes to mind.


    Have you taken care of archive invalidation?


    If not taken care of new mod added textures won't show up properly in game, changing randomly like chameleons.


    Either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation




    Note FOMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  21. Bazerk83 - Hello!


    "Also, I went through the FO3edit tutorial you made and the first part I had no problems changing but on the part where you instruct people to expand the UF3P broken steel.esp, "


    That's come up before, it's because there are two versions of that Unofficial Broken Steel patch out there.


    I posted a fix for that bit on the other version in that thread, I should really add it to the bottom of the main post.


    Copy & paste this into the FormID window at the top of FO3Edit:




    & press Enter/Return.


    That should take you direct to the setting.


    The column you want to make the changes to will be the "Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp" one.


    Just follow the instructions from:


    "Once again it's the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp column we want to modify. "


    That will sort it. :)


    "Funny thing now is, I CTD on exit to main menu or exit to windows. Wasn't occuring yesterday and these are the only big changes I've made since."


    CTD on exit is pretty common, I get it now & again. Happened on Oblivion & Morrowind too.


    At least you're not getting CTD's during gameplay, that's the main thing. :)


    If it happens every single time, it would suggest a mod is responsible.


    In that case, an untick & check each is the best way to find the culprit.


    Fallout Stutter Remover has a "clean" exit function built into it, but I don't know if you're using that.


    If you used that you go to:


    Fallout 3\Data\fose\plugins


    Open sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini in Notepad & change:


    bFastExit = 0




    bFastExit = 1


    There's also the console command to quick exit.


    Open the console in game by pressing the button under Esc & type:




    Just remember to save beforehand. :)


    Like I say though, if the crash on exit happens every single time, it is best to track down which mod is behind it.


    Hope this helps!



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