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Everything posted by VileTouch
oh really? i heard there's a hidden tetris game in wikipedia..problem is it's not guaranteed it works every time, you just have to keep trying to unlock it, you go to wikipedia's home page and press Alt + F4 it might take a few tries though anyways if you get bored of trying you can always go to an actual flash games page such as this and stop wasting your time! :laugh:
Well i think everyone has already told you who would win. so i'm just going to quote Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 oh and btw, project Land Warrior was cancelled 3 years ago... it's spiritual sucessor is called Future Force Warrior... what's next? Project Crysis? and Project Master Chief?
worth every byte, that i assure you... but the best part of it is the price: $0.00 here's the official trailer of Prelude and here's tFV video.. as for the cake...i will not spoil the fun out of it
well i can't offer you a true sequel as of now, but I can give you an official Prequel, and a mod that puts the original AND the prequel to shame. that will certainly keep you busy until portal 2 is released
No, I think opinions are not a private matter. instead, i see them as an intertwining web of common knowledge. you form your opinion, based on your experience and what you think of it (provided you even think -you would be surprised of how many people just don't-) but your experience is mediatized by your environment. the experience (and therefore the opinion)of the people around you play a dicisive role on what your own opinion comes to be. It's a matter of inheritance. most people inherit not just the phisical features of their parents but also their religion, the political alignment...heck!, even the baseball team! so what you think it's your opinion is just a mixture of borrowed ideas from those that either came before you or are influencing you at the moment. but by now you're whining that you have a right to have an opinion of your own...bulls**t.... what rights? what is that?, whoever told you that people have rights?.privileges maybe. a set of temporarily lended privileges is what you have. and only for as long as you remain useful to those you serve. you ever heard your boss saying "we don't pay you have an opinion, we pay you to do as you are told!" i hate to spoil the opinions you might have, but if people really had rights, those would begin by having some food every day, by having a roof over their heads,but the fact is that if you do have a job, then you have to stuff your opinions up your darkest part in order to have at least some rights!. so you think that your opinion still matters? just check this and tell me if those that have "some" level of power (political, monetary, you name it); the ones that sell you the idea that you actually have the right to have an opinion; actually care about them?. they only care about their opinion! because "they" are the ones that have the power! and all they care about is keeping that power and expending it whenever possible, so YOU don't. what i mean with all this is that rights aren't rights if someone can take them away, and opinions are not such if you have to give up on them Evelyn Hall said “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" but I think she actually meant “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to YOUR death your right to say it" so next time someone comes telling you "I have the right to have an opinion" you tell him "Oh yeah? Well I have a right to my opinion too, and my opinion is that you don't have a right to have an opinion!" then shoot the bast*rd and and walk away!
that is exactly the name of the mod: Minimap it's really good, but i prefer Extended Interface as it has the minimap integrated , a compass, and several other goodies. just watch out if you use a lot of UI enhancement mods since they do not just edit the file but replace it altogether. so you might want to make a backup of your xml beforehand.
ah great. the finery retextures are hard to come by, i've been looking for this for some time now. besides i don't know but it seems to me that this one is a little more detailed than the original, don't you think? Aah... so that's why it seemed so uncommon to me. i only recently bought SI just out of boredom of having to patch each and every mod i downloaded to work without shivering isles. so i have'nt had the time to progress much in it's storyline. A house mod based on this interior wuould be an interesting sight...just thinking. thank you both very much for your help! :)
It seems that my 2 previous request were too dificult to find. so now, i'm wondering if anyone knows what dress is this and if possible, what is the location of this screenshot (a custom castle perhaps to add to my colletion?) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/5198-1-1241897322.jpg the screenshot is from dwemer spectacles
Oh! LOL Well then. Yes, it's a stock Khajiit race with Ren's hair added. I don't think there's any links to it, the person probably added the hairs manually through the construction set. With cobl races you can add any eyes/hair to any race. it's got some pretty decent ammount of each btw.
Yes, i think many have done that... i am not really sure wether pokemon games tend to attract...umm... "weak minded people prone to obsessive-compulsive disorders" or is it that playing these games actually turn normal, otherwise bright and zealous youngsters into retarded, single-minded "pokemaniacs"...ever heard the term "poketard"? so yes. someone with that profile, would not stop at anything until their pokedex is complete. ...don't get me wrong, looking at my last posts, one might think that i hate anything and everything. the fact is that i just like to speak my guts out. :laugh:
UUUUGHHHH!!!! you had to mention that one!! :wallbash: http://pedrophablo.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/harakiri.jpg how many pokemon games does the world need? sure, that was the only reason GB/GBA yielded so much profit despite being some outdated trinkets (at the time of first release [2001] there was the technology available to create a much more complex device, but they decided to go cheap [and i have a lot to say about it, but i think this is not the thread for that]) So, they needed a game that was simple, relying only on little more than a moderately sized database. and it was good!, i mean, it was adjusted to the cheap hardware that it was running on. what really had me baffled is that even when they ported the game to a more robust platform (N64. SNES does'nt count as it was already out of production) they decided to keep the same simplistic GBA schema and only use that extra power to improve the visuals!.. :confused: and even to this day and age, they keep using that same formula to keep releasing title after title after title with clearly no intent to make a change. (but why would they? -you ask- if they can keep selling the same idea from 1998 without investing in quality[remember, they made their fortune with a cheap trinket]then why bother?) for the record there are currently 23 pokemon games*, with 493 pokemon in the list. and soon to be extended to a grand total of over 600 next year....problem is, we already know it's just going to be more of the same. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * If you can't believe there are so many, I googled their names for your torturing pleasure :tongue: Red, Blue, yellow, gold, silver, crystal, ruby, saphire, Colluseum, firered, leafgreen, emerald, XD, diamond, pearl, platinum, trozei, ranger, ranger shadows of almia, pinball, pinball 2, with black and white soon to be released. -these are only the video games, there are several others, including trading cards and board games so the number of games related to pokemon might be well over 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so you thought Final Fantasy had too many sequels? think again!... gotta catch 'em all!
Yes! ...Halo! *shivers* I always wondered why it was so popular, even though it was so bland, so....how to say?... "lacking in creativity". furthermore, i think it was not even on-par with the other (non xbox) FPS of its time. yet it manages to set a stapple, and gather this huge mass of worshipers. so yeah... i'll give them the credit they deserve. it IS the best game for XBox. (which does'nt mean it's the best game of it's kind - for Xbox is just a small fraction of the console market) and claiming that they are the best on their own console does'nt sound right to me either... because they could have easily blocked the competition by not allowing other quality FPS games to take away their self imposed title.. ok, right... so not many games can boast of having not one but four novels "inspired by them" (usually it's the other way around) problem is those are just gimmics, paid advertising, so they end up being at the same level of value as an action figurine of master chief...again.... lack of inspiration, just more marketing fodder written in a hurry (7 weeks if not mistaken) to meet Microsoft release dates. so yes, they can argue they have a huge fanbase...but that is just a result of a well planned -millionaire- marketing campaign(and that's what they are really good at. just look at any microsoft release, they're always full of hype regardless of the real quality of the product they're offering) but enough!... i'm tired of bashing halo and microsoft... i'm just going to let gamespy speak for me: well, you actually said everything there was to be said about it.... i actually would have prefered to remember it as it was... one of my favorite games, one that i spent countless hours playing... but no... they had to release another half baked remake (just like generals)...starting to see a pattern already?
lol! www.videogamesblogger.com/2009/07/17/champions-online-2-possible-says-cryptic.htm
i usually don't ask much about armors/clothes as i already have a lot of those... but when you see something really good you know you've got to have it so i saw this dress while browsing for other things and :wub: fell in love. does anyone know anything about it? edit: ok, i got the name of the creator. its Krista, and all i could find out is that she is going to release a..collection? a shop maybe? with this dress and several others...or something along those lines... i'm no good at russian and the translator does'nt help much i would also like to find some of these clothes (or something similar at least)
check this out: Ratchet & Clank Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Ratchet: Deadlocked Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Secret Agent Clank Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty Ratchet & Clank Future: Crack in Time Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile ... :blink: i swear: i see another ratchet & clank game and i'm throwing up! :pinch:
I was reading a topic by Sinophile about those games that you desperately want to see a sequel made. and the obvious question dawned on me, of what games have so many sequels that you just think "oh god.. not another one! :wallbash: " There are a few that come to mind at the moment the most notorious being Mario, Megaman and King of Fighters with over 10 installments each! so... share your thoughts and tell us of those games that just keep coming back over and over again. :teehee:
...The armor is a private mod unfortunately... that's ren's strangers right?
Isn't Crysis getting a sequel? And I agree Oni definitely needs a next gen release. Yeah, a lot of those games have/are getting sequels. There have been many PoP games, theres a Crysis 2, Chrono Cross, Bioshock 2, Fallout: New Vegas (with a Fallout 4 all but confirmed), GTA 4 is a sequel - even if it's not to everyones taste, theres a Mafia 2 nearly out, there've been several more Metroid platforming games (as well as the FPS sequels), Unreal 2, Half Life 2 is guaranteed a sequel eventually, there've been millions of Rainbow Six games, and Devil May Cry has several sequels too. For me, I'd like to see a Startopia 2 (shame Mucky Foot went bankrupt), Uplink 2, Evil Genius 2, Mech Warrior 5, and Age of Empires 4, to name a few. Sadly I doubt we'll get any of them :( [rant] Well,yes!, there IS supposed to be a Mafia 2 under development, but it's been "nearly out" for how long? 8 years? please!, Same with Crysis 2... how much longer are we going to have to wait? Is bioshock 2 out already? chrono cross, yes, that was a good one, wish there was a modern remake of it with updated graphics, i mean.. look at Final Fantasy! (talk about excess of sequels!) they have been telling us the same story over and over again every couple of years. and every time gamers case the shops en masse to buy the latest installment of FF, just to find out it's basically the same with slightly better graphics improvements. kind of a bummer if you ask me. Unreal 2: that was a major improvement over the previous. too bad people at Epic keep wasting their time (and ours!) releasing more Tournament games!, i mean, they've got this wonderful engine and all they come up with is yet another lame shoot-em-up game. while letting other companies take the better part of it to make real games that actually have something to say. it's a bit disappointing. I would not call GTA4 a sequel in any way. the only part of "sequel" it has is the name!, but long gone are the days when you spent hundreds of hours just exploring the world, and getting every single race and license there was. the days when you needed to workout to keep your shape or eat like a pig just to have some girl like you. GTA4 was (as far as i can see) just an experiment of how far could they push people's computers (and pockets) using only a well known franchise such as GTA to leverage hardware upgrades.(you know you bought that new video card just so you could play that game) Prince of Persia is an odd ball.first they create a rich universe revolving the sands of time, they get huge profits from it... then they drop it altogether saying "the sands had to go, they are not so cool anymore" and as a gamer you read that and say: wait....WHAT?. not to mention the drastic change of appearance. they drop all the lore and take a whole new approach. so yeah.... you get over it.. you even start to like it! but lo and behold, they decide to drop that one and continue with the sands! i mean... what is wrong with them? they think this is a game?? (well... yes, actually it is! :P ) Something similar happens with Devil May Cry... you come fresh from playing DMC3 and come back from the shop, box in hand, smile in your face, expecting to play an overhauled Dante and yet another engaging story and then you start the game and see Nero...(who the hell is this guy?)by the nines! (no, wait... I'm getting a bit mixed up here). Something totally different so you have to develop new strategies to deal with the monsters. so by the time you get to actually use Dante, it doesn't even matter anymore. moreover, the new strategies that you had developed don't even apply either. so it's like... right... here we go again...i just wish it was the other way around and we started the game playing as Dante AND THEN change to Nero...well, I'm already looking forward for a sequel...with Vergil this time around!. We've all been craving for new HalfLife adventure. but all we have been given is a series of "half" told stories. while it's good that we get to play some new content from Valve more often, I wish they created full stories with each release... because frankly, wading through hordes of enemies just to find a "to be continued..."sign at the end is just... annoying! I'd rather cope with a bad ending (such as FO3) than with a non existent one. And that's the good thing about the Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon games! since you are a just soldier with a mission (as opposed to the "savior of humanity") then you can have as many full, interesting stories as you'd possibly want! since every one can be totally different from the previous without a break in the immersion of the story. so yes! I'm really expecting to see yet another Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon to add to my collection...just keep 'em comin'! (it just makes me wonder why Call of Duty games have taken so long to release) The only Metroid platformers I've seen are the ones for GBA, which are not bad may i add. but.. it's not such a great improvement if compared to the modern platformers such as Megaman 8+ and Bionic Commando Rearmed. as for First person Metroid.... man... that's just wrong! specially considering they are not for PC (no mouse + WSAD) so you're stuck with that horrendous controller. [/rant] Well, I've written too much already so I'm just going to end with this: Starcraft Ghost! man... i remember i almost cried when i learned the project had been cancelled.
gosh... there are so many! but let's start with the most important... The Elder Scrolls! (you know you're drooling for it!) prince of persia (the one from 2008,no cel shading please,thank you) crysis! (it's been forever!) chrono trigger! (need i say more?) zone of the enders (wow!) bioshock fallout 3 (i mean seriously!) GTA San Andreas (not that cheap excuse of GTA4) Oni (remember that one?) Mafia (talk about beta limbo) Metroid (the platformer, with cool graphics, like bionic commando rearmed) Unreal (the story driven, not that tournament nonsense) thief 3 (drool!) half life 2, (not more episodes) arx fatalis (don't hold your breath, though) rainbow six ghost recon scarface devil may cry and last but not least... cave story!(doukutsu monogatari) with 3d graphics! there are many many others i would like to see sequels of... but i think that's enough for now.
Well, that's the beauty of variety, you know? i really hope Helldrone actually manages to create this mod he wishes. that will certainly add to the game, even if it already exist. I just suggested a related side quest, if anyone wants to implement it.
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Not much really... At least not as amazing as one would expect. but i think this is close enough to what you are looking for: Poison Arrows and Poison Equipper just pick the one that suits you better. (not sure if they work well together)
What you're looking for is body replacer, right? Pick one, depend on what clothing mod you have: - Exnem EyeCandy or HGEC(for stock clothing/armor replacer, getting EVE is recommended) - The Girl Next Door(can be regarded as HGEC variant, though it is regarded as separate body replacer) - Robert's body mod(Male(v5 beta)- Female(fix is here)) - Fantasy Figure(Armor/Clothing replacer) no BAB? that's a nice "no-so-flashy-omg-boobs" body
that would be Realistic Fatige. it is as far as I know the best implementation of this feature. but be warned.. It can get *VERY* annoying at times, specially if you use it in conjunction with Realistic Health. so make sure you are powerful enough... besides i suggest you get something to carry your stuff(like this or this or this). unless you want to become a shish kebab of a mage.
Could someone please change how Males walk?
VileTouch replied to McLeod63's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
thanks for clarifying that point, Slof...it seems i've been lost in space-time for a while. guess i've been missing on a lot of your new stuff for no reason then. already downloading Victorian Clothes and the new stuff for wizards :happy: thanks!...and... sorry! :blush: