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Everything posted by VileTouch

  1. That's exactly what the romans did in real life. emperor constantine renamed converted a lot of the pagan rituals such as the he Lupercalia and the feast of purification of Isis that became the Feast of the Nativity. An ancient festival of the dead was replaced by All Souls Day, rededicated to Christian heroes (now Halloween), the Saturnalia is what today we know as Christmas. pagan deities were renamed replaced by christian saints. moreover the figure of Virgin Mary was originally the pagan mother godess Ishtar. and not only in ancient times, Pope Pius XII officially designated Mary the "Queen of Heaven" and "Queen of the World."... just like Ishtar.. the figure of Jesus is no other than Mithra or Helios (the Sun God) believed to be "a Mediator between God and man, between the Sky and the Earth". It is said that Mithra (or the Sun) took birth on December 25th ... how apropriate.. and the list goes on and on. what happened with all that is that instead of being persecuted for failure to worship pagan deities, Christians who did not agree with the particular orthodoxy backed by the Emperor were now persecuted in the name of Christ... but that's a totally different topic :) just wanted to share a little background on all this, but got carried away :P so on topic, i hope someone does this mod. i have room for another statue in the praying room of my house! :D
  2. ok, i have a problem and i need your help with it... i am... A PACK RAT! see for yourself! http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/181/2012010700001h.jpg http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/4344/2012010700002f.jpg http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/465/2012010700004m.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/2734/2012010700003.jpg http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/2024/2012010700005.jpg seriously!,i need a house..a big, massive house with a BIG storing area, this is what i need - at least one chest and one display case/rack for every kind of weapon/armor in the game, plus many extra for modded weapon and armor sets. - display stands (not exactly manequins but the same principle) for all common armor sets + modded (easily 100+) - a special room with special stands for all the unique, one of a kind items/trophies/weapons etc and proper manequins to display special armors - a library with enough room for displaying at least one of every book in the game + chests for temporary storage of the excess, display cases to store special, one of a kind books. - a crafting area with everything needed readily available - a kitchen with special storage for food items (yes,my own personal fridge) and some respawning food sources for the npcs (companions,spouse,staff,etc) - main dining room that can hold 20 or more npcs (companions,spouse,staff,etc) - chests for storing every ingredient in the game + more for modded ingredients - a sorter script for dumping a big ammount of ingredients in their apropriate chest automagically - an enchanting area with several chests for soul gems - a green house/garden with at least one of every kind of plant in the game (plus modded if present, there are not many of such mods) - a mine with at least one vein of every kind of ore in the game (plus modded if present) - hopefuly a gardener and miner npc that harvest the plants and ore upon request or periodically - merchants,smiths, cooks etc. to sell the trash loot to - living facilities for companions. enough room for several companion mods (10+) that do not interfere with loot dumping in the storage area (preferably off limits for them) - master bedroom,baths,etc for spouse that do not interfere with loot dumping either - NO CHEAT ITEMS or power leveling - hunting area for player or companions should they have that ai package - working horse stable - archers,guards,mages that are well capable of protecting the perimeter,visitors and residents from outside threats...even dragons but do not get in the way of a thieving or murderous lord. - teleporting room with access to all cities/settlements - teleporting spell that can be used anywhere - suitable somewhat secluded facilities for vampire/werewolf characters with easy access to the main storage/teleporting area - hopefully some good taste in bringing everything together but not really required as long as it has everything else - maybe the gardener can be an alchemist and make some nice unique potions for me, and the miner can be a blacksmith or his helper and make some unique weapons, ammo,armor...and the the cook could be a hunter/fisherman and make some unique dishes? ;)
  3. just wondering... what size/rpm hard drive you have? how much free space? i noticed a huge performance boost when i installed my first 2tb hdd. also the size of your page file does influence the kind of performance you get (as a rule of thumb make it 2.5 times your ammount of ram. unless you have more than 4gb ram then you experience diminishing results in which case you should decrease the ratio in excess of 4gb * 2.5 until you reach 8gb ram and up. at this point a ratio of 1:1 is more than enough) if you can afford a solid state disk it's great for dedicated page file drive too. also get RID of windows's system protection see if that helps
  4. i don't play wow, but i do play other mmorpgs and i see a number of problems here.. first: is the world map (tamriel) is the central hub of all of the game other cells. in wow there is no root zone that all the others are dependant from, and creating a seamless map the size of all of the zones in wow...well...you would need the nasa servers to run it second: creating summonable mounts is not a problem. it has been done before, flying mounts however...that's another story. for what i understand wow relies on flat images to give you an appearance of a scenery as you're flying about since the ammount of LOD models you need to display accurately at long distance is huge. that reminds me of a certain flying mount that was attempted in oblivion...it did work,yes, but the experience of doing so was not...really what you would expect third: currency...need i say more? you would need to replace the whole currency system to gold,silver and bronze..is that even possible? fourth: since i mentioned money...what good would be a wow clone without an auction house?? :S fifth: massive multi..wait...this is a single player game and there's no feasible way to turn it into an mmo so that means there's no auction house and even if you manage to replicate one and..perhaps simulate some activity it would just...not be the same (to put it in a nice way) ...oh and that means you can't WTB,WTS or WTT anything either...WTH sixth: on the same note, dungeon running feels baaaaad when you can't find a good party...seriously!. in wow you just zone LFG,LFR,LFH,LF Tank,LF healer, LF dps...here? well with any luck you will be able to hire an npc companion that will most likely get stuck somewhere or fall off a lava pit and die..that's worse than dragging a noob. oh and..did i mentioned quite a few boss fights are meant to have 2 tanks that know what they're doing or 2 or more healers that work together? how do you tell 2 npcs to interact with each other?...right and last but not least: copyright issues... i'm sure either blizzard or bethesda will NOT like that merge at all...regardless of how good it is, and how much work you had put in it. edit: here's some more. time passage: in an mmo, the time passes regardless you're playing or not and A LOT of things are based on this concept. here when you decide to stop playing for the day, the whole world stops and patiently wait for you to pick up the game again. Resurrection: since the world doesn't revolve around the player in an mmo, if you die it's no big deal. just wait for your buddy to rez you and you can all go in your merry way. here however...it's not the same that makes aggro a very localized mechanic as well...here an angry mob can follow you to the end of the world and back until either of you is dead..at least you're not t-bag'd when it finally kills you xD of course there's no pvp either..or guilds (sure you're the guild leader of the mages guild,thieves guild and fighters guild..but can you engage in a friendly conversation with them? ask for help? nope..fortunately they won't afk in the middle of fight for a bio break either lol) but hey, i'm not here to shoot you down. i'm just stating all the reasons i can think of why it would not work so you can think of ways to work around them and prove me wrong :P
  5. i remember something like that happened to me in oblivion and it was not a problem with my computer because i had been playing for months with no problem until one day it slowed down to a crawl...i tried everything. check my ram, added more, checked temperatures, checked for viruses, eventually reinstalled the os, and the problem was still there... until one day i heard of the A-Bomb that have plagued Oblivion,Fallout and now Skyrim for years! if it looks like this, then you definitely have it hope it sheds some light
  6. hi there detectives :) i recently bought skyrim and started looking around after being a hardcore oblivion player a couple years ago and..well, as you already know, even though it's a big improvement, it does suffer from the same flaws as oblivion (the whole world leveling with you, lowly bandits full clad in high quality armor,etc)soo i was wondering if there was already a skyrim version of those essential mods we all grew so fond and acustomed to in oblivion such as Francesco's leveled creatures,Mart's monster mod,Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul,oblivion warcry,unique landscapes,better/open cities (the heavily modified way it was implemented in oblivion)
  7. The main problem with piracy figures from anyone is that the relationship between downloads and lost sales is an unknowable one. Thus, any dollar amount of loss is pure speculation. How many bought it after the fact? How many would never have bought it anyway? oh yeah? check this out. http://us.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=1100001122 that's $59.99 hard-cold us dollars for the terran campaign so if you want the zerg and the protoss campaign as well you will have to cough up USD$60 for them too. that makes $180 american dollars for a single game. collectors editions might be around $100 each, so yes, you're right... i was wrong on the price. http://www.techi.com/2010/04/we-require-more-minerals-starcraft-iis-180-price-tag/
  8. man...you actually misused the word stupid!...lol on topic: What's wrong with swear words? why do people think it's "proper" to avoid certain words while in mixed company? moreover, why are there so many words to describe dirty words?: bad words, cuss words, dirty talk, profaning, cursing, swearing... they call them filthy, foul, vile, vulgar, coarse, in poor taste, unseemly, street talk, gutter talk, locker room language, barracks talk, bawdy, naughty, saucy, raunchy, rude, crude, lude, lascivious, indecent, profane, obscene, blue, off-color, risqué,suggestive... I know that it’s not right to cuss up a storm during church (I’m sure that “pass the f*cking collection plate” wouldn’t go over well), but I’m also sure that showing your anger over a blown call for your favorite team would sound awkward if done so in the fashion of the Cleavers (“Golly gee! You blew the goshdarn call!”) ... on second thought... F*CK THAT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5L2S2zsCr0
  9. He won't. no company in the game industry will ever go bankrupt because of piracy. (yes, i know i'm spitting into the sky here, and risking the spit to fall right on my head, but...) i think the only factor that would bring the gaming industry down is greed. just look at starcraft 2... the most pirated game from 2010 so far. Within 24 hours the game sold a million copies and a day later the counter was already at 1.5 million, turning it into the fastest selling strategy game ever. at $160 a piece, that surely makes up not only to cover the company's expenses, but also for the 260,000 that download it via torrent. please, don't blindly believe what RIAA says.. they are just a bunch of money hungry sharks. Here: have another interesting article on piracy, this time from a small Indie company (the makers of Penumbra)
  10. Most content producers only see the dark side of piracy but every now and then we encounter a rare exception. Jeff Vogel, president and head programmer for Spiderweb Software, admits that piracy is not an absolute evil. Sometimes it's actually OK to pirate his games, and he explains why. http://torrentfreak.com/images/jeff-vogel.jpg Most of the anti-piracy efforts we report on come from groups that are connected to the movie and music business, but piracy is also rampant in the gaming industry. Last year the most pirated PC-game was downloaded 4,100,000 times and it’s pretty safe to say that this record will be broken in 2010. The hard part is to determine what the actual effect of piracy on the revenue of game publishers is. That is, how many people would have bought the games they downloaded in a world without piracy? Also, might game piracy actually serve as a modern day demo and lead people into buying games? While these questions remain mostly unanswered for now, it is safe to say that in a world where nobody pays for games the industry would be dead in a heart beat. Thus far however, there are no signs that this is happening, as the industry broke several sales records last year. For the people actually working in the industry, piracy is not necessarily evil either. Although every person whose income depends on game sales would prefer a paying customer over a pirating one, there are scenarios when developers can ‘get something’ out of the latter. In a lengthy blog post Jeff Vogel, president and primary programmer for Spiderweb Software, explains why. “This blog post is about the bright side of software piracy. It’s about the times when not only is it OK to steal my games, but, in fact, I get something out of it. Perhaps an unusual topic for a blog post from a game developer,” he writes. While Jeff recognizes that not paying for games doesn’t really benefit the industry in most cases, he also sees an upside to the phenomenon. “Because, when I’m being honest with myself, which happens sometimes, I have to admit that piracy is not an absolute evil. That I do get things out of it, even when I’m the one being ripped off.” He goes on to explain that he regularly gets email from people in Russia or southeast Asia or India who enjoy playing his games in a cyber-cafe, but can’t afford to buy a copy of their own. In an ultimate attempt to score a free copy, they then ask him for a free serial. “When I get one of these message, what I want to respond is, ‘PIRATE MY STUPID GAME!!!’ I mean, seriously, the time used drafting that e-mail would have been much more profitably spent figuring out how BitTorrent works.” Although Jeff refuses to give any free serials to these people, he sincerely hopes that they grab a free copy off BitTorrent, so they can enjoy his work after all. “But I really hope those kids pirated my game. [...] Sometimes, thanks to the vagaries of the international monetary order, my games are just out of reach any other way. And, when people enjoy my work, it gives my life meaning…” This issue is not limited to third world countries, even in the richest nations there are millions of people who have barely enough money to get a proper meal on the table. In these cases Jeff doesn’t mind if people download a copy for personal use either. “Someone who is facing long-term unemployment and bankruptcy probably should not pay for my game. And, in that case, if stealing my game gives them a temporary reprieve from their misery, I’m cool with that. I’m happy to help,” he writes. Jeff’s post makes perfect sense, and there are probably hundreds of others who’d instantly agree with him. In the situations he describes piracy is not hurting sales anyway, because some people simply can’t afford to buy games. However, it is also hard to draw the line. What if a kid, an avid gamer, who can afford to buy only one game a month downloads another copy off BitTorrent. In a year he would buy 12 games and pirate 12 – would that be fair? Jeff concludes by saying that people should at least consider paying if they can. “If you like PC games but you usually pirate them, I want you to start actually paying for one game a year. Just one. Please. You should do it because you need to do it to help something you like to continue to exist.” What do YOU think? Article from: TorrentFreak.
  11. 8 Amazing and Simple Home Remedies 1. If you’re choking on an ice cube, simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself. 2. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop. 3. For high blood pressure sufferers ~ simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure on your veins. Remember to use a timer. 4. A mousetrap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. 5. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. Then you’ll be afraid to cough. 6. You only need two tools in life: wd-40 and duct tape. If it doesn’t move and should, use the wd-40. If it shouldn’t move and does, use the duct tape. 7. Remember- everyone seems normal until you get to know them. 8. If you can’t fix it with a hammer, you’ve got an electrical problem.
  12. Snoring The high school coaches in Boise, Idaho went a coaches’ retreat. To save money they had to room together. No one wanted to room with Coach Daryl because he snored so bad. They decide it’s not fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so they vote to take turns. The first coach sleeps with Daryl and comes to breakfast next morning with his hair a mess, eyes all bloodshot. They say, “Man, what happened to you?” He said, “Man, that Daryl snored so loud, I watched him all night.” The next night it was a different coach’s turn In the morning, same thing — hair all standing up, eyes all bloodshot. They say, “Man, what happened to you? You look awful!” He said, “Man, that Daryl shakes the roof. I watched him all night.” The third night was Frank’s turn. Frank was a big burly ex-football player-looking type of man’s man. Next morning, he comes to breakfast bright eyed and bushy tailed “Good morning.” They can’t believe it! They say, “Man, what happened?” He said, “Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Daryl into bed and kissed him good night. He watched me all night long.”
  13. Billy Joe and Billy Ray went to the big city to get jobs. They had been friends since they were kids, so they decided to apply at the same firm. They had finished filling out the applications and were waiting to see the owner. Billy Ray was called in first. The owner was a stout man, with a weathered face and a scar above his right eye. He also had the distinguishing feature of having no ears, just two tiny holes in the sides of his head. The man ordered Billy Ray to sit down. He leaned across the desk and moved his cigar to the corner of his mouth. He growled at Billy Ray “This is a tough business. You have to be on your toes, keen, observant. Look around the room and tell me what you notice!” Billy Ray looked at the polished glass, chrome furniture, and large bar. He looked at the owner and said “You ain’t got no ears!” The owner jumped out of his chair, grabbed Billy Ray by the neck and threw him out of his office. Billy Joe saw Billy Ray come flying out the door and went over to help his friend up. “What happened?” Billy Joe told him, “What ever you do – don’t talk about his ears!” Just then, the intercom buzzed and the secretary told Billy Joe he could go in. Once again the owner ordered Billy Joe to sit down. He leaned across the desk and moved his cigar to the corner of his mouth. He growled at Billy Joe “This is a tough business. You have to be on your toes, keen, observant. Look around the room and tell me what you notice!” Billy Joe looked at the polished glass, chrome furniture, and large bar. He looked at the owner and said “You wear contacts!” The owner stood up in amazement. “That’s awesome perception! How could you tell that from way over there?” “It’s obvious,” said Billy Joe. “You can’t wear glasses because you ain’t got no ears.”
  14. Ole Fred Ol’ Fred had been a faithful Christian and was in the hospital, near death. The family called their preacher to stand with them. As the preacher stood next to the bed, Ol’ Fred’s condition appeared to deteriorate and he motioned frantically for something to write on. The pastor lovingly handed him a pen and a piece of paper, and Ol’ Fred used his last bit of energy to scribble a note, then suddenly died. The preacher thought it best not to look at the note at that time, so he placed it in his jacket pocket. At the funeral, as he was finishing the message, he realized that he was wearing the same jacket that he was wearing when Ol’ Fred died. He said, “You know, Ol’ Fred handed me a note just before he died. I haven’t looked at it, but knowing Fred, I’m sure there’s a word of inspiration there for us all.” He opened the note, and read, “You’re standing on my oxygen tube!”
  15. Sunday Morning Sex Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent’s house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning. Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. “Oh no, my dear,” replied granny. “Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even… Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong.” She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, “He’d still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn’t come along.”
  16. Things overheard during a Colonoscopy A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies: * I usually don’t do this on the first date. * “Take it easy, Doc. You’re boldly going where no man has gone before!” * “Find Amelia Earhart yet?” * “Can you hear me now?” * “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” * “You know, in Arkansas, we’re now legally married.” * “Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?” * “You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out, you put your left and in and you shake it all about….” * “Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!” * “If your hand doesn’t fit, you must quit!” * “Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.” * “You used to be an executive at Enron, didn’t you?” And the best one of them all… * “Could you write a note for my wife saying that, in your considered medical opinion, my head is not up there?”
  17. An elderly lady phoned her telephone company to report that her telephone failed to ring when her friends called — and that on the few occasions when it did ring, her pet dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog …. or the senile elderly lady. He climbed a nearby telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber’s house. The phone didn’t ring right away, but then the dog moaned loudly and the telephone began to ring. Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found: 1. The dog was tied to the telephone system’s ground wire via a steel chain and collar. 2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose. 3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the phone number was called. 4. After a couple of such jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate on himself and the ground. 5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring. Which goes to show that some problems can be fixed by pissing and moaning.
  18. Hey all, I was looking for some jokes around, but i couldn't find any. so I said to myself: self, you're going to have to make a jokes thread of your own... so here it is. I'll start with a few jokes i know. feel free to share some of yours too! The Magic Beer A lady walks into a bar and sees a really good-looking guy sitting at the bar by himself. She goes over and asks him what he is drinking. “Magic Beer”, he says. She thinks he’s a little crazy, so she walks around the bar, but after realizing that there is no one else worth talking to, goes back to the man sitting at the bar and says, “That isn’t really Magic Beer, is it?” “Yes, I’ll show you.” He takes a drink of the beer, jumps out the window, flies around the building three times and comes back in the window. The lady can’t believe it: “I bet you can’t do that again.” He takes another drink of beer, jumps out the window, flies around the building three times, and comes back in the window. She is so amazed that she says she wants a Magic Beer, so the guy says to the bartender, “Give her one of what I’m having.” She gets her drink, takes a gulp of the beer, jumps out the window, plummets 30 stories, breaks every bone in her body, and dies. The bartender looks up at the guy and says, “You know, Superman, you’re a real jerk when you’re drunk.”
  19. ok boys and girls, so you were looking for games in some odd places. I bet you even googled for them. but while doing that you actually missed on some very nice games right under your noses in the google page so this is what i'm going to do..i'm going t o shamelessly copy-paste an article from a blog i'm very fond of. 7 Quick Games You Can Play On Google Search by Saikat Basu on Jun. 22nd, 2010 Google Search and games don’t sound like the right match. It is difficult to imagine the vanilla plain Google homepage as an online game platform. But the six games that we saw can be played on Google Earth are proof of the fact that Google has more uses than the obvious. Of course, Google Search does not have the eye candy of Google Earth but if you can look beyond that, there are some quick games that are based on Google Search. Most of these games are built around search queries. Call them teasers or timewasters but they can addictively grow on you. But the best thing is that being based on Google, these free online games are virtually ‘office proof’; easily accessible and free from office network constraints. These seven casual Google games could be just the thing when you are bored with the drudgery of using search engines for their normal everyday use. Try them out for a round or two. Pacman http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games02.png It started its life as a doodle to celebrate PAC-MAN’s 30th birthday. It ended up ‘wasting’ a combined 4,819,352 hours and $120 million worth of lost time. It wasn’t just a static doodle but one you could play with by ‘inserting’ a coin. The Pacman game on Google became so popular that it now has a permanent home. PAC-MAN remains timeless. Gwigle http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games03.png The Gwigle Game involves guessing the search query by looking at the results. The one hint you get is through the number of question marks that correspond to the characters of the query. Answering correctly takes you up the levels. The puzzle game also throws up questions from Google Maps, Images and other Google apps like the calculator. That makes the upper levels increasingly difficult. The hints given alongside also point to the different ways to search using Google. A similar query guessing game can be played at What Did I Search For? GoogleWhack http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games04.png The trick is to find a query made up of two words (without quotes) that returns exactly one result. Any pure word 4 to 30 characters in length qualifies for the Whack. There are some rules which you can check out on the site. The site also has a collection of user-submitted Googlewhacks. The game is a real brain twister because of the uniqueness of the words that have you have to think up and also the fact that the Googlewhacks as unique search words are short lived (when published and indexed, the word will show up more than once in the search results). Googlewhack is in fact quite a popular web sport. Googlefight http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games05.png Think of it as a face-off between two keywords. The one that returns the highest Google search results is the winner. Two animated stick figures fight onscreen after the keywords are entered, and then a bar graph shows the comparative results. Check out the classic fights from the little sidebar to see some funny comparisons. Darth Vader is clearly more popular. Guess-the-Google http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games06.jpg Guess-the-Google is similar to Gwigle but instead of words, it’s based on Google Image Search. At the start a grid of 16 images appear. The trick is to guess the common keyword that links all these 16 similar images. And you have 20 seconds to do it in. The game has 10 fun rounds and you can quickly go through it within a few turns of the clock. You get bonus time points too. On the same page you will find the link to play Montage-a-Google. This is a fun and colorful game on Google Image Search. Using an image search query, the tool lets you create colorful montages in a second. You can download the montage to your desktop. Google Image Labeler http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games07.jpg Google Image Labeler is less of a game and more of a way for Google to improve Google Image Search with some user contributions. It can be played with a partner and that makes it a bit more fun. The game gets one for you if anyone is online and free. You get the same set of images and then have to give the images as many labels as you can think of. The more precise the label, the more points. Bonus points go to you if your label matches with your partner. The games are timed, so you have to hurry along. Do well and your name gets to be on the leaderboard. Google Image Quiz http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Google-Games08.jpg You get three guesses for getting what the images are all about. The images are displayed randomly using Google Image Search but they have a common connection. It’s a quick brain exercise. Occasionally Google launches games which are actually promotional tools. We had the one for The Da Vinci Code and then we had the job of tracking down Jason Bourne (The Bourne Ultimatum). Then there was another one brought out by Google Book Search last year. Although the contest is officially over, you can still take the The 10 Days in Google Books quiz. One thing is pretty definite, Google always has something around the corner. Do you know of any other Google Search games that you can play? Which is the one you head to for some quick and casual fun? Image Credit: pineapplebun Source: http://www.makeuseof.com
  20. no, the best part of this bad joke of game is the price tag... $180!!!! (yes, you read right: One Hundred and Eighty Dollars) i mean, come on! are you serious? If given the choice to buy some of the latest games like Splinter Cell Conviction, Prince of Persia The Lost Sands, Metro 2033 or Just Cause 2, who woul shell out this ridiculous ammount of money for a game?? yeah, it's got three campagins... SO WHAT!? oh, it's the most popular game from 10 years ago...SO WHAT!? well, they've spent years on the making... GIVE ME A BREAK! they spent all those years making the videos, the actual game could have taken them 2 years max! that is IF they didn't use a modified C&C engine, which I suspect they are using. so what's the big deal with this? they expect to keep milking a long dead cow, and expect the gamers to account for all the years they were not profiting from this franchise...but no... they are not guilty. they are just another money crazed company. guilty are the gamers who pay this unfair price for a game that (other than the videos) is not up to today's standards ...ah... i feel much better now :sweat:
  21. I've been looking for some oufit that have some kind of embedded animation in it, but i have not been able to find anything like this... i mean, yes, i've seen armors with particle emmiters attached, but it seems to me that noone has ever done a skirt that flies with the wind for instance. (same for hairs, i am yet to find an animated hairdo somewhere, like a medusa hair, with moving serpents, just to name one) Now really, is it possible that no modder has ever thought of that? i think if people can make animated weapons, then an animated armor or dress is not too far off the picture... what do YOU think? an example:http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d138/FreakinMi/icons/zangetsu_windy.gif the example Zangetsu gif is because i thought of this while watching bleach...
  22. hmmm... when i read this the name "Cobl Races" inmediatly spang to my mind... it has most of the features you suggest, and (afaik) none of the drawbacks you wish to avoid. besides it's an ongoing project meant to be used as a resource by both modders and players alike... it does lack variety, but i think if you were to make a race compilation, improving upon that one would be the way to go...unless you really want to reinvent the wheel over and over again
  23. there are several werewolf mods for oblivion. but THE werewolf mod? is this one: The Curse of Hircine
  24. I like the post that reflect some thought from the author. not just a generic comment. it does'nt matter if it is long or short (no pun) as long as it shows that the user actually reads and understands what's going on. there's no need to spam messages just for the sake of it.
  25. no... but i know a planet called uranus! :laugh: so i think they are somehow related..
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