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Everything posted by VileTouch

  1. i could argue that even when the heart is no longer pumping the blood, the average blood pressure (around 2.4psi, not taking into account the stress caused by the execution) would make blood to shoot in all directions like a garden sprinkler...have you seen a real beheading? no, not a chicken or a pork, but a human being.. probably not. but i'm not going to post a video here anyway..all i can say is yes, we need moar blood! 2.4 psi is nothing, youd maybe get a "Blub" as some blood is pushed out, but no real arcs of blood. and Yes, I have seen several beheading videos. From a Russian soldier having his head sawn off (Alive) by the bayonet of a Chechian rebel, to a senator blowing his brains out on live TV (Such videos exist sadly) The fact is, I've been through this enough on the old Mount & Blade beta forums already. To be blunt, humans are not squishy balloons of blood We still have A LOT of strength and elasticity to our flesh, organ walls, and ligaments/tendons/veins that cover our bodies. Heck, if you want to argue realism that much, the decapation move were you bash someone in the face with a great axe to make them bend over to the side, then lop off their head is a load of bularky due to the give of the unsupported body would make the body be pushed down only half way through the cut. At most you would get a partial decapation. TL;DR Human body is stronger then people think. Blood does not pump if the heart stops, only flows somewhat. Reality is never as near or cool as the movies or games. and i quote: unfortunately i could not find any account of swift beheadings in western history...ritual or otherwise.. perhaps their neck muscles and tendons are stronger than the japanese feudal lords or perhaps the weapons used are never too sharp that surely explains why is it so dificult for western people to severe the limbs off their fellow citizens
  2. i atempted this in oblivion with hundreds of weapon, armor and clothes mods and gave up after adding somewhere in the order of 1000 entries by hand and figuring out i was not even halfway there. basically you need to bash all the mods together with wrye bash, and then start editing each entry in tes4edit (don't even try to do this in the CK if you value your time) then export everything to a single esp that will most likely conflict with every mod out there anyway...and David is right...the ammount of work involved is huge, but if you want to try i'd gladly use and endorse your mod :D
  3. i could argue that even when the heart is no longer pumping the blood, the average blood pressure (around 2.4psi, not taking into account the stress caused by the execution) would make blood to shoot in all directions like a garden sprinkler...have you seen a real beheading? no, not a chicken or a pork, but a human being.. probably not. but i'm not going to post a video here anyway..all i can say is yes, we need moar blood!
  4. whatever you do, don't forget to make every monster different from each other in stats as well as appearance,laying out a solid faction system, and the interaction between them. also would make sense to have seasonal breeds of monsters that only spawn on certain areas/seasons. their magical effects should also reflect the nature of the variations (poison in marsh areas,ice in mountain tops and other icy settings, fire near lava,etc) also (please!) don't force us to decide between your monster mod and the others, try to make it compatible, preferably enhancing the existing ones rather than replacing them. the general behavior of each monster should also reflect their different natures, as well as their diets. remember the rules of nature: bigger creatures eat smaller/weaker ones (with some exceptions) but don't make them feed only on humanoids. on the same note, some creatures are social and attack in packs, while others are loners, and their nature should reflect that (no falmers fighting alongside dragons for instance)... their ai should evaluate which is the biggest threat between you and a dragon and fight or flee accordingly (self preservation should always be above any level of rage they might have). also don't forget to make their knowledge of the surroundings limited so it is possible to sneak behind some of them... take a look at mmm/ooo/fran's ai scripts when in doubt :) that's all i can think of at the moment. keep up the good work. the screenshots look awesome.
  5. one thing i'd like to see is a leap of faith mod...and what is that you ask? http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z125/GhostsOfOnyx/Assassins%20Creed/TheLeapOfFaith.jpg being able to jump from predefined insanely high places without taking any damage upon landing. such as bridges, tall walls, cathedrals,mountains etc. as long as the proper method is used...of course npcs don't know how to do this so it would allow for a quick escape with the added bonus of having your persuers fall miserably to their death trying to chase you off a drop. applying the animation sequence would be the main challenge here.. and then dropping any aggro the player might have assuming the persuers survive the fall or just take the long route around and start looking for him(her) identifying suitable places that allow for this move would also take some time, but the rest would be just a matter of placing the takeoff and landing markers in the world. edit: it could even be improved upon by being able to skim over a mountain side to a landing marker that could be perhaps hundreds of meters away from the take-off place such as this epic video the whole flight would be script driven for maximum awesomeness and to avoid tinkering with active flight control. and since you see the mountain side from a dangerously low altitude there would be no lod issues to worry about and if you think it's too over the top and unrealistic, here's a real life version epic...just...epic!
  6. +1 to this. the other day i was all worked up with sniping and kill cams and suddenly some orc bandit snuck up behind me, so instead of whipping out my sword i jump back, kite for a bit and land an arrow right on his face at point blank...one would think he might at least flinch :unsure: but it only made him even angrier at me... btw, the arrow just bounced back...from his face! :facepalm:
  7. aah! nice ch0k3h0ld, i'll install it right away to check it out :thumbsup:
  8. would be great with some badly acted combat animations, rubber swords that bend with every swing and some goofy remarks from the protagonist :facepalm: ...but that would be too much work or maybe something like this would fit well into skyrim edit: the board editor doesn't like me tonight ¬¬ edit2:there, fixed it
  9. i like the idea...only a small detail. if bodymesh modders can't agree on having compatible textures with each other creating several factions of players forced to choose the armors made for only one body, can we expect other modders to agree on a simple protocol for their own good? ...i would love to see that
  10. http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/7/7c/Troll-Skyrim.jpg o_O http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff128/lajimi/Misc/TrollSpray-1.jpg there... that should take care of them :whistling:
  11. This is nothing new, COBL had this from the begining. added a single book to the inventory that would open a menu where you could configure not only itself but many other mods. perhaps we need to start picking up ideas from oblivion and morrowind mods
  12. i can't care less about either one..the only reason i'd use one or the other would be to use a custom armor... that said, what i would like to see is that all the modders working on and releasing body meshes would arrive to a concensus on the texturing. that is detach the whole texture issue from the model itself and focus on that, so all of the bodies use one texture and the decision is reduced to what shape do you like the most without alienating players from a number of armors in the proccess and when that is resolved we can choose to have the texture of our liking in whatever shape is available.
  13. i remember i was experimenting with something similar in oblivion using thin chains as a courtain, but sometimes my toon would be knocked back violently by them but how about now? anyone experimenting with it?
  14. ok, i have a question reading an article on skyrim i read it is possible to use a wind source what it did not specify was if it was only for certain objects..i know trees and grass are affected, but how about other kinds of meshes? such as curtains? i'm not even expecting to have physics enabled hair or robes...but it would be great if i could have courtains as separators that either move when one walk past them or flap in the wind softly... is any of this possible yet?
  15. what would i like to see? read here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/662989-i-need-help-with-my-packrat-ocd/ btw, the screenshots look gorgeous!
  16. sharks.... no, seriously... any house needs plenty of storage space, all the crafting and enchanting facilities, posibility for npc sandboxing, teleporting to all useful sites, no cheats (please),easy access to your realm, all kinds of merchants (not so much for buying but for selling) scripted storage (books, ingredients,etc) display cases/armor stands, garden,mine etc. for what i see in the screenshots, the interiors need to be less claustrophobic...add windows, plenty of them. hopefully ones you can look outside from that's all i can think of as "needed" comodities
  17. whatever the question is, if at least one of the answer options is smooth, i'll go with smooth ;)
  18. i have to say i do agree with bben..not because i think religion is a bad thing to discuss, but because discussing it is bound to cause major chaos... i made a comment on real world religion (and i apologize for being carried away) but then again it was not meant as an attack against anyone... so far nudes and sex mods have not caused any major conflict in the forums...although some of them do cause some...irk
  19. afaik you can only have one body mesh per race. what i did in oblivion was to make several race variations (skinnier,fatter,older,bustier) and assign them to different npcs to have some variety...now if only i could find that esm...
  20. here's a discussion we had two years ago on piracy... as you can see things have not changed much since
  21. that's where companies are wrong. it's not just pc pirates. it's just as easy to burn a dvd or a blue ray for the console as it is for the pc. and the drm/copy protection systems they put into the dvds only give head aches to us paying customers as pirates will always find a way to circumvent them. so i hope they release it as hassle free as possible. giving better benefits to those who pay -i think- is a better way to incite more people to buy.
  22. Yes, a faster HDD is always better, but Rennn's problem is that his CPU keeps dropping off to 1-2% usage while trying to play Skyrim and then spikes up to 100% usage, I have a 6 core CPU that doesn't get below 20% usage EVER while having Skyrim open and it NEVER goes above 35%. AFAIK page file wouldn't do this either... thing is if the game gets to a point where it's waiting for a very large and slow disk activity to finish, proccessing of the game would stop until the bottleneck is resolved and then it starts proccessing again until the buffer fills again and then it would fall back to disk activity again...think about it
  23. i see a lot of errors in that model..seams around the wrists, excesively thick arms and thighs...but hey, i'm not here to judge..you might want to try caliente's body..it has slim body with large buttocks (and probably breasts too)
  24. yes, i found it yesterday, it's called Horse Fast Dismount by Kacemus ...and you might also want Proper Third Person Horse Camera by mtgAzim about mounted fighting...i don't think there's a mod that does that yet
  25. thanks scriven. and yes, seems like a lot, but i remember some of the best houses mods in oblivion had all this and much more! i remember one of such mods was Glenvar Castle by Quartz. also the Ancient Towers by WillieSea was huge (although extremely cheaty), and to a lesser extent Armory Lab by Tom Supergan... it was just a few rooms put together but it had all the storage space you would ever need and the scripts to make dumping loot easier. but in Skyrim... i've only seen a few cottages, a big wonderful castle that unfortunately is not friendly for new players (big epic quest to acquire it and a big bad dragon at the end, which is not a bad thing in itself) and another tower with lots of cheats (sigh) also seen a gorgeous basement hideout, but the storage area is just too cramped for my taste...
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