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Everything posted by Ceruulean

  1. Welcome to modding! I recommend using Mod Organizer since it keeps your mod files separate from vanilla assets, so the only thing you need to worry about are SKSE, ENB and making your own mods (which the CK stores in your skyrim game directory and can get confusing if you have many projects). Then you won't have to reinstall skyrim as mods are stored separate, unless you really borked something. To troubleshoot, you can make custom profiles with certain mods active, and you just have to uncheck mods, fire up the game, test, then recheck or vice-versa without tampering with your actual playthrough saves.
  2. Whirlwind sprint is an animation, so using the same method as WW sprint, youd have to make a boss animate backwards. when you open an npc you can check the animations tab and it should be in the list.
  3. Oh the semicolon is fine if you want to make the code non-functioning, like a backup you can easily reverse in case you want the code to work again. But obviously it won't work since it's classified as a comment. I just realized you call the MoveTo() funciton on PlayerAlias, but Moveto() can only be used on objectreferences (http://www.creationkit.com/MoveTo_-_ObjectReference). So, either have "Actor property PlayerRef Auto" (actors are objectreferences and the player's reference will auto-fill) and call PlayerRef.MoveTo(teleportmarkeralias.GetReference()), ...or use (PlayerAlias.GetReference()).MoveTo(teleportmarkeralias.GetReference()) The difference between ReferenceAlias/LocationAlias/Alias and ObjectReference is that Aliases are, well, aliases. It's how the quest identifies the item, like a tag on the ObjectReferences, which are the actual objects themselves. So some functions work only on RefereceAliases, while others only work on ObjectReferences. GetReference() finds the actual reference the alias is pointing at, so you can use ObjectReference functions with it. http://www.creationkit.com/GetReference_-_ReferenceAlias
  4. Remove the semicolons because they signify comments; personal notes that the scripter takes or lines of code they want to remove but not completely erase.
  5. The voice is probably to make the Quest scripts run (dragon flying is considered a quest) but without the right voice Alduin will not say anything and thus the scripts afterwards will not run. This is just a guess but from the comment I guess that's how you make dragons attack? Also, horses use the ActorTypeHorse keyword to make them ridable, so I think there's a similar keyword for dragons. You'll have to find it if it exists.
  6. Are you sure those are not the same items but with different names? A reference can have a unique name but the base item would still be TGCrownValueItem. Well anyways, check the "Use Info" of TGCrownValueItem and if there's 24 different locations of it, then you have your gem. Anyway, it is likely that the quest accepts any stone, like the crimson nirnroot quest, or gathering ingredients for Ingrid or whatever her name is. You can try placing one in a test cell, start the quest, go to that cell and take the item and see if it registers.
  7. If anyone can do a nice, clear, loud whistle, please PM me! Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGXHJnBj4cE
  8. Im not sure, maybe SetPlayerAiDriven() is what you need to make player use packages: http://www.creationkit.com/SetPlayerAIDriven_-_Game Then disable it when you're done. As for teleporting, it seems your "Moveto" line of code is a comment (has a semicolon; in front of it) so papyrus skips over compiling it. FadeToBlack: I don't really know how to do this, but I'm guessing make a black Imagespace modifier, then use AppleCrossFade to make the game fade to black and then RemoveCrossFade() to reverse it. http://www.creationkit.com/ApplyCrossFade_-_ImageSpaceModifier
  9. It's possible the kneeling animation is a paired animation because there's the imperial captain that pushes her foot on the nord soldier as he kneels. So you would need two actors to play that animation. There's a separate kneeling animation that the greybeards use which is for a single person, I think.
  10. It will conflict, but it's not really a big deal. It's easy to make TES5Edit compatibility patches, and I don't think many mods alter the WolfFaction. If you're really concerned, try to use an existing faction like WerewolfFaction, or create a script that links the relationship to your faction.
  11. This is the workflow I've got. So, after making your quest(s) with all the dialogue and stuff: Under "Quest Data" tab click on "Export Quest Dialogue," the resulting file can be found in your Skyrim directory somewhere. Open the file in Excel or some spreadsheet program Under "Filename" category, this is the filename of that line of dialogue all conveniently listed. Filename directory can be useful too. You can delete the superfluous categories and send this to your voice actor since it's a complete script. If your voice actor records everything in a huge block (hopefully in order) and did not separate and rename the lines themselves, open the file in Audactiy. Use the label feature: Select the line of audio, then go to Track > Add Label at Selection Name the label the corresponding "Filename" in your spreadsheet When you're done labeling all the lines, go to File > Export Multiple (uses the label as file name for each track) Now you can move/copy/etc. the voice files into your mod! Move the files to their proper directory location if you want to generate lips. To batch generate lips, well, I cannot find the button within the CK lol. I go to Steam, right click CK, Properties > Set Launch Options > Type in "-GenerateLips:YourMod.esp/esm" without quotes (creates .lip files from loose .wav files, not existing .fuz files). Launch CK, let it run until it closes automatically. I check for lip files. If it's successful, I remove that line from the Launch Options, if not something is wrong with the audio format. If your lips do not generate, make sure it is 44100 16-bit MONO. If your voice actor sends you a file with two tracks, be sure to convert to mono and delete one of them before you export. Gave me a lot of headache when CK wouldn't generate lips until I realized the files were stereo. Test audio in-game. Create Fuz files for final packaging (Unfuzer is great; check "Process .lip files" > Re-fuz). Unfortunately lip syncing is still out of whack sometimes. I don't know how to fix it but most of the dialogue seems fine.
  12. Write a script that Blocks activation on the actor OnLoad, and within Event OnActivate, open inventory since scripts will still run but you won't talk to the creature.
  13. I think if someone downloads a mod several times due to updates, etc. that would skewer the endorsements-to-downloads ratio. So, endorsements aren't really important. Yeah, there are people that never endorse but there are people who often endorse. I don't want to be obligated to endorse a mod just for its existence, and other mods I download to test compatibility for mine, not to use it.
  14. Well, while the poly count is high you'll have to bake normal textures or something like that; the normals contain all the details and bumps and stuff without the polygons killing performance.
  15. Pirating mods. . . now that's funny! I see some unreviewed paid mods that used textures from other people. Of course, those textures are free to use, but that still seems wrong to me. Who's going to give the texture artist compensation for her work that she give permission to use freely? Maybe she doesn't expect any, but if I was her it would bother me. If I gave this for free, pass on the goodwill.
  16. Yeah, but games before didn't (why no one really mods Arena or Daggerfall but some still do). And Skyrim's CK didn't come out until after release, so people used TESVsnip and whatnot.
  17. yes, tai disables their AI. It is for temporary use to get those perfect screenshots.
  18. Well it's important to remember that modders are editing files. They're going into the game and changing the files. With Skyrim, it's relatively easy because you have a Creation Kit instead of hex-editing or whatever crude methods were used in the past. And, luckily some changes are not permanent. But imagine several thousand people making their own various changes to the game. There's going to be conflicts. It's like Twitch Plays Pokemon; everyone tries doing their own thing and it's slow and painful but in the end they beat the game and it works out. Likewise, you either make your own changes which gives you a level of control but requires effort, or download random people's mods and make them work together...which requires effort. And since the CK is easy to use, I suppose the quality of mods expected has gone up. There's new quest mods with voice acting, there's a flying mod, fancy UIs, followers, the traditional retextures, the joke mods, the combat mods, new armor mods, new enemy encounters, dual sheaths, animations, etc. And installing them is so easy I forget I'm modding until I get a CTD lol. So try not to see mods as official DLCs or gamepacks since unlike a professional game development team, there is basically no coordination between mods. Yes, some authors accommodate popular mods, but that's a privilege not a guarantee. The base game is fair game for the whole modding community.
  19. console, select follower, "tai" command
  20. All in CK. Gameplay > Papyrus Script Manager Right click a script and you can compile, edit the source or edit in notepad (external editor)
  21. Explosion .nifs scale to the spell's area, but for projectiles I think you have to change the .nif
  22. So do perks have condition load as well? Like if a perk has more than 6 conditions for an Activate entry point?
  23. I don't remember what killed me first, but I got the legendary edition first and I started the Dragonborn questline at level 7. I got screwed so hard I still haven't finished it.
  24. You'll get the hang of it. Story Manager is a good way to start quests. Basically, any time a certain event happens, you can trigger a quest to start under certain conditions. The "Scripted Event" is used for custom events in case the pre-defined events don't fit (like Change Location, Kill Actor, Arrest, etc.) http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Story_Manager
  25. What about turning into a dragon? lol Although you can't go indoors but still pretty awesome http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25261
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