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About Dimitrisgb

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Community Answers

  1. He has three AI packages, all of which were the usual bandit packages. I did not change anything. The first was to sleep wherever was a bed. The second and third were to wander in any location. Just in case I deleted the sleep and one of the wander packages.
  2. Wow, I did not know that. But the hostile NPC I made is only supposed to wander in an exterior area, which is the Hidden Camp, east of Sedor, somewhere in northern Cyrodiil.
  3. I've been making several mods and I have noticed that hostile NPC's from other mods and from a couple of my own are respawning in the Tiber Septim Hotel (in the Imperial City). I haven't changed anything in the Tiber Septim Hotel, nor my or others' NPC's AI's say anything about the Hotel. So, what's causing it?
  4. The problem is solved. Not sure how I did this. I guess that the AI of the NPC takes some time to work. Thanx for your help.
  5. Also, for the record, the NPC is offering services (selling armour etc) in Skingrad, behind Hammer and Tongs.
  6. I did have "continue if PC is near" unchecked at first, but then I checked it.
  7. I 've made an NPC which sells mostly armor . Her schedule is as follows: 1) Offers services between 8am and 10pm. 2) Wander outside of Skingrad between 10pm and 12am. 3) Eats inside the Two Sisters inn between 12am and 2 am. 4) Sleeps outside between 2am and 8am. The problem is that before finishing her services schedule, she follows me, telling me that she needs to lock or I have to leave etc. Firstly I set her bedroll to belong to her. Then I set the bedroll to belong to a faction. After seeing that the beggars are travelling to their bedrolls, I did the same thing, but I still face the same problem. How do I solve this?
  8. This is the message I get when I try to generate LOD: Error reading float in " \ [09] TWMP_Valenwood_Elsweyr.esp \ [11] GRUP Top "WRLD" \ [1] GRUP World Children of Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] \ [23] GRUP Exterior Cell Block -1, -3 \ [2] GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -4, -10 \ [85] GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:0602F918] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -30,-75) \ [0] GRUP Cell Visible Distant Children of [CELL:0602F918] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -30,-75) \ [12] [REFR:0902C16A] (places DementiaTree01L [TREE:0001AFEE] in GRUP Cell Visible Distant Children of [CELL:0602F918] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -30,-75)) \ [5] DATA - Position/Rotation \ [1] Rotation \ [2] Z">
  9. No, just conflicting ones. Nothing missing, as far as I've seen.
  10. I just installed Wrye Bash. A few days ago I run a search through Oblivion Mod Manager and I saw that I had many errors concerning NPC's, grid path, cells etc. I've also been unablento generate LOD in Valenwood - Elsweyr, because of an error.
  11. I see. Nevertheless, xEdit is actually TES4EDIT, so I'm still in the same place. Thanx for your time though.
  12. Any advice would be really helpful. Sometimes this games is really inaccessible.
  13. Oh thanx. Now it works, but I still get one error: Error reading float in " \ [09] TWMP_Valenwood_Elsweyr.esp \ [11] GRUP Top "WRLD" \ [1] GRUP World Children of Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] \ [23] GRUP Exterior Cell Block -1, -3 \ [2] GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -4, -10 \ [85] GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:0602F918] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -30,-75) \ [0] GRUP Cell Visible Distant Children of [CELL:0602F918] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -30,-75) \ [12] [REFR:0902C16A] (places DementiaTree01L [TREE:0001AFEE] in GRUP Cell Visible Distant Children of [CELL:0602F918] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -30,-75)) \ [5] DATA - Position/Rotation \ [1] Rotation \ [2] Z"> Any ideas?
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