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Everything posted by vintagelf

  1. I hope that this is the correct one to post this. I have a problem with Wrye Bash, one that I am not familiar with. If I tick the patch active I get this: ( https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773996469176366304/526317950B77B8318E735881D968AF7D1F7A4057/) with all patch mods ticked on as well. Patch ticked on normally gives me black boxes Tick all bash patch mods on but the patch itself: works fine. This happens whenever the patch is ticked on. Has someone else had this issue?
  2. Yeah, viable method if the tags were, well... they just aren't But thank you for the answer Mr. Bizkit and have a good one.
  3. If you want first-class service then you need to buy first-class tickets. This is not a charity.
  4. Would it be possible to ban singular mods and not the author? I don't use bimbo mods and it would be nice to ban a singular mod than all mods by that author. Who knows I might like something else they create.
  5. For me, the issue was resolved by shutting down One Drive and delinking it.
  6. Thank you. Rolled back to 0.17.11 and it solved my problem.
  7. So, with the 0.18.5 update I cannot use the deploy and purge features. They are shown as greyed out and unavailable. This is after ticking the advanced tab. Would somebody have an idea of what went wrong? Any ideas of what the issue might be would be welcom. Thanks.
  8. Would someone know where mature skin texture went? I have used this mod for sometime and now it has disappeared. I am unable to find any in both le or sse.
  9. All I really want is greater control over what I see. I cannot tell you how tired I am having to paw through the endless litany of little boys ( I'm looking at you followers and npc's ) and their masturbatory toys type files.
  10. How do I donate to a non mod author ?
  11. Ok, i have a question that I cannot seem to answer ( to be honest I cannot tell which forum to post to so this is the lucky one ). Can someone please tell me which Budda's belly I have to rub in order to access my download history? It either times out or I get a half page of page numbers with nothing else. So far it is a wonderful torture method that can bring a grown man near to tears. If this is the wrong forum, then please have mercy on and already my already battered emotional state and tell me where to go. Really, it's gitt'n kinda cold out here in bfe's cheap seats, anybody? edit: figured another way to solve my issue. Goodbye and good night all.
  12. Somewhere, somehow, I hear the sound of Sydney Greenstreet laughing endlessly.
  13. I am hoping that someone (anyone) will know where this mod went and if I can access it? please, pretty pleasssssseeeee.
  14. Thanks for replying but it's not that. I could be standing still and it still happens and it always returns me to home ( even if I use bless this home and change houses ) and i am always standing just inside the front door.
  15. So, I have this issue that I randomly teleport back home. It happens frequently enough to cause fear and irratation. Google is really no help and so I came here. I know enough to say that it is a mod based issue has anyone heard of this ?
  16. i already have Immersive Creatures and several more of similar bent. What I am looking for are unique encounters (bipedal or otherwise) that deliver new equipment, spells and weapons.
  17. I really like Colorful Magics unique encounters but I am not fond of its bugs. I have tried to look around for something similar to no avail. Is someone aware of any?
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