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Everything posted by christianerding2

  1. Thx for this good piece of advice. After fighting with a script for 6 hours, I found out it only works on a new game. Debug.Message-Text was reflecting my changes, so I thought everything was fine, but it was not!
  2. And there is a lot to do, but also for the developers: Tanks and VOTL spawing out of thin air and preferable in your back and in weapon range. They are all snipers and hit you with 98%. Two tanks can damage a Centurion a lot in seconds and this with maxed armor. Destroys that big bad Mech feeling, feels more like a glass cannon. Carefull approach and scouting makes no sense, when 8 Tanks and 4 VOTLS can spawn right next to you. Radar is blind like a mole, even blinder. Hotas and X52 is unuable in this game, Gameplay is much to fast for joystick and joysticks are to unprecise to target the tiny tanks. No joy in the stick so far... Additionally with lasers, you have to keep the target in crosshair to make full damage, easy with mouse, very hard with joysticks. Missiles look very strange and cheap how they drop on a target. Stomping vehicles damages your mech, running through buildings not. Graphic in the " loadoutscreen" is VGA in best case, Battletech heavy metall makes this look like 1998. Strangely the Graphic in the hangar is fine... Crew looks very emotionless and artifical more like robots. Your lancemates and HPG hologramms are not animated, again battleteck heavy metall can do this much better. Looks like some parts of the game received a lot of love and others not at all.
  3. Some Specs of your system would be helpfull, but I think problem is specfic to your system, this would explain why google finds nothing. For comparison: My CPU is crazy old, I have Win7 64bit, I have 8 GB Ram (System) and a GTX670, game is installed on a old 2,5" SSD. Mission load lower than one minute, save game load lower than 30 seconds. But to compensate, Battletech heavy metall takes ages to load a save game. Thank you Unity-Engine. ;-)
  4. I guess your flintlock "staff" will then fire a spell... In this case it should be simple: Go to the enchantment of your staff and put in the condition getitemcount bulletpouch >= 1
  5. Hello fellow modders, just a simple question: I wanted to change how the reward is calculated in the companions-radiant- quests. For this I need new properties is the script, which I need to fill, to make them work. But I can not find to which quest this script is attached: companionsradiantquest.pex .Google can not help. Can anyone give a hand on this matter? Greetings from munich, Christian
  6. Hello ShadowcrosserX, I have the same problem, what could be the source of the problem: You did use the wrong frame. For example if you open the daedric mace in the ck and change "animType" from "onehandmace" to "onehanddagger" and use it in the game in will be invisible in right hand but visible in left hand. So it look like you did use a mace or something else as a base for your weapon instead of a dagger. I am not good with *nif so I do not know how to correct this. I tried to make the woodenstick from the "Warrior within weapon pack" to a dagger to impale vampires, but it was not working, sadly...
  7. Hello ShadowCrosserX, I have the same issue with a dagger. Did you find a solution already? Greeting, Christian
  8. Hello Folks, it disturbed my always that the magic pillars that are activated by Faralda in Winterhold emit no light. So I altered the MG01WellCollisionScript to that: Scriptname MG01WellCollisionScript extends ObjectReference ReferenceAlias Property MG01FaraldaAlias Auto Spell Property Magelight Auto Light Property MagicWellLight Auto Event OnHit(ObjectReference Aggressor, Form Source, Projectile AkProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if Source == Magelight if Aggressor == MG01FaraldaAlias.GetReference() || Aggressor == Game.GetPlayer() GetLinkedRef().SetAnimationVariableFloat("fmagicburnamount", 1) GetLinkedRef().PlaceAtMe(MagicWellLight) Self.Disable() endif endif EndEvent Problem is it works perfect on the first magicwell but it does nothing on the others! I filled the proprtyies on every collisionmarker. The problem could be that only the first collisionmarker is unique "MG01WellCollisionRef" the other marker have a empty reference Editor ID! Is there anything that can be done to get it work on the other collisionmarkers? I thought this would be easy done in 10 Minutes, now I sit here for 1 Day! Any help is appriciated! Greetings, Christian
  9. There should be a value modify sweet spot, where you can find modify attack damage. Take the armsmann Perk as reference.
  10. I will give it a try: When using Console to get your helmet, do not search for the Id-Name, search for the Ingame-Name! When smithing you need to create a recipe to make the helmet and a recipe to temper it. Is the helmet marked "playable"? Have you activated your mod?
  11. Hello Folks, I want to count how many enemies are attacking the player, but the function, "getcombatgroupmembercount" seems to do nothing. Any help is appreciated. Greetings, Christian
  12. Hello folks, Is there a way to count the number of enemies that are attacking the player. There is no explanation how to use getcombatgroupmembercount in the ck. I tried to scale the damage a character does with the number of enemies that attack him, but it did not work. Has anybody some advice? Greetings from Germany, Christian
  13. Hello Guys, there is a fine runed-weapons-set on the nexus. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2525/? It only has two flaws in my opinion. 1. The runed bow has a way to big size in the inventory display, looks like something was messed up. Maybe NifScope can fix this. 2. The set is incomplete. It lacks a mace and a warhammer. The draugr mace and warhammer can be used from the heavy armory mod, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47787/? it icludes even a version with "blue" for nord hero. It would be great if someone could have a look at the textures and make a runed version based on the draugr mace and warhammer from the heavy armory mod. I would greatly appreciate if someone could help in this matter. Greetings from germany, Christian
  14. Hello qwertyzeldar, a good start is always to describe what mods you like and what you are missing in this mod. This is missing in your post. If you want help, you have to make it easy for the people who should help you. This is the least they can expect for their time. Because spare time is rare. For example: I made a few translation-mods and just asked the downloaders to give me a SHORT answer if it works, or not. Out of about 1000 dl I got !two! answers. One was helpfull. Concerning overhaul mods, if you want to do it right, it is extreme timeconsuming. My mod is at 90% was a one-man-show, I had to learn everything rather alone, through pain&error, it did cost me about 1200 hours in the last three years... I started with translations and got experience by altering existing mods. With time you will improve. I never played Skrim bejond the first dragon encounter, because of lacking time. BUT ironically I got all DLC :-) Just to tell you what you are facing. ;-) Christian
  15. When Faralda leads you over the bridge, she casts magelight at the magewells to activate them. A blue glowing Pillar appears, BUT NO LIGHT is emmiting from the pillars. I can attach a light to it via the creation kit, but I want them to emmit light AFTER activation, not before. Is there a way to do this, has anyone succeded in this problem? Thx so far, Christian from bavaria.
  16. I have to thank for all that good advice. With this information I learned much more about compiling. You are both totally right. I downloaded the SDK-Kit for MCM scripts and now they compile flawless and I can try to get my translation of the script done. Thx a lot to both of you, for patience and real helpfull advice. ** Problem solved ** Greetings from Germany, Christian (returning to sanity)
  17. Hello Ripple, since you do not give up to help me, I do not give up to provide helpfull information. But I don't understrand this: "This will provide the error log that indicates specifically why the scripts have failed to compile" "The Papyrus log is not going to give you any information about why the scripts have failed to compile (that's not what's its for)." What do you mean are there two different logs? Mine is from Skyrim\logs\ After compile failed, there ist nothing new in here. I did OF COURSE complie the files individually, again no error log just a simple failed on the compilation try. At least I could narrow down things! This is the first problem: Scriptname SOTSleepMCM extends SKI_ConfigBase A script with this single line in it and nothing more will not complie. When I change it to this it complies: Scriptname SOTSleepMCM extends Quest But this of course ruins the original script. So the problem seems that it is a MCM script. It seems that is has to be complied in a special way...
  18. "Also, I am curious, but why are you trying to recompile scripts from mods? Have you made edits to them? If not, there shouldn't be a reason to recompile them." That is the point, I did try to make a german translation for a few mods, by just exchanging english words to german, or altering the xp gain in the scriot by just changing !one! number. It never compiled. :-P I am not a total idiot, I did make mods for X3 Reunion and released a few translations and bugfixes for Skyrim which work. I tried to narrow it down, but I could not. THEN I even used the scripts fresh from the author AND it failed, too. I KNOW it can't be but it IS! Papyrus just hates me. I enabled papyrus loggin. But it says nothing, no error message! Just a plain failed! (See picture in first post.) That is what I can get from Skyrim\logs\ : [06/04/2014 - 06:46:09AM] EditorPapyrus log opened (PC) [06/04/2014 - 06:46:09AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total) It is not really helpfull, is there a way to see WHY it fails?? Are there any settings in the CK, I should change I run the german version. You can try it by yourself! Copy the script above in the CK and try to compile it! It will fail! If not I am the only one having this problem. Greetings, Christian P.S. Did give spoiler tagging a try, isn't work either, does not hide Text, only one empty line. One of these days...
  19. Well I can not provide much, but I will give all the information anyone needs, but as the pictures says it a simple "failed". Papyrus log is equally usefull: [06/03/2014 - 11:49:41PM] EditorPapyrus log opened (PC) [06/03/2014 - 11:49:41PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total) Script is correct because it is the original source files from "Training Dummies Provide XP" Mod. Consisting of: TrainingDummies_Config.psc TrainingDummiesSpeech.psc TrainingDummiesXP.psc What is interesting is, when I put all three files in a empty scripts\source folder, even "TrainingDummiesSpeech.psc" fails. I present one of the failling scripts for reading, but I am sure they contain no errors, like said, they are original: ********************* Scriptname TrainingDummiesXP extends ObjectReference { Increment skill XP slightly when practicing on dummies and targets } GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyBaseXP auto ; Base XP awarded for successful attack GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyVariableXP auto ; 0 to this number extra XP awarded each time GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyPowerMult auto ; Multiplier for power attack (doesn't work) GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyBonusEnable auto ; Disable distance bonuses by setting this to 0 GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyMinDist auto ; Minimum distance for projectile attacks GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyBonusDist auto ; Distance at which a bonus will apply GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyBonusIncr auto ; Extra XP awarded based on this increment over bonus distance GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyBonusXP auto ; Amount of bonus XP award per distance increment GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyWarnTooClose auto ; If not 0, warn the archer if too close to target GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyMagicXP auto ; If not 0, award XP for destruction spells GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyPerSecondXP auto ; XP awarded per second for spells with duration > 0 GlobalVariable Property TrainingDummyBashBlockXP Auto ; If not 0, award Blocking XP for Bash attacks Message Property TrainingDummyWarnTooCloseMessage auto ; ********************************************************************************************** ; Examples: ; Attack with handheld weapon: ; Award BaseXP (could be 0) plus 0 to VariableXP extra (could be 0 either by seetting VariableXP to 0 or by 'rolling' a 0) ; Attack with a bow: ; Archer distance less than MinDist: ; 0 XP awarded ; Archer distance at least MinDist and less than BonusDist: ; Calculated as per handheld example above ; Archer distance greater than BonusDist: ; Calculated as per handheld example above PLUS BonusXP PLUS BonusXP for each BonusIncr units distance above BonusDist ; Attack with a duration 0 spell (i.e., Firebolt) ; Calculated as per handheld example above ; Attack with a spell with duration > 0 (i.e., Flames) ; PerSecondXP awarded for each second of duration ; ********************************************************************************************** Event onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) ; Debug.Notification("ouch") If akAggressor == Game.GetPlayer() ; Debug.Notification("Hello Dovahkin") ; ******************************* ; Calculate the basic XP to award ; ******************************* Int baseXP = TrainingDummyBaseXP.GetValue() as Int ; I guess power attacks don't register on dummies if abPowerAttack Debug.Notification("woah! power!") baseXP *= TrainingDummyPowerMult.GetValue() as Int EndIf Int xp = baseXP + Utility.RandomInt(0, TrainingDummyVariableXP.GetValue() as Int) ; ******************************************************** ; Discover the weapon type to see what kind of XP to award ; ******************************************************** Weapon akWeapon = akSource as Weapon Int weaponType = akWeapon.GetWeaponType() Int sourceType = akSource.GetType() ; Debug.Notification("Weapon type: " + weaponType) ; Debug.Notification("Source type: " + sourceType) ; Debug.Notification("Bash: " + abBashAttack) Bool isATarget = self.HasKeywordString("TrainingDummyTarget"); ; Debug.Notification("isATarget=" + isATarget) if sourceType == 41 If weaponType > 0 && weaponType <= 4 && !isATarget ; Debug.Notification("OneHanded + " + xp) Game.AdvanceSkill("OneHanded", xp as Float) ElseIf (weaponType == 5 || weaponType == 6) && !isATarget ; Debug.Notification("TwoHanded + " + xp) Game.AdvanceSkill("TwoHanded", xp as Float) ElseIf weaponType == 7 || weaponType == 9 Int iArcherDistance = akAggressor.GetDistance(Self) as Int Int iBonusDistance = TrainingDummyBonusDist.GetValue() as Int Int iBonusIncrement = TrainingDummyBonusIncr.GetValue() as Int Int iMinDistance = TrainingDummyMinDist.GetValue() as Int Int iBaseBonusXP = TrainingDummyBonusXP.GetValue() as Int Bool fBonusEnabled = TrainingDummyBonusEnable.GetValue() as Int != 0 If iArcherDistance >= iMinDistance ; Calculate distance bonus if not disabled (iBonusDist <= 0) If fBonusEnabled ; used to be: iBonusDistance > 0 Int iOverBonusDist = (iArcherDistance - iBonusDistance) / iBonusIncrement If iOverBonusDist >= 0 ; Int iBonusXP = iBaseBonusXP + (iOverBonusDist * iBaseBonusXP) ; Debug.Notification("Distance " + iOverBonusDist + " over. Bonus = " + iBonusXP) xp += iBaseBonusXP + (iOverBonusDist * iBaseBonusXP) EndIf EndIf ; Debug.Notification("Marksman + " + xp) Game.AdvanceSkill("Marksman", xp as Float) ElseIf TrainingDummyWarnTooClose.GetValue() as Int != 0 TrainingDummyWarnTooCloseMessage.Show() EndIf EndIf ElseIf sourceType == 0 && weaponType == 0 && !isATarget && TrainingDummyBashBlockXP.GetValue() as Int != 0 ; Assume shield bash. abBashAttack doesn't get set on dummies ; Debug.Notification("Block + " + xp) Game.AdvanceSkill("Block", xp as Float) ElseIf sourceType == 22 && !isATarget && TrainingDummyMagicXP.GetValue() as Int != 0 ; This was a spell Spell akSpell = akSource as Spell int numEffects = akSpell.GetNumEffects() int index = 0 While index < numEffects MagicEffect effect = akSpell.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(index) If effect.GetAssociatedSkill() == "Destruction" Int duration = akSpell.GetNthEffectDuration(index) If (duration > 0) xp = duration * TrainingDummyPerSecondXP.GetValue() as Int EndIf ; Debug.Notification("Destruction + " + xp) Game.AdvanceSkill("Destruction", xp as Float) EndIf index += 1 EndWhile EndIf EndIf EndEvent
  20. Hello Modders, I am having a strange problem. I can compile some scripts in the CK, but others not. I was trying to make small modifiktions for practice, but on some *.psc compiling never worked, it was pure madness... Then I found out that even the unchanged original source files did NOT compile. Since that moment I am clueless... AND I am talking about the original UNCHANGED scripts. For example: Sands of time, sleeping module. SOTSleepMCM.psc will not compile. SOTModule1Sleep.psc compiles correct. Training Dummies Provide XP from Carl Corey: TrainingDummies_Config.psc Failed TrainingDummiesSpeech.psc Succeded TrainingDummiesXP.psc Failed also see picture Am I missing something?? This scripts HAVE to work, otherwise the creators could not compile them! Are there others compilers the modders might use? I can not get into scripting, when even original scripts will not compile. My CK version is Thankfull for any advice or help, Christian (who is beginning to lose his mind)
  21. Hello IsharaMeradin, thx for your help! I did not expect anyone to help me on that matter. Now things look much clearer!
  22. Helle there, I trieded to work myself a little bit into scripting and started with something easy (I thought) : I did take a look the ORIGINAL "Balgruuf Sword Quest" You give Proventus Avenicci the sword and get a reward. The sword gets removed from your inventory. This original quest works flawless, BUT the original script looks like this: ;Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(pJarlSword,1) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(pGold,20) ;pProventusAlias.GetActorRef().AddItem(pJarlSword,1) pProventusAlias.GetActorRef().ModFavorPoints(pFavorReward.GetValueInt() ) pAdrianneAlias.GetActorRef().ModFavorPoints(pFavorReward.GetValueInt() ) WhiterunSwordQuest.SetStage (200) There are ";" in front of the red lines, so the lines should get ignored, the sword should NOT be removed from player, BUT IT IS!!! This is the original script! TIF__000946F6 Why, does this work? THX for any help. Christian
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