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Problem with Mod Organizer 2 and OBSE
Darkangel13 replied to ProNoob47's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Non of the above fixes the MO2 for me. The OBSE runs smooth but then other mods stop working like Menuque, Blockhead etc.... Sad :( -
Looking for item/tag sorting mod recommendations
Darkangel13 replied to Epicmagus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Run what you need through https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48826 -
Try to add recipe through mod but didn’t work
Darkangel13 replied to MiyaEevee's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
My friend your workbench key doesn't seem to be right. It has to be a Workbench keywork. Not key or recipe keyword. Example, for a food that can be cooked it should be WorkbenchCooking [KYWD:00102152]. if it is a chem then the keyword is WorkbenchChemlab [KYWD:00102158]. Or if you are making your own crafting station then it should be that crafting station. Good luck. P.S. for more details https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Keyword -
Giving ammunition carry weight outside of survival.
Darkangel13 replied to TheRealPinkoScum's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Ehm is this for your self? Or is it actually a mod you want tocreate? Cause if it is for your self you can use the Survival options to tweak pretty much everything. So your game will be like vanila but with ammo weight. -
[LE] Glathriel's Bow! HELP [EMERGENCY]
Darkangel13 replied to SgtMorningWood's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Right I know it is a bit too late, but considering I came across this bug literally yesterday here is the solution. Aproach Gathriel. listen to the story about here mom. get the quest to pick up the bow. Pick up the bow for the steps to the Roadside ruins next to the dead body on the left stairs. When the bow is in your inventory. Open console and type in SetStage Glathrielsbow 30 Enter, close console. Go and return the bow. Done. The quest should progress corretly from there. -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
Darkangel13 replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Right.... IF you follow the general modding rules IE, have all the unofficial patches, engine fixes, sse fixes, enb boosters etc. installed, and STILL go from saving in 4 second to 30+ seconds out of nowhere EVENTHOUGH you have not changed your load order since the day you used loot to fix all the issues and load order since you started playing there is a explanation. The reason this bug shows up here and there is due to a script going haywire and looping. Majority of the time it is due incorrect mod update/uninstallation, BUT it can happen with any mod that uses scripts. The script keeps trying to launch again and again and that is what caused the ridiculous saving time. This could simply happen cause you previously saved at the wrong time... or went through a loading door as the script was trying to fire. I know right? How do I know when it is safe to save/go through doors? It is the way Skyrim works, nothing we can do about that. The best fix is to go back to 2 saves before this issue started and that should do it. If you can't do that there are solutions you can try. Potential fix... totally basic way. go to a small cell like qasmoke and sleep/wait for 30+ days all cells will reset, so will some scripts. 40% of the time this is enough to fix the issue. IF not this is a more drastic measure. You need to manually clean your save/remove the now messed up script. Thankfully we have come a loooong way in developing tools and mods for Skyrim so these are pretty reliable these days. FallrimTools - Script cleaner and more download read the read me!!! Clean your save INSIDE a save cell and that should fix the issue. WORD OF WARNING. editing saves is no way a safe thing. ALWAYS back up your saves. I have over 5k hour in Skyrim and was forced to use this tool over 200+ time I reckon. out of those it fixed my issues 95% of the time. 2% it screwed up the save (early version of the tool) BUT that was most likely due to my 1000+ mods. Good luck. P.S. IF your save is getting larger and larger over time it is called bloating save. It is due Skyrim not cleaning cells properly (things you throw out, loose NPC weapons, dead bodies, ash piles etc. if you change a position of an item for example you step on a bone and it moves a little it will be added to your save. Heck if you enter a cell and the gravity (havok) will kick in every item that moved all of it will be added to your save). That is why it is important that your Skyrim is correctly set up to handle cleaning cells properly. Unofficial patch, SKSE, sse engine fixes etc. fixes this issue. THIS IS IN CASE YOUR LOADING TIME has increased GRADUALLY over time NOT from save to save (within 30 min). Again the 30+ days reset cell is usually enough. If not you need to used a tool to force reset all cells. P.S. IT IS A VERY bad idea to remove OR update script heavy mods during playthrough unless you know 100% what you are doing. Hope this helps. D13 -
Lol comming here 4 years later looking for solution to this problem and my advise is still solid lol, 1, Elven map Redus 2, Elven Map For Shivering Isles 3, Map Marker Overhaul Problem solved. Later dudes
How do I start the DLC quests in the Fcom Superpack
Darkangel13 replied to rowy1's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Look for the SM Plugin Refurbish(SPOILERS).txt in the Mod Docs folder ;)- 1 reply
- fcom superpack
- knights of the nine
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Compiling script with OBSE functions
Darkangel13 replied to Yumago's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
OMG I need some sleep. Thx man lol -
This is actually a well known issue. It is due to higher end graphic cards and the inability of Beth to fix a ridiculous bug. The way you can get around it is to disable the wetness in your graphic settings till you pass the initial stages of the game. So you open the game through the launcher-Options-Advanced-and then untick the wetness box. Boom problem solved. Have fun. D13
Need Help Loading Mods In Creation Kit
Darkangel13 replied to SinisterGames's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hey there, First off, wellcome to Nexus and modding in general. The journey could be frustrating in the beginning but once you understand how things work it is VERY rewarding. How to ask for help. First exactly define the problem. In your case it would be ... Creating an NPC that would be a follower? Am I correct? IF so does it have to be a mod? Or do you just want to have your clone following you? 2nd Creating a quest. In relation to quests that takes a bit of coding. How good are you in it? Anyway if you are a beginner I recommend to start here. Potentionally go to google and put "youtube creation kit create basic quest" in the search box. and go video byt video. 3rd Define what do you mean by Creation Kit, unfortunately, isn't loading any of the mod files. Are u getting an error? IF so what kind of error are you getting? Is it the multiple master files error? Or....... When asking for help you need to give us as much details as you can. That includes attaching your load order. Or specifing what mods exactly do you need to be loaded. It is possible that for you to use the mods you want you might need to unpack/extract the BSA files to use them. Is it the game base version? OR is it Skyrim SE? etc. the more relevant details you can provide the better help and answer we can provide. ;) Rgds, D13- 1 reply
- creation kit
- mods
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It is Better Vampire NPCs fix is you need to refresh the facegendata. Simplest fix is to add a mod that changes the appearance of npcs like You can install the Total Character makeover and place it AFTER the BVNPC and problem should be fixed. IF not..... CK solution, find every single NPC that was modified, highlight it and hit ctrl+f4 then wait for about 5-20 minutes based on your PC for the CK to generate the facegen data. If you are doing this using Mod Organizer files will be generated into the ovewrite folder. If not, you need to find where they were generated. Pack it up, Install, fixed. Step by step in CK. This took a while. StartCK Load BettervampiresNpcs.esp (make it active) select the "Actors" in the filter put in *vamp* Look at the all the EditorIDs on the right hand side of the object window. Now select ALL the records that has the asterics nest to it. The star thingy * For simple selection hold CTRL and click on first record. then hold shift and click on the last edited record in the first section. etc. Once all the records with * has been selected hold ctrl and click f4. Now you are waiting a loooong time. Now the more tedious part. Clear the filter and look for any named npcs that has been changed and don't have "vamp" somewhere in the editorID name, cause we have done those already. Select all, one by one. took me about 3 minutes to select all of them. And agiain CTRL + F4. Done 99% of black faces should be fixed. 1% is for those you might have missed in the CK BUT now you know how to fix those :wink: This was really annoying to fix. Much love, D13 Edit: Now there is a version that doesn't change the faces so if you want to avoid the above then use that. Edit2: so when posting a solution to a problem, it is good to actually try to replicate the bug ......... I am not able to. I was experiencing this problem I have disabled the fixes, I have done a ton of other stuff, suddenly it is all working even without the fix. I am Confused.... Well it is working now so hopefully the above will help you guys. I am interested in talking to somebody who will get this bug to pin point where is the issue. So just PM if you can;t fix this yourselves.
Hey guys, so I am coming back to FO4 after a loooooooooooooooooooong time and I was thinking I will upgrade my D13 Settlement Institute Synth Spy Detection and Elimination mod a bit. I was thinking to give it a few upgrades like a turret that will auto detect a synth settler and shred it to bits. To make a terminal tape for the settings to set the tech to lethal or just paralyzing... etc. I know how to do that stuff. I did however got stuck a bit. I need to make a script that will detect the synth, sets it to killable. I have the detection part done already. It is an area spell that will simply identify that workshop synths BUT. Now I need to make a script (add few lines) that is attached to this effect that once the synth has been identified the "protected" status will be removed and it will become mortal. So that the PC is not the only character in the game that can kill it, if you know what I mean. Cause currently I am the only one that can kill it. If the other settlers will attack it, it will go into bleed out stage after which it will recover. Help pls?